A WordPress plugin to display social sharing buttons on posts, pages, products or any custom post types.
Tag: posts
WordPress MultiSite Taxonomy Sync (Utilities)
Synchronizes Taxonomy terms across selected or all blogs of a WordPress MultiSite.
Username: demo
Password: demo
Free updates
Easy installation and setup
– Fully supported
– Fully documented
– Supports WooCommerce
– Supports Custom Taxonomies
– Supports Custom Post Types
– Simple and user friendly options
– Allow on selected or all Taxonomies.
– Trigger sync from adminbar
– Restrict users by role.
– Sync post’s terms assignmentsVC Grid Builder for WordPess Submit Archive (Add-ons)
Visual Composer comes with bundled advanced Grid Item Builder and grid elements – a hidden treasure which allows easily display posts. With 40+ predefined grid element styles, content elements and multiple grid options it is an amazing addition to most powerful WordPress page builder. Control gaps and width from bunch of predefined styles. With the new Visual Composer grid you can create anything you wish and make a truly unique grid!
This plugin is created to help you use Grild Builder in Posts Archive page like: Post Category page, Blog page, Search page…
WordPress Print Posts & Pages (PDF) (Miscellaneous)
Create a PDF / Print your Posts & Pages
Offer your readers the opportunity to print or create a PDF file of your posts or pages. Display the export functionalities directly on your pages, style it as you want and give your website a unique feature!
Documentation Demo Buy Now!
Print Posts / Pages Features
- 2 possible Layouts
- Over 50 Settings possibilites
- Export as PDF
- Export as Word
- Works with Posts, Pages and custom Post types
- Add a QR-Code
- Add extra texts after the Header or before the footer
- Add some special advanced settings
- Exclude posts or even categories
- Shortcode Support [print_posts]
- Widget Support
- Choose a position of the Links
- Create a custom header (1/2 or 1/2 + 1/2 or 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3)
- Create a custom footer (1/2 or 1/2 + 1/2 or 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3)
- Add background color
- Choose Custom Fonts
- Choose text size
- Choose line height
- Choose text alignment
- Choose image size
- Choose vertical aligment
- Show or Hide Elements (Image, Title, Excerpt, Description, Categories, Tags, QR-Code)
- Page numbers
- Well Documentented
- Tested with WordPress 3.8+
- WordPress 3.8.1+
- PHP 5.2+
- Multilingual Support
====== 1.0.0 ====== - Inital release # Future features ===== - None
Delete Posts and Customized Posts with AJAX (Utilities)
Delete Posts and Custom Posts with AJAX
This plugin will help you clean the database from unwanted posts, created by spammers, by mistake, or other cause. The main strengths are:
- Build-in query builder, to create the query searching your posts
- Search/queried results can be easily checked for details
- The deletion speed can be adjusted on any server capacity
- All errors related to connection with the server, server down or internet timeout, are automatically handled
- Can support unlimited number of posts to be deleted, the only factor is time
- PHP query filter, to create complex queries, is available
At this moment, the query builder supports next searching options:
- Any post type
- Any post status
- Author parameters
- By author ID
- By author nice name
- By more author IDs or excluding more author IDs
- Category/Tag parametres
- By category/tag ID and slug
- By multiple category/tag IDs, IN, AND and NOT rules
- Search by keyword in title and content
- Post/Page parameters
- by ID
- by slug
- by title
- by post/page parent
- by multiple IDs, slugs or parents
- By password
What is not yet included in query builder, but can be easily integrated with a simple filter described in the documentation:
- Meta queries
- Date queries
- Nested queries based on meta queries, date and other structures.
Delete Posts and Customized Posts with AJAX (Utilities)
Delete Posts and Custom Posts with AJAX
This plugin will help you clean the database from unwanted posts, created by spammers, by mistake, or other cause. The main strengths are:
- Build-in query builder, to create the query searching your posts
- Search/queried results can be easily checked for details
- The deletion speed can be adjusted on any server capacity
- All errors related to connection with the server, server down or internet timeout, are automatically handled
- Can support unlimited number of posts to be deleted, the only factor is time
- PHP query filter, to create complex queries, is available
At this moment, the query builder supports next searching options:
- Any post type
- Any post status
- Author parameters
- By author ID
- By author nice name
- By more author IDs or excluding more author IDs
- Category/Tag parametres
- By category/tag ID and slug
- By multiple category/tag IDs, IN, AND and NOT rules
- Search by keyword in title and content
- Post/Page parameters
- by ID
- by slug
- by title
- by post/page parent
- by multiple IDs, slugs or parents
- By password
What is not yet included in query builder, but can be easily integrated with a simple filter described in the documentation:
- Meta queries
- Date queries
- Nested queries based on meta queries, date and other structures.