What is Device Redirect?
Device Redirect is a plugin that redirects users to your specified optimized page URL according to their devices they are using — phone or tablet. It offers a more in depth filter parameters to target users according to their device brand, browser, and device operating system. Currently works on homepage, post, page, and custom post types in WordPress.
Redirect Rules
- Sitewide – Redirect every page to a specific URL you provide with the parameters you choose — device, device brand, browser, and device operating system. (This feature can be located at the left side panel under “Device Redirect > Redirects”)
- Global – Redirect your users according to screen and screen type (homepage, single, single post, singe page, or a custom single post type). This setting acts as global redirect rules if no specific post redirect rules is set.(This feature can be located at the left side panel under “Device Redirect > Redirects”)
- Local – Redirect your users according to specific post, page, or custom post. (This feature can be located below post content of every admin edit post. This feature must enabled at “Device Redirect > General Settings”)
Example #1: Homepage
Visiting this link with Device Redirect plugin enabled and with redirect rules set up would redirect your users accordingly to the redirect rules or parameters you setup for this page.
If you visit the link above in your phone or tablet, you’ll be redirected to the following pages according to what redirect rules you are matched.
(Any phones)
(Any tablets)
To override Device Redirect plugin from redirecting you, add a query argument to the link “tpdr=1”.
Example #2: Page
Visiting this link with Device Redirect plugin enabled and with redirect rules set up would redirect your users accordingly to the redirect rules or parameters you setup for this page.
If you visit the link above in an Android or iOS powered devices, you’ll be redirected to the following pages according to what redirect rules you are matched.
(Any devices that is Android)
(Any devices that is iOS)
To override Device Redirect plugin from redirecting you, add a query argument to the link “tpdr=1”.
Friendly UI

Version 1.0 on June 21, 2014
- Initial Release