Tag: marker clusterer

  • Google Maps PLUS for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Google Maps PLUS for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Did you ever want to created advanced Google Maps, using multiple markers, overlays, different map styles, and other features the very basic Google Maps element that is already part of Visual Composer does not allow you to do?

    Then we have the solution for you! With “Google Maps PLUS for Visual Composer“, you can do all that, and more. Style each marker independently, use a full tinyMCE editor to provide the marker content, import markers via external JSON file, add circles, rectangles, polylines and/or polygons as overlay to your map, group markers and provide a filter option … we got you covered for all of that!

  • Marker Clusterer Add-on for WP (Add-ons)

    Marker Clusterer Add-on for WP (Add-ons)

    This add-on is an extension for and requires Super Store Finder for WordPress

    Marker Clusterer Add-on for WordPress

    This is an add-on for Super Store Finder for WordPress which is a plugin that allows too many markers to be combined and shown in as clusters.

    Super Store Finder for WordPress is a fully-featured WordPress Plugin integrated with Google Maps API v3 that allows customers to locate your stores easily. Tailor-made with intuitive responsive design for smartphones, tablets and touch screen devices. It has powerful store locator admin that allows you to manage stores, tags/categories and customize styles, colors, labels, notifications, regions and map settings.

    Main Features

    • Allow Google Maps markers to be consolidated into clusters for ease of view
    • Increase performance when displaying too many markers
    • Activate and Deactivate Add-on via user friendly admin interface
    • Extensible and able to be integrated with other add-ons

    Installation Instructions

    • Notice for Marker Clusterer Add-on for WordPress:

    a. You need to purchase Super Store Finder for WordPress at http://codecanyon.net/item/super-store-finder-for-wordpress/11334595 prior to using this Add-on

    1. At WordPress Admin, go to Add-ons Page

    2. Browse and choose the add-on zip file ssf-marker-cluster-wp and click on the Upload button

    3. If the Status of the add-on shows ‘ON’, you’re add-on is enabled

    4. Clear browser cache and you’re done!

    Documentation Guide

  • Marker Clusterer Add-on for WP (Add-ons)

    Marker Clusterer Add-on for WP (Add-ons)

    This add-on is an extension for and requires Super Store Finder for WordPress

    Marker Clusterer Add-on for WordPress

    This is an add-on for Super Store Finder for WordPress which is a plugin that allows too many markers to be combined and shown in as clusters.

    Super Store Finder for WordPress is a fully-featured WordPress Plugin integrated with Google Maps API v3 that allows customers to locate your stores easily. Tailor-made with intuitive responsive design for smartphones, tablets and touch screen devices. It has powerful store locator admin that allows you to manage stores, tags/categories and customize styles, colors, labels, notifications, regions and map settings.

    Main Features

    • Allow Google Maps markers to be consolidated into clusters for ease of view
    • Increase performance when displaying too many markers
    • Activate and Deactivate Add-on via user friendly admin interface
    • Extensible and able to be integrated with other add-ons

    Installation Instructions

    • Notice for Marker Clusterer Add-on for WordPress:

    a. You need to purchase Super Store Finder for WordPress at http://codecanyon.net/item/super-store-finder-for-wordpress/11334595 prior to using this Add-on

    1. At WordPress Admin, go to Add-ons Page

    2. Browse and choose the add-on zip file ssf-marker-cluster-wp and click on the Upload button

    3. If the Status of the add-on shows ‘ON’, you’re add-on is enabled

    4. Clear browser cache and you’re done!

    Documentation Guide