Tag: media

  • bbPress Messages PRO (Add-ons)

    bbPress Messages PRO (Add-ons)

    Important: requires bbPress 2.5.X. More info.

    bbPress Messages is a light and elegant plugin that brings private messages feature to your WordPress forums with bbPress plugin.

    See it in action (DEMO)
    More information

    bbPress Messages Features:

    Here are some of the features powered by bbPress Messages plugin which we can cover for the meantime:

    Message media:

    You can insert links, images and video links in the message typing area and they will be automatically converted and parsed into media. To embed a YouTube video into a message, all you need to do is to paste its link. Links are automatically embedded, for instance inserting http://google.com will produce a link to the Google homepage..

    For images, you will have to wrap the image source URL in the BBcode tags img.

    Videos are recognized from YouTube, Vimeo and DailyMotion for the meantime.

    Message status:

    Once you send a message, the user will be notified via email to read the message online. Once the message is read, it will show you once when the message was seen by our recipient.

    Users can mark messages unread, this must be a handy feature for certain reasons..

    Conversation archives:

    You can easily archive or un-archive a conversation, and find your archives in the archived messages section.

    Email notifications:

    When you send out a message, the recipient will then get notified by email as long as their preferences allow.

    User blocking/unblocking:

    You can toggle on/off this feature through the settings panel. It is very useful for users to block messages from other users; when a user has blocked another, both of them will not be able to exchange messages and they will get a notice on top of the message typing area which is disabled in this case.

    User online status:

    This is an out-of-the-box built-in feature. Users online status is updated frequently when users are active on the site, and it is shown in the messaging area..

    How it is being updated: as we mentioned before, this is not an instant messaging plugin so it is getting updated every time a logged in users views some page on the site..


    there are few shortcodes that you can use to output dynamic content and user data and information.

    • [bbpm-unread-count user=”(user_id)”]: This shortcode outputs the number of unread messages a user has. This user can be specified in the user shortcode attribute.
    • [bbpm-archives-count user=”(user_id)”]: Displays a count of how many archived conversations a user has.
    • [bbpm-contact-link user=”(user_id)”]: Outputs the dynamic contact link for the target user. in other words, it can take you to where you can exchange messages with the user in the shortcode attribute.
    • [bbpm-messages-link user=”(user_id)”]: Displays the dynamic link to messages area.
    • [bbpm-messages-count user=”(user_id)”]: Counts the total messages the user has.
    • [bbpm-sent-messages-count user=”(user_id)”]: Displays a count of the total messages sent by the user specified.
    • [bbpm-received-messages-count user=”(user_id)”]: Displays the count of the total messages received by the targeted user.

    For many shortcodes, if you don’t specify a user ID in the user attribute, then the target user will be the current logged in user.


    Messages are being displayed in pages, you can set how many messages to show per single page, or how many conversations to show per page.

    The pagination uses clean slugs which are easy to remember and SEO friendly.

    Custom slugs:

    Through the admin panel, you can set the slugs for messages area and archives area.

    bbPress Messages uses clean slugs with custom rewrite rules which makes the URLs very easy to remember (UX), and SEO friendly..


    The PRO version of bbPress Messages comes with few widgets, fancy ones, which render dynamic information and user data.

    There are 4 widgets powered so far:

    • bbPM welcome: this light white widget with gray borders shows few useful links for current user with welcoming note. The list of links contains an avatar, link to messages, archives, profile edit for updating preferences and a log out link.
    • bbPM search form: outputs a search form allowing the current user to search and find their messages.
    • bbPM blocked users: displays a list of the current user’s blocked users if found, if not then a small custom note.
    • bbPM active users: shows a list of the recent active users, with their avatars, links and last seen record. You can specify the maximum users the show while adding the widget in the widgets dashboard.

    Most of these widgets will return nothing while the user is logged out, except the last one.

    Admin settings:

    Through the admin settings page, you can update various settings, the format of the help text and the notification email body, pagination settings, slugs..

    User preferences:

    Users can choose whether to be notified or not by email of new messages received.

    Users can also update a note of their own which shows before someone opts to send them a message for the first time.

    Email template:

    This template can be edited while you copy the plugin file to your child theme. The notification email is HTML content-type so you can design it the way you want..

    Child theme:

    To make your custom modifications, besides using the action and filter hooks we provided, you can copy the entire plugin file to your child theme, and there you can open the files to overwrite them.

    You can overwrite all the files found in assets/ and themes/ directories. Other than that, core files, any changes you make there are not being applied.

    If you are not certain about making your custom changes, please never hesitate to use our support forums.

    Clean design and more:

    This plugin is crafted with care, clean responsive design which respects child modifications.

    There are other handy features, you should be discovering them as you use this plugin in your forums :)


    To find support, please create yourself a free account in our support forums. Please do not send us messages here for support threads, instead open a support topic in the forums we linked to earlier.


    0.1 – initial release. March 14th, 2016

  • Meed – A Easy Media Wpblog (Wpblog / Journal)

    Meed – A Easy Media Wpblog (Wpblog / Journal)

    Some of the features

    • WordPress 4.4+ Ready.
    • 2 Homepage Layouts
    • Left Or Right Sidebar
    • Multimedia Posts.
    • Masonry Posts.
    • WordPress menu support.
    • Sticky menu ON/OFF switch.
    • Threaded Comments.
    • Responsive Layout.
    • Full width page template.
    • Blog page template.
    • Contact Form 7 Ready.
    • Color picker.
    • Custom CSS Box.
    • Video Widget (Vimeo, YouTube and many others supported)
    • Popular Posts Widget (With thumbnails)
    • Recent Posts Widget (With thumbnails)
    • Facebook Widget
    • Logo Uploader
    • Favicon Uploader
    • Demo XML File
    • Translation Ready (.po file included)
    • Options Panel (Powered by Options Framework)
    • This theme also includes many other features.

    This theme uses the following resources


    All queries will be responded to within 24 Hours.

  • Higher Pictures (Media)

    Higher Pictures (Media)

    You only get one chance to make a first impression, and so does your website! If you are using low-res images that either don’t take up all the space they should, they get scaled up and become blurry or they just have the same size when you click on them to enlarge than when you view them as a thumbnail, you are looking really bad to the eyes of a first time visitor who just got to your site.

    There are many reasons why your site might be using low-res images. Maybe you didn’t have a gallery option to enlarge your images before, but now you do, or maybe you just switched to a new theme that requires larger images. Or maybe you just uploaded those images 5 years ago, when a 400×300 pixels images was considered large. Whatever the reason, you want your images to look clean and sharp and you want them to still look great when a user enlarges it.

    That’s what the Better Images plugin was built for. Taking advantage of the reverse image search technology offered for free by Google, Bing and other companies, the plugin will look for higher resolution versions of the same images you already have and allow you to replace them with just a few clicks. No matter on how many posts and pages you were using that image, once you replace it with a high-resolution one it will change everywhere! It’s that simple!

  • Arfaly Gold – Add & Obtain without a limits (Media)

    Arfaly Gold – Add & Obtain without a limits (Media)

    Arfaly Gold is a professional WordPress plugin that adds unlimited responsive and cohesive upload and share capabilities to your website, with Arfaly Gold you can create and build beautiful forms and uploaders; and, also you can select, archive, export, and securely share files to the social media with advance protection options.

  • WavePlayer – a WordPress audio plugin (Media)

    WavePlayer – a WordPress audio plugin (Media)

    WavePlayer is a fully customizable, responsive HTML5 audio plugin for WordPress. Its interface is built around the waveform of the audio file that is playing back.


    • responsive interface, with a modern looking style
    • HTML5 support
    • four different sizes that automatically adapt to your page
    • full integration with the WordPress Media Manager
    • Visual Editor in WordPress Post Editor
    • archival of peak files for an instantaneous access to the waveforms
    • completely customizable color scheme for the waveform visualization
    • uses the audio file featured image as a thumbnail for the player
    • creates single track or playlist players with one simple shortcode
    • multiple players per page
    • each player can be configured independently from the others in the same website or even in the same page
    • overrides the default shortcode


    1. In WordPress Plugins section, click on the Add new button, right beside the Plugins page title.
    2. Click on the Upload Plugin button, right beside the Add Plugins page title.
    3. Click on the Choose file button and browse to the location where you downloaded the waveplayer.zip file. When you are done, press on the Install now button.
    4. Once WordPress has finished uploading the plugin files, click on the Activate Plugin link.
    5. The plugin is now active. You can click on the Settings link right below its name or go to Settings -> WavePlayer to configure its options.


    1. In order to create a new instance of WavePlayer, simply create or edit the Post or the Page where you want to add the WavePlayer and click on the Add Media button, right above the Visual Editor toolbars.
    2. In the left sidebar, together with all the other elements WordPress allows you to create, you will find a menu to create a new instance of WavePlayer. Click on Create Waveplayer.
    3. Like when you create a new playlist, in this following screen you can select the tracks you want to use in this instance of Waveplayer. Select as many as you like, clicking on their thumbnails*. You can deselect a track that you have previously selected simply clicking on the button.
    4. When you are done selecting the tracks you want to include in this instance of Waveplayer, click on the Create a new waveplayer button.
    5. While you are editing the current playlist, you can still add more tracks you might have forgotten, simply clicking on the Add to Waveplayer menu.
    6. If you want to reorder the selected tracks, you simply have to drag and drop their thumbnails.
    7. If you like so, you can reverse the current order of the tracks, clicking on the Reverse order button. Since tracks are added by default in their uploaded order, this might be useful in case you uploaded an ordered list of files, e.g. numbered tracks from a certain album.
    8. If you need to remove a track from this instance of Waveplayer, you can simply click on the button of its thumbnail.
    9. You can even rename each track without leaving this editor.
    10. Now it is time for you to adjust the settings for this instance of Waveplayer. You can change the size of the player, the shape of the thumbnail, the coloring of the waveform and other options, such as autoplay, repeat_all and shuffle. The default settings can be configured in the Settings –> Waveplayer page.
    11. Finally, click on the Insert Waveplayer button to add to your post the instance you have just finished creating.
    12. The instance will appear inside the post your are currently editing, with the same interface it will display on the front end. Selecting the instance, you can even interact with it, exactly as you were in the resulting page. If you want to alter the selected instance, simply click on the Edit button (pencil icon). This will open again the settings page.
    13. You can alter the current instance, adding or removing tracks and changing the current options. When you are done with the changes, click on the Update Waveplayer button. The instance currently selected will change accordingly.


    v1.0.15 (5 January 2016)
    * first release
  • Visible Composer Addon – Multimedia Playlist Slider (Add-ons)

    Visible Composer Addon – Multimedia Playlist Slider (Add-ons)

    This Visual Composer Add-on can be used as an YouTube & Vimeo video player or as a multimedia slider.


    video tutorial

    Installation – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpOiRNgpWuM
    How To Create a Video Player – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2msyX5LA0ws



    YouTube and Vimeo Support

    It plays YouTube and Vimeo video files. All you need to use is the video ID

    Customizable Color Scheme

    Using the parameters you can create any color scheme.

    Option To Automatically Obtain the Video Thumbnail, Title and Description From YouTube Servers

    All you need to use is the YouTube video ID and the plugin will get these information from YouTube server. Parameters to use your own information

    Responsive Design

    The plugin can be used in websites which are responsive. Optional parameter to disable responsive behavior in order to integrate it in non-responsive websites.

    Mobile Compatible

    It is compatible with IOS and Android operating systems.

    Playlist With 3 Versions

    You can show the playlist thumb & description or hide one of them. Also parameters for playlist size and color.

    Multiple Parameters

    Autoplay, loop, colors, dimensions, randomize images


    Parameters to set the border width and color

    Fixed And Full Width Versions

    You can use the plugin as fixed width or as full width, according to your layout design.

    Photo Transition Effects (only for images)

    16 photo transition effects life fade, blocks, slide, stripes and more

    Layered Text Elements (only for images)

    Permits almost unlimited number of animated text layers.

    Link For Each Slide (only for images)

    Optional links for each slide with parameter for _self or _blank. In this manner you can set a different link for each image.

    Touch Screen Navigation (only for images)

    Compatible with IOS and Android mobile devices.

    Circle Timer (only for images)

    Parameters for color, dimensions & transparency. Available parameter to hide circle timer


    The JS file has around 40KB



    Keywords:vc addons, visual composer, html5, media, mobile, player, playlist, responsive, video, vimeo, youtube, addon, add-on, slider, image

    If you need additional information don’t hesitate to contact us at office@lambertgroup.ro. We’ll try to answer you as quickly as possible.



    ***Version 1.0 Release Date: November 05, 2015
  • WpChats – Immediate Chat & Personal Messaging Plugin (Social Networking)

    WpChats – Immediate Chat & Personal Messaging Plugin (Social Networking)

    WpChats – Instant Chat & Private Messaging WordPress Plugin

    1. About this plugin
    2. Features
    3. Screenshots

    1. About this plugin

    1.1 About:

    WpChats (WP: WordPress) is a WordPress plugin easy to implement, allowing you to turn your blog or website into a social network, where users can send and receive messages in an instant way, choose who to contact by blocking/unblocking users, update information and settings, get notified while offline, .. and most of all, doing everything elegantly thanks to AJAX..

    1.2 Licences:

    2. Features

    2.1 Instant Messaging:

    Instant messaging (IM) is a type of online chat which offers real-time text transmission over the Internet. – Wikipedia

    Basically once the main plugin script is loaded, jQuery & jQuery AJAX will make easy to send and receive messages in the mean time, and load everything without the new to window-refreshing.

    2.2 User profiles / Settings:

    Comes with user profiles, this plugin makes it easy to browse users, read their information (e.g online status) and keep in touch with them.

    Users can update anytime their settings and information: about, social profiles, notifications settings and user preferences..

    2.3 Conversation tools:

    Users can benefit from handy conversation tools, allowing them to easily import media into messages and control those messages. Tools include:

    • First off, AutoSave: while typing a message, the text is automatically saved. If an autosave fails to save text, a dialog box will popup when the user attempts to close window..
    • Message deleting: users can delete messages from their conversations.
    • Message reporting: users can report messages to moderators anytime, and edit or delete those submitted reports if admin allows that.
    • Add and search emoticons, more than 50 cool Facebook emoticons (emoji) which could be implemented in a single click.
    • Adding images: user can add images to messages. As per the current version, images could not be uploaded, instead, an image URL is required for this.
    • Adding videos: user can add videos to messages in a single click. This plugin recognizes and embeds videos from YouTube, Vimeo and Dailymotion. Other videos could be embedded as direct videos.
    • Links: user can insert a link to messages and set up link text.
    2.4 Moderators and Chat Moderation:

    Besides admin, any other users you assign as chat admins can moderate reported messages and ban/unban users if you allow that in the main settings dashboard. You can easily import moderators from your blog moderators (bbPress), or navigate to moderation panel in dashboard, and search users and add them.

    Moderators can delete messages, delete reports, and ban users. You can anytime restore deleted messages through “Deleted messages” section within the dashboard.

    A moderation panel will be accessible within site frontend for users with moderation rules.

    You can also allow moderators to view user conversations (disallowed by default) in case a moderators has needed to investigate a reported message within its conversation.

    2.5 In-message Media:

    As previously mentioned, users can add links, images and videos to messages within the conversation. This plugin makes it easy to embed those media, and provide more information about these media such as download links for videos and images, and codes if the user wants to implement them in a message..

    2.6 Admin dashboard:

    2.6.1 Dashboard:

    Within the dashboard, user with admin roles can view and search users using chat, view information about them, search messages .. :

    • People using chat: view and search users which are using this chat plugin, and see more information about them, their profiles, quick tools and links, and a form if admin wants to keep in touch with them via email..
    • Conversations: displays last 25 conversations, and a form to easily find a message and perform actions on them..
    • Statistics: a simple table showing all counts and stats of conversations, messages, moderators, emails sent, ..

    2.6.2 Moderation panel:

    Allows you as admin to moderate reported messages, and assign new moderators or remove them. From there you can delete messages, delete reports, ban users.. To trash or restore deleted messages, please visit “deleted messages” section.

    You can easily import all your bbPress moderators and assign them as chat moderators. Or simply search users.

    2.6.3 Emoji:

    From this area, you can use WordPress media uploader to upload custom emoticons, and assign a code and information to them.

    You can also delete or update these custom emoticons anytime.

    2.6.4 Settings:

    Main plugin settings can be updated from this area.

    2.6.5 Deleted Messages:

    The messages you or other moderators delete will be kept in this section until you choose to either restore them to their respective conversations, or totally trash them.

    2.6.6 Banned users:

    From this section you can view banned users that you or other moderators have banned, unban them or add more by searching them from your site users..

    2.6.7 Mailing:

    In this section you can update email formats, those formats will be used while notifying users by email. Mailing include:

    • New message user notifications (when user is offline of course) if user preferences allow..
    • Reported messages (instant and daily reports) sent to moderators if their preferences allow..
    • New moderator message (sent to user after they become moderators)

    From this area you can also update some basic mail headers; sender (from) name and email address.

    2.6.8 Shortcodes:

    An informative page showing you some available shortcodes you can use to output WpChats various content and information..

    3. Screenshots

    Available soon..

  • wordpress Social Analytics (Social Networking)

    wordpress Social Analytics (Social Networking)


    WP Social Analytics plugin allows you to track how many times your posts and pages have been shared on social networks. It supports Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Google+.

    Statistics are presented in admin area, but you can also display them in your theme by using php function or shortcode. The plugin sends also email weekly report with social shares statistics.

    Main Features

    Social shares dashboard

    Social shares posts statistics

    Weekly email report

    Responsive design

    PHP function for theme authors

    List of all Features

    • Track shares of your posts & pages
    • Analyze 5 most popular social networks
    • Clean & elegant dashboard with custom date ranges
    • Separate “shares” column for Posts/Pages list
    • Automated weekly email reports
    • PHP function for use in theme
    • Custom post types compatible
    • Export data to CSV format
    • Responsive design
    • Easy installation and configuration
    • Display statistics using [social_shares] shortcode
    • Works properly with all popular cache plugins
    • Optimized code and cache usage
    • Stats for recent posts are refreshed more often that for old ones
    • Well documented code
    • Helpful documentation

    Live Demo


    login: demo
    password: demo


    • PHP 5.3+
    • WordPress 4.1+

    Support / Questions?

    Feel free to contact me in case of any questions.

  • wordpress Actual Media Library – Prepare your uploads (Media)

    wordpress Actual Media Library – Prepare your uploads (Media)


    • Easy to use!
    • Drag and drop your files via mouse
    • Create a gallery from a folder
    • Filter when inserting media
    • Create, rename, delete and reorder your folders


    06 October 15:
    - initial review
  • MediaSync – Insert Fb & Instagram Photos (Media)

    MediaSync – Insert Fb & Instagram Photos (Media)

    The Media Sync WordPress plugin is a revolutionary new way to easily insert photos from your social media accounts directly into your WordPress website.

    No need to import as all images are hosted by Facebook/Instagram and take up no additional space on your account.

    Seamlessly Integrates with WordPress

    In a unique & never before seen integration we have added two new tabs to the default Media browser. These are Facebook and Instagram. Selecting these tabs allows you to choose images from multiple Facebook Accounts, Facebook Pages and Instagram accounts for inserting into WordPress.

    Mix and Match

    Create a photo gallery with normal Uploaded Images, Facebook Images and Instagram Images all together.

    Screenshot showing selecting an Instagram photo after already selecting an Uploaded and a Facebook photo.

    Screenshot shows the 3 selected photos for our gallery. Uploaded, Facebook and Instagram pictures.


    Documentation and screenshots are available here: http://dtbaker.net/envato/documentation/media-sync-wordpress-plugin/.

    Live Demo

    There is a live demo showing a gallery with an Uploaded Picture, a Facebook Picture and an Instagram Picture all togethere here: http://dtbaker.net/projects/mediasync/.

    Currently Supported Networks

    • Facebook Personal Albums & Photos
    • Facebook Page Albums & Photos (you have to be the page admin)
    • Instagram Photos (only your photos)


    • Latest version of WordPress
    • A hosting account that does not block PHP cURL (some cheap shared hosting accounts do not support this plugin)
    • The ability to create Facebook Apps (check the documentation)

    Support & Bug Fixes

    This plugin is incredibly complex and although we have tested it in multiple browsers and hosting accounts it still may fail to work for everyone. If this happens please send through an email support ticket with your WordPress login details and a description/screenshot of any errors so we can login to debug and fix it.

    We hope you enjoy this plugin. It was rather fun and challenging to create!
