Tag: like

  • Sharkha – Share Counter, Views Counts & Voting System (Social Networking)

    Sharkha – Share Counter, Views Counts & Voting System (Social Networking)

    Increase your site traffic in the most simplest form, Sharkha will add the sharing buttons to all your site content with just simple click !
    Sharkha is a straightforward solution to add the sharing buttons to any WordPress theme, Lightweight and simple, With smart code structure that provide you with +200 development filter.

    #1 Plugin Solved Twitter Share Count Problem

    The problem with Twitter share counts is Twitter dropped their support for the count service, Most of the plugin on the market ( Properly all of them ) depending on third party service to count the shares which might show fake shares. Sharkha Doesn’t use any 3rd services, We use the official Twitter API to count your shares, The official API allows us to search in Twitter datbase using your website links the pulgin make search in Twitter database each 7 days and count the returned search entry then save it to your database.

    Real Voting System

    Each vote you make will be stored in your profile which gives you the option to build social voting website, You can allow voting to logged in users only and you can show each user likes by dropping our shortcode in any page

  • Everest Remark Score – Show Like/Dislike With Response Emojis For WordPress Feedback (Utilities)

    Everest Remark Score – Show Like/Dislike With Response Emojis For WordPress Feedback (Utilities)

    Everest Comment Rating is an Ultimate WordPress Plugin that adds functionality to like, dislike and react to the default WordPress comments. You can use the inbuilt react/like/dislike icons or upload your custom icons . Integrating comment rating plugin , your WordPress comment section becomes more engaging and interesting. You can make the comment rating feature accessible to either all or only logged in users . Moreover, the plugin features separate Like/Dislike count, custom CSS, different pre designed like/dislike/reaction templates, comment sorting based on ranking and so on. You can easily add this functionality to any the post categoriesas per your selection.

    This fully responsive WordPress plugin offers many customization options – you can enable/disable each button (like/dislike/react) as per your need and you can also define the position of rating counter . It is an easy-to-use plugin with simple and user friendly interface.

    <img src=”https://demo.accesspressthemes.com/wordpress-plugins/everest-comment-rating/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/everest-comment-rating-salespage.png” alt=”Everest Comment
    Rating – Sales Page” />


    Advanced Features List

  • Aparg SmartSocial – WordPress Social Media Plugin (Social Networking)

    Aparg SmartSocial – WordPress Social Media Plugin (Social Networking)

    Aparg SmartAd Features

    Want to be more active in social media, you are in the right place! Aparg SmartSocial is a next level social WordPress plugin that offers exclusive features. 100+ social networks are included with all activities (share, like, follow, subscribe & widgets). Aparg SmartSocial is the only one of a kind plugin that has social form builder with preview that will allow to create stunning social forms using integrated templates with drag & drop. Hard and soft content lockers will help to lock the content until a visitor has not liked your pages. Exported PDF stats with graphs will optimize your SMM campaign. Great documentation and our quick support will solve your problems on the fly. So, don’t linger & start using Aparg SmartSocial.

    Check live preview

    100+ social networks included

    Choose among more than 100 social networks. All activities such as share, like, follow, subscribe and widgets are available. Counters for share, follow or other activities can be enabled.

    Social form builder with preview

    Create stunning social forms using integrated templates with drag & drop. Check the result on different devices before publishing with preview feature.

    Hard & soft content locker

    Lock your content until a visitor has not performed any activity (like, share & etc.) on your social page. Both hard and soft lock methods are available. Hard lock will also hide content from search engines.

    Smart social forms controlling

    Create special audience for any social form or campaign by selecting desired categories, tags, pages, posts, languages (WPML, Polylang, qTranslate X and qTranslate) and device types.


    Enable social forms rotation and other automated features even with caching plugins enabled. Make social forms work without losing performance.


    Check and export stats with graphs for any social form, campaign or for all items. Also check any period of time for better analyze.

    Campaigns & Social forms

    Create multiple campaigns and social forms with automatic rotation and scheduled start. Also select deadline by activity, views and date to automatically suspend social forms.

    Easy customizable

    Bunch of unique options for each campaign and social form will let you fully customize plugin to match all your requirements.

    Ease of use

    Minimum setup time, native WordPress UI/UX, documentation and our quick support will provide you with great experience.

    Check video quick start guide

    Included social networks

    Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Linkedin, Tumblr, Digg, StumbleUpon, Reddit, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Buffer, Weibo, Xing, Skyrock, MySpace, Amazon, Kakao, LiveJournal, RenRen, Gmail, HackerNews, Flipboard, Baidu, Yummly, Hootsuite, Evernote, DesignFloat, Google Bookmark, Telegram, Skype, Diigo, Scoop.it, Douban, Viber, QQ, WhatsApp, Line, SMS, Plurk, Email, Aol Mail, ManageWP, Taringa, Meneame, Pocket, QZone, Yahoo Mail, Tuenti, Mendeley, Mixi, Flattr, Viadeo, Facebook Messenger, Slashdot, Mail.RU, Blogger, Print, Comments, Youtube, Quora, SlideShare, Vimeo, Dribbble, Github, Envato, ebay, SoundCloud, Behance, Steam, The Dots, Instagram, RSS Feed, DeviantArt, REVEBNATION, bandcamp, DISQUS, goodreads, Flickr, Foursquare, Vine, 500px, Twitch, WeHeartit, Feedly, Spotify, last.fm, Mailchimp, Campaign Monitor, Constant Contact, ActiveCampaign, Periscope, StackOverflow, MyHeritage, Tagged, ravelry, care2, IMDb, Newsvine, Badoo, tripadvisor

    All features

    • Advanced form builder with integrated templates and cross device preview
    • Hard/Soft content locker
    • Social network counters
    • Network predefined credentials
    • Available activities: Share, Like, Follow, Subscribe and Widgets
    • Multiple Campaign types (Popup and Embed)
    • Auto social forms rotation in campaigns (with drag & drop reordering)
    • Smart form controlling by categories, tags, posts, pages, languages(WPML, Polylang, qTranslate X and qTranslate) and device types
    • Social form auto suspend by date, views and other activities
    • Scheduled start
    • Social form alignment
    • 43 popup animations
    • 34 embed animations
    • 25 overlay patterns
    • Anti-Cache
    • Auto social form placement (before/after post)
    • Output via shortcode or a widget
    • SmartSocial Visual Composer element
    • Multisite ready
    • Fully responsive
    • Native WordPress UI/UX
    • Ultra customizable with unique options for each type
    • Advance statistics for any selected period (with PDF export)
    • Detailed documentation
    • Quick support
    • Translation ready

    Aparg - Web and Mobile Development

  • Social Share Buttons for WordPress (Social Networking)

    Social Share Buttons for WordPress (Social Networking)

    Side menu is a very great wordpress plugin that lets you add amazing side menus to your wordpress website. Use the plugin to delight visitors with extra functionality and content.

  • Social Locker for WordPress (Social Networking)

    Social Locker for WordPress (Social Networking)

    The Social Locker plugin is a set of social buttons that lock your content and ask your users to pay with a share/like/tweet/1 your website to get access to hidden content, to get discount, to download or so. The plugin will help you to get more likes, tweets, google, subscribers, customers and traffic!

  • Like FB to free up for WP (Social Networking)

    The Like FB to unlock for WordPress is a content locker for Facebook, which allows you to lock specified content on a web page until a user clicks the Like Button

    Using the default Facebook Like Button don’t trigger users to share your content or like your site. This content locker is the solution. It force users to Like your website or get access to premium links you offer by simple Liking your site. This is the ultimate solution to drive more social traffic, fans and customers.

    So why forcing your visitors to see Facebook popups and not ask them to Like instead! This solution give you access to over 100 million Facebook users and generate ultimate marketing solutions. Get the most out of Facebook without any code. Just install the plugin and your done!


    The plugin let you hide all content between shortcode tags locker_shortcode
    No difficult settings or configurations. Just install the plugin and your done.
    Support for Facebook without any problem or hard work.
    Gain widespread popularity with minimal efforts!
    Light weight and very fast loaded for perfect SEO scores.
    All share count will be shown including individual sharing count.
    Simple and easy to use.
    Add shortcodes on the go from WordPress-Editor itself.

    The plugin is fully compatible with the recent versions of WordPress (4.5.3)
    Compatible with older WordPress versions, down to 3.2.


    No configuration is needed. Just install the plugin, create a locker shortcode in one click and your done. Now move to your WordPress Posts and add the content locker from the editor.

  • Wish to liberate for wordpress (Social Networking)

    Wish to liberate for wordpress (Social Networking)

    With Like to unlock you lock content on your website page or even lock download links to premium content.

    Why forcing your visitors to see Facebook popups and not ask them to Like instead! This solution give you access to over 100 million Facebook users and generate ultimate marketing solutions. Get the most out of Facebook without any code. Just install the plugin and your done!


    The plugin let you hide all content between shortcode tags locker_shortcode
    No difficult settings or configurations. Just install the plugin and your done.
    Support for Facebook without any problem or hard work.
    Gain widespread popularity with minimal efforts!
    Light weight and very fast loaded for perfect SEO scores.
    All share count will be shown including individual sharing count.
    Simple and easy to use.
    Add shortcodes on the go from WordPress-Editor itself.

    The plugin is fully compatible with the recent versions of WordPress (4.5.3)
    Compatible with older WordPress versions, down to 3.2.


    No configuration is needed. Just install the plugin, create a locker shortcode in one click and your done. Now move to your WordPress Posts and add the content locker from the editor.

  • wordpress Fb Feedback (Social Networking)

    wordpress Fb Feedback (Social Networking)


    Let people comment on content on your site using their Facebook account.

    People can choose to share their comment activity with their friends (and friends of their friends) on Facebook as well.

    The comments plugin also includes built-in moderation tools and social relevance ranking.


    1. To install the plugin you simply need go in “Admin > Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin” and select the .zip file.

    2. You simply need to active it in installed plugins list.


    Upon activation, you need to visit “Admin > cdz Settings > FB Comments” to configure the plugin.

    In order to use Facebook comments on your site you will need to create a Facebook App.
    If you have previously created an app for your site, then you can use that App ID here. Otherwise, you will need to create a new app.

    Simply visit the Facebook Apps page and click on the “Add a New App” button.
    You will need to select the “Website” platform and provide a name for your app and click on the “Create New Facebook App ID” button.

    Facebook will now create a new app for you to use, and it will redirect you to your app dashboard. You will notice your app ID displayed there.
    You need to copy and paste this app ID in “Admin > cdz Settings > FB Comments > Facebook App ID”.


    – Initial release

  • 5-Superstar Rankings & Evaluations – WordPress Ranking Plugin for Blogs, Evaluate Web sites and E-Commerce Stores (eCommerce)

    5-Superstar Rankings & Evaluations – WordPress Ranking Plugin for Blogs, Evaluate Web sites and E-Commerce Stores (eCommerce)

    Try out Five-Star Ratings & Reviews in a live environment first before you buy

    Allow your Visitors Rate and Review Your Content.

    If you have a blog all about your world travel adventures, healthy food recipes, reviews of the latest gadgets, or any other topic; we bet you’re curious about what your readers think about your content. Sure you can hint your readers to contribute comments on the bottom of your page, but more often than not, they won’t post their comments. And if they do post their comments, other future readers would need to read through all the comments in order to get a grasp of whether people love the article.

    With Five-Star Ratings & Reviews, you can allow your visitors and readers to rate your articles. Your visitors will see each article’s/content’s average star rating within your article list and in other pages in your site, and they would be able to easily see how great your content is.

    This also works for Custom Post Types. This means that if you have a plugin installed that adds your graphic or photography portfolio, restaurant menu items and other custom post types, you can also add star ratings to them.

    E-Commerce Support

    You can also use Five-Star Ratings & Reviews if you have an online shop or marketplace. If your online shop uses these e-commerce plugins, you can easily add star ratings and user reviews to each of your products:

    • WooCommerce,
    • Easy Digital Downloads,
    • WP eCommerce,
    • Jigoshop, or
    • Shopp

    You can choose to let your customers rate the products that they’ve purchased and leave product reviews!

    User Reviews

    Instead of just allowing your users to leave comments, with Five-Star Ratings & Reviews, you can now let them add in their own five-star rating along with their personalized review. Each user review contributes to the total rating of each article, and they will be displayed vertically inside them.

    Author Reviews

    Aside from letting your visitors review your content, you – as the author – can also leave your own star rating on your content. This special rating is separately displayed with the user reviews to give emphasis. This feature is especially helpful for review sites where you usually want to showcase your own review of a product or a gadget, while still allowing your readers to contribute their own ratings.


    Every website has different looks and different needs. We’ve got you covered! Among other things you can change colors of the stars, their sizes and also change their shapes into hearts or a thumbsup icon. Each label can also be adjusted as well in the settings if your site has a more playful or stricter tone.

    Having Trouble with the Plugin?

    Head over to the support tab and check out the FAQs, or submit a support ticket!

    Enjoying the Plugin?

    Be sure to leave a rating and review and show us some love.


    Version 1.0

    * Initial release

  • FAQ Supervisor (Utilities)

    We created the FAQ Manager to help people easily add FAQ sections via shortcode, widget, or WooCommerce tab.

    FAQ Manager plays nice with other big boys such as Visual Composer, WooCommerce and WPML.

    But the unique feature that no other FAQ plugin has, and we’re proud of, is that users can ask questions on the frontend via out of the box contact form. Those questions will create a new custom post “faq” and will be saved as draft on the FAQ list, waiting for the admin or moderator to answer it.
    Once they do, it will be automatically shown among the other FAQ’s.

    Unique Features