Tag: js

  • WordPress JS & CSS Everywhere! (Utilities)

    WordPress JS & CSS Everywhere! (Utilities)

    The WordPress JS & CSS Everywhere! allows you to add CSS, Javascript code directly in any post, page or custom post! The custom codes will rendered in frontend page!

    Note: The plugin, like WordPress, requires a minimum 5.5 PHP version.


    user: demo
    pass: demo

    How it works

    The plugin allows you to embed CSS and Javascript code into any page (or just in the selected ones). It can be done through the <stron>Global code feature or directly by editing the page/post/custom post you need. Main features:

    1. Text editor with syntax highlighting
    2. Print the code inline or included an external file
    3. Print the code in the header or the footer
    4. Add as many codes as you want in any frontend page
    5. Keep your changes also when you change the theme

    Global code

    Through the main Js & CSS Everywhere! you will be able to create Code objects by which you can define the:

    1. Custom Javascript/CSS code and where it has to be included (footer or header)
    2. External Javscript/CSS libraries that have to be included (footer or header>
    3. Visibility options: Optionally you can specify where have to be included and specify a visibility filter (by page, post, url, …)

    Pages, Posts and Custom pots!

    Code can be included by directly editing any page, post or custom post (like WooCommerce products, BuddyPress, etc.). You will find the Js & CSS Everywhere! metaboxes that allow you to embed the code you need!


    Global code


    Meta boxes added to pages


    Meta boxes added to any custom post (Example: posts, woocommerce products, etc.)


    = 1.0 - 14.05.18 =
    * First release
  • WordPress JS & CSS Everywhere! (Utilities)

    WordPress JS & CSS Everywhere! (Utilities)

    The WordPress JS & CSS Everywhere! allows you to add CSS, Javascript code directly in any post, page or custom post! The custom codes will rendered in frontend page!

    Note: The plugin, like WordPress, requires a minimum 5.5 PHP version.


    user: demo
    pass: demo

    How it works

    The plugin allows you to embed CSS and Javascript code into any page (or just in the selected ones). It can be done through the <stron>Global code feature or directly by editing the page/post/custom post you need. Main features:

    1. Text editor with syntax highlighting
    2. Print the code inline or included an external file
    3. Print the code in the header or the footer
    4. Add as many codes as you want in any frontend page
    5. Keep your changes also when you change the theme

    Global code

    Through the main Js & CSS Everywhere! you will be able to create Code objects by which you can define the:

    1. Custom Javascript/CSS code and where it has to be included (footer or header)
    2. External Javscript/CSS libraries that have to be included (footer or header>
    3. Visibility options: Optionally you can specify where have to be included and specify a visibility filter (by page, post, url, …)

    Pages, Posts and Custom pots!

    Code can be included by directly editing any page, post or custom post (like WooCommerce products, BuddyPress, etc.). You will find the Js & CSS Everywhere! metaboxes that allow you to embed the code you need!


    Global code


    Meta boxes added to pages


    Meta boxes added to any custom post (Example: posts, woocommerce products, etc.)


    = 1.0 - 14.05.18 =
    * First release
  • Fight Adblocker – Anti Adblock Plugin (Miscellaneous)

    Fight Adblocker – Anti Adblock Plugin (Miscellaneous)


    Combat Adblock relies on a modern, javascript based adblocker detection method. Any webmaster which relies on inline adverts for revenue realises how much of a threat they are. Use Combat Adblocker to claim back your advertising revenue.

    Three flexible, powerful user alert methods. Alerts can be tailored uniquley to your website style using HTML and css styles.

    • Javascript Pop Up Alert
    • Jquery Modal Alert
    • HTML/CSS Powered Banner

    Perfect For

    • Personal Blogs
    • Local News Sites
    • Informational Sites
    • Affiliate Sites
    • Any Site relying on adverts as a revenue source


    • Modern, JS enabled detection method
    • Three powerful alert methods
    • Hide all content or just partial with powerful shortcodes
    • Redirect after alert option
    • Pop Up and Inline banners are html/css editable
    • Graphed Statistics About how many adblockers have been detected
    • Global lock function to lock all posts and pages from adblockers
    • Extremely Easy Setup
    • Support for all modern browsers
    • 3rd and 1st Party ad support


    Server side cache settings need tweaks to enable this plugin to function properly,
    please see readme.txt


    V 1.1

    Expected Within 1 month of V1.0, featured added security and
    any launch bugs cleared up.

    V 1.0

    Release Candidate

  • Final WordPress Pace Optimizer (Miscellaneous)

    Ultimate WordPress Speed Optimizer Plugin

    Before reading any details first check out this test image. Important details regarding Test Website

    1. No cache plugin is installed.
    2. No CDN is used
    3. Images are not optimized

    Website speed before installing this plugin.

    Website speed after installing the plugin. Only takes 2 minutes to install and configure. Also, see the time stamp.

    The difference:

    1. Well, after installing the plugin as you can see in the test image, website speed improved by almost 40%. ( No cache plugin, no image optimization ).
    2. Your Google Page Speed Score moved 9 points.
    3. Your website is now faster than 98% of other websites in this world. Man that means a lot.

    Here are two questions for you.

    Are you struggling with managing multiple speed optimization plugins? Are you worried that they might be hampering your website speed?

    Well, here’s the ultimate solution for all your worries.

    Here I am presenting you the ultimate WordPress speed optimizer plugin.

    This plugin is designed to offers you functionality of almost 6 to 8 different wordpress plugins.

    Here’s how it works.

    1. You install the plugin.
    2. From simple, user-friendly interface, you can select the options you want to optimize or remove.
    3. You click on the Save Setting buttons and voila, DONE.

    In the background, this plugin will activate the corresponding functions so that the required functionality could be carried out. And in the front end you see improved website performance.

    Remember its not a Cache/CDN plugin.

    It is a plugin which helps you to optimize your website by removing all unwanted scripts, styles, functions, options, etc. etc.

    Once you install it and select the recommended “options” you will 100% see an increase in your Google Page Speed scores, Pingdom Tools Score, Gtmetrix Score.

    Here are few important functions this plugin can do:

    1. Remove WooCommerce Generator tag, styles, and scripts from non WooCommerce pages.
    2. Remove bbPress CSS styles and scripts from non bbPress pages.
    3. Force JavaScript to load in footer.
    4. Remove query string from static resources.
    5. Remove all sorts of Head tags ( 10 different options can be selected ).
    6. Manually select and remove unwanted jetpack styles and functions ( 24 options ).
    7. Ability to remove comments.
    8. Ability to remove empty p tags.

    and much more.

    Still, have any question. Go ahead and ask in the comment area. I will be more than happy to help you.

    Want to get more information on this plugin, please check out: Ultimate WordPress Speed Optimizer Plugin Review

  • UserpicJS plugin (Pictures and Media)

    UserpicJS plugin (Pictures and Media)

    UserpicJS plugin

    Demo and documentation page


    UserpicJS is a pure javascript plugin which creates a canvas-based avatars for users who don’t have any photo. You can set up user’s avatar as you want by changing of some parameters described in the table below.


    • No dependencies — pure javascript;
    • No server-side required;
    • Simple usage;
    • Easy customisation;
    • Many options to set up your userpics;
    • Small size — only 8kb minified, 3kb gzipped;
    • Good documentation and examples;
    • 4 built-in text modes, 3 userpic shapes, 4 filters;
    • Any combination of filters, modes and shapes you want.
  • Customized Types and Scripts (Utilities)

    Customized Types and Scripts (Utilities)

    This WordPress Plugin lets you to add custom css and javascript code for each page, post and custom post type separately. That code will run only on that page/post which optimize the site.

    Another cool feature is that you can add general styles and scripts for whole site, only homepage or on all custom post types.

  • WordPress Refresh (Miscellaneous)

    WordPress Refresh (Miscellaneous)

    Developing a WordPress theme just got a whole lot more efficient

    With the WordPress Refresh plugin, you can stop hitting your browser refresh button after each small CSS, JS, PHP or HTML change you make when developing your WordPress theme.? Simply activate the plugin and start coding, you won’t need to manually refresh your browser.

    Responsive option

    The plugin optionally opens a second (smaller) screen that refreshes along with the main screen. This way you can see the changes apply to the mobile and desktop website simultaneously.