Tag: jquery

  • jQuery Fb Gallery WordPress (Galleries)


    The jQuery Facebook Gallery WP plugin allows you to show all your Facebook albums (images) on your website. Please note that this script will only work with Facebook pages that belong to businesses or organization or pages that are registered as fan pages. It will NOT work with personal Facebook profiles. Also, please make sure that the Facebook page you want to use has no active age restrictions since these restrictions require authentication and access tokens for each user. This script is a pure javascript/jQuery solution and does not require a PHP server.

    This is the WordPress version of the “jQuery Facebook Gallery” script. If you are looking for the standalone version, please click here.

    If you like this plugin, please take the time to rate it. Thank you!

    You can create an unlimited number of Galleries, each utilizing a different Facebook profile. Each Gallery will be assigned an unique Shortcode that you can embed in your page.


    • 160+ different settings to enable or disable included features; full admin panel for all options
    • Either pull all albums (but exclude the ones you don’t want), predefine the albums you want to be shown or show one single album directly
    • Pagination Feature (smart pagination, set number of thumbnails per page, set number of pages or no pagination)
    • LazyLoad Feature for thumbnails (will only load images when thumbnails are in view)
    • Social share feature for Facebook, Twitter and Google+
    • Includes a tool-tip plugin (qTip2) with several design options; although it is possible to use your own tool-tip solution
    • Includes three optional lightbox plugins (fancyBox, colorBox and prettyPhoto); although it is possible to user other lightbox solutions
    • Exclude individual images from being shown
    • Automatically include or exclude the Timeline album
    • Possible to translate it into any other language by using provided setting parameters
    • Select between a responsive (fluid width) or static layout (fixed width)
    • Optional two-directional (asc. / desc.) album sorting feature (name / number of images / date album created / date album last updated)
    • Smart filter option to filter albums and photos by age groups
    • Search Feature to search for albums by keywords
    • Set initial sorting direction and sorting criteria
    • Option for floating control bar that follows the user while scrolling through the album selection
    • Option to show dates in “from now” format (i.e. “2 days ago”) instead of standard date format
    • Automatic Updates via “WordPress Updates”
    • Optional logs (in console) for better debugging (i.e. number of albums or photes retrieved, error codes, etc.)
    • No requirement for creating a Facebook App via your Facebook Profile

    Full Admin Panel for All Settings

    The plugin provides you with an extensive admin panel to control all of the 160 different settings the gallery allows for.

    Included CSS Editor

    The plugin / gallery comes with its own CSS styles, but sometimes, these don’t exactly match your theme or your theme’s CSS is overriding some of the plugin styles. If that’s the case, the plugin provides you with an included CSS Editor to enter your own CSS styles.

    Included JS Editor

    While the plugin / gallery comes with three included Lightbox Extensions (Fancybox, ColorBox and PrettyPhoto) and a Tooltip Extension (qTip2), you can use your own Lightbox / Tooltip Extensions. The gallery assigns specific class names to all items that contain lightbox or tooltip content (you can even assign a custom Class Name), which you can target when you call your own Extensions. In order to do so, the plugin also provides an internal JS Editor where you can enter your code to initialize your Lightbox / Tooltip solutions.


    Flag Counter


    10/11/2013 - Update
    • Added Tool to fetch numeric Facebook ID based on Link or User Name
    • Added new and improved validation for plugin and gallery settings
    • Added Scroll-To-Top Button for Admin Panel
    • Added Sorting, Search and Pagination Feature to Backend Admin Table that shows all Galleries
    • Added feature to store Facebook APP Data to create Access Token for private/restricted pages
    • Added option to disable the spinner animation while waiting for image load
    • Added option to load Metafizzy Isotope Customization File
    • Fixed colorBox Lightbox sometime not scaling images to screen size
    • Changes to CSS settings to prevent share icons from being hidden by other CSS files
    • Fixed some errors where Admin Panel does not correctly reflect some stored settings
    • Fixed some wrong label descriptions and duplicate IDs
    • Added option to toggle Album Info section
    • Other JS and CSS Improvements
    09/05/2013 - Initial Release
  • WebCinema (Galleries)

    WebCinema (Galleries)

    WebCinema is an easy to use WordPress Video Plugin with responsive design that gives you the possibility to display your videos or video playlists on your website.

    • Supports Vimeo or Youtube videos
    • Ability to import YouTube playlists
    • Ability to import Vimeo albums
    • Does not require YouTube or Vimeo API keys or registrations
    • Uses Shortcode
    • Responsive Design
    • Videos can be displayed in Popup
    • Video player can be adjusted for 100% Width
    • Draggable Vertical or Horizontal slider playlist. Works on mobile devices such as iPad Retina Display
    • Supports multiple instances of the plugin on one page

    From your Admin Panel go to Plugins -> Add New -> Upload -> Browse and pick the WebCinema archive file. Click “Install Now” button. Click “Active Now” after the plugin has been installed. A new menu should now appear in your Admin Menu called “WebCinema”.

    From your Admin Panel go to WebCinema -> Local Playlists -> Create New PLaylist. Enter Playlist Name and click “Save Playlist”.

    From your Admin Panel go to WebCinema -> Local Playlists.
    Hover over the newly created playlist and click the “Browse” button.
    Click “Add Video” and enter Vimeo or YouTube video link.
    Optionally you can specify the Title and Thumbnail link for the Video or you can leave them blank to be automatically filled.
    After that, click the “Save Video” button.

    The plugin currently only supports YouTube and Vimeo videos.

    From your Admin Panel go to WebCinema -> YouTube Playlists.
    Enter the YouTube User ID in the “YouTube User ID” Field and click change user.

    The plugin will display list with the user’s playlists. Hover over the playlist and click the “Import” button to copy the playlist to the local database. These imported playlists can later be edited. Editing the imported playlists (changing names, deleting vidoes etc…) won’t affect the originals.

    From your Admin Panel go to WebCinema -> Vimeo Playlists.
    Enter the Vimeo User ID in the “Vimeo User ID” Field and click change user.

    The plugin will display list with the user’s albums. Hover over the album and click the “Import” button to copy the playlist to the local database. These imported albums can later be edited. Editing the imported albums (changing names, deleting vidoes etc…) won’t affect the originals. You can import up to a maximum of 60 videos per album in Vimeo.

    To display the plugin simply add the shortcode [webcinema] to the page or post.
    If you want to add it directly to the html, paste the following code where you want the plugin to be displayed:
    <?php echo do_shortcode("[webcinema]"); ?>

    [webcinema playlist=1,2,3]
    [webcinema video=1,2,3]
    [webcinema playlist=1,2,3 video=1,2,3]
    webcinema::enqueue_scripts(); // place before wp_head(); hook
    echo do_shortcode("[webcinema]"); // place where you want to display the html part

    Where playlist=1,2,3 and video=1,2,3 are ID numbers. IDs are visible in the admin section of the plugin.

  • Scroller Gallery 2 – Up to date Posts Teaser WordPress (Galleries)

    Scroller Gallery 2 – Up to date Posts Teaser WordPress (Galleries)

    Intro – top

    DZS Scroller Gallery is the ultimate media gallery that you can use for showcasing your portfolio, photographs or even video shots. The gallery consists of thumbs layed out in a grid format that can have a description and link set on them. The link can also be a lightbox link so it can pop up a lightbox like ZoomBox 2 to launch images or videos.


    • supports any image size, layout will be made automatically via Masonry
    • insanely easy to use just add the items in the admin panel, then include it into your page via a simple
      shortcode [scrollergallery id=”theid”]
    • fully responsive it goes from mobile to HD. You can place it in any element and it will
      adapt to it’s width
    • fully skinable via CSS
    • custom lightbox one of a kind, custom-built lightbox included
    • lightbox galleries separate items in the same gallery by lightbox galleries
    • unlimited galleries have unlimited galleries in the DZS Admin Panel V2. You can have unlimited
      galleries on any page too.
    • inline content support – you can have videos or any other html content on the thumb or the description
    • compatible with iPhone / iPad
    • extensive admin panel – admin panel with lots of options to make the gallery as customizable as possible, yet easy to use. Comes with a drag & drop html5 uploader too! And awesome functionality like drag & drop for items, duplicate galleries etc. to make your life easier while editing the gallery. You can setup unlimited number of galleries in the admin as well as put them in the content.
    • backup database / import, export feature – keep your database safe and do regular backups via the Export Database feature included with this plugin.
    • easy to install – install and get this plugin ready in less then three minutes. Add it to your content via a simple shortcode – [scrollergallery id=”theidyousetintheadmin”] .


    For updating, disable and delete the previous version, and install the new downloaded one. Or just unpack the zip you get from the download and overwrite the previous folder from wp-content/plugins/

    UPDATE 1.01 [ 07/03/2013 ]

    • [FIX] a undefined index bug

    What do you get?

    • Scroller Gallery 2 WordPress plugin – get creative!
    • sample data – the preview admin configuration which you can import in your own
    • documentation – extensive documentation on how to install & configure the plugin ( check the readme folder after you unpacked the package )
    • free updates – even if the value of this gallery increases with upcoming updates, you will get them for free
    • free support – for installation via our forum -> http://digitalzoomstudio.net/support/ this is the fastest form of support

    Admin Preview