Tag: playlist

  • wordpress Youtube Channel Anyplace Plugin (Media)

    wordpress Youtube Channel Anyplace Plugin (Media)

    The WordPress Youtube Channel Anywhere Plugin is a wordpress plugin that allow you to display specific number of videos from any youtube channel anywhere on wordpress blog/website like pages , posts , widgets , sidebars e.t.c with a responsive layout and a built-in lightbox.
    Just a samll piece of text to place wherever you want it to show.Manage the video title color , hover border color e.t.c in Admin Settings Menu.

    Note : If you want any additional function to be added , please do a comment and we will try to update the plugin.

    Update ::::: ScreenShots of New Control Panel


    Main Features:

    Easy Implementaion

    Light, easy to use admin interface ,Just a small string will show a whole channel with its videos on any type of post or page or sidebar.

    Color Selection using Color Picker

    Admin Panel allow to change the border color of thumbnails and the title color of the video using built-in color picker.

    Buillt-In Lighbox Video Player

    Plugin come with a built-in lightbox video player which is also responsive and play the video using ajax on the same page.

    Multi Columns/Layout Support

    Using the Width setting of SHORTCODE you can select the layout of videos of a channel to be in one column or in two columns or more then two columns.


    Plugin show channel videos and play them in Responsive layout, so it is not a problem which device is being used to browse your website.

    Unlimited Channels

    You can add/show unlimited channels on each post or page , for each channel you have to add a shortcode something like that : [showchannel user=”plumplard” mwidth=”900” iwidth=”300” total=”5”] here plumplard is a username of channel.

    All Post Types Supported

    You can show videos from channel on each type of post. Even its page or post or article or sidebar , you can show videos from channels everywhere.

    Custom Post Types Support

    It works with custom post types too.So no worry if your theme have any custom post types.


    Added CURL Support

    Added New Control Panel to Generate Shortcodes

    Added Ability to show 1000+ Videos from a channel on one page or mulitple pages

    Added “PLAY” icon on each video thumbnail

    Added new LightBox to support JQUERY version in new WP versions

    Added Support to Show or Hide Video Titles

  • HTML5 Video Gallery WP Plugin (Media)

    HTML5 Video Gallery WP Plugin (Media)

    WordPress 3.7 compatible

    HTML5 Video Gallery with a cool ‘Live playlist’ feature could be used as video gallery, video player or any kind of video showcase. New layout includes Thumbnail Wall with optional Lightbox!

    Place multiple instances of video player in post, page, sidebar in text widget or theme.

    All demo examples included in the download package for easy setup.

    Note:Volume cannot be adjusted with javascript on mobile IOS. This is a restriction from Apple. You need to adjust the volume with physical button the actual phone.

    Check this on your mobile phone (tested on IOS and Android):


    • HTML5 video with flash fallback for older browsers
    • Youtube support (video id, playlist id)
    • Load local single videos (mp4/ogv/webm), XML playlist, Folder of videos, Database playlist, Youtube videos.
    • Optional automatically generated video thumbnails and description for Youtube
    • You can use your own thumbnails and video info for youtube as well.
    • Thumbnail position bottom / right / grid layout / wall layout ( new! )
    • Playlist scroll buttons or jScrollPane
    • Customizable grid playlist (number of rows, numer of columns, spacing.. etc)
    • Wall layout features ( new! )
      • Customizable wall layout into line, grid…etc (style wall thumbnails with your own css into anything you want)
      • Optional Prettyphoto attached to videos
      • Optional links attached to videos
      • Empty video click actions (run your own actions on video click)
      • Callback returns selected video number
    • ‘Live preview’ feature is optional (automatically play video on playlist item rollover).
    • Playlist supports simple image thumbnails instead
    • Optional video autoplay
    • Optional random play
    • Optional video looping
    • Optional auto advance to next video
    • Optional auto hide controls
    • Optional description
    • Optional auto open description
    • Optional player logo with link
    • Set video volume
    • Load new playlist on runtime with public API
    • Real html5 fullscreen video (in supported browsers)
    • Public API methods available
      • Play media
      • Pause media
      • Next media
      • Previous media
      • Load media or playlist
      • Destroy media
      • Toggle playlist (grid layout)
      • Toggle description
      • Set volume
    • Callbacks
      • Component setup done
      • Playlist end
      • Item triggered (number returned), very usefull for wall layout!

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  • Allground – Fullscreen Backgrounds for WordPress (Media)

    Allground – Fullscreen Backgrounds for WordPress (Media)

    Allground is a WordPress plugin that allows you to create responsive fullscreen backgrounds using:

    • images
    • YouTube videos
    • hosted or linked videos

    Note: seeing the demo within CodeCanyon might show a browser scrollbar since the site is embedded in CC’s iframe. For a real preview, click Remove Frame at the top left, or click Allground Demo


    Create fullscreen backgrounds using images that you can upload to your site or link externally.

    • Use a single image with a link and caption, or a sequence of images, each one with its caption and link.
    • You can set the link to open in a new tab.
    • Drag and drop the images in the editor to adjust their order.
    • Choose whether to show controls to go back and forth through the images.
    • Set the pause length before changing images and the fading transition speed


    Upload an MP4 video to create a fullscreen background and add a WebM video for Opera compatibility.

    • Mobile devices performance is not affected and will use a fullscreen image instead.
    • You can also link from a external source like a CDN or another server you have.

    YouTube Videos

    Play a single video or enqueue videos to build a playlist.

    • Drag and drop them in the admin editor to arrange their playback order as desired.
    • Adjust the volume or even mute the single video or playlist.
    • Show or hide play/pause and mute/unmute buttons.
    • Specify whether to loop the video or playlist in order to play it continuously.
    • Set the starting time for the video in seconds.
    • Choose whether to show related videos or not after a video or a playlist ends.
    • Mobile devices are served an uploaded image or use YouTube’s default thumbnail for better performance.

    More Features

    • Choose the default background to show throughout the site
    • Select a specific background when editing your post, page or custom post type
    • Specify a background when adding and editing a category, tag and custom taxonomy
    • Create the backgrounds once and reuse them as needed
    • Choose not to use it in the entire site, but only in specific posts, pages or custom post types and/or categories, tags and custom taxonomies
    • Advanced users can take advantages of the JavaScript events included for each background type to control it externally and perform actions.
    • Write custom styling directly in the plugin settings to have your settings always safe during updates.
    • Enter custom JavaScript directly in the plugin settings and keep them safe during updates.
    • Fully translatable
    • Full spanish translation included
    • Admin with support for Right to Left RTL languages
    • Good documentation and prompt support

    Access the support forum

    Support forum

    If you need help with customization, come to the support forums!

    See Also

    AllSlider - WordPress Responsive Slider Carousel - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

    Alldion – Responsive Accordion for WordPress

    Alldion - Responsive accordion for WordPress - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

    Rotating Tabs Widget for WordPress

    Tabs Widget for WordPress - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

    Product Slider Carousel for WooCommerce - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

  • WP Youtube Channel Any place Plugin (Media)

    WP Youtube Channel Any place Plugin (Media)

    The WordPress Youtube Channel Anywhere Plugin is a wordpress plugin that allow you to display specific number of videos from any youtube channel anywhere on wordpress blog/website like pages , posts , widgets , sidebars e.t.c with a responsive layout and a built-in lightbox.
    Just a samll piece of text to place wherever you want it to show.Manage the video title color , hover border color e.t.c in Admin Settings Menu.

    Note : If you want any additional function to be added , please do a comment and we will try to update the plugin.

    Update ::::: ScreenShots of New Control Panel


    Main Features:

    Easy Implementaion

    Light, easy to use admin interface ,Just a small string will show a whole channel with its videos on any type of post or page or sidebar.

    Color Selection using Color Picker

    Admin Panel allow to change the border color of thumbnails and the title color of the video using built-in color picker.

    Buillt-In Lighbox Video Player

    Plugin come with a built-in lightbox video player which is also responsive and play the video using ajax on the same page.

    Multi Columns/Layout Support

    Using the Width setting of SHORTCODE you can select the layout of videos of a channel to be in one column or in two columns or more then two columns.


    Plugin show channel videos and play them in Responsive layout, so it is not a problem which device is being used to browse your website.

    Unlimited Channels

    You can add/show unlimited channels on each post or page , for each channel you have to add a shortcode something like that : [showchannel user=”plumplard” mwidth=”900” iwidth=”300” total=”5”] here plumplard is a username of channel.

    All Post Types Supported

    You can show videos from channel on each type of post. Even its page or post or article or sidebar , you can show videos from channels everywhere.

    Custom Post Types Support

    It works with custom post types too.So no worry if your theme have any custom post types.


    Added CURL Support

    Added New Control Panel to Generate Shortcodes

    Added Ability to show 1000+ Videos from a channel on one page or mulitple pages

    Added “PLAY” icon on each video thumbnail

    Added new LightBox to support JQUERY version in new WP versions

    Added Support to Show or Hide Video Titles

  • WordPress Playlist Video Gallery (Galleries)

    WordPress Playlist Video Gallery (Galleries)

    Changelog v1.1

    The following features and fixes has been added to PVG v1.1


      Title Options

    • Main Color
    • Hover Color
    • Font Size
    • Font Style
    • Font weight
    • Line Height
    • Title Truncate
      Player Options

    • Player Theme
    • Continuous Play
    • Auto Play
    • Randomize
      Gallery Options

    • Remove player or thumbnails (thumbnails will play on colorbox)
      Thumbnail Options

    • Border Size
    • Border cClors
    • Border Radius
    • Border Style

    Note from the author: Please, before you give us a bad rating, try contacting us first to see what we can do to better serve you. Remember, we at hexCoderz are committed to update you with the best support and product. THANKS!

    Future Updates

    • jQuery Pagination – Navigate through your videos without refreshing the page
    • Cache Images – We will make system faster and faster time by time


    wpPlaylistVG (WordPress Playlist Video Gallery) is an open-source PHP software that displays a beautiful YouTube video playlist. Search for videos by keyword, user name, specific video or video playlist. Add your favorite videos to your own playlists and show them on your website. You can create as many playlists as you like and add the generated shortcode to any post or page to show your selected videos… simple as that! If you would like to show all videos on one page, despite how many playlist you have, use this shortcode: [pvg list=’all’] Currently, we only supports youtube. wpPluginVG is extremely easy to use. Currently wpPlaylistVG only supports youtube.


    1. Download wpPlaylistVG
    2. Unzip into your plugins directory at `(wp-content/plugins)`
    3. Activate wpPlaylistVG from Site Admin > Plugins
    4. Click on option link on the main plugin page or
    5. Configure from Site Admin > Settings > wpPlaylistVG


    Once you are in the plugins option panel you will need to start by creating your list name. To do so you will need to:

    1. Click on “Create/Delete Playlist”
    2. Enter a list name you would like to have in the textbox
    3. Click on the “Create list” button

    Your list will than be created and it will be shown below the word “Playlist”, next you will also note that the shortcode has already ben created for you along with other options. You can either copy this shortcode and add it to a page by doing the following:

    1. Copy shortcode (i.e [pvg list=’hip hop’])
    2. Click on pages in the admin left panel
    3. Create/Modify a page
    4. Paste the shortcode in side the textarea of the page.
    5. Hit the “Update” button on the right hand side of the page

    (Note: Alternatively you can use this function pvg_VideoPage (“listname”) for any custom created template pages)

    To add a video to a playlist head back to Settings->wpPlaylistVG in the admin panel and here you will have to:

    1. Click on “Search/Add Videos”
    2. Enter your keyword, username, playlist id, or video id.
    3. Hit the “Search” button and watch the lists of videos appear.

    Select the video you want to add to your list by clicking on the dropdown box on the “Add/Move” column. Once you have done all that, you can go back to “Create/Delete Playlists” and on the list that you selected should now be clickable. If you click on a Playlist a new window will pop open and you will be presented with the videos that you have selected for this playlist. Here you will can remove any video on the playlist. Once you have completed these steps and added a shortcode to a page, you may view the page and see how it looks. There is also one more optional step that you may take to configure how the video gallery may look. If you are still in the admin page you may want to…

    1. Click on “Configure Gallery”
    2. Change Video, Thumbnail sizes, or even add how many thumbnails you want to show per page, or per raw.
    3. Click on submit to save changes (Note: When clicking on submit using default values, the form will not change)

    These are all the options we have for now, but we do expect on implementing more options and
    features. Please feel free to speak with us if you ever need to.

    Browser Compatibility

    Playlist Video Gallery works on all main browsers, including Opera. Also works on mobile devices changing the way it displays the videos. It has been tested on Iphone 5, Ipad and Android phone/tablets. Check screenshots.


    Support & Feature Requests

    Please email us at plugins@hexcoderz.net or contact us via skype (skype info is in the plugin panel) if you’re having trouble with your plugin, and I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible. Please be patient, as I work freelance full time. I will not answer support requests left as comments on codecayon, email me instead.

    I will gladly help squash any bugs that might pop up and assist as best I can in resolving issues with the plugin itself. I will continue to update wpPluginVG if updates to the WordPress core render it incompatible over time.

    However, I do facilitate feature requests, also please keep in mind that we are constantly working on adding new features to wpPluginlistVG. We do have plans on making this the best video gallery plugin on the market.

  • WebCinema (Galleries)

    WebCinema (Galleries)

    WebCinema is an easy to use WordPress Video Plugin with responsive design that gives you the possibility to display your videos or video playlists on your website.

    • Supports Vimeo or Youtube videos
    • Ability to import YouTube playlists
    • Ability to import Vimeo albums
    • Does not require YouTube or Vimeo API keys or registrations
    • Uses Shortcode
    • Responsive Design
    • Videos can be displayed in Popup
    • Video player can be adjusted for 100% Width
    • Draggable Vertical or Horizontal slider playlist. Works on mobile devices such as iPad Retina Display
    • Supports multiple instances of the plugin on one page

    From your Admin Panel go to Plugins -> Add New -> Upload -> Browse and pick the WebCinema archive file. Click “Install Now” button. Click “Active Now” after the plugin has been installed. A new menu should now appear in your Admin Menu called “WebCinema”.

    From your Admin Panel go to WebCinema -> Local Playlists -> Create New PLaylist. Enter Playlist Name and click “Save Playlist”.

    From your Admin Panel go to WebCinema -> Local Playlists.
    Hover over the newly created playlist and click the “Browse” button.
    Click “Add Video” and enter Vimeo or YouTube video link.
    Optionally you can specify the Title and Thumbnail link for the Video or you can leave them blank to be automatically filled.
    After that, click the “Save Video” button.

    The plugin currently only supports YouTube and Vimeo videos.

    From your Admin Panel go to WebCinema -> YouTube Playlists.
    Enter the YouTube User ID in the “YouTube User ID” Field and click change user.

    The plugin will display list with the user’s playlists. Hover over the playlist and click the “Import” button to copy the playlist to the local database. These imported playlists can later be edited. Editing the imported playlists (changing names, deleting vidoes etc…) won’t affect the originals.

    From your Admin Panel go to WebCinema -> Vimeo Playlists.
    Enter the Vimeo User ID in the “Vimeo User ID” Field and click change user.

    The plugin will display list with the user’s albums. Hover over the album and click the “Import” button to copy the playlist to the local database. These imported albums can later be edited. Editing the imported albums (changing names, deleting vidoes etc…) won’t affect the originals. You can import up to a maximum of 60 videos per album in Vimeo.

    To display the plugin simply add the shortcode [webcinema] to the page or post.
    If you want to add it directly to the html, paste the following code where you want the plugin to be displayed:
    <?php echo do_shortcode("[webcinema]"); ?>

    [webcinema playlist=1,2,3]
    [webcinema video=1,2,3]
    [webcinema playlist=1,2,3 video=1,2,3]
    webcinema::enqueue_scripts(); // place before wp_head(); hook
    echo do_shortcode("[webcinema]"); // place where you want to display the html part

    Where playlist=1,2,3 and video=1,2,3 are ID numbers. IDs are visible in the admin section of the plugin.

  • WebCinema (Galleries)

    WebCinema (Galleries)

    WebCinema is an easy to use WordPress Video Plugin with responsive design that gives you the possibility to display your videos or video playlists on your website.

    • Supports Vimeo or Youtube videos
    • Ability to import YouTube playlists
    • Ability to import Vimeo albums
    • Does not require YouTube or Vimeo API keys or registrations
    • Uses Shortcode
    • Responsive Design
    • Videos can be displayed in Popup
    • Video player can be adjusted for 100% Width
    • Draggable Vertical or Horizontal slider playlist. Works on mobile devices such as iPad Retina Display
    • Supports multiple instances of the plugin on one page

    From your Admin Panel go to Plugins -> Add New -> Upload -> Browse and pick the WebCinema archive file. Click “Install Now” button. Click “Active Now” after the plugin has been installed. A new menu should now appear in your Admin Menu called “WebCinema”.

    From your Admin Panel go to WebCinema -> Local Playlists -> Create New PLaylist. Enter Playlist Name and click “Save Playlist”.

    From your Admin Panel go to WebCinema -> Local Playlists.
    Hover over the newly created playlist and click the “Browse” button.
    Click “Add Video” and enter Vimeo or YouTube video link.
    Optionally you can specify the Title and Thumbnail link for the Video or you can leave them blank to be automatically filled.
    After that, click the “Save Video” button.

    The plugin currently only supports YouTube and Vimeo videos.

    From your Admin Panel go to WebCinema -> YouTube Playlists.
    Enter the YouTube User ID in the “YouTube User ID” Field and click change user.

    The plugin will display list with the user’s playlists. Hover over the playlist and click the “Import” button to copy the playlist to the local database. These imported playlists can later be edited. Editing the imported playlists (changing names, deleting vidoes etc…) won’t affect the originals.

    From your Admin Panel go to WebCinema -> Vimeo Playlists.
    Enter the Vimeo User ID in the “Vimeo User ID” Field and click change user.

    The plugin will display list with the user’s albums. Hover over the album and click the “Import” button to copy the playlist to the local database. These imported albums can later be edited. Editing the imported albums (changing names, deleting vidoes etc…) won’t affect the originals. You can import up to a maximum of 60 videos per album in Vimeo.

    To display the plugin simply add the shortcode [webcinema] to the page or post.
    If you want to add it directly to the html, paste the following code where you want the plugin to be displayed:
    <?php echo do_shortcode("[webcinema]"); ?>

    [webcinema playlist=1,2,3]
    [webcinema video=1,2,3]
    [webcinema playlist=1,2,3 video=1,2,3]
    webcinema::enqueue_scripts(); // place before wp_head(); hook
    echo do_shortcode("[webcinema]"); // place where you want to display the html part

    Where playlist=1,2,3 and video=1,2,3 are ID numbers. IDs are visible in the admin section of the plugin.