An easy way to synchronise WordPress Posts, Pages & Categories on a WordPress Multisite Network.
Helps user synchronizing posts, pages, categories and post tags to other site on same network.
Custom registered post types and taxonomies can also be synced. Bulk sync option for posts and taxonomies.
No manual work needed, new/old posts/categories are automatically created/updated on other network site.
No manual work needed, new/old posts/categories are automatically created/updated on other network site.
Plugin Demo :
Username : demouser, Password : Ai2wGAWNXw$zhc)8tjKgsJkl
Features :
Sync posts and categories across multisite
Support custom post types and custom taxonomies
Taxonomy hierarchy is maintained
Tested with default post types : post and page
Tested with default taxonomies : categories & tags
Maintain post comment sync
Option for auto sync when a post/category is created/updated
Sync post media, featured image, tags, categories , all custom fields
Bulk sync for categories and other custom taxonomies
Multiple post sync option
Plugin only works on a WordPress Multisite Network. Once plugin is uploaded.Plugin can be network activated or can be activted on specific Network site. This entirely depends on how you wish to sync data. Once plugin is activated, plugin settings can be found under site admin dashboard’s “WMPTS” menu. This is the link for configuration page. Plugin configuration page appears like this

1) Enable Post Sync : This is for enabling posts/pages sync. This will lists following options for synchronisation:-
Sync From: Its always the source site from where admin is accessing the plugin.This is the source site from where data will be synced to other websites.
Sync To: This will list all other sites on same network. Admin can select the sites to which data needs to synced
Sync these post types: Only selected post types will be eligible for sync.
Enable Auto Sync: If enabled, new/old posts/pages will auto sync to destination sites when created/updated.
2) Enable Taxonomy Sync : This is for enabling taxonomy sync. Configuration options are almost same as of post sync.
Sync From: Its always the source site from where admin is accessing the plugin.This is the source site from where data will be synced to other websites.
Sync To: This will list all other sites on same network. Admin can select the sites to which data needs to synced.
Sync these post types: Only selected taxonomy types will be eligible for sync.category is default taxonomy type for post categories.
Enable Auto Sync: If enabled, new/old categories will auto sync to destination sites when created/updated.
Q.1) Can this plugin sync data bidirectional?
A) Yes, according to admin selected settings plugin can sync data between various sites. Admin cans select how data flows across the sites. So for example you need to sync posts from site1 to site2 & site3, but pages needs to be synced from site3 to site2. This can be handled by the plugin. Same applies for taxonomies.
Q.2) Will this work for terms with custom registered taxonomies?
A) Yes, this plugin can sync all terms under any custom taxonomies.Only term data and term meta are synced to other site. Custom taxonomy must be registered on other network site,
Q.3) If auto sync is enabled, can admin disable some of the posts/terms for not syncing?
A) Yes admin can disable/enable sync for specific posts/terms.This needs to be done by editing the post and manually disabling sync for that post.