Tag: messaging

  • ChopItUp Reside Chat with Firebase (Widgets)

    ChopItUp Reside Chat with Firebase (Widgets)

    Demo Screenshot

    ChopItUp Live Chat with Firebase

    is a premium widget that enables fast,
    stable and intuitive live chat for WordPress posts using the powerful Firebase

    Live chat can be installed VERY EASILY on your site via any new or old
    Firebase backend. It serves as a way to enable open-ended and free
    flowing communication in order to create communities around a post,
    a site or blog. Not only is it easy to setup and easy to use, it taps
    into the way people already use real-time communication as a way of
    creating online communities around ideas and interests. We guarantee great
    support to help with installation or operational issues.

    Simply install the plugin and drag the widget to your desired position;
    then viola! – you now have live chat.


    ChopItUp Live Chat with Firebase only works for
    WordPress 4.1 and later versions.

    Demo Screenshot


    • Very intuitive, fast and stable chat built on modern mainstream technology
    • Desktop and mobile enabled
    • Live-chat for posts – tabs for users and chats are used to navigate a very easy to use widget
    • Public and private chat features
    • Typing indicator available
    • The widget can be positioned on the sidebar or at the bottom (footer) like a traditional chat box
    • User search available
    • Can work fine with a free Firebase account
    • Automatic anonymity unless user signs in on site
    • Online/Offline indicator for users
    • User search available
    • Compatible with WordPress 4.1 and later
    • Very clean and well documented code


    Although the plugin works well on both positions (in the sidebar and at
    the bottom of a page as a traditional chat box), there have been
    situations where:
    a) A theme’s sidebar is thin and the widget is not very aesthetically pleasing.
    b) When positioned at the bottom, the chat box’s colors may be off.
    This situation, where one positioning option is better than another, is
    a rarity – generally, the plugin works well in both positions.

    How it works

    This plugin links your Firebase application to your WordPress backend.
    Once the linking has been done (installation, positioning and inserting
    configuration data), the widget will appear in posts. Chat (public and
    private) messages are linked to the current post’s ID – and the
    conversations can then center around that post and it’s ideas.

    Intuitive installation and functionality

    Installation of the plugin is a straightforward affair:
    activate the “ChopItUp Live Chat with Firebase” plugin and
    then go to “ChopItUp Live Chat Settings”. Enter your Firebase
    application’s settings. That is it, you are done with
    installation and you and your users/visitors can
    starting on posts.

    What tech do we use?

    The plugin itself is very light because the heavy lifting is done by
    the Firebase backend. The plugin uses a combination of jQuery and
    traditional javascript to navigate through the tabs – tabs that enable
    private and public chat. Javascript-enabled input is sanitized to
    avoid cross-site attacks and malicious injections. A free Firebase
    account comes with a maximum of 100 concurrent connections – to get
    more capacity, one would have to go premium. This plugin uses Firebase,
    DOMPurify and the WordPress API in conjunction with our custom PHP
    and Javascript. This plugin is VERY light.

    The thinking behind ChopItUp Live Chat with Firebase

    Chat has been a staple of web-based communication since the rise of
    usage of the internet by the general public in the early 1990s –
    earlier implementations were naturally a lot cruder, most centering
    around applets or getting the browser to recognize a new mime type
    in order to support an external implementation of chat. Browsers nowadays
    come with incredible capabilities and support out the box and as
    such, some of the most advanced, light and stable implementations
    of chat can be done fairly quickly and easily.

    The rise of cloud services has also lightened the load so that
    developers can work on creative aspects of products and leave the
    basic functionality to cloud services. The fact that heavy duty logic
    happens on the the cloud means that small sites don’t have to deal
    with the heavy duty stuff dedicated to the cloud.

    Javascript has become a mature language that is capable of doing
    things that had long been ascribed to other compiled programming
    languages – this maturity has given leeway to create better products.

    WordPress is now running on 30% of all websites – in a way, it has
    become a kind of web operating system. This means that it has become
    unavoidable and thinking about creating new products and dedicated
    implementations of existing products for WordPress is imperative.

    The combination of better browsers, cloud, mature Javascript and a
    web dominated by a very powerful WordPress was fertile soil to create
    ChopItUp Live Chat with Firebase – a product that we believe is
    not only extremely utilitarian but timely as well.


    This plugin is designed to work with Firebase –
    without it, it cannot function.

  • UserPro Addons Bundle (Add-ons)

    UserPro Addons Bundle (Add-ons)

    UserPro presents you the all new addon bundle. Now you can integrate private messaging, bookmarks, dashboard and more with UserPro enabled sites.

    Addon bundle is the one man army that you need to succeed.

    Note: This plugin requires UserPro plugin to be installed and activated

  • Personal Messaging add-on for carrier finder theme (Add-ons)

    Personal Messaging add-on for carrier finder theme (Add-ons)

    This add-on allows customers and service providers to initiate messages and interact with each other.Private messaging addon includes features like emoticons, new message ajax notifications, easy converations and quick reply. It is fully responsive and looks great across all devices and screen sizes.

    • Allow Users to Send and Receive Private Messages.
    • Sends notifications to users when they receive a message.
    • Users can block/unblock other users from messaging.

    For demo please click here: Demo

    Provider Login Details:

    Username: dustly
    Password: 123456

    Customer Login Details:

    Username: john_odriscoll
    Password: 123456

  • SimplyChat for BuddyPress (Social Networking)

    SimplyChat for BuddyPress (Social Networking)


    SimplyChat is an instant messaging plugin that you can create groups and send personal messages for BuddyPress. Accounts, Groups, Friends and Profile Photos are automatically synchronized with BuddyPress so that, when you create a group on BuddyPress, you can start messaging with the members of the group. Also you will be able to chat with your BuddyPress friends and create public or private group chats. The plugin is written in PHP, JQuery, Javascript, Socket.IO and designed with CSS. This script uses a WebSocket Connection, which provides the instant messaging, between the client and the server.



    Example Users (Username / Password):

    test / test

    test2 / test

    test3 / test

    test4 / test

    test5 / test


    • Instant Messaging
    • BuddyPress Compatible
    • Friends, Groups and Accounts are synchronized with BuddyPress
    • Word Filter
    • Ban Users from SimplyChat
    • Notifications with Sound & Desktop Notifications
    • Group Conversations & Personal Messages
    • Public & Private Groups
    • Live Theme Preview
    • Backup & Restore System
    • Online / Offline Status
    • File Sharing System (Photo, Video, File, Audio, Location)
    • Emoticons
    • Translation Ready
    • Responsive Design
    • Mobile Support
    • Easy Configuration with Settings Page

    Admin Panel Features

    • Dashboard
    • Edit Users / Groups
    • Ban Users from SimplyChat
    • Word Filter
    • Theme Editor with Live Preview
    • Settings


    • PHP 5.4+
    • MySQL 5.x
    • NodeJS
    • NPM
    • WordPress 3.5.0+
    • BuddyPress Plugin (Friends must be enabled on BuddyPress)
    • A Server with SSH Access
    • If you use NGINX and want to use SimplyChat with SSL, first of all, please check the documentation.


    * Version 1.0
    - Initial release

  • Fb Messenger WordPress Plugin (Widgets)

    Fb Messenger WordPress Plugin (Widgets)

    Ease the communication between you and your customers and never miss potential leads anymore. Facebook Messenger plugin for WordPress displays a widget of your Facebook fan page which can be used by your customers as an instant messaging right there on your site.

    Install the plugin on your WordPress site and you’ll get all the following features:

    • Easy setup
      With its default configuration, the plugin works out of the box once it’s installed. You just have to give it your Facebook fan page URL and the widget will be there on your site.
    • Editable colors
      Customize your widget to match your site’s theme. Make it personal and let your customers understand that the widget is actually an integral part of your site.
    • Easy configuration
      If the default configuration doesn’t satisfy you, the plugin also allows for some custom ones:
      • Show events tab
      • Show timelines tab
      • Show profile photos of those who liked your page
      • Use a small or slightly larger header
      • Whether or not to show your cover header
      • Show the custom call-to-action button
    • Auto-display based on time delay, inactivity, or scroll length
      If your customers use wide screens, a tiny round toggle sitting at the corner of your page will have a hard time getting itself noticed. Draw your users’ attentions onto the widget by setting an auto-display for it to tease them. Auto-display can be set based on time-delay, inactivity, or scroll-length.
    • Unobtrusive design
      Auto display can be disabled on devices with small screen. In fact, you can hide the toggle entirely or only when the page is being scrolled down. We don’t want to ruin your customer’s browsing experience now do we?
    • Page Targeting
      Do you want to show the widget on the whole site or only on your product pages? This plugin will list all the custom post types installed on your site and all you have to do is checking the ones where you want to show the widget.
    • WooCommerce Facebook button
      You can put a Facebook Messenger button on your product pages right before or after the “Add to cart button”.

    Using Facebook Messenger as a support channel is effective and affordable. Get one for yourself!

    09 August 2017 v1.0
    -    Initial realease

  • Alba – Fb Push Notification (Social Networking)

    Alba – Fb Push Notification (Social Networking)

    Reach Your Customers via Facebook Notification Tray

    According to the early tests, Facebook claims online business have seen up to 180% higher retention when users opt into receiving the push notifications.

    Send personalized pushes – Make more revenue

    Push Notifications are clickable.

    So you can send people directly to any URL on your website (or outside your domain) based on their interests or actions on your website.


    Facebook Push Notification Pro becomes so handy in 3 simple steps

    Leverage the data by sending out notifications within Facebook

    With all the information you have collected about your Facebook audience and website visitors, you will then be able to create dynamic segments and customize your push campaigns.

    Count you in if you want to

    – GET Higher Opt-in Rates
    – EXPAND Your Marketing List
    – RE-ENGAGE Your Subscribers
    – WIN BACK Old Customers

    Why Alba?

    With Facebook Push Notifications, you don’t have to wait for your users to open their inbox to read a message.
    It will be displayed right on their browser.



    NinjaTeam Support Center

  • Alba – Fb Push Notification (Social Networking)

    Alba – Fb Push Notification (Social Networking)

    Reach Your Customers via Facebook Notification Tray

    According to the early tests, Facebook claims online business have seen up to 180% higher retention when users opt into receiving the push notifications.

    Send personalized pushes – Make more revenue

    Push Notifications are clickable.

    So you can send people directly to any URL on your website (or outside your domain) based on their interests or actions on your website.


    Facebook Push Notification Pro becomes so handy in 3 simple steps

    Leverage the data by sending out notifications within Facebook

    With all the information you have collected about your Facebook audience and website visitors, you will then be able to create dynamic segments and customize your push campaigns.

    Count you in if you want to

    – GET Higher Opt-in Rates
    – EXPAND Your Marketing List
    – RE-ENGAGE Your Subscribers
    – WIN BACK Old Customers

    Why Alba?

    With Facebook Push Notifications, you don’t have to wait for your users to open their inbox to read a message.
    It will be displayed right on their browser.



    NinjaTeam Support Center

  • Fb Messenger Auto-Reply (Social Networking)

    Fb Messenger Auto-Reply (Social Networking)

    Reply to Facebook Comments with Private Messages
    Set up automatic responses to anyone who comments on posts or page.


    who want maximum engagements

    looking to boost sales

    trying to build recognition

    trying to provide better support

    seeking to grow your page

    who want to build the audience base

    Auto-Reply Messenger gives you the power to

    Start living with richer conversions by making customers know you and trust you.

    Create posts to drive Facebook users to get involved and boost engagements.

    Reach your customers frequently WITHOUT monthly fee!

    The message you send will be delivered to visitor’s Facebook inbox, and a message box will pop up on the screen. You get 100% inboxing rate!

    Be the first to strike up conversations & directly give more information to your leads to get more sales.

    It’s very easy to set up and tailor your messages.

    No more waiting for visitors to leave messages, now you actively say hello to them.

    You can use this plugin in combination with Facebook Messenger for WordPress or Bulksender to expand your customer base.


    Get Rid of Your Unproductive Work Habits Once and For All
    Here’s How Auto-Reply Messenger Expand Your Possibilities

    • Improves customer trust by creating a personal touch
    • Increase Facebook page response rate
    • Boost conversions by enabling customer interaction
    • Motivate your customers to ask questions and get the answers
    • Get instant feedback from your leads
    • Share custom offers, coupons and promotions in conversations


    You’re spending a lot of money and time creating fresh content for organic growth.

    You’re carefully laser-targeting people through Facebook advertisements.

    You wish you can turn more of your audience into profitable clients.

    Now you can achieve it, yet completely at ease!

    FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: How does this inbox 100% of the time?
    A: This is a Facebook feature. They now allow you to send a personal message to your audience that leaves a comment on your fan page post. It works because that’s the way Facebook wants it to work.

    Q: Can I send another message after the first one?
    A: Yes, you can carry on a conversation with the prospect through the messaging interface of your page and reply to any question or comment that the customer might have.

    Q: Do I need to know programming to use this?
    A: Using this app is very intuitive. If you can manage your fan pages, you can easily use this plugin to set messages for your fans.

    Q: What is the difference between Messenger Bulksender and Auto-Reply Messenger?
    A: When someone messages your page, Messenger Bulksender keeps their contacts in your database and lets you send tailored messages to all or part of them.

    When someone comments on your page/posts, Auto-Reply Messenger automatically sends private messages to them, intrigues them to reply and engage.

    Q: Can Auto-Reply Messenger save user contacts such as emails?
    A: No. However, you have their Facebook contacts in WordPress backend, and get in touch with them via Facebook Messenger whenever you want.

    NinjaTeam Support Center

  • Fb Messenger Auto-Reply (Social Networking)

    Fb Messenger Auto-Reply (Social Networking)

    Reply to Facebook Comments with Private Messages
    Set up automatic responses to anyone who comments on posts or page.


    who want maximum engagements

    looking to boost sales

    trying to build recognition

    trying to provide better support

    seeking to grow your page

    who want to build the audience base

    Auto-Reply Messenger gives you the power to

    Start living with richer conversions by making customers know you and trust you.

    Create posts to drive Facebook users to get involved and boost engagements.

    Reach your customers frequently WITHOUT monthly fee!

    The message you send will be delivered to visitor’s Facebook inbox, and a message box will pop up on the screen. You get 100% inboxing rate!

    Be the first to strike up conversations & directly give more information to your leads to get more sales.

    It’s very easy to set up and tailor your messages.

    No more waiting for visitors to leave messages, now you actively say hello to them.

    You can use this plugin in combination with Facebook Messenger for WordPress or Bulksender to expand your customer base.


    Get Rid of Your Unproductive Work Habits Once and For All
    Here’s How Auto-Reply Messenger Expand Your Possibilities

    • Improves customer trust by creating a personal touch
    • Increase Facebook page response rate
    • Boost conversions by enabling customer interaction
    • Motivate your customers to ask questions and get the answers
    • Get instant feedback from your leads
    • Share custom offers, coupons and promotions in conversations


    You’re spending a lot of money and time creating fresh content for organic growth.

    You’re carefully laser-targeting people through Facebook advertisements.

    You wish you can turn more of your audience into profitable clients.

    Now you can achieve it, yet completely at ease!

    FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: How does this inbox 100% of the time?
    A: This is a Facebook feature. They now allow you to send a personal message to your audience that leaves a comment on your fan page post. It works because that’s the way Facebook wants it to work.

    Q: Can I send another message after the first one?
    A: Yes, you can carry on a conversation with the prospect through the messaging interface of your page and reply to any question or comment that the customer might have.

    Q: Do I need to know programming to use this?
    A: Using this app is very intuitive. If you can manage your fan pages, you can easily use this plugin to set messages for your fans.

    Q: What is the difference between Messenger Bulksender and Auto-Reply Messenger?
    A: When someone messages your page, Messenger Bulksender keeps their contacts in your database and lets you send tailored messages to all or part of them.

    When someone comments on your page/posts, Auto-Reply Messenger automatically sends private messages to them, intrigues them to reply and engage.

    Q: Can Auto-Reply Messenger save user contacts such as emails?
    A: No. However, you have their Facebook contacts in WordPress backend, and get in touch with them via Facebook Messenger whenever you want.

    NinjaTeam Support Center