Tag: leads

  • Twitter Lead Generator (Social Networking)

    Twitter Lead Generator (Social Networking)

    Twitter Lead Generator – current version 1.01 available for download!

    Search twitter for leads using Keywords or hashtags.

    To view the live demo visit https://geshu.com/demo/wordpress/twitter-manager and log in using demo/demo as username/password.

    Time is money and we don’t all have time to find leads each and every day. Now you can automate your lead generation by crawling Twitter for websites based on any specific keyword or hashtag.


    • Automatically Crawl Twitter and find leads for your business

    What does it do?

    After much research and testing we have created this plugin to crawl Twitter users to find those who ahve specific keywords or hashtags in their profile and then we generate a report with information including their website, twitter description, their follower/following count and more. Simply install the plugin, create a Twitter app in 5 minutes, add the app id/secret to the plugin, add a few keywords or hashtags and lastly setup a cron job to run. In less than 20 minutes you can be generating great leads for your business.

    Our success is based on our customer satisfaction. Our support team is dedicated to helping clients solve any issues they might experience. We are long time developers with an impeccable record of developing enterprise applications for clients around the world. The products we have here are time tested by us and are used on a daily basis by all our direct clients.

    The Geshu.com Team

    Heres to your success and thank you for your interest in Twitter Manager,


    Twitter Lead Generator 1.01, 2016-09-10

    Designed by Freepik

  • OptIn Ninja Bundle – Highly effective Lead Era Machine (Newsletters)

    OptIn Ninja Bundle – Highly effective Lead Era Machine (Newsletters)

    A glance at the unique dashboard gives you all the info about your campaigns and subscribers

    Grow your subscriber lists exponentially and save 10% by getting the bundle! Build squeeze pages, landing pages and popups that convert like crazy.

    OptIn Ninja creates 2-step, highly optimized squeeze / landing pages and popups, integrates with any WP theme, has built-in stats and A/B tests, and supports numerous autoresponder options. Local database saves all your subscribers so you have a safe backup. New templates are added weekly and can be downloaded from within the plugin.

    Bundle includes:

    1. OptIn Ninja – $29 value, find out more
    2. Auto Popups add-on for ON – $6 value, find out more
    3. Custom Form Fields add-on for ON – $6 value, find out more
    4. Extra templates – available exclusively in the bundle, $6 value, check them out

    View online demos


    Contact us. We'll get back to you ASAP!Subscribe to our items RSS feedFollow us and be the first to get new exciting items!


    v1.0 - July 9th, 2016
    * initial release

    Everything and anything about WordPress in one place

  • Tremendous Types (Types)

    Tremendous Types (Types)

    Super Forms is the one and only plugin that you will ever need for your contact forms. This WordPress Plugin is very user friendly when it comes to building forms. With unlimited options you will be able to create any kind of forms. With conditional logic, Multipart elements and tons of customizable options and settings to adjust any color of any element to fit your needs. No matter what theme you have installed Super Forms will fit with it’s color scheme functionality.

    Send confirmation emails, save contact entries with it’s data.
    And much more functionality!

  • 59sec lite – Lead Administration Device (Utilities)

    59sec lite – Lead Administration Device (Utilities)

    You will earn THOUSANDS of extra $$$ each month
    #1. You will earn THOUSANDS of extra $$$ each month! –
    Faster Response Times = More Money For You.

    WOW factor - your clients will LOVE you!
    #2. WOW factor – your clients will LOVE you!
    Exceed expectations by being insanely fast with 59sec.

    MEGA differentiation versus your competition
    #3. You’ll get MEGA differentiation versus your competition!
    Be faster and more responsive than the others and clients will see it.

    mental orgasm each time you get a new push notification
    #4. You’ll get a mental orgasm each time you get a new push notification! No kidding!
    The most awesome sound in the world? Cash flowing in.

    What does the 59sec do?

    59sec LITE helps companies to answer leads generated with Contact Form 7 under 59 seconds, in order to boost conversions.

    Basically, we’ll whip your sales/support team to do their job properly and FOLLOW-UP the leads ASAP, not after hours or days!

    How the whipping goes? :)

    Step 1 – you install the plugin.

    Step 2 – you install the 59sec mobile app on your sales people mobile devices. Takes 2 minutes!

    Step 3 – it sends PUSH NOTIFICATIONS on your mobile devices (iOS, Android, Windows Phone) with your leads or questions from clients.

    Step 4 – if the leads are not grabbed FAST, 59sec will make some followups.

    Step 5 – if still the lead is not grabbed, then the boss is notified: “Yo, you are losing money. Why your team cannot answer fast a lead? Either they are overwhelmed and you should hire more, either they are losing time (most probably).”

    Step 6 – everybody can see some cool statistics of response time. Who is lazy and who should get a bonus.

    Decreasing response time will boost your conversion rate! :)

    59sec on iOS

    Why is so important to answer super FAST?

    Because studies done by MIT and Kellogg show that answering a lead in 5 minutes versus 30 seconds means 21x more chances to close the sale. So, we are helping you answer under 1 minute, not in 5. :)

    Study Response Time

    59sec system has 2 main components: the back-end (59sec plugin lite or PRO) + the mobile apps (iOS, Android and Windows Phone).

    How to install it!

    First you install the 59sec wordpress plugin. Done!

    Second, you set up the plugin. Specify the “Entry Sources”, the “Notifications”, etc.

    Third, you put everybody from the sales team to install the mobile apps (iOS and Android available) and connect it to the site. Each user secret code can be found under “Notifications” tab.
    How to install' title=

    How to use 59sec

    Other questions?



    We want you to be happy, so you can later upgrade to 59sec PRO or ENTERPRISE. We want to be so happy with our collaboration so you go tell all your businessmen friends about how great we are. :)
    100% Guarantee

    Constantin “Noro” Ferseta
    59sec Founder
    Constantin Ferseta

  • wordpress Contacts (Utilities)

    wordpress Contacts (Utilities)

    WP Contacts is a WordPress plugin that gives you a complete contact management system right on the front end of WordPress.

    Assign the tool to a page and access from there! A snap to install and includes extremely powerful and highly

    customizable features.

    Use it to manage leads, contacts, customers, or just about anything else you can think of! Create as many dynamic fields

    as you would like and display them in the order you want. Choose filtering options, upload images, associate and store

    files for each contact.


    • WordPress easy plugin install
    • Drag and Drop administration
    • Simple to use, powerful admin capabilities
    • Manage leads, contacts, or easily customize to manage anything else you can imagine
    • Translation ready (pot file included)
    • All dynamic fields (as many as you want/need)
    • Dynamic statistics
    • Responsive and ready for all of your devices
    • Full front-end functionality all the way to your mobile devices
    • Modern and clean design
    • Compatible with any WordPress standards compliant theme
    • Import and export your contacts while controlling which fields are imported or exported
    • Import supports csv, xls and xlsx formats
    • Importing supports chunk reading to save server resources while importing
    • Sort, filter, search, administer…even on your phone
    • Multiple User roles (No Access, Read Only, Manage & view Own Leads only, Administrator / full access)
    • User accounts are your WordPress site users and roles are managed separately from WordPress roles.
    • Enable world read mode for front end (you can allow non-authenticated users read access to the frontend)
    • Only a WordPress admin can manage the main settings on the backend
    • Site information tab to let you know your servers limits
    • Multi-user system (no user number limits)
    • Powerful logging – Know when a contact was created, who created it, who last updated it and who owns it
    • Add and remove quick notes for your contacts…as many as you want
    • Easily override styling with your own custom css
    • Custom Color and logo control
    • Set images for contacts
    • Upload and store as many files, images etc. for each contact as you want
    • Set up main page fields separately from individual views, display order and shown fields
    • Set sort order of fields for individual views and edit forms
    • Sources, Status & Types are used for filtering and statistics
    • Sources, Status & Types can be labelled anything and have as many options as you would like
    • Front page administration of contacts
    • Set pagination results and count per page (or you can remove pagination)
    • Enable / disable WP admin bar for the leads page
    • Built-in automatic plugin updates
    • Highly detailed logging information which is searchable & sortable (know who did what, when and from where)
    • An excellent tool for real estate professionals, lenders, small businesses and anyone who wants their own

      customizable database of contacts


    • WordPress

    Release Info

    • Version 1.1.0 – Initial Release

    Login for demo is:
    user: demo
    password: demo
    (Demo refreshes data every 30 minutes)

    If you purchase WP Contacts, please rate it well to encourage us to add features and improvements – Thank you!

  • Storage for Contact Type 7  (Kinds)

    Storage for Contact Type 7 (Kinds)

    Contact Form 7 Storage plugin stores copies of all Contact Form 7 submissions (including attachments) in your WordPress dashboard. All form entries and leads will be stored safely even if your e-mail goes down or e-mail messages go missing or get deleted.

    This plugin is developed and maintained by Kaspars Dambis who is a WordPress core contributor and professional WordPress consultant since 2007.


    All form submissions are stored in the WordPress backend in addition to being sent via e-mail. E-mail delivery is never 100% reliable and having a backup of all contact entries will ensure you never miss a lead or inquiry.

    List of all contact form submissions

    Each entry also stores the following details about the submission:

    • Time and date of the entry
    • E-mail of the contact form recipient
    • Subject line of the e-mail that was sent to the contact form recipient
    • All attachments uploaded to the contact form
    • Page URL of where the contact form was submitted (referer).
    • Browser and device information of the submission.
    • Link to the setup page of the contact form that was used for submission.

    Single contact form submission


    1. Select “Plugins > Add New” from the main menu in your WordPress dashboard.
    2. Select the “Upload” tab at the top of the page.
    3. Select the cf7-storage.zip file for the upload and click “Upload”.
    4. Be sure to activate the plugin once it has been uploaded.


    This plugin adds a new section called “Entries” under the “Contact” menu in the WordPress dashboard which lists all of the contact form submissions in a reverse chronological order.

    Dropdown selectors at the top of the list provide filtering and sorting of the contact form entries by the contact form used for submission and the date of submission.

    Free form text search is also available for finding a specific entry.


    • Requires at least: WordPress 3.2
    • Tested up to: WordPress 3.9.1


    1. List of all form submissions.
    2. Detailed view of each submission.



    • Add support for localization.
    • Add Latvian translation.


    • Simplify the readme file.


    • Initial release.
  • Parallax Gravity – Touchdown Web page Builder (Utilities)

    Parallax Gravity – Touchdown Web page Builder (Utilities)

    Parallax Gravity – Landing Page Builder

    Parallax Gravity is a WordPress plugin that allows you to create unlimited landing pages. With Parallax Gravity you can add multiple sections within each page, for each section you can set a background, add any type of content including shortcodes from third party plugins and much more. Parallax Gravity is perfect for creating landing pages or product showcases


    • Fully responsive
    • Add content for each section (including other plugin’s content)
    • Set a background for each section (multiple options)
    • Parallax Animation Shortcodes (allows to build scroll based movement)
    • Activate/Deactivate a menu for the page (add section names to the page menu)
    • Activate/Deactivate page (if campaign is over it will redirect to a custom URL)
    • Google Analytics Support
    • Custom CSS support
    • Custom keywords support
    • Generated QR code (If your campaign also runs offline (Ex: flyers), you could print the QR code on a flyer)
    • Shortcodes for columns, titles and buttons are included

    Comprehensive documentation for Parallax Gravity. Browse the documentation, search for help topics, step by step guide on how to install and use the plugin. See DOCUMENTATION, see ADMIN VIDEO.

    NOTE! Within the preview the horizontal gallery is made with Metro-WordPress Grid Portfolio plugin, the team is made with Meet the Team plugin. Both plugins are not included within the download package.

    Please rate this item. You can rate the item from your account download page

    Preview images – Fotolia.com, Preview icons – ModernUiIcons