Tag: online chat

  • Zuz Live Web Phone Call & Chat Support Plugin for WordPress (Utilities)

    Zuz Live Web Phone Call & Chat Support Plugin for WordPress (Utilities)

    Zuz Live Web Phone Call & Chat Support Plugin for wordpress lets you monitor and connect with visitors on your website via Web Phone Call & Live Chat. Best for sites with customer support & sales.

    You never have to pay for live chat software again

    Tired of paying a monthly subscription for every agent you have?
    Cancel your current subscription and switch to Zuz Live Web Phone Call & Chat Support Plugin.


    • Web Based Phone Calls
      Users can call you directly beside text chat without any cost. (Web to Web Calls)
    • Typing Preview
      Find out what your customer is typing before they even send their message.
    • Typing Indicator
      Display a typing indicator as soon as an agent or visitor starts typing.
    • Emoji Support
      Add some fun to your chats with emojis.
    • Offline Messages
      Not online? No problem! Let your users send you an offline message
    • No 3rd party connections
      The plugin uses your own website as its server for ui; Firebase Live Database.
    • Customizable UI
      Make Zuz Live Widget Color fit with your current theme.
    • Complete Visitor Info
      Track visitor Location, current visiting page, screen resolution, online/offline/idle status and more
    • Admin Panel
      Users List, Chat & Calls History

    Live Demo

    Visit Demo Site or Click the above live preview button to check the Zuz live phone call & chat system before purchase.

    Frontend: https://demos.zuz.host/live/
    Admin: https://demos.zuz.host/live/wp-admin/
    Username: demo
    Password: demo123

  • iLive – WordPress Reside Chat Make stronger Plugin (Utilities)

    iLive – WordPress Reside Chat Make stronger Plugin (Utilities)


    iLive is an intelligent WordPress live chat plugin. This plugin will work in any wordpress site which need a customer sales and support system through live chat.

    New plugin is always best and feature rich

    1. Automatic chat search and suggestion to operator
    2. Automatic chat reply and greetings
    3. Unlimited operator / Support manager can be added
    4. Unlimited customer can chat.
    5. Each operator can chat unlimited customer at a time. (Currently 50 set. you can choose any number)
    6. Each operator can transfer chat to other operator / department
    7. Chat request from client to operator maintain online, busy, offline queue logic. i.e when first chat request comes from customer it search for online operator who is not busy and select randomly. If all are busy then it select any busy operator and the operator can answer in a seperate chat tab.
    8. 3 way notification, sound, browser tab text change and color change when chatting with multiple customer in different tab.
    9. Completely responsive front end. Tested with all apple device and android device.
    10. Unlimited theme color and text color.
    11. 3 type background. Color, images, patther and transparent chat box
    12. Chat session control. So browsing website will not lost the current chat history.
    13. Offline message system
    14. Seperate chat history and searchable unique query database.
    15. Auto chat history database cleanup system. in case your site becomes heavy.
    16. Chat speed control from option panel
    17. Operator image can be shown
    18. Ajax technology. Works all the browser including IE7, IE8, IE9+ and safari, chrome, firefox, opera etc.

    Why intelligent?

    Click below and watch for close understanding.

    The main logic of this auto search and suggest based live chat plugin is that in each company there are finite number of client unknown query. Client question is not unlimited. So the operator currently have to type all the common answer over and over again. This is a wasting of time and bad customer service

    With this plugin all the common question and answer will be saved in a database. In each client request the auto search system will suggest the matching question and answer to the operator. Operator just need to click to the matching question to answer client request. This can certainly improve customer service.

    Matching query can also be searched from built in search system. Operator can also add and edit chat history to database.

    Live Demo Note:

    Please visit Demo Site or click the above live preview button to check the chat system before purchase. You will need to login to see the demo. For operator – Username1: operator1 and Password1: Operator_1 or Username2: operator2 and Password2: Operator_2 or Username3: operator3 and Password3: Operator_3 and For Customer – Username1: customer1 and Password1: Customer_1 or Username2: customer2 and Password2: Customer_2 or Username3: customer3 and Password3: Customer_3 or sign up to create new account. You can use 3 different account and logging in from 3 different browser like chrome, firefox, opera, safari from the same computer to check the chat system or can use different computer as well. When login as operator you need to go wordpress dashboard and open iLive operator chat panel.

    Auto search & suggest with multi chat

    Online, Busy, Offline Queue Logic

    Unlimited theme color and style

    Complete responsive front end

    iLive options panel


    • This Plugin works with WordPress powered websites only
    • jQuery 1.7 or newer is required. WordPress 3.4+ already uses jQuery 1.8.3 by default if your theme not deregister it and loads old one.

    ** Version 1.0.0 - August 17th, 2017 **
    - Initial Release
  • Fb Messenger WordPress Plugin (Widgets)

    Fb Messenger WordPress Plugin (Widgets)

    Ease the communication between you and your customers and never miss potential leads anymore. Facebook Messenger plugin for WordPress displays a widget of your Facebook fan page which can be used by your customers as an instant messaging right there on your site.

    Install the plugin on your WordPress site and you’ll get all the following features:

    • Easy setup
      With its default configuration, the plugin works out of the box once it’s installed. You just have to give it your Facebook fan page URL and the widget will be there on your site.
    • Editable colors
      Customize your widget to match your site’s theme. Make it personal and let your customers understand that the widget is actually an integral part of your site.
    • Easy configuration
      If the default configuration doesn’t satisfy you, the plugin also allows for some custom ones:
      • Show events tab
      • Show timelines tab
      • Show profile photos of those who liked your page
      • Use a small or slightly larger header
      • Whether or not to show your cover header
      • Show the custom call-to-action button
    • Auto-display based on time delay, inactivity, or scroll length
      If your customers use wide screens, a tiny round toggle sitting at the corner of your page will have a hard time getting itself noticed. Draw your users’ attentions onto the widget by setting an auto-display for it to tease them. Auto-display can be set based on time-delay, inactivity, or scroll-length.
    • Unobtrusive design
      Auto display can be disabled on devices with small screen. In fact, you can hide the toggle entirely or only when the page is being scrolled down. We don’t want to ruin your customer’s browsing experience now do we?
    • Page Targeting
      Do you want to show the widget on the whole site or only on your product pages? This plugin will list all the custom post types installed on your site and all you have to do is checking the ones where you want to show the widget.
    • WooCommerce Facebook button
      You can put a Facebook Messenger button on your product pages right before or after the “Add to cart button”.

    Using Facebook Messenger as a support channel is effective and affordable. Get one for yourself!

    09 August 2017 v1.0
    -    Initial realease

  • urChat (Utilities)

    urChat (Utilities)

    urChat is a responsive chat plugin for WordPress. urChat Chat works on all devices and is user friendly. You can embed audio, images and smiles in your messages.


    • Responsive
    • Sound notifications
    • 10 Unique smiles
    • Embed audio & images
    • Automatic authorization in chat, if a user is logged in.
    • Chat remember user 7 days
    • Fully customisable
    • 3-way embedding (Widget, Post, Flying chat)
    • Easy configuration from Admin Panel
    • Chat history
  • Uber Chat – The Final Reside Chat for WordPress (Utilities)

    Uber Chat – The Final Reside Chat for WordPress (Utilities)

    UberChat – The Ultimate WordPress Chat

    Features & Benefits

    • One-time fee
    • Seamless live-chat experience
    • Beautiful, modern and customisable theme
    • Canned responses
    • Operator-initiated chats
    • Enquiry-form fallback
    • Multiple operators (WordPress)
    • Unlimited colours & a beautiful dark theme
    • Responsive design
    • Several audio-notifications to choose from
    • Optional email-field
    • Full history of past discussions and submitted enquiries
    • Chat state remains across your entire website
    • And much more… Check-out the demo!

    UberChat Overview of Functionality

    Live Support Chat for WordPress

    UberChat allows you to instantly communicate with your website’s visitors. The beautifully modern and easy-to-use interface is very intuitive and allows your visitors to contact you whenever they need to – ultimately generating better leads for your business.

    Please note: this version of UberChat does not include a Windows-based client. If you’re looking for the version with a Windows-client, please view the other UberChat item here on CodeCanyon.

    Live Chat from Within WordPress

    UberChat has a fully-featured web-interface that you can use from within your WordPress admin. The interface provides you with all of UberChat’s functions.

    Operator-Initiated Chats

    The operator interface shows you a list of all visitors (non-admins) currently browsing your site. With a click of a button, you can actively invite them into a support chat.

    NO Recurring Fees: One-Time  License & Unlimited Use

    Unlike subscription services, there are absolutely no recurring fees when choosing UberChat. After purchasing the one-off license, you may use it as much as you want and as long as you want (see the CodeCanyon Regular License for more information).

    Canned/Prepared Responses

    You can create answers to the most frequently asked questions and then select them when you’re chatting. This way, you save yourself and your visitors valuable time when servicing discussions. 

    Unlimited Colour Themes

    You can choose any colour as your chat’s primary colour. This way, UberChat will seamlessly integrate with your site’s look & feel. Additionally, UberChat also has a beautiful dark-theme which you can activate on darker themed websites. 

    Enquiry-Form Fallback

    Not online 24/7? Not a problem! UberChat will fall-back into the enquiry-form mode. Visitors to your website will be able to send you email-messages which you can read at your convenience. 

    Multilingual Interface

    UberChat was built with internationalisation in mind: currently, English as well as German are included. That said, you can easily translate UberChat into any language by translating the included po-files, or by using WPML.

    Works with network sites

    UberChat was developed so as to support WordPress’s network-site feature. But remember that all network sites act like totally separate installations – the Windows client can only connect to one site at a time.

    View Visitor Metadata

    The chat-interface shows you a range of useful metadata about the visitors you chat to – including the page they’re on, their referrer and accepted languages.

    System Requirements

    In order to be able to use UberChat, you must fulfil the following system requirements:

    • WordPress 3.3 (minimum; tried & tested up to 4.1)
    • PHP with a version of greater than PHP 5
    • PHP’s mbstring enabled
    • Enough server-resources for the number of concurrent chatters you expect
    • Enough server-resources for the number of concurrent chatters you expect

    A note on server performance

    This chat system employs AJAX technologies and does not rely on WebSockets for its communication. This means that anyone can run UberChat, as long as your server fulfils the requirements outlined below. However, this also means that this system is not intended for heavy-duty use: so don’t build the next Facebook and try to have 10m people use this at once. That being said, on average server-specifications, there is nothing stopping you from having 10-15 concurrent conversations.


        - Public release of ClientEngage UberChat v2.1.4
            - Release of UberChat for WordPress (excluding Windows client)
  • Uber Chat – Final Reside Chat with Home windows Shopper (Utilities)

    Uber Chat – Final Reside Chat with Home windows Shopper (Utilities)

    UberChat – The Ultimate WordPress Chat
    with WordPress and Windows Client

    Features & Benefits

    • One-time fee
    • Seamless live-chat experience
    • Beautiful, modern and customisable theme
    • WordPress and full Windows clients included
    • Canned responses
    • Operator-initiated chats
    • Enquiry-form fallback
    • Multiple operators (WordPress and Windows)
    • Unlimited colours & a beautiful dark theme
    • Responsive design
    • Several audio-notifications to choose from
    • Optional email-field
    • Full history of past discussions and submitted enquiries
    • Chat state remains across your entire website
    • And much more… Check-out the demo!

    UberChat Overview of Functionality

    Live Support Chat for WordPress

    UberChat allows you to instantly communicate with your website’s visitors. The beautifully modern and easy-to-use interface is very intuitive and allows your visitors to contact you whenever they need to – ultimately generating better leads for your business.

    UberChat also comes with the unique feature of having a Windows-based client included out-of-the-box – giving you a beautiful, native interface to actively engage your website’s visitors through operator-initiated chats.

    Windows-based Client Included

    UberChat is the only live-chat plugin that also has a Windows client. The native client means that you can keep UberChat running in the background without it getting in your way. Whenever a visitor initiates a chat with you, you will be notified with a visual and audio notification.

    You can also adapt the look & feel of the Windows client. Several pre-defined colour-themes and audio notifications are there for you to pick what you like.

    Live Chat from Within WordPress

    Not using Windows? No problem: of course, UberChat also has a fully-featured web-interface that you can use from within your WordPress admin. The interface provides you with all of UberChat’s functions.

    Operator-Initiated Chats

    The operator interface shows you a list of all visitors (non-admins) currently browsing your site. With a click of a button, you can actively invite them into a support chat.

    NO Recurring Fees: One-Time  License & Unlimited Use

    Unlike subscription services, there are absolutely no recurring fees when choosing UberChat. After purchasing the one-off license, you may use it as much as you want and as long as you want (see the CodeCanyon Regular License for more information).

    Canned/Prepared Responses

    You can create answers to the most frequently asked questions and then select them when you’re chatting. This way, you save yourself and your visitors valuable time when servicing discussions. 

    Unlimited Colour Themes

    You can choose any colour as your chat’s primary colour. This way, UberChat will seamlessly integrate with your site’s look & feel. Additionally, UberChat also has a beautiful dark-theme which you can activate on darker themed websites. 

    Enquiry-Form Fallback

    Not online 24/7? Not a problem! UberChat will fall-back into the enquiry-form mode. Visitors to your website will be able to send you email-messages which you can read at your convenience. 

    Multilingual Interface

    UberChat was built with internationalisation in mind: currently, English as well as German are included. That said, you can easily translate UberChat into any language by translating the included po-files, or by using WPML.

    Works with network sites

    UberChat was developed so as to support WordPress’s network-site feature. But remember that all network sites act like totally separate installations – the Windows client can only connect to one site at a time.

    View Visitor Metadata

    The chat-interface shows you a range of useful metadata about the visitors you chat to – including the page they’re on, their referrer and accepted languages.

    System Requirements

    In order to be able to use UberChat, you must fulfil the following system requirements:

    • WordPress 3.3 (minimum; tried & tested up to 4.1)
    • PHP with a version of greater than PHP 5
    • PHP’s mbstring enabled
    • Enough server-resources for the number of concurrent chatters you expect
    • Enough server-resources for the number of concurrent chatters you expect

    System requirements of the Windows-based client

    • .NET4 Framework (will be installed if not already available; part of Windows since Vista)
    • Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1

    A note on server performance

    This chat system employs AJAX technologies and does not rely on WebSockets for its communication. This means that anyone can run UberChat, as long as your server fulfils the requirements outlined below. However, this also means that this system is not intended for heavy-duty use: so don’t build the next Facebook and try to have 10m people use this at once. That being said, on average server-specifications, there is nothing stopping you from having 10-15 concurrent conversations.


        - Public release of ClientEngage UberChat v2.0.5