- Owl Carousel (
- Magnific Popup (
- Animate.css (
- Font Awesome (
This option is used just for “Simple & Advanced” header type. You can choose the headers will be displayed based on category, Tag or Taxonomy.
We have taken carousel creation to the next level. With Carousel Anything, you can create carousels for any of your content. We’ve integrated into Visual Composer to bring you a very flexible, very lightweight and very intuitive carousel creation system. Change paddings, margins virtually any design element for your carousel.
We’ve integrated Owl Carousel into our plugin for the ultimate device support. Carousel Anything is responsive and touch enabled. In touch devices, you can drag and swipe the carousel to move it.
You can create any carousel. Here’re some ideas of what you can do:
Check the live preview for a preview of how easy it is to create carousels for anything.
You can just include this item as a plugin which your customer can install and active along with your theme.
If you want to include this item in your ThemeForest WordPress theme, please purchase an extended license and send me a message through my profile page.
Live WordPress sandboxes are provided by the awesome WP Demo
Head over to the support tab and check out the FAQs, or submit a support ticket!
Be sure to leave a rating and review and show us some love.
Version 1.0
* Initial release