Tag: lead

  • Acelle Join – WordPress Plugin for Acelle Mail (Newsletters)

    Acelle Join – WordPress Plugin for Acelle Mail (Newsletters)

    Acelle Connect – version 2.0 (Feb 13th, 2018)

    Acelle Connect © is a WordPress © plugin which allows you to synchronize your WordPress contacts with your mail list in Acelle Mail © – an email marketing web application.

    Suppose you want to send periodical email campaigns to your WordPress contacts. Then you will need to set up your mail list in an email marketing application like Acelle Mail or MailChimp and then import your contacts from WordPress to the mail list.
    However, as your WordPress contacts are getting updated regularly, you need a way to propagate the updates, i.e. new or updated contact information, to the mail list. Then Acelle Connect © comes to help.


    Download Acelle Connect © .zip file from CodeCanyon then:

    • Login to your WordPress admin dashboard
    • Go to `Plugins` page
    • Click the `Add Plugin` button, then choose `Upload Plugin`
    • Upload Acelle Connect © `.zip` file
    • Activate

    You’re done installing Acelle Connect © plugin.

    Getting Started

    Once you have installed Acelle Connect © plugin, you will be able to configure it to connect to Acelle Mail

    • Open `Acelle Connect` menu in your WordPress dashboard
    • Click to edit or create a new connection
    • Then you will be ask for Acelle `Endpoint URL` and `API Token`. You can find those in your Acelle Mail’s `Account > API` page which looks like this:
    • Enter the appropriate `Endpoint URL` and `API Token` then hit the `Connect` button.
    • Once you’re successfully connected with Acelle Mail, you can see all available mail lists from Acelle Mail:
    • Choose an appropriate mail list then hit the `Choose and Next` button
    • Then Acelle Connect © allows you to map the WordPress contacts’ fields to the mail list. Update and save your mapping.
    • Acelle Connect © uses a daemon process to actually copy your WordPress contacts to Acelle Mail. Please make sure you have installed the conjob suggested by Acelle Connect © onto your hosting server. Then click `Save & Finish`.

    That’s all about integration, you’re now connected to Acelle Mail and any update made to your WordPress contacts will be sync to the appropriate Acelle Mail’s mail list. You can see the list of changes or updates to be propagate to Acelle Mail in the `Queue` page, you can also find the sync log in the `Sync Log` page.

  • Group of workers – CRM & Venture Administration WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    Group of workers – CRM & Venture Administration WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    Official plugin documentation
    * Before purchase please don’t forget to check documentation

    Standalone WordPress CRM & Project Management Plugin

    Workforce is an advanced CRM and project management plugin made for WordPress. Main purpose of this plugin is to simplify business processes for companies. By using Workforce plugin you will get your company headquarters available in few clicks.

    Get robust solution for the fraction of the price

    By purchasing Workforce you will get CRM solution based on WordPress. You can install it on your own hosting, modify functionality and visual of website instead of sticking with the predefined components. There are no monthly nor hidden fees for using.

    CRM System

    Easily manage all your contacts. You can create unlimited persons which you can assign to companies. Now all your employees will be available to access all contacts and schedule meetings which will appear in the calendar as new event. Of course all CRM types (person, company, touchpoint) have their own administration screens where you can do basic CRUD operations

    Project Management

    Before starting a new project you can create a proposal for the client and then send it as PDF. Create new projects and manage all your tasks. Each task can be assigned to different employee. When the task is completed mark it as closed. All tasks will appear as new events in the calendar.

    Company Processes

    Track all expenses and create invoices to see complex information about the company. You can easily access all employees information as well. After successful creation of invoice or estimate you can download theme as PDF and send them to your clients.


    Insert or collect list of your leads. You can collect leads by creating capture form and embedding it on your site. At the end you can easily convert lead into customer.

    Client Zone

    Allow access to your clients to see whats going on with their projects. They can see currenly running projects and tasks. Of course they can download their invoices as well.

    Supported CRM & Projects Tools

    • Companies – Collect your business partners
    • People – Contact information about person. Can be part of company.
    • Leads – List of potential customers.
    • Capture forms – Create embedded forms for capturing leads.
    • Customers – Converted leads.
    • Touchpoints – Create new meetings for your colleagues.
    • Estimates – Before starting a project send an estimate your client.
    • Projects – Create projects which you are working on.
    • Tasks – Assign tasks to colleagues.
    • Colleagues – View all information about your colleagues.
    • Expenses – Track all your company expenses.
    • Invoices – Easily create invoices. You can convert project into invoice as well.

    CRM & Project Management Features

    • CRUD Operations – All Workforce post types have their CRUD screens where you can make all basic data operations.
    • Custom fields – Fields are handled through the CMB2 library which can be overrided from the child themes without touching core source code.
    • Filters – You can filter all post types by using predefined filters for each post type.
    • Capabilities – Manage users access permissions.
    • Notifications – Be notified about upcoming tasks and touchpoints.
    • Widgets – You can easily place the touchpoints, tasks, projects widgets.
    • Vicual Composer – All Workforce’s widgets have their Visual Composer (must purchase separately if needed) component.
    • Statistics – See in chart all your expenses and earnings.
    • Shortcodes – We prepared custom shortcodes for displaying intersting data from your sytem.
    • CSV Export – Export all posts into CSV format. You can export filtered results as well.
    • User Roles – Only “Employee” role is capable to access dashboard.
    • Client Zone – Access for clients.

    Smooth Installation Experience

    1. Download theme from ThemeForest (ZIP file containing style.css).
    2. Upload, install and active theme under “Appearance – Themes”.
    3. Install and activate all plugins which will appear at the top of admin.
    4. Run one click installation from “Tools – One Click Installation”.
    5. Set permalinks to “Post name” under “Settings – Permalinks” and save.

    After reproducing steps above you will get same site as our demo site.

    Plugin Features

    CRM on Front End
    Experience the CRM & Project Management functionality on front end instead of accessing WordPress admin.

    One Click Installation
    Import demo content and get configured website by using our one click installation tool. You can fint this functionality under “Tools – One Click Installation”.

    Child Theme
    We recommend to use child theme to make your customizations and not to loose the changes after update.

    SASS & Susy
    All CSS styles for bundled theme are written in SASS by using Susy library. Everything is well structured and organized. Experienced developers will be happy to work with it.

    Envato Market Plugin
    Bored by manually updating theme? No problem at all. Theme is bundling Envato Market plugin which will help you to get automatic updates.

    Easy Translations

    • Translate theme into any language.
    • All strings are properly wrapped into translation function.
    • POT files are available.
    • We recommend to use Loco Translate.
    • Theme to translate: workforce-front. Plugins to translate: workforce.


    • Workforce plugin does not contain styling. Please be aware that it is up to theme authors to provide styling.
    • Images on our demo site are not a part of package. Downloadable package contains only placeholders.
    • Use most recent version of PHP. We recommend to use PHP 7.x.
    • Visual Composer is NOT part of the package. You can purchase it separately.
    • Only users with role “Employee” are able to access dashboard.
    • Don’t forget to check documentation before purchasing this product.
    • Customizations like adding new fields or filters are not part of support.

    * We understand how complex company processes could be. Each company has different workflows and data processing. So if you found something what could be improved please feel free to contact us through our contact form with the detailed description. Keep in mind that it is not possible to implement everything but we will do our best to add at least new filters and actions to easily extend current functionality in your third party plugin.

    Tags: crm, intranet, project, task, management, invoice, estimate, lead, company, people, capture form, dashboard, client


  • FB Tube – YouTube Galleries Pages in Fb (Social Networking)

    FB Tube – YouTube Galleries Pages in Fb (Social Networking)

    Did you ever wanted a good way to display your YouTube videos inside your Facebook page? Well this plugin will help you do that an help you collect leads for your business or for your clients business.

  • EverLead – Skilled Lead Era Plugin (Utilities)

    EverLead – Skilled Lead Era Plugin (Utilities)

    Looking to generate a ton of leads on your WordPress site? Maybe you’ve tried a ton of different services without getting any real results. Don’t rely on others; instead take control of your own lead generation. With the EverLead WordPress plugin you can easily produce high-quality leads yourself.

    EverLead Highlights

    • Simple InstallationIf you’ve used WordPress before, you know how easy it is to add a plugin. EverLead is no different. It’s a cinch to install and just as easy to use thanks to a super user-friendly admin interface.
    • Preset DesignsWhat’s the most important piece of converting leads? Yep, the design of your page. EverLead’s already done the hard part for you with 8 high-quality pre-designed designs to choose from. Or feel free to make your own.
    • Set of Professional CampaignsYour purchase includes 8 professional “Done for You” campaigns to help convert your local business leads into red-hot prospects! Campaigns include:
    • 1. Mobile SEO
      2. High PR SEO
      3. Brand Reputation
      4. Facebook
      5. Mobile Design
      6. Web Design
      7. Social Media Management
      8. Lead Sales

    • Auto-Responder ReadyAfter collecting your leads, you can easily export them as a CSV file and then automatically opt them in to your favorite Auto-Responder service.
    • Tutorials AvailableIf you need any assistance in setting up your pages through EverLead, there are a number of detailed guides to walk you through the process.
    • Super CustomizableBesides choosing from 8 pre-designed designs, you can easily customize the look and feel through the admin interface. PIck or change up the design combinations, add in your own backgrounds and customized buttons, and so much more.
    • Multi-Media FriendlyAll templates include placements for images and videos, but you can also customize your design by replacing the basic copy on the landing page with a video or large image. And like everything else in EverLead, it’s super simple to do!
    • Unlimited licenseYou can use this version on as many personal and business/client sites as you want. However, if you want to use EverLead for something else like include it in your theme or build another plugin using EverLead, you have to purchase an extendend license.
    • WordPress 3.4+EverLead plugin works with WordPress 3.4 or higher.
    • Instant UpdatesYou will receive updates automatically through the WordPress admin panel.

    Click the “Buy Now” button now to download EverLead and start generating leads!

  • Leadeo – WordPress Plugin for Video Advertising and marketing (Promotion)

    Leadeo – WordPress Plugin for Video Advertising and marketing (Promotion)

    Leadeo – WordPress Plugin for Video Marketing

    Did you know that using video on your landing page can increases conversions by up to 80%? And on sales pages up to 46%?
    Leadeo can help you get more leads and more sales from people who watch video on your blog.

    Imagine this scenario
    You created valuable and useful video for your target audience. You shared that video with your social media following, your email list, you ran some ads. People are watching your video and they love it!

    Now, based on your desired goal with the video, imagine if people could:
    – Sign up for your mailing list to get a freebie
    – Contact you
    – Share something smart you said on the video
    – Share the video with their friends or
    – Click your call-to-action button

    Imagine if you could show them the desired call to action at the exact time you want, and at the exact time they’re most excited to take action!

    Introducing… LEADEO

    Grow Your Mailing List

    Some studies and tests show that using video on a landing page can increase conversion rate for up to 80%! And that’s by having a video beside opt-in form. And imagine this: how much would your conversion increase if your opt-in would show directly over the video? That’s exactly what Leadeo Optin Box does: at the time you want, it stops the video and shows your opt-in form!

    Get People to Contact You

    Imagine this: you have a video on your About Me page (or Contact page). And at the end of the video, you want people to contact you. Well, guess what! With Leadeo Contact Box you can show contact form over the video, at the exact time you want. Just like with opt-in form, the video will pause at the time you want, and display contact form so that people can contact you.

    Let People Share Your Quotes

    Do you usually say some smart things in your videos? Or some smart things that other people said? With Leadeo Share-a-Quote Box you can let your viewers tweet a quote you said in a video. You enter the quote, and the time at which you say it and, with a push of a button, your viewers can share that qoute on Twitter and send you more traffic.

    Let’s say that you mention some cool link in your video. Why not let people open that link right away in a new tab. Do you use video to sell your products? You should try. And you know that inmost sales videos, the buy button shows at a certain point, and not before that? That’s EXACTLY what you can do with Leadeo New Link Box. Unlike Opt-in and Contact, New Link Box won’t pause a video. Instead, it will show a call to action button at the bottom of the video, at the exact time you want.

    Make Them to Share Video to Continue Watching

    You have a super useful and valuable video. But, you want to give your viewers something valuable, but keep something only for those who give you something in return. With Leadeo Share-to-Watch Box you can let people watch one part of the video, and ask them to share the video in order to watch the rest of the video. This way, you can boost the social signals of your blog post, and get more visitors to watch your video.

    Let Them Easily Share a Video After Watching

    People watched your entire video. From start to end. And they love it. With Leadeo Thank-You-for-Watching Box you can add a thank you note to all your viewers and ask them to share video with their friends… All that directly from the video.


    All images used in the preview are only for demo purposes. All the images are copyrighted and licensed to their respective authors and owners.

  • Associates Gravity Kinds (Kinds)

    Associates Gravity Kinds (Kinds)

    This extension for Gravity Forms allows to record referrals for form submissions and to create affiliate accounts for new users based on Gravity Forms.

    Required plugins: Gravity Forms and Affiliates.

    This extension integrates the Affiliates plugins (Affiliates, Affiliates Pro or Affiliates Enterprise) with Gravity Forms. You must have Gravity Forms and one of the Affiliates plugins installed and activated on your WordPress site. See the requirements and features based on Gravity Forms Add-Ons below for more details.

    Affiliates Gravity Forms - Form Settings

    Affiliates Registration

    Sign new users up as affiliates when they register through a user registration form handled by Gravity Forms’ User Registration Add-On.

    Form Settings - Affiliate Registration

    With the User Registration Add-On enabled, forms that are enabled for user registration, can also be used to sign up new users as affiliates while they register.

    Form Referrals

    Referrals can be recorded for form submissions that have been referred by an affiliate.

    Form Settings - Referrals

    The integration allows to set specific amounts per form submission which are credited to the referring affiliate and also allows to base the commission amounts on payment or order amounts related to the submitted form.

    Form Submission Referrals

    The referral status is adjusted automatically based on the payment status for several payment Add-Ons. Payments made through PayPal Payments Standard, PayPal Pro and Authorize.net automatically mark the related referrals as accepted, thereby validating the related commissions for the referring affiliates.

    See the table below for more details on Add-On-related features.

    Integration features for Gravity Forms Add-Ons

    Summary of key integration-features that are supported per Gravity Forms Add-On:

    • User Registration : Create affiliate accounts for new users.
    • PayPal : Mark referrals as accepted after payment. Update referral status according to payment status, payment refunds mark referrals as rejected.
    • PayPal Pro : Mark referrals as accepted after payment. Update referral status according to payment status, payment refunds mark referrals as rejected.
    • Authorize.net : Mark referrals as accepted after payment.


    • Referrals can be recorded for any form which has the option enabled, this does not depend on any Gravity Forms Add-On.
    • Subscriptions are supported to a limited extent. Recurring payments will not record referrals.
    • Referral status updates for the PayPal Pro Add-On are supported, this is not supported for the PayPal Payments Pro Add-On.


    The following minimum requirements must be met:

    • WordPress 3.8
    • Gravity Forms 1.8.1
    • Affiliates 2.5.0, Affiliates Pro 2.5.0 or Affiliates Enterprise 2.5.0
    • The appropriate Gravity Forms license and Gravity Forms Add-On when a feature related to an Add-On is required.


    See the Affiliates Gravity Forms Documentation pages.


    See the Affiliates Gravity Forms Demo site.