Tag: list

  • Lister : A Highly effective Content material Organizer (Interface Components)

    Lister : A Highly effective Content material Organizer (Interface Components)

    Lister is a Fully Responsive tool aimed to quickly make your lists look great and attractive. With Lister you are not limited to only the traditional ‘vertical’ lists, and also can order your items horizontally, making your content look much more organized and semantically logical.

    New in Version 1.5 : To-Do Lists!

    Lister support hundreds of icons (Font Awesome (version 4 included!), IcoMoon, Fontello), numbered lists (Inc. Roman) or alphabetic order. You can further style the Icons, Positioned and assigned on-hover animations.

    You can achieve almost any grid-style structure with Lister, as it lets you choose the amount of columns, and assign fixed heights to Items.

    I’ve added an Examples Page for Lister with plenty of examples to get you started, this page will be constantly updated : Lister Examples

    Lister was designed to look great out-of-the-box, and to be implemented without entering a single line of shortcode.

    Lister’s Features :

    • 7 List Themes, 10 Color Schemes, 6 Icon Shapes & 9 on-hover Animations.
    • 2 Shortcode Generators, one for List and one for Items.
    • Hundreds of Icons (Supports Font Awesome, IcoMoon, Fontello and more)
    • Complete CSS control. Supports the HTML5 ‘style’ attribute. Provides pseud-unique IDs, and allows the assign unique classes.
    • Light & Quick. Lister loads no Javascript and is based on CSS3 alone.
    • Responsive! Lister is flexible and responsive from the get-go, and allows you to enable/disable responsiveness per list (and limit to big/small screens)!
    • Compatible with All Major Browsers (Mobile / Desktop).
    • Supports Nested Lists.


    I’ll do my best to provide quick and free support to any question you might have. moreover, I’ll be happy to add any feature you find missing, and/or quickly fix any bug you might encounter.

  • Adventure Reserving Professional – WordPress Plugin  [paypal or offline] (Calendars)

    Adventure Reserving Professional – WordPress Plugin [paypal or offline] (Calendars)

    Admin DEMO:
    username: admin

    password: admin


    • Unlimited Events
    • PayPal Integration
    • Offline Booking
    • Quantity Booking – (v1.2)
    • Responsive Calendar Shortcode
    • Responsive Carousel shortcode – (v1.1)
    • Responsive Event Box shortcode
    • Responsive Event Button shortcode
    • List Events based on filters (eventBoxes) – (v1.1)
    • Coupon System – (v2.0)
    • Multiple Tickets Systems – (v2.0)
    • Event Reoccurence – (v2.0)
    • AJAX Control Panel
    • 300+ Settings
    • Change Currency, trigger features on and off – (v1.1, updated 2.1))
    • Sandbox integration
    • Offline booking form customization – (v1.2)
    • Every thing is customizable, from text ,color,size,padding,borders,border radius and much more.
    • Integrated Email Templates – (updated – v1.2)

    What Buyers are saying?

    ‘Buyers… This plugin is by far the best event calendar plugin on the market and I highly recommend it!! Rarely do you find a well programmed plugin combined with simple and clean aesthetics with modern css3 elements’! – rivusmed

    ‘Much appreciated! You sir, rock! This plugin not only visually looks better than anything else out there, but also works better and has a great back end setup that’s easy to use and understand, especially for the non-coder. Everything is customizable.’ -arcadence

    ‘Unbelievably good support, I mean it’s better than good, it is perfect. Some software that I’ve spent 20 times as much money on don’t compare.

    And the plugin works perfectly!’
    – Wendorff

    ’… MoeHaydar provides excellent support and the plugin works flawlessly …!’ -BabyFlash

    ‘Thank you! the plugin is awesome, and so as your support!’ – nilo

    ‘I purchased the plugin. It really is a great tool!’ – bconley

    ‘Beautiful plugin and awesome support! Thanks a bunch!’= lushcreative


    Event Box

    Event Creation



    Full screenshot 1

  • Testimonials WP Plugin (Interface Parts)

    Testimonials WP Plugin (Interface Parts)

    Testimonials plugin for WordPress is responsive, the main propose of the plugin is to display testimonials, but it can be used for other proposes.

    You can display the entries in 3 different Ways

    1. Slider

    In this slider you can display testimonials with 3 different style with a number of options you set such as ( Image Size,Image Radius,Number of items, Order By, Order, Auto Play, Pause On Hover, Buttons Visibility, Buttons Radius, Buttons Position, Scroll Duration, Pause Duration, Font Style).

    2. Grid

    The testimonials will also display it in a responsive grid with a number of column and with 3 different syles, depending on your settings.

    3. List

    A simple responsive list to display your testimonials in a simple way. depending on your settings.

    You can customize the layout, with several layout options.

    1. Items Style

    You can display slider, grids, list with 3 different layout style with the information to the right, or below the image or above the image, depending on the settings.

    a. Style 1

    b. Style 2

    c. Style 3

    2. Image Size

    You can display slider, grids, list with 4 different image size, depending on the settings.

    a. Large

    b. Medium

    c. Small

    d. Without Image

    3. Image Radius

    You can display slider, grids, list with 4 different image radius size, depending on the settings.

    a. Large Radius

    b. Medium Radius

    c. Small Radius

    d. Without Radius

    4. Number of Columns

    In the grid layouts you can choose how many columns you want to display. It responsive and adept in different screen sizes.

    5. Border Style

    You can display testimonials with 3 different options. depending on your settings.

    – Border Color

    You can change border color by select color from color piker in the settings.

    6. Font Style

    You can choose text font, font size, font color depending on the settings.

    Group by categories

    You can group testimonials by categories and you can display it by selected category or all of them.

    Widget Ready

    The shortcode will work on widget, just copy the shortcode in testimonials widget.

    Shortcode Generator

    The shortcode generator will make a preview of how the layout looks with the selected settings.

    Version Log

    2013/11/14 – version 1.2

    Fixed "Testimonials Items number to show at most" bug.

    2013/10/18 – version 1.1

    Add categories, Fixed slider loading delay.

    2013/09/30 – version 1.0

    First stable release.
  • Lively Guests (Membership)

    Lively Guests (Membership)

    The world’s first, simple and plain ajax powered active user list and widget plugin for the WordPress. It shows all the active users or guests in your website. It can update the list without refresh page. You can also edit the all template files easily. You will love this plugin very much!

  • Paper Grid – Workforce, Products and services and Content material Grid (Interface Parts)

    Paper Grid – Workforce, Products and services and Content material Grid (Interface Parts)

    Paper Grid is a content grid plugin for WordPress. It is extremely light weight, but it’s also very flexible and powerfull, you can edit pretty much anything from the intuitive admin interface.

    You can use it to showcase your team, or your services and products or any other type of content. You can select images, icons, change colors and do much more. Content Grid frontend css file is only 5KB and javascript file is only 2KB so your website performance will remain intact.


    • Very Flexible
    • Responsive
    • Intuitive Admin Panel
    • Lightweight
    • Any number of columns
    • Custom Colors
    • Google Fonts
    • Social Network Icons


    • PHP 5.2+


    • v1.1
      • HTML can now be entered in the description field
      • You can make the whole grid item clicakble
      • Added ability to clone grids
      • Other minor bugfixes
    • v1.0
      • Initial Release