Ombra’s philosophy? Simplicity plus variety. While conceiving Ombra, our Creative Squad foresees it as the muse-theme of plainness, versatility and concept diversity.
Ombra is created by heart to be ultra-professional, smooth and exquisite, with an impeccable, modern and flexible layout. And as any muse that enjoys living on mysterious mountains or hills, we did our best to raise Ombra on the untold heights of beauty and performance.
We know that God is in the details, so we paid a terrific attention to each particle of Ombra to cover almost any need: agency, fashion, freelance, architecture, blog, portfolio, photography, business or ecommerce shop.

Theme Overview
At PikartHouse, we are creative minds and professionals at the same time. So, we enjoyed to design from scratch a huge amount of Ombra features – that blend-in perfectly with WordPress existing skin and options – just to release our customers from installing diverse knowledge-requiring and time-consuming softwares. It is that quelque-chose we want to breath into among the existing themes.
And in case you want to have fun with your shopping experience, Ombra comes with great compatibility with industry well-known plugin – WooCommerce. It features a plethora of sophisticated options for you to give your customers the ultimate shopping experience.
To show you how Ombra works, we have created a couple of thematic websites so you can see how amazing this theme is. But, we’ll add constantly new demos at our dear customers’ requests. If you have an own idea for great homepage, please do not hesitate to tell us about that and we’ll take care of it!
Maybe our muse-theme is not spotless, but – for sure – Ombra will inspire us – YOU and Our Creative Squad – to always improve it and come with new and innovative insights. Just feel free to say what’s on your mind.
So, are you ready to be a part of Modern Mythology? If yes, then begin with Ombra.
Quick Facts
- Modern Design with great emphasis on readability, usability & user-experience
- Covers major UX / UI design trends of this year, built in collaboration with professionals
- Comprehensive and ultra-detailed online documentation, ready to get you started right away
- Creation of stunning websites without touching a line of code
- Speedy support with average response times of less than 24 hours
- No surprises: everything feels just like a regular WordPress theme, where native WordPress features are used for all functionality
- A plethora of predefined designs and content (300+ demo pages, 6 demos) for different purposes and we are carefully extending this list for you on every update!
- Continuous Free Updates
Main Features
- Layout
It is well-known the layout system is crucial for site’s visitor to have easy access to valuable and important information. That is why Ombra comes with an effective layout with proper sizing, spacing and placement of content: you can customize every corner of your website, with no coding skills required, even for unconventional changes from your side. Choose between the features below and you will see that you have all the tools to find a design that truly suits your needs. So, let’s count the features:
- Boxed & Wide/Fullwidth layouts
- Infinite Layout Concepts
- Innovative and unique layouts to showcase images & videos: Masonry, Metro, Fullscreen, Slider, Carousel
- Grid
The grid serves as an armature on which you can organize graphic elements in a rational, easy to absorb manner. Ombra offers you a powerful and advanced grid system – fully responsive – enhanced by unparalleled Isotope abilities. To sum up:
- Powerful & advanced grid system
- Fully Responsive
- Enhanced by Isotope abilities
- Typography
The web is generally defined by being a typographic environment. This is why we included in theme the Google Fonts Uploader where you can add over 800 of free Google Fonts to use in your theme and, as you know, the number of Google Fonts increases so often. We’ve made it so that all the font weights could be loaded in separate fonts to best fit your needs and provide you with more choice and better overall site performance. Beyond of this, enjoy the advanced typography features both in Theme Options (font-sizes, colors, or line-heights) and by using Custom Content shortcode, where you are able to adjust size, weight, letter-spacing, line-height, text-decoration, colors and much more options. In a short:
- 800+ free Google Fonts
- Google Fonts Uploader
- Advanced Typography: both in Theme Options and Custom Content shortcode
- Theme Customizer
When designing Ombra, we guided ourselves with “Less is More” statement in front of us. Because of this, we made sure to avoid the use of redundant additional admin panels and instead, we chose to utilize the native WordPress tools: the enhanced, recently rebuilt theme options panel. With this setup, you can preview live many of the changes you make to your site. In conclusion:
- Plethora of theme options available
- Carefully organised and handcrafted theme options panel
- Add Custom Styles
- Input Custom JavaScript
- Portfolio
As OMBRA theme is conceived to empower creativity and imagination, we conceived two unique and powerful tools to showcase your portfolio — Album & Projects — that could be set up in so many innovative ways: as sliders or carousels, embellished with elegant headings or fancy buttons, or, even more, as exquisite cards with various effects applied on them. Both tools were developed as Custom Post Types and Shortcodes at the same time. With various display types (Shadow, Move, Fade, Rising, Plain, List), shifty gutters, multiple columns, four hover typologies, overlay colors, animation effects and many more options, you can quickly and easily setup multiple portfolios on your website. With each portfolio that you create, you can choose to display portfolio items from all categories, one category, or a custom selection of categories. And don’t forget to stun your site’s visitors with immense, bold and amazing showcase of fullscreen sliders and images or background videos, located in Hero Header Area. With so much flexibility, it’s a snap to organize your work online. Some features of the portfolios include:
- Sortable Projects & Albums
- Hero Sections, enhanced by powerful Hero Header Area
- Unlimited Portfolio Layouts, with carefully handcrafted variations: Masonry, Slider, Carousel, that could also take full-width size if implemented in Hero Areas
- Up to 6 types of Masonry Cards: Shadow, Move, Fade, Rising, Plain, List
- Numerous Single Project Styles
- Blog
We dedicated ourselves to offer you all the necessary tools to unleash your creativity while conceiving your Blog. Ombra brings up the powerful and elegant Blog Template that has a wide range of options to setup an amazing Blog on your site. Use it on as many pages as you need, both on boxed or fullwidth layouts. You can play with six display types available (Shadow, Move, Fade, Rising, Plain, List), choose a multiple columns layout with specific gutters, decide how many posts to showcase and namely which of them, decide the categories of posts to render. The Blog could also be enhanced with Widgets Sidebars on either Left or Right side. And the list of options doesn’t end here. Then, Ombra stands out from the rest of existing themes when it comes to Post Formats: Standard, Gallery, Image, Quote, Video, Audio, Link and Aside, each of them with unique styles and options. By this way, you will enjoy multiple variations of Single Posts and a prolific layout to arrive at the best way to present your blog. To name just a few of Blog features:
- Multiple Blog Styles with 14 Blog options: they can be combined to a huge number of variations
- Multiple Single Post Layouts
- Up to 6 display types available: Shadow, Move, Fade, Rising, Plain, List
- Custom Post Formats: Standard, Gallery, Image, Quote, Video (it features Youtube, Vimeo and Self-hosted videos), Audio (it features Soundcloud audios), Link, Aside
- Site Headers & Menus
Meet the fully customizable headers of Ombra. Choose between Top and Side positions for your site header. The collection of 6 separate header types, each with its own set of options, are designed for your comfort to use as a starting point. Also, each page can have or not the Site Header transparency. Define styles for your menus, choose the necessary color skin – Light or Dark, stay upon a specific type of menu behaviour and enable the Search functionality or the Side Area. There is a shortlist below:
- Adjustable Site Header size
- 6 beautiful Menu Types
- Top Position: Classic, Branding, Fullscreen, Aside/Off-canvas
- Side Position: Classic, Aside/Off-canvas
- Header Menu behaviours: Regular, Fixed, Sticky
- Enhanced with Mobile Menu
- Two Logo versions: Light & Dark
- Enable Site Header transparency on a per page basis
- Site Footer
We composed the Site Footer from two parts: Widgets Sidebar and Below Area. So, control your footer widget area by selecting up to 4 columns and customize Footer Menu and Copyright section, from the area below, to give legal identity to your site. Let’s summarize:
- Multiple footer options: color skin, background, number of widget columns
- Adjust enable state of Site Footer Sidebar and Below Area on a per page basis
- Title Areas
As title area is of high importance when talking about branding, we paid a special attention to titles, by endowing Ombra with an amazing feature, called Featured Branding. Feel free to setup a background image for your site page titles, both on global and local level, and empower it with parallax effect if needed. Show or hide each title area on a per page basis. But of course, you could also use normal titles, it’s up to you. So, let’s see:
- Customizable Title Area
- Fancy headings with amazing backgrounds, making up Featured Branding
- Built-in breadcrumbs, adapted for both Featured Branding and normal titles
- Images & Videos
When it comes to media items, Ombra enhances your Images & Videos with unique tools and effects: Album & Projects Shortcodes empowered by Parallax Effect, Masonry Media Galleries with adaptive images, Fullscreen sections embellished with elegant titles and fancy buttons, Background videos empowered by Fullscreen or Parallax modes. Also, to make your images look as beautiful as possible, we’ve integrated the Magnific Popup jQuery plugin directly in the theme and will ensure that your photos look beautiful as ever in its fully responsive, minimal display. Let’s count again:
- Powerful Lightboxes with Magnific Popup
- Masonry Galleries with adaptive images
- Video Background, also with Parallax Effect
- Sidebars
It’s a given with most themes these days and it’s no different with Ombra. You have unlimited sidebars at your disposal to achieve whatever you want for your site. The things you can do with sidebars in Ombra include:
- Create and manage unlimited unique sidebars
- Set sidebars on either side of the page (left or right)
- Shortcodes insertion inside Sidebar Widgets
- Multiple locations of the Sidebar: Header, Content, Footer
- Shortcodes
The Shortcodes are the must-have of any excellent theme, as they allow you to become a power user and take your site to new heights. With Ombra, we have built 16 outstanding shortcodes, couple of them being unique and ground-breaking in the market, allowing you to digitally build any layout you think of. All shortcodes are modular and built-in inside the theme and – great surprise – even they are built from scratch, their look is the same as native WordPress features. By doing so, we aimed at keeping the same user-interface for a facile experience and releasing you of installing other knowledge-requiring and time-consuming plugins. Included shortcodes are as follows:
- Accordion
- Album
- Button
- Columns
- Custom Content
- Dropcap
- Highlight
- Icon
- Map
- Progress Bar
- Projects
- Quote
- Row
- Separator
- Tabs
- Team Member
- Effects
We enhanced Ombra with elegant animations applied on Portfolio and Blog items, Shortcodes or specific site components. Also, we created and optimized the marvellous parallax effect to work on images or video backgrounds. Just setup the speed of parallax effect in Theme Options and you are ready to go for an impressive visual effect. To sum up:
- Elegant CSS3 Animations
- Smooth and Performant Parallax (Parallax Pages)
- Social
Sharing should be easy! Full Social Integration for those who love to share. Streamline your posts, pages or projects across more than 300 social networks thanks to the support of AddThis service Plugin. Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterest or Twitter, just to name a few, are all at your finger tips. Also, you have Social Icon Areas – Site Header or Team Member Shortcode – to link your site to social networks.
Extended Features List
- Responsive design
- Cross-browser compatibility on most platforms
- Can be used as Multipage & One Page websites
- Coded with SEO in mind: beyond the SEO Meta description from Theme Options, you have a specific SEO field on each Post, Page or Project
- 1000+ font icons: Font Awesome, Elegant Icons
- Child Theme Ready
- Translation Ready (.mo & .po files)
- WPML Ready, optimized for translations & multilingual websites
- WooCommerce full design integration for online shops
- Contact Forms enhanced by powerful & easy-to-use WPForms Plugin
Additional Values
- HTML5 Valid
- XML files with demo content
We are aware how important is for you to get a little head start while building your site. Included with your purchase of Ombra is a set of demo data showcasing how to accomplish dozens of unique layouts. Find a demo that highlights your look and feels the best, then use WordPress Importer to get your design setup. From there, you simply need to update with your own content and customize to your heart’s desire.
- Developer friendly, modular and reusable code
- Clean Code
With Ombra, nothing but the latest features of WordPress are used. Writing clean, structured, consistent and smart code means that it can be easily extended by any other developer. Ombra conforms to industry best practices at all levels. Implementing the latest HTML5 and CSS3 techniques, along with cutting edge WordPress standards ensures that Ombra provides you with the unequaled experience you could hope for with a premium theme.
- Multisite Tested
Ombra has been tested across numerous multisite setups, including the demo files we provide to you, so you can rest easy knowing that everything will function as it should across your network.
- The images included in the demo site are for showcase only, as they are licensed, and not distributed in the package. They have been replaced with other free to use images
- Technical requirements: PHP 5.3.9+, WooCommerce 3.1.x, 3.2.x, 3.3.x, WPML 3.7.x+
- Browser support: Chrome, Opera, Firefox, IE11, Edge, Safari