Tag: php

  • WordPress Layouts Builder (Utilities)

    WordPress Layouts Builder (Utilities)

    One click test-drive. Team - WordPress theme based on Layouts Builder, test now!

    Build pages components & bodies as posts on Visual Composer or other page builders and make layouts rules for anything.

    Do not limit yourself in the choice of technology. Layouts Builder support Visual Composer and other most popular Page Builders.

    Advanced WordPress theme integration Create Build-in components as theme template files.

    Build on WPObjects - MVC abstraction over WordPress

    Auto-updates from envato Market.

    Looking for support? CLICK HERE! We awailable from Monday to Friday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. (GMT +2)


    If you have any questions please feel free to email us via contact form here.

    Change log

        + Add template generation based on theme files for theme with out support Layouts Builder
        + New UI 
        + Theme integration suite
        + Theme integration guide
        ^ Code refactoring
        # Fixed creation bodies
        # Fixed detected layout type for blog archive as front page
        + Change dependencies autoload in wpobject 
        # Fixed layout information meta-box on pages editing. 
        # Fixed notice before saving position without components
        # Fixed component visual composer page custom CSS
        # Fixed container wrapper header and footer positions
  • WPJenkins Merely Run Jenkins Jobs Via WP (Utilities)

    WPJenkins Merely Run Jenkins Jobs Via WP (Utilities)

    “WPJenkins Simply Run Jenkins Jobs Through WordPress”

    Table of Contents

    1. Plugin Installation .
    2. Add New Jenkins Job .
    3. Run Jenkins Job .
    4. Edit Jenkins Job .
    5. Delete Jenkins Job .
    6. Sources and Credits .

    A) Plugin Installation . – top

    First Method :
    * Login to your wordpress admin panel .
    * From side bar choose Plugins >> Add New .
    * Press Upload Plugin , Choose plugin zip file included in your purchased plugin files.
    * Press install Now Button then Activate Plugin.

    check this video tutorial on youtube >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGtlfWKVIn0&feature=youtu.be

    Second Method : ” Only works if you have FTP access .”
    * extract plugin zip file included in your purchased plugin files .
    * Upload extracted plugin files to wp-content/plugins directory .
    * Login to your wordpress admin panel .
    * From side bar choose Plugins >> Installed Plugins .
    * Search for WPJenkins plugin then press Activate Plugin button .

    B) Add New Jenkins Job . – top

    Jenkins Part :
    * Login to your jenkins url .
    * Click on the job you want to remotely execute through wordpress .
    * Click on configure link.
    * Scroll to Build Triggers section .

    * Mark on Trigger builds remotely (e.g., from scripts) checkBox .

    * Enter you Authentication Token .
    * Copy your job execution url ex: JENKINS_URL/job/first_job/build?token=TOKEN_NAME .

    * Replace JENKINS_URL with your jenkins host url and TOKEN_NAME with your entered Authentication Token.
    * The Url will be like that http://yourjenkinsurl.com/job/first_job/build?token=yourToken .

    check this video tutorial on youtube >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_c8XZx5SjY&feature=youtu.be

    WPJenkins Part :
    * Login to your wordpress admin panel .
    * From side bar choose WPJenkins Jobs .
    * CLick on Add new Jenkins job Button , A popup will appear letting you add your jenkins job .
    * Enter Jenkins Job Url .
    * Enter Jenkins Job Title .
    * Click Add Jenkins Job button .
    * A notification message will appear after adding your jenkins job , then the page will refresh .

    check this video tutorial on youtube >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDV4ecSD_rc&feature=youtu.be

    C) Run Jenkins Job . – top

    To run your Jenkins Job :
    * Login to your wordpress admin panel .
    * From side bar choose WPJenkins Jobs .
    * Choose the Jenkins job you want to execute .
    * Click on run button .
    * A notification message will appear after running your jenkins job , then the page will refresh .

    check this video tutorial on youtube >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgDJTX3OMic&feature=youtu.be

    D) Edit Jenkins Job . – top

    To edit your Jenkins Job :
    * Login to your wordpress admin panel .
    * From side bar choose WPJenkins Jobs .
    * Choose the Jenkins job you want to edit .
    * Click on edit button , A popup will appear letting you edit your jenkins job .
    * Edit Jenkins Job Url .
    * Edit Jenkins Job Title .
    * Click Update Jenkins Job button .
    * A notification message will appear after updating your jenkins job , then the page will refresh .

    check this video tutorial on youtube >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWC-GXJLXL0&feature=youtu.be

    E) Delete Jenkins Job . – top

    To delete your Jenkins Job :
    * Login to your wordpress admin panel .
    * From side bar choose WPJenkins Jobs .
    * Choose the Jenkins job you want to delete .
    * Click on delete button .
    * A notification message will appear after deleting your jenkins job , then the page will refresh .

    check this video tutorial on youtube >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bSJSVw6mrc&feature=youtu.be

    F) Sources and Credits – top

    I’ve used the following Libraries as listed.

    • Jquery Plugin version 1.10.2 . “licence included – MIT license.”
    • bootstrap Plugin version 3.3.6 . “licence included – MIT license.”
  • wordpress Localized Customer Content material & Foreign money Conversion Shortcodes Plugin (Add-ons)

    wordpress Localized Customer Content material & Foreign money Conversion Shortcodes Plugin (Add-ons)

    With this plugin you can easily personalize content to match your visitors.

    By using simple shortcodes you can output localized content that matches your visitors.

    For example, you could promote yourself as the number one retailer in the visitor’s own country.
    The plugin will fetch the country of the visiting user via their IP address and replace the shortcode.

    Additional you can convert money instantly into the visitors own country.

    You need only specify the amount in US Dollars and the plugin will display the amount in the visitors local currency.

    Support is available and we may be able to install the plugin upon request.

  • YouTube Information API Shortcodes – wordpress Plugin (Add-ons)

    YouTube Data Shortcodes is an easy way to display live data from any YouTube video on your WordPress site.
    The shortcodes can be used on any page or post.
    The data will be cached to your server to help speed up requests and prevent you from hitting the API requests limit (cache can be disabled if you prefer).

    You can customise the plugin within our easy to use settings page within your WordPress admin panel.

    Our in-depth user guide will talk you through the quick process of installing the plugin and making use of the shortcodes.

    If you have any issues then we’re always happy to assist and may be able to integrate it for you upon request.

  • PHP Counter – social networks lovers/followers counter plugin (Add-ons)

    Social Counter – PHP Plugin grabs the latest counts of your Fans/Followers etc. from your favorite social networks and then displays them on your website .

    Include PHP Class File

    require './socialCounter.php';

    Run Class

    $SocialCounter = new SocialCounter();

    Run Function

    See example to get social network count

    // change 'get_facebook()' with your function name from list of functions
    echo $SocialCounter->get_facebook();

    List Of Functions

    1. get_facebook();
    2. get_twitter();
    3. get_google();
    4. get_instagram();
    5. get_youtube();
    6. get_vimeo();
    7. get_pinterest();
    8. get_dribbble();
    9. get_behance();
    10. get_vk();
    11. get_soundcloud();
    12. get_github();
  • FlashGames – Responsive Flash Video games Platform (Pictures and Media)

    FlashGames – Responsive Flash Video games Platform (Pictures and Media)

    Features :

    • Responsive Design
    • Full Administration Panel
    • Simple and easily customizable bootstrap design
    • Full screen support
    • Share on Social Networks
    • Ajax Game Rating
    • Integrated advertising system
    • Advanced search function
    • Banning users
    • Game statistics
    • Comment Management
    • Automated installation
    • Clean code
    • Contact page
    • Categories Management
    • Pages Management
    • Ready for translation


    Our application has been developed to provide the best possible experience for both users and site administrators. The administration interface allows you to manage all aspects of your website in a simple and ergonomic way.

    We have taken particular care to the code and have developed each of these aspects in a logical SEO friendly so that the search engines can easily index the content and position it effectively. This PHP script is also intended to be translated or customized easily, both in terms of design and features.

    The installation program allows for an easy and fast installation of your site. Built on a Bootstrap architecture, the design of your site is completely responsive and simple to customize.

    Entertain your visitors with hundreds of games categorized and feature new features for your members, ratings, favorite games, member profiles, and more.

    Viral tools and sharing features are also included to quickly publicize your site. Everyone loves to play and share these new finds with friends, which will increase traffic to your site from social networks.

    Our application has also been realistic for promotional and marketing purposes, enabling you to generate advertising revenues or offer sales of advertising space and affiliations.

    To help you increase and increase traffic to your site, statistical tools are also available to track each of the games and know what content your visitors prefer.

    Many new features are also in development and will be added during the next updates of our application. You can participate in the implementation of future features from our forums at this address:


    Requirements :

    • PHP >= 5.4
    • PDO Extension (only for installation)
    • MySQL Database

    Technologies Used :

    • Codeigniter Framework
    • JQuery
    • Ajax
    • Other PHP, Javascript and JQuery libraries

    Support :

    You can get support from our forums at http://www.coffeetheme.com/forums/
    Please make sure you search through the existing forum posts before creating a new one and please keep a positive attitude and be polite.

    Live Demo and Login details :

    Get involved !

    Is there a feature you would like to see ?
    We will go through all your feedback weekly and pick the most requested features to be included in a future update!
    Send your request in our forum :

    Update History

    All the update to :

    ver 1.1.0
      - Pagination of games
      - Managing paging of games in administration
      - Pagination of comments
      - Managing paging of comments in administration
      - Ability to delete own comments
      - Possibility to forbid comments on his profile
      - Reply to comments
      - 3 nesting levels in the comments
      - I like or dislike the comments
      - Pagination in the profile of the members
      - Showing best comments on the game pages
      - Added a page of the members who play the most, comment the most, have the most favorites or notes, etc.
      - Widget player who likethe game (favorites) (thumbnails players)
      - Dashboard (fix): (Comments) Show the name of the game in the list instead of the id
      - Improved search results page
      - Added keyword support for games
      - Enabling caching of html pages in the dashboard
      - Media pagination in the dashboard
      - Fixed a problem that returned an error in Dashboard statistics when no game has yet been played to calculate statistics
      - Add on the profiles the total of the notes, the total of the comments and the total of the favorites and display them in boxes under the photo
      - Logo edition in the dashboard (text, images, library of icons included)
      - Adding new pages to sitemap
    ver 1.0.2
      - Code optimization
      - Fixed an issue that made it impossible to create a session cookie for the connection
      - Added the ability to edit an entry just after creating it. (Categories, games, users, comments, etc.)
      - Optimizing Title Tags for SEO
      - Users or games have now a default image if none has been uploaded.
      - Automatically delete profile images when the user decides to change his photo
      - Added the ability for members to delete their photos from the My Profile page.
      - Delete all information and media related to the user when a profile is deleted (photo, comments, notes, favorites, etc.)
      - Delete all information and media related to the game when a game is deleted. (Photo, comments, notes, favorites, etc.)
      - Fixed duplicate fields when a nickname or e-mail address is already in use.
      - Added list of members and list of games to the administration, making it easier to search among all the information.
      - Improved full-screen mode of the games, this one now uses the full screen of the operating system and no longer the full screen of the browser.
      - Fixed other minor bugs.
    ver 1.0.2
      - Fixed an error when the category page is empty.
      - Fixed a bug that allowed you to score a game unlimitedly.
      - Fixed the bug making impossible to delete image files and swf in the media tab.
      - Correction of the message “connection impossible” displayed by default on the login page.
      - Fixed bug making impossible to delete comments in backend (list of all comments).
      - Correction: “new” buttons in the home page which now refer to the new page.
      - Fixed field duplication error when registering.
      - Fixed the “remember me” option on the login page that was not working properly.
      - Added : It is now possible to make a new request to send the confirmation mail when the account is not yet approved.
      - Added the ability to change password via a link sent by mail.
      - The security key now changes when it is used for changing password or registering.
      - When a media is deleted, the entry is now also deleted in the database.
      - On the play page of the games, the note returns now “not saved” if the player is not logged.
      - Fixed a display problem in the footer for mobile sites.
      - Number of rating is now returned on the game pages (star rating).
      - Fixed a problem in Setup at the last step (creating the database but showing a warning message).
      - Fixed responsive menu display for smartphones and tablets.
      - Fixed 2 edits links to widgets at the bottom of the dashboard that were reversed.
      - Fixed the bug to add a favorite game several times.
      - Fixed session problems that may occur on certain web servers.
      - Added a confirmation email for changing password.
      - Minor CSS style fix.
  • Brand new Chat Rooms – Vue.js multimedia internet chat software (Social Networking)

    Brand new Chat Rooms – Vue.js multimedia internet chat software (Social Networking)

    Ever wanted a medium to quickly share funny gifs or videos you find online? Modern Chat Rooms offers a modern, single-page-app platform to chat with friends or strangers. Get started with this ready-made chat rooms app!

    For the demo log in with user: john, pass: doe

    quick sample


    • ES6 frontend codebase, simple PHP backend
    • Vue.js chat rooms application with a PHP backend
    • Works on any server with PHP and MySQL support
    • VERY FAST: many optimizations used for better UX such as smart caching or GPU powered animations
    • Cross-device: can be easily converted to native app
    • Multimedia preview for: images, youtube, vimeo, twitch, twitter, soundcloud
    • Regular free updates based on your feedback
    • Auto-installer: quick step-by-step installation wizard
    • 5 stars rated support

    Use cases:

    What can you use this for? Here are some use cases!

    • Self-hosted team chat app.
    • Chat rooms website where users can discuss on different topics
    • Mobile chat room app
    • Design brainstorming chat app where users can quickly share and view images for ideas/inspiration

    Planned features (will be added soon in next updates)

    • User profile personalization (avatar, bio)
    • Support for content and banner ads
    • Improve admin editing features


    • PHP and MySQL support for the server hosting the chat back-end

    Dev requirements

    This is what you need to edit/customize the Vue.js app.

    • Node.js 7.0+
    • Local XAMP (Apache, MySQL, PHP) server
    • If you want to convert it to a native mobile or desktop app you can use something like Cordova/PhoneGap/Coocoon.io/Electron


    This app has just been released and is likely to have bugs and lack certain features.
    Updates will be very frequent in the first few-months after the publish date. If you encounter any bug or want to suggest a feature send an e-mail at tips4design@yahoo.com.
    While the app is still in this high active-development stage the price will be lower. After most issues have been fixed the price will slowly increase with each new update, so if you are considering buying this script you can get it now at a lower price and take advantage of the free lifetime updates.

    Quick note about how we manage our CodeCanyon items

    Once we launch a new item we keep improving it based on feedback, so if you buy an item as soon as it appears you will still be able to get for free all the latest versions (we will never create a new item just because it is a new and improved version, we simply update this one) and also if you ever want something included in a current item, simply send us an e-mail or post in the comment section and we will do our best to include the feature you want.

  • Selene – Responsive Coming Quickly WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    Selene – Responsive Coming Quickly WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    Selene is a responsive, modern and clean under construction/coming soon WordPress Plugin. This minimal template is packed with a countdown timer, ajax subscription form, social icons and about page where you can write a little bit about yourself and add your phone, email and address information.

    With this WordPress Plugin you will be able to work on your site/theme while your visitors see the under construction page. When you’re done just disable it in the Selene admin and your new site will be live. You can then keep using it whenever you need to take your site into maintenance mode.

    Features Included:

    • Powerful Admin Panel
    • Fully Responsive Design
    • Retina ready
    • 3 Background Styles (Image, Slideshow, Youtube)
    • Ajax PHP Subscribe Form
    • 6 predefined Color Skins
    • JavaScript Countdown Timer
    • Social icons
    • CSS Animation
    • Help file is included

    Images are only for demo purpose and not included with the download package.

  • Promoting Banner Supervisor with the aid of Loomisoft (Promotion)

    Promoting Banner Supervisor with the aid of Loomisoft (Promotion)

    Ideal for content websites that need to display advertising banners, whether for direct advertising customers or from advertising networks like Google AdSense, Loomisoft’s Advertising Banner Manager plugin provides functionality that makes it easy to set up banners place them anywhere on your WordPress website via shortcode, via widgets or via PHP.

    From simple image banners to HTML/JavaScript code, the plugin can accommodate all of them with ease allowing various configurations for placement, size and alignment.

    Not only does the plugin make it easy to add and manage ad banners, but it also provides great control on scheduling and provides daily graphical reports on impressions, clicks and click through ratios (CTR).


    • Place ad banners anywhere on your website via shortcode, widget or PHP
    • Use image/link banners or use HTML/JavaScript code provided by Google AdSense or other ad network providers
    • Define campaign start and end dates for each ad banner
    • Define weekly schedules for each ad banner
    • View graphical reports on daily impressions, clicks and click through ratios (CTRs)
    • Group ad banners into ad blocks so they can be displayed or reported on together as one unit

    Easy Banner Set Up

    Whether your advertising banner is an image with a link or uses HTML/JavaScript code, setting up banners is designed to be easy and intuitive in the familiar WordPress setting.

    Campaign Start & End Dates

    If a banner is part of an advertising campaign and needs to run between specific dates, then these can be set up also.

    Weekly Schedule

    If you or your advertising customers are specific about weekly scheduling and you need to refine exactly when a banner is displayed, this can be added very quickly.


    To see the daily performance of individual banners, the plugin provides a graphical view of the impressions, clicks and click through ratios (CTRs) of each banner. This allows testing the effectiveness of the banner image, positioning and scheduling. Where the banner is for an advertising customer, this also allows effective feedback.

    Grouping into Blocks

    Ad blocks allow for grouping ad banners together using a simple drag & drop interface. Ad blocks serve two functions. On the one hand, they allow a number of ad banners to be displayed together. On the other hand, if you have an advertising customer with multiple ad banners, ad blocks allow for the ad banners to be reported on as a unit.

  • Acelle Lite E-mail Advertising and marketing Plugin for WP (Newsletters)

    Acelle Lite E-mail Advertising and marketing Plugin for WP (Newsletters)

    Acelle Lite is a WordPress plugin that lets you manage your mail lists/subscribers and send your email campaigns directly from WordPress administration dashboard.

    Just install Acelle Lite plugin and you can send marketing emails without any limitation. With WordPress + Acelle Lite, you can get rid of expensive email services like Mailchimp, ActiveCampaign… as now you have full control over the entire system of your own.

    Acelle Lite can be configured to send email through your own SMTP servers like Postfix, Exim, Sendmail or Qmail. It can also integrate with other email service provider like Amazon SES, SendGrid, Mailgun, ElasticEmail…

    Acelle Lite is made seamlessly integrated with WordPress. You can manage your email lists/campaigns right from the WordPress admin dashboard. You can easily send an email campaign to all WordPress users.

    Complete Lists & Subscribers Management

    Manage lists & subscribers easily with Acelle:

    • Mass import subscribers from Excel or CSV

    • Single/double opt-in support

    • Custom subscribe/unsubscribe confirmation page

    • Autoresponder for subscriber welcome/goodbye emails

    • List segmentation support

    Delivery Tracking & Statistics Reporting

    Track delivery of every single email sent out from Acelle. You can always find out whether or not your emails reach subscribers’ inbox. Opens / clicks / bounces / complaints are automatically recorded and are visualized using interactive charts & data table. Acelle’s different types of report give you lots of valuable information to help you improve your campaigns going forward.



    Easy integration with SMTP and Email Services

    Acelle can be configured to send email directly from your own SMTP server so that you can now get away from expensive email services like Mailchimp, ActiveCampaign, etc. Install Acelle on your server and you have control over the whole system from front-end web to the sendmail backend. You have unlimited access to any functionality.

    Acelle also comes with built-in support for sending email from 3rd service providers like Amazon SES, SendGrid, Mailgun, ElasticEmail or any SMTP service provider.

    Quick & Easy RESTful API

    Acelle provides RESTful API which is based on simple HTTP POST/GET requests. We make it easy and quick to integrate Acelle sending capability with your website or application. Our API lets you create, manage, send, schedule campaigns as well as track your delivery statistics.

    API docs

    Advanced Email Template Builder

    Acelle Mail comes with an advanced Email Template Builder as well as dozens of pre-built email templates/layouts for you to start on

    Fully Responsive!

    Acelle is made fully responsive. You can access Acelle webapp using any device from yourPC, tablet or smartphone.

    Embed Subscription Form To Your Own Website

    We support embedding subscription form to collect subscribers for your campaign. That is, after creating a mailing list, you can design and customize the subscription sign-up form for the list and embed it on your own website, your own brand and look-and-feel.

    Mass Newsletter Sending Made Easy!

    Acelle supports multi-threading so that you can send millions of email everyday. Acelle also supports auto scheduling your email campaigns.

    Powerfull Language Support

    Acelle comes with complete support for internationalization and localization. You can choose the preferred language for your application. We make it easy that you can also create your own language and edit any text appearing on the website to make it your own brand!

    Room for Customization!

    Acelle is written in clean PHP code, based on the Laravel framework. This makes it easy to extend or customize any part of the webapp. You can also write and embed your own PHP component.

    Multiple Themes Available!

    Acelle comes with several themes for you to choose: dark / light / red / blue / green / pink / brown. You can choose custom themes for every user. You can also extend the standard CSS to build your own theme & layout.


    Take a look at the screenshots or try our LIVE demo application to explore more

    Release Notes


    2.0.4-p26 / 2016-11-08
     * Added: transformed to the WP edition
     * Added: fully integration with WordPress 4.x
    2.0.4-p25 / 2016-11-01
     * Fixed: certain encoding may cause corrupt links
     * Changed: default user policy change
    2.0.4-p24 / 2016-10-28
     * Fixed: subscriber import does not work well with async
     * Fixed: runtime-message-id with extra invisible space
     * Fixed: directory permission checking error
     * Fixed: campaign's wrong subscribers count in certain cases
     * Fixed: config cache with invalid values
    2.0.4-p23 / 2016-10-23
     * Added: ElasticEmail API/SMTP support
     * Fixed: reduce the delay time when sending email through SMTP
     * Changed: delivery server encryption method is no longer required
    2.0.4-p22 / 2016-10-19
     * Added: create-user API
     * Added: quick login support
     * Added: copy campaign
     * Fixed: detect more environment dependencies when installing
     * Fixed: layout crashes for old IE browser
     * Fixed: application crashes when mbstring is missing
     * Fixed: chart view issues on MS Edge
    2.0.4-p20 / 2016-10-12
     * Fixed: installation wizard compatibility issue
     * Added: drag & drop email builder
    2.0.4-p19 / 2016-10-03
     * Fixed: certain types of links are not tracked
    2.0.4-p18 / 2016-10-02
     * Fixed: open tracking causes broken image in email content
    2.0.4-p17 / 2016-10-02
     * Fixed intermittent issues with bar chart in Safari
     * Changed click-to-open ratio is now based on open count
    2.0.4-p16 / 2016-09-30
     * Fixed listing sometimes crashes due to slow internet connection
     * Fixed do not allow users to enter invalid IMAP encryption method
     * Fixed list import intermittent issue for ISO encoded CSV
     * Added pie chart visualization for top countries by open
     * Added pie chart visualization for top countries by click
     * Updated text & hints on the UI
     * Changed dashboard UI now contains more information
     * Changed click-rate is no longer computed based on specific URL
    2.0.4-p11 / 2016-09-27
     * Fixed SSL issue for bounce handler
     * Fixed bounce handler does not work correctly for certain type of IMAP servers
     * Changed sending campaign can be deleted
     * Added full support for SendGrid (web API & SMTP)
    2.0.4-p8 / 2016-09-20
     * Fixed HTML editor sometimes crashes on MS Edge
     * Added clean up invalid bytes sequence in email content
     * Added check php-gd library availability in the installation wizard
    2.0.4 / 2016-09-13
    This is the first publicly released version of Acelle Mail webapp (which was previously Turbo Mail 1.x, a private project at National Information System institute)
     * Fixed better compatibility with MS Edge browser
     * Multi-process support for sending large amounts of email
     * Added Mailgun API/SMTP integration full support
     * Added embeded form customization support
     * Added email extra headers for better RFC compliance
     * Added template gallery & template customization support


    * DKIM singing support for out-going message
    * Better integration with Amazon SES
    * Template preview support
    * Refractor of quota system
    * Bounce logging with more information

    Show cases