Tag: Multisite

  • WordPress MultiSite Taxonomy Sync (Utilities)

    WordPress MultiSite Taxonomy Sync (Utilities)

    Synchronizes Taxonomy terms across selected or all blogs of a WordPress MultiSite.


    Click here for demo

    Username: demo

    Password: demo


    Free updates


    Easy installation and setup

    – Fully supported
    – Fully documented
    – Supports WooCommerce
    – Supports Custom Taxonomies
    – Supports Custom Post Types
    – Simple and user friendly options
    – Allow on selected or all Taxonomies.
    – Trigger sync from adminbar
    – Restrict users by role.
    – Sync post’s terms assignments

  • Hreflang Flags (Interface Parts)

    Hreflang Flags (Interface Parts)

    This plugin automatically generates flags, with the appropriate links to the alternative versions (in terms of language or geo-target) of your pages, based on your implementation of hreflang.

    Please note that Hreflang Flags requires a WordPress website with a valid implementation of hreflang as HTML link elements in the header. If you have not already implemented hreflang in your website we recommend Hreflang Manager.

    Automatic Flags

    Each time a page of your website is displayed Hreflang Flags analyzes with JavaScript the link elements in the header used to implement hreflang and retrieves the information useful to generate the flags, which are:

    • Language
    • Locale
    • URL

    This means that once you install and configure this plugin the flags will be automatically displayed throughout the entire website without further manual actions required.

    Super Versatile

    Whether you prefer to place the flags in a fixed position, inside your posts, in a widget area or directly in your theme template files this plugin gives you the tools to achieve this.

    Check out these videos to see how you can generate the flags in your favorite positions in less than one minute:

    2400 Flags Included

    Each website has his own specific needs and style, for this reason this plugin provides you 241 different flags, each flag is available in five different formats (16×16, 24×24, 32×32, 48×48, 64×64) and in two different flavors, “Shiny” and “Flat”. In terms of graphic assets a total of 2400 high-quality png images are included.

    Multisite Ready

    This plugin can be used on a WordPress Network, and supports both a Network Activation (the plugin will be activated on all the sites of your WordPress Network in a single step) and a Single Site Activation (your plugin will be manually activated on single sites of the network).

    Multilanguage Ready

    Hreflang Flags comes by default in English and Italian, if you want to translate the plugin in another language simply create a translation file or manually translate it with a multilanguage plugin.

    High Quality Support

    Support for this plugin is provided in English and Italian directly via email by the plugin developer. If you experience any problems or if you need detailed technical info about specific plugin parts you are in good hands.


    This product makes use of the following resources:

    Implement now the hreflang attribute

    Increase the search visibility, the indexation rate, the number of impressions and avoid duplicate content by implementing hreflang with the Hreflang Manager plugin.

    Hreflang Manager plugin for WordPress

  • Mastermind Multisite RSS Feed Put up Generator Plugin for WordPress (Miscellaneous)

    Mastermind Multisite RSS Feed Put up Generator Plugin for WordPress (Miscellaneous)

    You will Love this item!

    Mastermind Multisite RSS Feed Post Generator

    What Can You Do With This Plugin?

    Mastermind Multisite RSS Feed Post Generator Plugin for WordPress is a breaking edge (made in 2017) RSS feed based post generator autoblogging plugin that uses the SimplePie API to turn an unlimited number of connected WordPress websites, into a autoblogging or even a money making machine!
    The only requriement is that these ‘slave blogs’ have the WordPress’s REST API functionality enabled (it is enabled by default in WordPress 4.7+, on older versions, you need to install this plugin for it to work).
    You can automatically generate posts based on a set of predefined rules. These rules can generate posts from:

    • Any blog that has a public RSS Feed available. All RSS feed versions are supported, from 0.9 to 2.0.

    Also, you can automatically generate unlimited number of custom RSS feeds, which generate content to an unlimited number of connected blogs. These rules can generate RSS feeds from:

    • Your latest posts published on your blog.

    So, the plugin’s main feature is:

    • RSS Feed -> Blog Posts on remote WordPress blogs with REST API support

    Other plugin features:

    • Google Translate support – select the language in which you want to post your articles
    • Text Spinner support – automatically modify generated text, changing words with their synonyms – great SEO value!
    • customizable generated post status (published, draft, pending, private, trash)
    • automatically generate post categories or tags from marketplace items
    • manually add post categories or tags to items
    • generate post or page
    • define publishing constrains: do not publish posts that do not have images, posts with short/long title/content
    • automatically generate a featured image for the post
    • enable/disable comments, pingbacks or trackbacks for the generated post
    • customize post title and content (with the included wide variety of relevant post shortcodes)
    • ‘Keyword Replacer Tool’ – It’s purpose is to define keywords that are substituted automatically with your affiliate links, anywhere they appear in the content of your site. For example, you can define a keyword ‘codecanyon’ and have it substituted by a link to http://www.codecanyon.net/?ref=user_name anywhere it appears in your site’s content.
    • ‘Random Sentence Generator Tool’ (relevant sentences – as you define them)
    • option to automatically delete generated posts after a period of time
    • detailed plugin activity logging
    • scheduled rule runs
    • option to copy or not images locally
    • Maximum/minimum title length post limitation
    • Maximum/minimum content length post limitation
    • Add post only if predefined required keywords found in title/content
    • Add post only if predefined banned keywords are not found in the title/content
    • Save and restore RSS rule list from file

    Try it out now

    Testing this plugin

    • You can test the plugin’s functionality using the ‘Test Site Generator’. Here you can try the plugin’s full functionality. Note that the generated testing blog will be deleted automatically after 24 hours.

    Plugin Requirements

    • WordPress REST API on taget blogs (WordPress 4.7+ has this enabled by default. On older versions, you need to install this plugin)
    • PHP DOM -> how to install it (if you don’t have it, but probably you already have it): http://php.net/manual/en/dom.setup.php
    • On target blogs, you will need to install this free plugin (also included in the plugin’s package) – this will generate the password that must be included in the plugin (you do not have to include your user password in the plugin – you must generate a secure ‘Application Password’ using this linked plugin

    Learn more about this plugin

    Need support?

    New video on how to get full article content using this plugin: video.
    Just email me at kisded@yahoo.com and I will respond as soon as I can.



    Version 1.0 Release Date 2017-06-28

    First version released!

    Are you already a customer?

    If you already bought this and you have tried it out, please contact me in the item’s comment section and give me feedback, so I can make it a better WordPress plugin!

    WordPress 4.8 Tested!

    Purchase this item now!

    Like this? Give it a 5 star rating!

    Through this plugin you are able to grab content from various websites that does not necessary belong to you or which are not under your control. If you grab copyrighted material without the author’s permission, the plugin’s developer does not assume any responsibility for your actions. Also, the plugin’s developer has no control over the nature, content and availability of those sites.

    Do you like our work and want more of it?
    Check out this MEGA plugin bundle.

  • Past Multisite – Utilities for WordPress Community Admins (Utilities)

    Past Multisite – Utilities for WordPress Community Admins (Utilities)

    Beyond Multisite Features

    Short Description

    Beyond Multisite helps WordPress network administrators to better control, protect, and clean their network.


    Plugin Control Module (full description)
    • Network disable plugins to hide them from site administrators
    • Site enable plugins to allow access to only some sites
    • Bulk activate/deactivate plugins on all or some sites in the network
    Cleanup Module (full description)
    • Bulk delete comments across the network by chosen criteria (status, links, age, comment count)
    • Bulk delete revisions across the network by age (option to leave recent revisions)
    • Bulk delete empty or old sites
    • Schedule site deletions and allow site administrators to cancel the deletion in 7 days if they want
    Activated in Module (full description)
    • See a list of sites where a plugin or a theme is activated in
    Pending Users Module (full description)
    • Manage signups that are not yet activated (activate, resend email, or delete)
    Ban Users Module (full description)
    • Ban users and their IP address (denies login, signup, and commenting)
    Insert HTML Module (full description)
    • Insert global HTML code in the head (before </head>) or in the footer (before </body>)
    • Show the HTML code on all or on some sites only
    Captcha Module (full description)
    • Protect your WordPress forms from spam bots with a customizable captcha (easy to read by humans, hard to read by bots)
    • Choose which forms to protect (blog signup, login, lost password, comments, etc.)
    Improvements Module (full description)
    • Add an ID column in the network users table and in the network sites table
    • And other small changes that save you some time or improve some things


    Beyond Multisite is fully translatable. Read instructions.


    • WordPress 4.6 or higher
    • WordPress multisite enabled


    Online documentation can be found here.

    Icon License

    The circular flat icons used in some images on this page and in the video preview are licensed under GPL. The source is Elegant Themes.

    Any questions?

    Feel free to ask any questions in the comments or via email: nikolay@nikolaydev.com


    Beyond Multisite 1.0.0
    • Initial release
  • WordPress Ultimo – Simply Create a Top rate Community of Websites (Membership)

    WordPress Ultimo – Simply Create a Top rate Community of Websites (Membership)

    WP Ultimo

    WP Ultimo is the ultimate tool to create a premium network of websites – like WordPress.com – on your WordPress Multisite install. You can create unlimited plans, coupons codes and easily manage your network subscriptions.


    • Unlimited Plans: You can easily create unlimited plans with different limitations, such as post limits per post types, disk space, and even themes and plugins available.
    • 5 minutes Install: WP Ultimo ships with an amazing 5 minutes wizard to help you set up your network!
    • Stripe and PayPal Gateways: WP Ultimo comes with Stripe and PayPal support out-of-the-box. More gateways will come as add-ons in the future.
    • Easily manage Subscriptions: Manage subscriptions in a beautiful and concise control panel.
    • Refunds: You can easily issue refunds directly from the admin panel;
    • Coupon Codes: You can create unlimited coupon codes.
    • Site Templates: You can let your potential costumer select site templates during the sign-up flow, or select a specific template per plan.
    • Beautiful Sign-up Flow: WP Ultimo features one of the most beautiful sign-up flows available on the market (check our demo and screenshots).

    Let us know in the comments section if you have any questions at all.

  • wordpress Multiste Posts & Taxonomies Sync (Utilities)

    wordpress Multiste Posts & Taxonomies Sync (Utilities)

    An easy way to synchronise WordPress Posts, Pages & Categories on a WordPress Multisite Network.

    Helps user synchronizing posts, pages, categories and post tags to other site on same network.

    Custom registered post types and taxonomies can also be synced. Bulk sync option for posts and taxonomies.

    No manual work needed, new/old posts/categories are automatically created/updated on other network site.

    No manual work needed, new/old posts/categories are automatically created/updated on other network site.

    Plugin Demo : http://plugins.techmarbles.com/wp-multisite/wp-admin
      Username : demouser, Password : Ai2wGAWNXw$zhc)8tjKgsJkl


    Features :

    • Sync posts and categories across multisite
    • Support custom post types and custom taxonomies
    • Taxonomy hierarchy is maintained
    • Tested with default post types : post and page
    • Tested with default taxonomies : categories & tags
    • Maintain post comment sync
    • Option for auto sync when a post/category is created/updated
    • Sync post media, featured image, tags, categories , all custom fields
    • Bulk sync for categories and other custom taxonomies
    • Multiple post sync option

    How to Configure?

    Plugin only works on a WordPress Multisite Network. Once plugin is uploaded.Plugin can be network activated or can be activted on specific Network site. This entirely depends on how you wish to sync data. Once plugin is activated, plugin settings can be found under site admin dashboard’s “WMPTS” menu. This is the link for configuration page. Plugin configuration page appears like this

    MultiSite Posts Taxonomies Sync ‹ WP Multisite — WordPress

    1) Enable Post Sync : This is for enabling posts/pages sync. This will lists following options for synchronisation:-

    • Sync From: Its always the source site from where admin is accessing the plugin.This is the source site from where data will be synced to other websites.
    • Sync To: This will list all other sites on same network. Admin can select the sites to which data needs to synced
    • Sync these post types: Only selected post types will be eligible for sync.
    • Enable Auto Sync: If enabled, new/old posts/pages will auto sync to destination sites when created/updated.

    2) Enable Taxonomy Sync : This is for enabling taxonomy sync. Configuration options are almost same as of post sync.

    • Sync From: Its always the source site from where admin is accessing the plugin.This is the source site from where data will be synced to other websites.
    • Sync To: This will list all other sites on same network. Admin can select the sites to which data needs to synced.
    • Sync these post types: Only selected taxonomy types will be eligible for sync.category is default taxonomy type for post categories.
    • Enable Auto Sync: If enabled, new/old categories will auto sync to destination sites when created/updated.


    Q.1) Can this plugin sync data bidirectional?


    A) Yes, according to admin selected settings plugin can sync data between various sites. Admin cans select how data flows across the sites. So for example you need to sync posts from site1 to site2 & site3, but pages needs to be synced from site3 to site2. This can be handled by the plugin. Same applies for taxonomies.


    Q.2) Will this work for terms with custom registered taxonomies?


    A) Yes, this plugin can sync all terms under any custom taxonomies.Only term data and term meta are synced to other site. Custom taxonomy must be registered on other network site,


    Q.3) If auto sync is enabled, can admin disable some of the posts/terms for not syncing?


    A) Yes admin can disable/enable sync for specific posts/terms.This needs to be done by editing the post and manually disabling sync for that post.

  • WordPress Multisite Shared Media (Utilities)

    WordPress Multisite Shared Media (Utilities)

    Do you need to use the same images on different network sites? If yes, then this is the plugin you need.

    WordPress Multisite Shared Media does just what it says: makes the uploaded media available across network. It suits perfectly for multi-language setups, and yes, it supports Woocommerce. :)

    Main features

    • Enable / disable media sharing between network sites
    • Enable / disable media deletion across network sites
    • Replicate all existing media from main site across network
    • Technical stuff: Translation ready
    • Technical stuff: Only references to the media files are replicated, files are hosted centrally, resulting in savings in disk space -> hosting costs.


    • Possibility for admin to define which sites are synchronized with each other

    Quick start guide

    1. Install the plugin following the steps f. ex. here
    2. On dashboard, go to My Sites > Network Admin > Settings > Multisite Shared Media
    3. Choose the desired settings:
      • Share media across network – when you upload a media file, it will be available on all other network sites too
      • Remove media from all sites upon media removal – when you remove a media file from any of the sites, it will disappear from all other sites too
      • After you enable sharing, an additional button will appear: Replicate all existing media from main site. – This tool will make all existing media on the main site available to all other sites too. The process may take some time if there are hundreds or thousands of images, but you can break/pause the process, or even just close the browser if you need to, the tool will continue its operation from where it left off.
    4. After you have the setup you need, hit Save Settings, and you are ready to go.

    PS. There is a Demo Video which guides you through all these steps except plugin installation, see in the header section.

  • wordpress Usa Selector (Miscellaneous)

    wordpress Usa Selector (Miscellaneous)

    The Ultimate WordPress Country Picker

    Guide your users to your Country Specific Website translated in their language. Let us take this example: A User from Netherland visits your French site (e.g. www.site.fr) / shop. That should be no problem but you already have a Dutch translated Website (e.g. www.site.nl)! So why not show him? With this plugin a simple Country Selector Popup will show the user that there is a Dutch Website he can visit.

    Not a friend of a popup? Just show the user a simple “Choose your Country”-Widget in the Footer oder Header. This will bring the user to an Overview page with all your country specific websites. With flags, maps, continents! The best: The content will be shown in the Users Language!

    WP Country Selector Features

    Wordpress Country Selector

    • More than 5 possible layouts
    • Show Default Country:
      Show a Default Country URL if none of Users languages are covered.
      Otherwise the user will not get a Popup.
    • Default Country URL: This site will be used if the users locale is not covered!
    • Force Redirect: Automatically Redirect the User.
    • Configure the seconds when the Redirect should happen
    • Show a Country Selector Page
    • Country Selector URL Set your Country Selector URL.
      Remember to add the shortcode: [wordpress_country_selector]
    • Show Continents as Filter
    • 2 Page Styles
    • Show a Country Flags
    • 2 Flag Style (simple and circle)
    • Show a Country Map
    • Show the Country Popup Notice
    • 2 Popup Style (Modal, Header)
    • Edit Popup Text Color
    • Edit Popup Background Color
    • Modal size
    • Show Header
    • Custom Header Text
    • Show Body
    • Show Footer
    • Custom CSS: Add some stylesheet if you want.
    • Well Documentented


    • Tested with WordPress 3.8+


    • WordPress 3.8.1+
    • PHP 5.2+
    • Multilingual Support


    - Inital release

    country, selector, picker, popup, country selector, country popup, country picker, choose country, country select, wordpress