Tag: javascript

  • WordPress JS & CSS Everywhere! (Utilities)

    WordPress JS & CSS Everywhere! (Utilities)

    The WordPress JS & CSS Everywhere! allows you to add CSS, Javascript code directly in any post, page or custom post! The custom codes will rendered in frontend page!

    Note: The plugin, like WordPress, requires a minimum 5.5 PHP version.


    user: demo
    pass: demo

    How it works

    The plugin allows you to embed CSS and Javascript code into any page (or just in the selected ones). It can be done through the <stron>Global code feature or directly by editing the page/post/custom post you need. Main features:

    1. Text editor with syntax highlighting
    2. Print the code inline or included an external file
    3. Print the code in the header or the footer
    4. Add as many codes as you want in any frontend page
    5. Keep your changes also when you change the theme

    Global code

    Through the main Js & CSS Everywhere! you will be able to create Code objects by which you can define the:

    1. Custom Javascript/CSS code and where it has to be included (footer or header)
    2. External Javscript/CSS libraries that have to be included (footer or header>
    3. Visibility options: Optionally you can specify where have to be included and specify a visibility filter (by page, post, url, …)

    Pages, Posts and Custom pots!

    Code can be included by directly editing any page, post or custom post (like WooCommerce products, BuddyPress, etc.). You will find the Js & CSS Everywhere! metaboxes that allow you to embed the code you need!


    Global code


    Meta boxes added to pages


    Meta boxes added to any custom post (Example: posts, woocommerce products, etc.)


    = 1.0 - 14.05.18 =
    * First release
  • WordPress JS & CSS Everywhere! (Utilities)

    WordPress JS & CSS Everywhere! (Utilities)

    The WordPress JS & CSS Everywhere! allows you to add CSS, Javascript code directly in any post, page or custom post! The custom codes will rendered in frontend page!

    Note: The plugin, like WordPress, requires a minimum 5.5 PHP version.


    user: demo
    pass: demo

    How it works

    The plugin allows you to embed CSS and Javascript code into any page (or just in the selected ones). It can be done through the <stron>Global code feature or directly by editing the page/post/custom post you need. Main features:

    1. Text editor with syntax highlighting
    2. Print the code inline or included an external file
    3. Print the code in the header or the footer
    4. Add as many codes as you want in any frontend page
    5. Keep your changes also when you change the theme

    Global code

    Through the main Js & CSS Everywhere! you will be able to create Code objects by which you can define the:

    1. Custom Javascript/CSS code and where it has to be included (footer or header)
    2. External Javscript/CSS libraries that have to be included (footer or header>
    3. Visibility options: Optionally you can specify where have to be included and specify a visibility filter (by page, post, url, …)

    Pages, Posts and Custom pots!

    Code can be included by directly editing any page, post or custom post (like WooCommerce products, BuddyPress, etc.). You will find the Js & CSS Everywhere! metaboxes that allow you to embed the code you need!


    Global code


    Meta boxes added to pages


    Meta boxes added to any custom post (Example: posts, woocommerce products, etc.)


    = 1.0 - 14.05.18 =
    * First release
  • wordpress Snipr – Collaborative Code Editor (Utilities)

    wordpress Snipr – Collaborative Code Editor (Utilities)

    Add live code snippet previews to your website. WP Snipr makes it easy to show code previews anywhere on your website, posts, pages, custom post types, …

    Snipr lets you line up your goals and share them with everyone.
    Others can help, adjust and improve your code to lift it up to the next level!

    Start working as a team!

  • wordpress Snipr – Collaborative Code Editor (Utilities)

    wordpress Snipr – Collaborative Code Editor (Utilities)

    Add live code snippet previews to your website. WP Snipr makes it easy to show code previews anywhere on your website, posts, pages, custom post types, …

    Snipr lets you line up your goals and share them with everyone.
    Others can help, adjust and improve your code to lift it up to the next level!

    Start working as a team!

  • Borlabs Cache – WordPress Caching Plugin (Utilities)

    Borlabs Cache – WordPress Caching Plugin (Utilities)

    Key Features
    Additional Features
    Always a fresh cache

    Borlabs Cache is an easy to use yet powerful caching plugin for WordPress. Delivers your content in milliseconds, improves your ranking, and makes your visitors happy.

    What is a caching plugin and how does it increase my WordPress performance?

    WordPress is a database powered platform which generates content dynamically.

    The more content and plugins you have the more database requests are executed. This can slow down your site’s performance, especially when your database is located on a different server.

    A cache plugin like Borlabs Cache saves the dynamically generated content as a static file on your server’s storage. When the page is requested, this static file is loaded and send to the visitor, which is dramatically faster than the regular database requests. But that is not all. Your pages contain a lot of unnecessary whitespace or HTML-Comments, which only increases the overall size of the page, but are not important for your e.g. layout or design. Borlabs Cache removes all of them and uses GZIP to compress your page, which saves your and your visitors traffic.

    Many plugins have their own JavaScript and CSS files, which results in more requests to your server. Borlabs Cache combines all these JavaScript and CSS files so that in the best case your visitor only has to load one JavaScript file and one CSS file.

    These are just some examples, what Borlabs Cache does to increase your site’s performance.

  • Social Rail – Fb And Twitter Circulate (Social Networking)

    Social Rail – Fb And Twitter Circulate (Social Networking)

    A super light and simple to use plugin for show you Facebook and Twitter feeds in few seconds, just insert the Facebook page ID or username or the Twitter account name, group name or hashtag and you’re done. Choose from 4 layout types, 4 designs and 50+ options.
    Very fast with focus on performance, load only the required css and js files. Take a look now.

    • Work immediately Insert the Facebook page id or the Twitter account name and you’re done
    • Light and fast No need to setup any PHP or server side file, only HTML
    • 4 types Show the stream within a slider, carousel, scroll box or as static feeds
    • 2 designs, 2 skins Choose black or white skin and select boxed or the classic design
    • 100% responsive Advanced js and css responsive features for smartphones and tables
    • Dedicated Slider Awesome power for your feeds thanks to FlexSlider 2 and its 50+ options
    • Dedicated scroll box Awesome power for your feeds thanks to Slim Scroll and its 30+ options
    • Awesome documentation Online documentation with code snippets, tutorials and much more
    • 24/7 support We have the best support ratings and a max waiting time of 24h
    • Top performance Scripts and CSS are loaded only when required and only on shortcode’s page
    • Regular updates Like for all our products we guarantee constant updates and bugs fix


    V 1.0

    Enjoy the plugin.
  • AnimateWP (Utilities)

    AnimateWP (Utilities)

    AnimateWP is the first WordPress Plugin which gives you the ability to add amazing Greensock animations easily without any programming skills.

    Every single animation is based on Greensock – the ultra high-performance, professional-grade HTML5 animation framework for the modern web.

  • Scroll disclose animations (Miscellaneous)

    Scroll disclose animations (Miscellaneous)

    Make your site more attractive with scroll animations. Now, with this plugin you do not have to struggle to create beautiful animations

    You can create as many scroll reveal configurations as you want. It’s super easy to have different animations among different pages, post types and html elements in your site.

    You can also have different animation per css selector.


    – Beautiful animations with many options
    – Mobile friendly
    – Translate ready
    – Free Support.
    – Built with WordPress Best Practices We have used the latest standards for creating this wordpress plugin in order to not affect your site performance.
    – This plugin works in any modern browser which supports CSS transform and transition (ie 10+).
    – Many more options

    Credits: Scroll reveal plugin

  • zAudio for WordPress – HTML5 JavaScript Audio Participant (Media)

    zAudio for WordPress – HTML5 JavaScript Audio Participant (Media)

    zAudio WordPress Player Plugin is an easy to use, simple and modern JavaScript audio player based on the HTML5’s audio element.
    It is made using just pure HTML,CSS3 and JavaScript. no dependencies on third party frameworks or libraries.