Tag: links

  • Autolinks Manager (SEO)

    Autolinks Manager (SEO)

    Applying autolinks in your website is a smart strategy to generate more visits on your pages, sell more products, earn money with a referral system or to improve your SEO.

    The Autolinks Manager plugin, with its advanced autolinks system and a great number of options, gives you the ability to apply this strategy at its maximum level.

    Please note that Autolinks Manager has been created by the same developers of Interlinks Manager, one the most effective and best rated SEO plugins currently available in CodeCanyon.

    The total control on the application of the autolinks is what really matters in an autolink plugin.

    Unaltered HTML

    The autolinks are applied on the fly by PHP when the post are displayed in the front-end and no changes are performed on the actual HTML of the post stored in the database. So you can at anytime add, remove or modify your autolinks without negative implications for your website.

    Custom Attributes

    The HTML link elements generated with the applications of autolinks can be created with:

    • Custom Title attribute to describe the linked document
    • Custom Target attribute to open the linked document in a new window or tab
    • Custom Nofollow attribute to instruct the search engines that the link should not influence the ranking of the link’s target

    Affected Posts

    Sometimes specific autolinks should not be applied on the entire website, but only activated with specific topics.

    That’s why with this plugin for each autolink you can determine:

    • In which post types the defined keyword should be automatically converted to a link
    • In which categories the defined keyword should be automatically converted to a link
    • In which tags the defined keyword should be automatically converted to a link
    • The term group, which is a list of terms that should be compared with the ones available on the posts where the autolinks are applied

    Advanced Match

    The search for occurrences of the keyword performed by the algorithm used to apply the autolink can be tuned based on your specific needs with the following options:

    • The Case Sensitive Search option to select if the defined keyword should match or not uppercase and lowercase variations
    • The Left Boundary option to match keywords preceded by a generic boundary or by a specific character
    • The Right Boundary option to match keywords followed by a generic boundary or by a specific character
    • The Keyword Before option to match occurrences preceded by a specific string
    • The Keyword After option to match occurrences followed by a specific string
    • The Limit option to determine the maximum number of matches of the defined keyword automatically converted to a link
    • The Priority option to determine the order used to apply the autolinks on the post

    Test Mode

    This feature, if enabled through the Test Mode plugin option, allows you to apply the autolinks on the front-end of your website only to the WordPress users that have the capability required to create and edit autolinks. So you can easily test the application of the autolinks in a production environment without actually changing the content of the posts for your visitors and for the search engines.

    Random Prioritization

    The advanced Random Prioritization option is extremely useful to randomize on a per-post basis the order used to apply the autolinks with the same priority and as a consequence to ensure a better distribution of the autolinks.

    General Limit

    A limit for the maximum number of autolinks allowed in the same post can be determined with a fixed value assigned to the General Limit (Amount) option or automatically calculated based on the length of the post and the value assigned to the General Limit (Characters per Autolink) option.

    The use of the General Limit feature is recommended to limit the application of the autolinks to a reasonable amount.

    Same URL Limit

    Use this option to limit the number of autolinks with the same URL to a specified value. This option is useful when you have multiple keywords that point to the same resource and you want to limit the number of times that a resource is linked.

    Protected Tags

    With this option you can instruct the algorithm to not apply the autolinks on specific HTML tags present in your posts.

    Let’s say that you don’t want to add autolinks inside the main headings, the tables and the code snippets. Simply add the list “h1, h2, h3, table, code” in the Protected Tags option and you are done.


    The plugin includes the possibility to categorize your autolinks, this is extremely useful when you have a high number of autolinks used for different purposes.

    For example you can:

    • Create autolinks to convert keywords that are part of a glossary and include them in the “Wiki” category
    • Create autolinks to convert keywords associated with products sold by an external website and include them in the “Referral” category
    • Create autolinks to convert keywords associated with your best articles and include them in the “Internal Links” category

    Meta box

    The Autolinks Manager meta box allows you to disable the application of the autolinks on a per-post basis. Simply visit the post where you don’t want to apply the autolinks and set to “No” the Enable Autolinks select-box available in the meta box.

    Wizard Mode

    This special menu gives you the ability to generate multiple autolinks in a single operation.

    This is a list of tasks that can be performed in few seconds in the Wizard menu:

    • Create multiple different autolinks
    • Import existing autolinks available in a spreadsheet document
    • Create multiple autolinks with the same keyword and different URLs
    • Create multiple autolinks with different keywords and the same URL

    The clicks performed by the visitors on the applied autolinks can be optionally tracked.

    The following information on the single clicks are available in the Tracking menu:

    • The ID of the tracked click
    • The IP address of the user that performed the click
    • The date on which the autolink has been clicked
    • The autolink associated with the tracked click
    • The post, page or custom post type that includes the autolink that received the click

    Please note that if you don’t want to collect personal data the plugin gives you the ability to:

    • Disable the link tracking feature
    • Delete on demand the tracked clicks associated with specific IP addresses


    Use the Statistics menu to generate statistics about the autolinks applied in the posts, pages and custom post types of your blog.

    For each post you will be able to know the exact number of autolinks applied and the number of clicks generated with the autolinks.

    Extremely Customizable

    With the 50 general options you can control various aspects of the plugin. You can for example set the default values for the new autolinks, control how the analysis performed on the posts should be executed, enable or disable the link tracking feature, give access to the plugin menus only to users with specific capabilities, customize the pagination system used in the back-end and control advanced aspects associated with the application of the autolinks.

    Gutenberg Ready

    WordPress is changing and the TinyMCE editor will soon be replaced with the new Gutenberg Editor, a page builder that uses blocks to create all types of content.

    This plugin allows you to select exactly on which Gutenberg blocks the autolinks should be applied. So you can be very precise in the application of the autolinks and avoid any kind of issue associated with the application of autolinks on Gutenberg blocks.

    CSV Ready

    The support for the CSV format includes two separate aspects:

    Importable Data

    From the Wizard menu you can import your existing autolinks available in a CSV archive. The process is very simple:

    1. Open the CSV file that includes your autolinks with your favorite spreadsheet editor
    2. Copy your data in the clipboard
    3. Paste the data in the spreadsheet editor embedded in the Wizard menu
    4. Click the Generate Autolinks button

    Exportable Data

    The data about your autolinks and the tracked clicks can be exported through the Export CSV section available in the plugin menus. The generated CSV files can then be imported in your favorite spreadsheet software to perform custom analyses, modify, share or print the data.

    Import and Export

    The import and export feature available in Autolinks Manager allows you to archive your collections of autolinks, categories and term groups as XML files.

    This is extremely useful because:

    • Works as backup system for your autolinks, categories and term groups
    • You can move your autolinks, categories and term groups between different websites

    Multisite Ready

    This plugin can be used on a WordPress Network, and supports both a Network Activation (the plugin will be activated on all the sites of your WordPress Network in a single step) and a Single Site Activation (the plugin will be manually activated on single sites of the network)

    Multilanguage Ready

    Autolinks Manager comes by default in English and Italian, if you want to translate the plugin in another language simply create a translation file or manually translate it with a multilanguage plugin.

    High Quality Support

    Support for this plugin is provided in English and Italian directly via email by the plugin developers. If you experience any problems or if you need detailed technical info about specific plugin parts you are in good hands

    Video Tutorials


    This plugin makes use of the following resources:

    For each library you can find the actual copy of the license inside the folder used to store the library files.

    Do you care about your website’s SEO?

    Improve your internal links structure and get more visits on your WordPress website with the Interlinks Manager plugin.

    Implement now the hreflang attribute

    Increase the search visibility, the indexation rate, the number of impressions and avoid duplicate content by implementing hreflang with the Hreflang Manager plugin.

  • Fashionable Hyperlinks Professional (Miscellaneous)

    Fashionable Hyperlinks Professional (Miscellaneous)

    Stylish Links Pro automatically styles all of your existing links with beautiful CSS3 effects. Ever wonder how modern sites like Medium and Pitchfork have those snazzy link underline effects? Wonder no more! Now you can have those gorgeous subtle link effects with the click of a button. Control every aspect of your hyperlinks, including:

    • Underline animation
    • Underline color (normal and hover)
    • Separate link text color (normal and hover)
    • Background color (hormal and hover)
    • Underline offset
    • Underline thickness

    Selectively Enable It Where You Want It

    Best of all, you can turn this feature on and off for 8 different areas throughout your site, depending on how much or little of your site you want the effects applied to:

    • Single post content
    • Single page content
    • Archives
    • Home page posts
    • Menus
    • Comments
    • Text widgets
    • All widgets

    Plus, you can automatically style your links with icons of your choice (pre-built library of icons included) based on what type of link it is. The plugin does all the heavy lifting, you simply add the link to your content exactly the same way you always have, and then the plugin will determine if the link is one of the following four types and add your selected icon (only if you want it to):

    • Standard link
    • Anchor link (links that take the user to another part of the same page)
    • External link (links that take the user away from your site
    • File download

    Super Fast & Unobtrusive

    It’s all very unobtrusive and done mostly with CSS3, so there is no lag or extra processing added to your site. Super speedy, super smooth, and super modern, with a nice touch of elegance!

  • Hover Results Framework (Animations and Results)

    Hover Effects Framework Description

    Hover Effects Framework is a robust toolbox and at same size lightweight to construct hover effects in your website with a lot of options, with this framework you are making the smart choice for your hover area with a lot of options, examples, flexibility and with all modules necessary for you improve your website where you need.

    Hover Effects Framework Features

    Hover Effects with multi column Support
    Hover Effects with Icon font with over 1600 Icons 2016
    New Hover Effects Light & Dark Versions
    New Hover Effects with 50+ Animations to choose
    New Hover Effects Four variations to choose (Circular, Rectangle X, Rectangle Y, Square)
    New Hover Effects Five Colors Included
    New Hover Effects with Fixed and Fluid Container
    New Hover Effects with Tags examples
    New Hover Effects with Social examples
    New Hover Effects with Links with 50+ animations
    New Hover Effects with Bottom Caption
    New Hover Effects with Bottom Caption with 50+ animations
    New Hover Effects with Caption with 50+ animations
    New Hover Effects with Opacity
    New Hover Effects with Opacity Animated
    New Hover Effects without Caption
    New Hover Effects with Filters
    New Hover Effects with Border Animated
    New Good Documentation
    Full Responsive
    & Many More

    Shortcodes Folder

    Columns & Offsets
    Call Attention Boxes
    Progress Bars
    Videos & Images
    Block Elements
    Info Boxes
    Responsive Tables
    App Store Buttons

    Inside Package

    • hover-circular-caption
    • hover-circular-caption-colors
    • hover-circular-caption-dark
    • hover-circular-caption-fashion
    • hover-circular-caption-light
    • hover-circular-caption-with-links
    • hover-circular-caption-with-opacity
    • hover-circular-caption-with-opacity-animated
    • hover-circular-caption-with-tags
    • hover-circular-no-caption
    • hover-circular-on-hover-filters
    • hover-rectangle-caption
    • hover-rectangle-caption-bottom
    • hover-rectangle-caption-bottom-colors
    • hover-rectangle-caption-bottom-dark
    • hover-rectangle-caption-bottom-light
    • hover-rectangle-caption-bottom-with-tags
    • hover-rectangle-caption-colors
    • hover-rectangle-caption-dark
    • hover-rectangle-caption-fashion
    • hover-rectangle-caption-light
    • hover-rectangle-caption-with-border
    • hover-rectangle-caption-with-links
    • hover-rectangle-caption-with-opacity
    • hover-rectangle-caption-with-opacity-animated
    • hover-rectangle-caption-with-tags
    • hover-rectangle-no-caption
    • hover-rectangle-on-hover-filters
    • hover-square-caption
    • hover-square-caption-bottom
    • hover-square-caption-bottom-colors
    • hover-square-caption-bottom-dark
    • hover-square-caption-bottom-light
    • hover-square-caption-bottom-with-tags
    • hover-square-caption-colors
    • hover-square-caption-dark
    • hover-square-caption-fashion
    • hover-square-caption-light
    • hover-square-caption-with-border
    • hover-square-caption-with-links
    • hover-square-caption-with-opacity
    • hover-square-caption-with-opacity-animated
    • hover-square-caption-with-tags
    • hover-square-no-caption
    • hover-square-on-hover-filters

    Change Log

    - September 7 2016
    - Version 1.0 Inicial Release
    - September 13 2016
    - Update Photos
    - Update in all Shapes to more Flexible Height
    - Update colors
    - Correct minor CSS Changes


    Icons Used in Project – 59$ Value IcoMoon Ultimate Font
    Fonts used in Project Google Fonts

    It´s much appreciated if you can read documentation and contact me if you have any problem before give low ratings … Thanks for understanding… Enjoy…!!! :)

  • Hover Results Framework (Animations and Results)

    Hover Effects Framework Description

    Hover Effects Framework is a robust toolbox and at same size lightweight to construct hover effects in your website with a lot of options, with this framework you are making the smart choice for your hover area with a lot of options, examples, flexibility and with all modules necessary for you improve your website where you need.

    Hover Effects Framework Features

    Hover Effects with multi column Support
    Hover Effects with Icon font with over 1600 Icons 2016
    New Hover Effects Light & Dark Versions
    New Hover Effects with 50+ Animations to choose
    New Hover Effects Four variations to choose (Circular, Rectangle X, Rectangle Y, Square)
    New Hover Effects Five Colors Included
    New Hover Effects with Fixed and Fluid Container
    New Hover Effects with Tags examples
    New Hover Effects with Social examples
    New Hover Effects with Links with 50+ animations
    New Hover Effects with Bottom Caption
    New Hover Effects with Bottom Caption with 50+ animations
    New Hover Effects with Caption with 50+ animations
    New Hover Effects with Opacity
    New Hover Effects with Opacity Animated
    New Hover Effects without Caption
    New Hover Effects with Filters
    New Hover Effects with Border Animated
    New Good Documentation
    Full Responsive
    & Many More

    Shortcodes Folder

    Columns & Offsets
    Call Attention Boxes
    Progress Bars
    Videos & Images
    Block Elements
    Info Boxes
    Responsive Tables
    App Store Buttons

    Inside Package

    • hover-circular-caption
    • hover-circular-caption-colors
    • hover-circular-caption-dark
    • hover-circular-caption-fashion
    • hover-circular-caption-light
    • hover-circular-caption-with-links
    • hover-circular-caption-with-opacity
    • hover-circular-caption-with-opacity-animated
    • hover-circular-caption-with-tags
    • hover-circular-no-caption
    • hover-circular-on-hover-filters
    • hover-rectangle-caption
    • hover-rectangle-caption-bottom
    • hover-rectangle-caption-bottom-colors
    • hover-rectangle-caption-bottom-dark
    • hover-rectangle-caption-bottom-light
    • hover-rectangle-caption-bottom-with-tags
    • hover-rectangle-caption-colors
    • hover-rectangle-caption-dark
    • hover-rectangle-caption-fashion
    • hover-rectangle-caption-light
    • hover-rectangle-caption-with-border
    • hover-rectangle-caption-with-links
    • hover-rectangle-caption-with-opacity
    • hover-rectangle-caption-with-opacity-animated
    • hover-rectangle-caption-with-tags
    • hover-rectangle-no-caption
    • hover-rectangle-on-hover-filters
    • hover-square-caption
    • hover-square-caption-bottom
    • hover-square-caption-bottom-colors
    • hover-square-caption-bottom-dark
    • hover-square-caption-bottom-light
    • hover-square-caption-bottom-with-tags
    • hover-square-caption-colors
    • hover-square-caption-dark
    • hover-square-caption-fashion
    • hover-square-caption-light
    • hover-square-caption-with-border
    • hover-square-caption-with-links
    • hover-square-caption-with-opacity
    • hover-square-caption-with-opacity-animated
    • hover-square-caption-with-tags
    • hover-square-no-caption
    • hover-square-on-hover-filters

    Change Log

    - September 7 2016
    - Version 1.0 Inicial Release
    - September 13 2016
    - Update Photos
    - Update in all Shapes to more Flexible Height
    - Update colors
    - Correct minor CSS Changes


    Icons Used in Project – 59$ Value IcoMoon Ultimate Font
    Fonts used in Project Google Fonts

    It´s much appreciated if you can read documentation and contact me if you have any problem before give low ratings … Thanks for understanding… Enjoy…!!! :)

  • Chat it! — Share buttons for Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram, Skype, Messenger (Social Networking)

    Chat it! — Share buttons for Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram, Skype, Messenger (Social Networking)

    Chat it! is a premium WordPress plugin which adds ability to add cute buttons for sharing site content in popular messengers:

    • Viber
    • WhatsApp
    • Telegram
    • Skype
    • Facebook Messenger

    Customization options:

    • Button title text
    • Text color and background color
    • Icon type: round, square, button
    • Position: before and after content
    • Control post type to show on

    Also you can specify devices to show or hide every button:

    • iOs
    • Android
    • Other mobile platforms
    • Desktop

    Please note: WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger buttons work only on mobile devices, so there are no options to show it on desktop.

  • Affiliate Hyperlinks — WordPress Plugin for Hyperlink Shortening and Protecting (Merchandising)

    Affiliate Hyperlinks — WordPress Plugin for Hyperlink Shortening and Protecting (Merchandising)

    Do you like to see links which look like this?
    There’s no way of knowing where you’ll end up once you click on that!
    What if you could make that link look like site.com/go/mirror
    Sounds cool, huh? Well, with this plugin, you can.

    Affiliate Links is a premium WordPress plugin that allows you to mask any URL in order to create and shorten any internal or external links. This plugin will be useful for masking partner links to affiliate websites.

    Why you need Affiliate Links plugin:

    • Boost your SEO by hiding affiliate links from search engines.
    • Protect your earnings by masking referral links.
    • Increase your revenue by analyzing your link traffic and stats.
    • Save your time by using affiliate links easily and with no hassle.

    See what happens every time someone clicks on your link. Get access to all the details, such as how many times the user has clicked on the link, what browser they’re using, what language, etc.

    Conditional Redirects

    This feature lets you personalize redirect URLs based on the visitor’s language, browser, Operating system, and platform.

    Google Analytics Tracking

    Track each link click on your website as an event in Google Analytics. Use the separate settings tabs to choose what you want to track.

    This plugin gives you control over every link and you can set up a description, the redirection type, and a nofollow header.

    With this plugin, you have a wide range of ways to use affiliate links, such as widgets, shortcodes, and an html/shortcode generator. The two available widgets, Recent and Popular affiliate links, also let you specify the link category and count.

    The HTML and shortcode generator makes using links a piece of cake — just choose the options you need and click Copy.

  • Export WodPress URLs & Titles (Utilities)

    Simplify the migration from WordPress to Shopify, Squarespace or any other platform by having a complete list of all WordPress URLS and titles in a CSV file. It also very useful during SEO analysis.

    This plugin is developed and maintained by Kaspars Dambis who is a WordPress core contributor and professional WordPress consultant since 2007.


    Export the URLs and titles of all:

    • Posts, pages and custom post types
    • Categories, tags and custom taxonomies
    • Attachments, images, videos including the resized versions of all images

    The URL and title export tool
    The URL and title export tool under “Tools ? Export” in WordPress dashboard.

    Export URLs and titles in MS Excel
    The exported URLs and titles in MS Excel.


    1. Select “Plugins ? Add New” from the menu in your WordPress dashboard.
    2. Select the “Upload” tab at the top of the page.
    3. Select the preseto-export-urls.zip file for the upload and click “Upload”.
    4. Activate the plugin once it has been uploaded.
    5. Visit “Tools ? Export”, select “URLs and Titles” and click “Download Export File”.


    • Requires at least WordPress 3.2
    • Tested up to WordPress 4.5


    1. Configure the export
    2. Export opened in MS Excel.


    Please use the dedicated support section on CodeCanyon.


    1.0.0 (May 30, 2016)

    • First public release.
    • Added the export configuration options.

    0.1.0 (April 21, 2016)

    • Initial release.
  • WordPress Hyperlink Standing Professional – Restore Damaged Hyperlinks & Take care of Redirections (Utilities)

    WordPress Hyperlink Standing Professional – Restore Damaged Hyperlinks & Take care of Redirections (Utilities)

    WP Link Status Pro is a WordPress plugin to check HTTP status response codes of all your content links and images.

    It works crawling your content, extracting links and images, looking for broken links, redirections, nofollow links, etc.


    • Create multiple scans, each one containing its own configuration and results.
    • Run the crawler in background mode, no WordPress session needed.
    • Advanced filters criteria and search by URL or anchor text.
    • Edit content directly from crawler results without having to enter the post editor.
    • Change URLs, anchor text, manage nofollow links, replace redirections, etc.
    • Extra URL tools to perform massive changes matching post URLs.
    • Any crawler parameter configurable via extended settings page.

    Try a demo version

    Download and install a demo version of this plugin with almost all premium features.


  • Affiliate Butler Professional – Key phrases to Hyperlink Converter Plugin (Promoting)

    Affiliate Butler Professional – Key phrases to Hyperlink Converter Plugin (Promoting)

    Affiliate Butler Pro is a WordPress plugin that helps you to replace specific keywords to links automatically. Are you tired of linking websites in your post? This plugin will solve your problem. Link your keywords once and forget about them. Are you an affiliate marketer, you don’t have to insert your affiliate links manually every time you write a blog post. Also, it has a link shortening feature to hide and protect your links. Replace the keywords with External and Internal URLs, Image, Gallery, Maps and Videos popups, and social media sharing tooltip.

    Manage them in one place and create your own shortcuts via Keywords.

  • YoutubeAdBuilder (Merchandising)

    YoutubeAdBuilder (Merchandising)

    YoutubeAdBuilder is a WordPress Plugin that allows you to build interactive ads within YouTube videos posted on your WordPress website.

    You can texts, links, images, buttons, custom codes, email form ads to your video and configure the way they appear including when to appear and what duration to take, also you can assign really nice animation effects to these elements.