A contact form manager plugin that will collect the entries generated by the Contact Form 7 plugin.
Tag: manage
Work file device (Utilities)
Work record system plugin allows you to store informations about your work commissions and display it as table on page.
- Manage date (using datepicker)
- Select status (Done, Unfinished, etc)
- Choose your own type/category
- Add contact (phone number)
- Add place (adress, city, etc)
- Upload photos (disabled in demo)
Demo access:
Link to admin page defined in live preview
Login: demo
Password: demoInstallation, recommended way:
- Download a plugin file from CodeCanyon.
- Log into your WordPress admin area.
- Go to “Plugins”, click “Add new” link at the top.
- Click “upload”, choose a file downloaded in the file selector field and submit the form.
- Click “Activate”
- Plugin’s interface will be available in admin area but can be included with [records] tag to any page.
wordpress Consumer Cleaner (Utilities)
For most WordPress site owners, spam registrations are the biggest issue they have to deal with. Daily they receive hundreds new registrations despite of active Captcha Plugins.
Having a lot of users in your database can dramatically slow down your site and affect your search engine ranking.
Cleaning your user database is a challenging task and it needs a lot of time to identify Spam or inactive users. WP User Cleaner will help you to get your WordPress clean. It will detect inactive users and you can delete thousands of users with just a single click.
WP User Cleaner will work perfectly with WooCommerce, too. For example you can delete all users who have never purchased a product and who have not logged in for a defined number of days.
WP User Cleaner comes with a very simple drag & drop Dashboard with several useful widgets:
- TOTAL USERS section displays the total number of registered users on your site.
- TOTAL CUSTOMERS will show up if you have WooCommerce installed and it displayed the total number of users who have completed at least one order.
- ACTIVE USERS shows how many users have logged in on your site within a defined number of days (See settings section).
- INACTIVE USERS shows how many users have not been logged in within a defined number of days (See settings section).
- DELETED USERS shows how many inactive users have already been deleted.
- BLOCKED REGISTRATIONS will count all users that have tried to register on your site by using a temporary email address. This will only work if you set “Temporary Email” to “Disallow” on the settings section.
Blocked Registrations
On this section you will see a graph that shows how many users registrations have been blocked within the last 7 days
User Cleaner Rule
This section allows you to clean up your user database by generating your own rules.
On this section you are able to adjust plugin settings.
- Temporary Emails: Here you can allow or disallow registrations with temporary email addresses (like mailtothis.com, imgof.com, trashymail.com, example.com…). Currently WP User Cleaner will check 140+ temporary email providers.
- Inactivity Limit: Set after how many days of inactivity a user should me marked as inactive.
WP User Cleaner will add two new columns on your User’s overview page: Last Login and Status
- Last Login will display the date when the user has logged in the last time
- Status will display if the user has been active since the defined number of days (See settings section).
If you disallow registrations with temporary email addresses then users who try to register with such an email address will get an error message during the registration.
v1.0.0 - 2016-01-04 - Initial Release
wordpress Contacts (Utilities)
WP Contacts is a WordPress plugin that gives you a complete contact management system right on the front end of WordPress.
Assign the tool to a page and access from there! A snap to install and includes extremely powerful and highly
customizable features.
Use it to manage leads, contacts, customers, or just about anything else you can think of! Create as many dynamic fields
as you would like and display them in the order you want. Choose filtering options, upload images, associate and store
files for each contact.
- WordPress easy plugin install
- Drag and Drop administration
- Simple to use, powerful admin capabilities
- Manage leads, contacts, or easily customize to manage anything else you can imagine
- Translation ready (pot file included)
- All dynamic fields (as many as you want/need)
- Dynamic statistics
- Responsive and ready for all of your devices
- Full front-end functionality all the way to your mobile devices
- Modern and clean design
- Compatible with any WordPress standards compliant theme
- Import and export your contacts while controlling which fields are imported or exported
- Import supports csv, xls and xlsx formats
- Importing supports chunk reading to save server resources while importing
- Sort, filter, search, administer…even on your phone
- Multiple User roles (No Access, Read Only, Manage & view Own Leads only, Administrator / full access)
- User accounts are your WordPress site users and roles are managed separately from WordPress roles.
- Enable world read mode for front end (you can allow non-authenticated users read access to the frontend)
- Only a WordPress admin can manage the main settings on the backend
- Site information tab to let you know your servers limits
- Multi-user system (no user number limits)
- Powerful logging – Know when a contact was created, who created it, who last updated it and who owns it
- Add and remove quick notes for your contacts…as many as you want
- Easily override styling with your own custom css
- Custom Color and logo control
- Set images for contacts
- Upload and store as many files, images etc. for each contact as you want
- Set up main page fields separately from individual views, display order and shown fields
- Set sort order of fields for individual views and edit forms
- Sources, Status & Types are used for filtering and statistics
- Sources, Status & Types can be labelled anything and have as many options as you would like
- Front page administration of contacts
- Set pagination results and count per page (or you can remove pagination)
- Enable / disable WP admin bar for the leads page
- Built-in automatic plugin updates
- Highly detailed logging information which is searchable & sortable (know who did what, when and from where)
- An excellent tool for real estate professionals, lenders, small businesses and anyone who wants their own
customizable database of contacts
- WordPress
Release Info
- Version 1.1.0 – Initial Release
Login for demo is:
user: demo
password: demo
(Demo refreshes data every 30 minutes)If you purchase WP Contacts, please rate it well to encourage us to add features and improvements – Thank you!
wordpress Changelog Supervisor (Types)
This plugin allows you to manage the changelog of your application or software easily and effortlessly in the backend.
Newer version will be shown on the top! See the live demo here for more information.
- Nice CSS Styled plugin (Color changes can be made in the ‘custom.css file’)
- 5 Types for your changelog content (Enhancement, Bug, Changed, New or Removed)
- Insert the changelog via Shortcodes
- Small & Simple
- Well documented (Link to docs is included in the download package)
- Support & Updates for lifetime
Questions & Support
If you stuck or need help, don’t hesitate to contact me. If you are a buyer, you’ll find the support link in the package, for pre-sale questions please use the comment area.