Tag: moustache

  • Decal Picture App with Picture Filters iOS (Full Functions)

    This is a funny way to add different types of mustaches on face photos, instantly on your device. Choose a picture or take a new one, put a mustache on it, and share your ridiculously handsome creation with the world. Once you’re finished, you can save your manly makeovers to your camera roll, email them, or share them with your friends on Facebook or Twitter.

    This is a 2-in-one source code, which means that you will get one project and you will be able to build 2 version of the app Lite & Pro without need to have 2 projects. You will save a lot of time by updating both versions once. To switch between Lite & Pro version you need only to change some configuration parameters from Config.h file.

    DOWNLOAD from App Store

    – Easy to re-skin
    – Scale, move, rotate, add and delete stickers
    – Auto face detection
    – 22 beautiful photo filters that are already included
    – Universal bundle for Pro & Lite version
    – Integrated in-app purchase mechanism
    – Integrated RevMob Ads SDK
    – Import photos from camera roll
    – Take photo with camera
    – Export image to camera roll
    – Share edited photo on Facebook, Twitter, Email
    – Copy image to clipboard
    – Share app Facebook, Twitter feature
    – Email app to friends and SMS
    – Follow on Facebook
    – Contact support

    Requires iOS 8.0 or later
    The code is compatible with latest Xcode version
    Universal application
    All UI Artwork must be changed.