Tag: live support

  • Fb Reside Chat Advertising Automation (Social Networking)

    Fb Reside Chat Advertising Automation (Social Networking)

    Customer live chat for support and leads conversion.
    Professional solution for Facebook Messenger Marketing.

    This is add-on for Marketing Automation by AZEXO.

    Main Features

    • Collect subscribers via Facebook Live Chat
    • Link site visitor behavior (and other info) with chat participant
    • Automation for news or marketing offers sending (event notifications, time scheduling or other logic)
    • Any dynamic logic for live chat greeting message (behavior based, personal marketing offers or something other) – to stimulate chat starting and get visitor Facebook contact
    • Supported all features of Marketing Automation by AZEXO
  • ChopItUp Reside Chat with Firebase (Widgets)

    ChopItUp Reside Chat with Firebase (Widgets)

    Demo Screenshot

    ChopItUp Live Chat with Firebase

    is a premium widget that enables fast,
    stable and intuitive live chat for WordPress posts using the powerful Firebase

    Live chat can be installed VERY EASILY on your site via any new or old
    Firebase backend. It serves as a way to enable open-ended and free
    flowing communication in order to create communities around a post,
    a site or blog. Not only is it easy to setup and easy to use, it taps
    into the way people already use real-time communication as a way of
    creating online communities around ideas and interests. We guarantee great
    support to help with installation or operational issues.

    Simply install the plugin and drag the widget to your desired position;
    then viola! – you now have live chat.


    ChopItUp Live Chat with Firebase only works for
    WordPress 4.1 and later versions.

    Demo Screenshot


    • Very intuitive, fast and stable chat built on modern mainstream technology
    • Desktop and mobile enabled
    • Live-chat for posts – tabs for users and chats are used to navigate a very easy to use widget
    • Public and private chat features
    • Typing indicator available
    • The widget can be positioned on the sidebar or at the bottom (footer) like a traditional chat box
    • User search available
    • Can work fine with a free Firebase account
    • Automatic anonymity unless user signs in on site
    • Online/Offline indicator for users
    • User search available
    • Compatible with WordPress 4.1 and later
    • Very clean and well documented code


    Although the plugin works well on both positions (in the sidebar and at
    the bottom of a page as a traditional chat box), there have been
    situations where:
    a) A theme’s sidebar is thin and the widget is not very aesthetically pleasing.
    b) When positioned at the bottom, the chat box’s colors may be off.
    This situation, where one positioning option is better than another, is
    a rarity – generally, the plugin works well in both positions.

    How it works

    This plugin links your Firebase application to your WordPress backend.
    Once the linking has been done (installation, positioning and inserting
    configuration data), the widget will appear in posts. Chat (public and
    private) messages are linked to the current post’s ID – and the
    conversations can then center around that post and it’s ideas.

    Intuitive installation and functionality

    Installation of the plugin is a straightforward affair:
    activate the “ChopItUp Live Chat with Firebase” plugin and
    then go to “ChopItUp Live Chat Settings”. Enter your Firebase
    application’s settings. That is it, you are done with
    installation and you and your users/visitors can
    starting on posts.

    What tech do we use?

    The plugin itself is very light because the heavy lifting is done by
    the Firebase backend. The plugin uses a combination of jQuery and
    traditional javascript to navigate through the tabs – tabs that enable
    private and public chat. Javascript-enabled input is sanitized to
    avoid cross-site attacks and malicious injections. A free Firebase
    account comes with a maximum of 100 concurrent connections – to get
    more capacity, one would have to go premium. This plugin uses Firebase,
    DOMPurify and the WordPress API in conjunction with our custom PHP
    and Javascript. This plugin is VERY light.

    The thinking behind ChopItUp Live Chat with Firebase

    Chat has been a staple of web-based communication since the rise of
    usage of the internet by the general public in the early 1990s –
    earlier implementations were naturally a lot cruder, most centering
    around applets or getting the browser to recognize a new mime type
    in order to support an external implementation of chat. Browsers nowadays
    come with incredible capabilities and support out the box and as
    such, some of the most advanced, light and stable implementations
    of chat can be done fairly quickly and easily.

    The rise of cloud services has also lightened the load so that
    developers can work on creative aspects of products and leave the
    basic functionality to cloud services. The fact that heavy duty logic
    happens on the the cloud means that small sites don’t have to deal
    with the heavy duty stuff dedicated to the cloud.

    Javascript has become a mature language that is capable of doing
    things that had long been ascribed to other compiled programming
    languages – this maturity has given leeway to create better products.

    WordPress is now running on 30% of all websites – in a way, it has
    become a kind of web operating system. This means that it has become
    unavoidable and thinking about creating new products and dedicated
    implementations of existing products for WordPress is imperative.

    The combination of better browsers, cloud, mature Javascript and a
    web dominated by a very powerful WordPress was fertile soil to create
    ChopItUp Live Chat with Firebase – a product that we believe is
    not only extremely utilitarian but timely as well.


    This plugin is designed to work with Firebase –
    without it, it cannot function.

  • FBLiveChat and E mail Catcher For WordPress (Utilities)

    FBLiveChat is a WordPress plugin allow put your Facebook messenger chat box on your website, visitors can chat with you via Facebook Messenger. This is easy way to support, keep contact with your customers and turn visitors into your customers, chat with them anytime to increase sales.
    The only unique plugin that provide Facebook live chat messenger + Email Catcher!

    Chat view: Live Demo


    Chat view: Live Demo
    Admin login url: Live wp-admin demo
    Admin username: admin
    Password: admin


    Do i need any programming skills or technical? No you don’t need and we here to help with any question!
    Does it supports WordPress? It’s Plugin? Of course this is only for WordPress based websites.


    FBLiveChat Documenation

    Change log (08/01/2018):
    - Released to public
  • Developed Fb Purchaser Chat for WordPress (Social Networking)

    Developed Fb Purchaser Chat for WordPress (Social Networking)

    Advanced Facebook Customer Chat is a premium WordPress plugin that allows you to integrate your Messenger experience directly into your website. This allows your customers to interact with your business anytime with the same personalized, rich-media experience they get in Messenger. Installation usually takes 2 minutes.

    Advanced Features

    • You can choose where you want to have live chat based on user role (logged-in or not), user device (desktop or mobiles or both) plus you can show it only on specific pages, categories or show sitewide but exclude on certain pages, you choose.
    • Exclusive feature available only in this plugin currently, you can change UI color of Messenger chat and make it more fit for your site theme.
    • You can enable tooltip with your custom text that will be attached to native Facebook button.
    • You can set position of messenger on screen to the right side
    [1.0.0] Initial release

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  • Fb Messenger Purchaser Chat Plugin WordPress (Social Networking)

    Fb Messenger Purchaser Chat Plugin WordPress (Social Networking)

    Facebook Messenger Customer Chat Plugin WordPress

    The customer chat plugin allows you to integrate your Messenger experience directly into your website. This allows your customers to interact with your business anytime with the same personalized, rich-media experience they get in Messenger.

    The customer chat plugin automatically loads recent chat history between the person and your business, meaning recent interactions with your business on messenger.com, in the Messenger app, or in the customer chat plugin on your website will be visible. This helps create a single experience for your customers, and enables you to continue the conversation even after they have left your webpage. No need to capture their information to follow up, just use the same conversation in Messenger.


    15/12/2017: (version 1.0)
    - Version 1.0 Initial Release
  • Messenger Consumer Chat WordPress Plugin (Social Networking)

    Messenger Consumer Chat WordPress Plugin (Social Networking)

    Making contact and connecting with your business easier
    & no potential customers ignored – Live chat version.




    Based on Facebook Messenger, this plugin runs like an instant messaging system. After setup, which is normally less than 2 mins, the blue badge of Facebook Messenger and the button Message Us on Facebook will appear on your pages.

    Your customers find it convenient to ask about your products or services.

    This plugin is sure to help your business with time and cost saving, yet obtain a prompt reply to visitors.

    And what else, from those received messages, you will be able to build a rich customer base for online marketing and remarketing later on.



    30/11/2017: (version 1.0)

    - Version 1.0 Initial Release
  • Skype Are living Chat For WordPress (Utilities)

    Skype Are living Chat For WordPress (Utilities)

    SKype Live Chat is a WordPress plugin allow put your Skype live chat box on your website, visitors can chat with you via Skype messages. This is easy way to support and keep contact with your customers


    • And more..

    Admin settings

    slype live chat


    24/05/2017: (version 1.0)

    - Version 1.0 Initial Release
  • wordpress Intercom – Slack for WordPress (Utilities)

    wordpress Intercom – Slack for WordPress (Utilities)

    WP Intercom Slack is a WordPress plugin which allow you to chat your customer from Slack. Bring the power of collaborative chat to help your customer.

  • Fricon Social Networking and Chat App (Social Networking)

    Fricon Social Networking and Chat App (Social Networking)

    Fricon is an next generation social networking and chat app that includes realtime chat between members. The application fully built with material UI Framework which gives you access like Mobile App.

    Software Features

    • Simple yet Powerful Social Connectivity App
    • Inbuilt Realtime Chat Module. Chat with Friends is possible
    • Responsive Mobile Oriented User Interface
    • News & Updates by Admin Module
    • Easy to Localize
    • Enhanced Email Validation System
    • Laravel Framework + Material Design
    • 100% Customizable
    • Clear & Simple Documentation

    Live Demo

    Click Here for Live Demo Access
    Email: user@user.com
    Password: 123456

    Change Log

    Version 1.0 - 05.11.2016
    First Release

    Rate Us

    SWOT Support Ticket System

  • Twitter Messages for WordPress (Social Networking)

    Twitter Messages for WordPress (Social Networking)

    Twitter Messages for WordPress plugin allows you to embed Twitter Messages content into your WordPress blog, letting your clients easily chat and communicate with your business and gives you the opportunity to gain and grow your social followers on Twitter.

    This lightweight WordPress plugin adds Twitter “Send message” buttons anywhere:

    • Into any post or page through shortcodes and TINYMCE (WYSIWYG) button to make and add the shortcode
    • WooCommerce product page
    • Via a widget which can be added in the widgets dashboard
    • to bbPress profile, BuddyPress profile, and Ultimate Member profiles

    This button, once click, will call a fast and AJAX modal which will load the widget and the messaging area where the user can connect with their Twitter account, and then access the messaging area where to compose a message and send it out to the account the widget is calling.

    Twitter Messages for WordPress Features:

    • Fast and optimized with caching data for a better user experience and speed
    • Gives you opportunity to keep in touch with your clients and grow your business social followers through the content
    • Add as many buttons as you want for multiple Twitter accounts, use the shortcode builder tool to get the shortcode
    • Add as many messaging areas for multiple accounts as you want.
    • Reply-check with AJAX to notify the user (visitor or user) about if there is a reply to their sent message from the contacted user.
    • WooCommerce integration, to add a contact and send message button to the product and listing page after product add to cart button
    • bbPress integration, adding Twitter Messages for WordPress button into bbPress member profile page with settings
    • BuddyPress Integration adding Twitter Messages button into the BuddyPress member profile page
    • Ultimate Member integration, embedding a Twitter Messages button into the member profile and the members directory list (optional)
    • Shortcode builder tool to format a shortcode to add a button or Twitter Messages area via shortcode
    • Available widget and much more.

    Twitter Messages for WordPress Integration:



    The messages button is added to the product beside product details and info. Through the settings page, you can either set the recipient account to be the default account you provide in the settings, or to pull the Twitter username from a custom user meta for the product author, which you specify through the WooCommerce integration settings.


    twitter-messages-wordpress-bbpress-forums twitter-messages-wordpress-bbpress-profile

    The Twitter messages buttons are embedded to the bbPress user profile, and in the forums along the topic and reply content, after author details or content body. A Twitter field is added to bbPress edit profile page to let users specify their Twitter  username so the button will appear and function.



    A button for the messaging will be added to BuddyPress user profile along the other BuddyPress member information such as the activity and the Twitter account ID can be either extracted from a custom meta with a key you specify, or, by default, a “Twitter Messages” profile tab will be added to let the member update their Twitter ID in order to be contacted.

    Ultimate Member:


    The Twitter button is embedded to the Ultimate Member user profile after the name and other identical info such as cover and profile photo,  also added in the members directory list with in the profiles snippets as if your settings allow that.

    The Twitter username (ID) can be updated by the member as they update the general information settings through the account page.


    Please try the demo, view screenshots, and/or contact us for any pre-sale questions before making your purchase. Thanks!

    Change Log
    Frequently Asked Questions