Tag: multiple layouts

  • WaveX – One Web page Parallax WordPress Theme (Ingenious)

    WaveX – One Web page Parallax WordPress Theme (Ingenious)

    WaveX is a Modern and Elegant One-Page WordPress Theme, perfect for creative people, suitable for any type of creative business, agency, built for any purpose. Every single detail is carefully designed and crafted, in order to create a seamless and wonderful user experience.

    With multiple Dark and Light layouts also included in this theme with lots of CSS and JQuery animations, a perfect theme for web studio and creative agencies. The unlimited color style sheets will help anyone to customize according to their branding colors. This theme with very detailed about documentation and video series for help everyone can use it without knowledge about code.

    WaveX Responsive One Page WordPress Theme - Demos

    WaveX Responsive One Page WordPress Theme - One Click Install

    WaveX Responsive One Page WordPress Theme - Boxed Wide layout

    WaveX Responsive One Page WordPress Theme - Responsive

    WaveX Responsive One Page WordPress Theme - Drag and Drop layout

    WaveX Responsive One Page WordPress Theme - Slider Revolution

    WaveX Responsive One Page WordPress Theme - Friendly Theme Options

    WaveX Responsive One Page WordPress Theme - Extended Options

    WaveX Responsive One Page WordPress Theme - RTL layout

    WaveX Responsive One Page WordPress Theme - Multi-language

    WaveX Responsive One Page WordPress Theme - Video Tutorial Ready

    WaveX Responsive One Page WordPress Theme - Free Support

    Theme Features:

    Supper 100% Responsive – WaveX is built on newest Bootstrap 3 responsive framework which transforms the layout of your website and makes it look great starting with small screen devices, to the impressive full-screen monitors, by changing its shape from 240px to 1120px.

    Friendly Theme Options—We make a Theme Options panel allowing users can quickly and easily for configuration theme like what you want, from select Boxed or Wide layout, change color for theme, change fonts, select header…. everything is intuitive and friendly as much as it can.

    One Click Install Theme—WaveX support great tools to help you install theme in minutes save a lot of time for you.

    Visual Composer —Amazing Drag and Drop Page Builder Plugin trusted buy more than 100.000+ users. You can very easy to create a page in minute and can editing in Back-End and Front-End.

    Boxed & Wide —Easily choose Boxed & Wide in Theme Options

    12 Home Page—WaveX provided up to 12 versions: Animated Version, Slider Vesion, Parallax Version, Lighter Version, Darker Version, Video Version you can choose one for your work now and future.

    Parallax Background Effects – Beautify your website and make it look more appealing by using fullwidth backgrounds with parallax-like effects for any content section. They`re easily managed directly on the page, via the page builder. Start creating a long-lasting impression for your prospects.

    Portfolio Management – We provided Portfolio Management for you can very easy post many of type for portfolio like Image, Gallery, Video….

    Extended Options for Pages – Each page can be extended with a set of options. Set a custom layout: sidebar on left, sidebar on right, fullwidth page. Set the sidebar. Choose a header style and customize it for your needs. Define a background, being it image or color.

    Slider Revolution—WaveX includes a license of amazing Slider Revolution Plugin development by ThemePunch author. This plugin provided very friendly layout for setup effect of slider and all Responsive on all devices.

    Contact Form 7—WaveX includes a Build-In contact form 7 plugin, one of the popular contact form plugin in the world. That help everyone easily for get in tough with you.

    Retina Ready, Ultra-High Resolution Graphics —WaveX integrated with Retina display caused that your site display high quality on all device support retina.

    Search Engine Optimized – WaveX is built with best SEO practices in mind, so you can maximize the value of your content in front of search engines. It is also compatible and works perfectly with the most popular SEO Plugins ( SEO by Yoast, All in One SEO Pack, etc.)

    Custom Styles—If you need custom more layout you can make it very easy in our admin panel without editing core theme files, when you update theme it will never lost.

    Translation Ready – The theme is ready for translation into other languages. Packed with the theme are the .po files, which will help you localize the theme for another language. Patti is also compatible with WPML/qTranslate, so you can easily transform your website into a multilingual site.

    RTL Layout —Of course theme support for RTL layout caused that you can use our theme for Arabic language.

    Child Theme Included – Yes with in mind help you safest way possible our theme included Child Theme in the package then you can edit theme files by your way.

    Video Tutorials Ready – We build the theme for people newbies with WordPress caused that we make a series Video Tutorials to help install our theme step by step and use our product easiest. You can learn how to make a page layout, build in sections, pages and menu … save you so much of time.

    Free Support & Updates – 100% Free Support and Quickly response to clients is the number one in our Support Policy. We always try our best to answer and response to client as soon as we can because we understand when resolved problem for clients we will get their smile.