Tag: linkedin

  • FS Poster – Auto publish WP posts (Facebook,Twitter,Linkedin,Instagram,Pinterest,Reddir,VK,Tumblr) (Social Networking)

    FS Poster – Auto publish WP posts (Facebook,Twitter,Linkedin,Instagram,Pinterest,Reddir,VK,Tumblr) (Social Networking)


    If you want to post your WordPress contents automatically in social networks , for this FS Poster is a perfect choice.

    FS Poster supports 8 social networks: Facebook ( accounts, my pages, liked pages, groups ), Instagram , Twitter , Linkedin ( accounts, companies ) , Pinterest , Reddit , Tumblr , VK.com ( account, pages, groups, events ).


    Publish WordPress posts

    You will publish WordPress posts while creating a new or previously created.

    Publish WordPress pages

    You will publish WordPress pages while creating a new or previously created.

    Publish WordPress attachments

    You will publish WordPress media files (images, videos) while creating a new or previously created.

    Publish WordPress products ( WooCommerce )

    You will publish WooCommerce products while creating a new or previously created.

    8 social network integrated

    You will publish your posts/pages/products to 8 social networks in a same time:

    1. Facebook

      • Accounts
      • My Pages
      • Liked Pages
      • Groups
    2. Twitter ( accounts)
    3. Instagram ( accounts)
    4. Linkedin

      • Accounts
      • Companies
    5. Pinterest ( accounts)
    6. Reddit ( accounts)
    7. Tumblr ( accounts)
    8. VK.com

      • Accounts
      • Pages
      • Groups
      • Events

    Configure unlimited accounts, communities each Social Media

    You will publish your contents unlimited accounts, communities for each social media in a same time.

    Easy to use and user-friendly interface

    Our plugin is so easy to use, you will add your social network accounts in just 3 clicks. Our plugin interface so is user-friendly.

    Full control all accounts and communities

    If you don’t want to publish posts any account or communities, you will disable or delete them.

    Schedule posts

    You will schedule your posts. Control schedules, pause / play schedules, see full logs about scheduled posts and etc.

    Full logs

    You will see full logs about posts. Hits, Likes, Comments, Shares and etc.


    In insights also you will get counts of posts views. When anybody clicked the post link in a social network and entered your site , the number of view count will increasing. And as a result you will compare which social networks or accounts / communitys brings more visitors in to your site.

    Fully customize post message

    You will create a custom text with a keywords for posting.

    Unique URL

    You will unique your post URL for avoid dublicate content error.


    FS Poster plugin is fully translatable.

  • WP Job Manager Bundle (Add-ons)

    WP Job Manager Bundle (Add-ons)

    We know that you are always looking for a better solution for your business. We value your time and money.

    To be more effective and get maximum results we decided to create a bundle where we gathered our WP job managers plugins for you. They can be integrated to your website easily. Every month we make updates of each plugin and it gets new functionality to work better for you.

    The bundle allows:
    to create an easy resume posting site, built upon WP Job Manager
    to display an application form on your job listings instead of the standard email/website links
    to apply to jobs using both Indeed and LinkedIn accounts

    Bundels benefits:
    quick access to the best WP Job Managers
    easy integration
    best price

  • Linkedinomatic Computerized Put up Generator and LinkedIn Auto Poster Plugin (Miscellaneous)

    Linkedinomatic Computerized Put up Generator and LinkedIn Auto Poster Plugin (Miscellaneous)

    You will Love this item!

    Linkedinomatic Automatic Post Generator and LinkedIn Auto Poster Plugin

    What Can You Do With This Plugin?

    Linkedinomatic Automatic Post Generator and LinkedIn Auto Poster Plugin for WordPress is a breaking edge (made in 2018) LinkedIn To WordPress and WordPress To LinkedIn post importer plugin that is ideal for auto blogging and automatic LinkedIn post publishing. It uses the LinkedIn API to turn your website into a auto blogging or even a money making machine!
    Using this plugin, you can automatically generate posts based on a set of predefined rules. These rules can generate posts from:

    • Any LikedIn company page you are administrator of

    Plugin features:

    • Manually publish posts to LinkedIn
    • Automatically publish posts to LinkedIn, on each post publish
    • Ability to limit the number of posts posted to LinkedIn in a predefined period of time
    • Google Translate support – select the language in which you want to post your articles
    • Text Spinner support – automatically modify generated text, changing words with their synonyms – SpinRewriter, WordAI, The Best Spinner, a built-in spinner, and others – great SEO value!
    • customizable generated post status (published, draft, pending, private, trash)
    • automatically generate post categories or tags from marketplace items
    • manually add post categories or tags to items
    • generate post or page
    • define publishing constrains: do not publish posts that do not have images, posts with short/long title/content
    • automatically generate a featured image for the post
    • enable/disable comments, pingbacks or trackbacks for the generated post
    • customize post title and content (with the included wide variety of relevant post shortcodes)
    • ‘Keyword Replacer Tool’ – It’s purpose is to define keywords that are substituted automatically with your affiliate links, anywhere they appear in the content of your site. For example, you can define a keyword ‘codecanyon’ and have it substituted by a link to http://www.codecanyon.net/?ref=user_name anywhere it appears in your site’s content.
    • ‘Random Sentence Generator Tool’ (relevant sentences – as you define them)
    • detailed plugin activity logging
    • custom post meta support
    • custom post taxonomies support
    • scheduled rule runs
    • LinkedIn Pixel inclusion
    • Maximum/minimum title length post limitation
    • Maximum/minimum content length post limitation
    • Add post only if predefined required keywords found in title/content
    • Add post only if predefined banned keywords are not found in the title/content

    Try it out now

    Testing this plugin

    • You can test the plugin’s functionality using the ‘Test Site Generator’. Here you can try the plugin’s full functionality. Note that the generated testing blog will be deleted automatically after 24 hours.

    Plugin Requirements

    Learn more about this plugin

    Need support?

    Please check our knowledge base, it may have the answer to your question or a solution for your issue. If not, just email me at kisded@yahoo.com and I will respond as soon as I can.



    Version 1.0.0 Release Date 2018-04-12

    First version released!

    Are you already a customer?

    If you already bought this and you have tried it out, please contact me in the item’s comment section and give me feedback, so I can make it a better WordPress plugin!

    WordPress 4.9 Tested!

    Purchase this item now!

    Like this? Give it a 5 star rating!

    Do you like our work and want more of it?
    Check out this MEGA plugin bundle or this SOCIAL plugin bundle.

    mega bundle by CodeRevolution

  • PHP Counter – social networks lovers/followers counter plugin (Add-ons)

    Social Counter – PHP Plugin grabs the latest counts of your Fans/Followers etc. from your favorite social networks and then displays them on your website .

    Include PHP Class File

    require './socialCounter.php';

    Run Class

    $SocialCounter = new SocialCounter();

    Run Function

    See example to get social network count

    // change 'get_facebook()' with your function name from list of functions
    echo $SocialCounter->get_facebook();

    List Of Functions

    1. get_facebook();
    2. get_twitter();
    3. get_google();
    4. get_instagram();
    5. get_youtube();
    6. get_vimeo();
    7. get_pinterest();
    8. get_dribbble();
    9. get_behance();
    10. get_vk();
    11. get_soundcloud();
    12. get_github();
  • Social Share Buttons for WordPress (Social Networking)

    Social Share Buttons for WordPress (Social Networking)

    Side menu is a very great wordpress plugin that lets you add amazing side menus to your wordpress website. Use the plugin to delight visitors with extra functionality and content.

  • Social Locker for WordPress (Social Networking)

    Social Locker for WordPress (Social Networking)

    The Social Locker plugin is a set of social buttons that lock your content and ask your users to pay with a share/like/tweet/1 your website to get access to hidden content, to get discount, to download or so. The plugin will help you to get more likes, tweets, google, subscribers, customers and traffic!