Tag: images

  • Further Content material Gadgets (Media)

    Further Content material Gadgets (Media)

    Extra Content Items is a WordPress plugin for automatically add content to the posts. There is a time-saver for bloggers, webmasters, developers, authors and publishers. You can automatically add any content to any posts on your site whit plugin.

    Plugin have a full wysiwyg editor, so you can add any: Text, Links, Headings, Iframe, HTML, Shortcodes, Images, Sliders, Maps, Contact form, MegaMenu, Social block, Notification bar or any what you want to the end of the page/post or the beginning.

    What you can do with Plugin:

    • Create a diferent extra blocks and sort it by category or tag.
    • Set for each of the blocks category/tag of the post to show block.
    • Plugin automatically adding extra content to the end or the beginning of the post/page
    • The plugin is ready to fly.
    • It’s very fast and useful.
  • Mayge – A Theme for Beautiful Storytelling (Weblog / Journal)

    Mayge – A Theme for Beautiful Storytelling (Weblog / Journal)

    support button


    Mayge is the perfect way to show off your amazing writing. Grab your visitor’s attention with amazing typography & a great multi functional header hero area (solid color, image, video or gallery).



    • Gorgeous design
    • Responsive
    • Translation ready
    • Sidebar Widget area
    • Search Overlay Area
    • Sidebar closes after clicking link then loads page (effect)
    • Ajax load more posts
    • Ajax posts category footer area
    • Built-in lightbox for WordPress galleries
    • Built-in single post social sharing

    WordPress customizer

    • Disable Social Sharing icons after post content
    • Choose between three possible animations for the slide-in sidebar
    • Change the colors of the theme entirely
    • Enter social icon links
    • Upload a favicon
    • Upload a logo image
    • Add a custom copyright text

    ajax footer

    Gorgeous Spacing & Typography



    Shortcodes plugin

    The latest playneshortcodes plugin has been included in the theme download. Use it to easily make detailed pages or posts. Just install it from inside your admin panel and you’ll be able to add shortcodes from a dropdown menu inside your post editor.


    Visit the support area or leave me a tweet @playnethemes. I will get back to you within 12 hours or less and help you with any issue you might have.

    Each theme also comes with extensive documentation with images to help you understand & change each aspect of the theme.

    Credits & changelog

  • Big Carousel for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Big Carousel for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Huge Carousel Add-on for Visual Composer

    Huge Carousel for Visual Composer is an elegant carousel add-on, which allows you to create a beautiful display for your images. It is the perfect solution to showcase your portfolio, rooms, services, landscapes and other image galleries. You can grab the visitors’ attention right away, with a large images section, that speaks more than any number of words. The carousel is fully responsive, with both text and images adjusting to any screen size. You can set everything up just as easy as any default Visual Composer element.


    • Easy to use
    • Displays the Large Image size of your WordPress
    • Allows smart integrated text in the carousel item
    • Fully responsive, both text and images
    • Slick Navigation, drag or click
    • 3 Image Formats available: Normal, Narrow and Square
    • You can add a link to each carousel item on title
    • Set the autoplay speed how you want
    • Pause on hover option


    We offer a modern free ticket support application for all clients, through a real-time license code automatic verification. You can also read through our extensive documentation and the FAQ section.


    Weather for Visual Composer plugin was developed by Curly Themes. A complete credits list can be found in the documentation file.

  • Mounted Photography Positioning – WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    Mounted Photography Positioning – WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    Fixed Images Positioning plugin can be used for different purpose , important aspects can be defined for social share , User Post advertise , sponser’s small adverts with any size for example (25*25), feedback button , live chat button etc.. all six sides left top, left middle, right top, right middle . Hence one of most powerful plugin for getting publize in other networks so user can add you in facebook fan page , add in twitter , subscribe your feeds etc..

    Some Key features

    Drag and drop options -re-order the buttons once they’ve been uploaded.
    Positioning options, left top, left middle, right top, right middle etc.
    Enable and disable options..
    Can be used now for feedback button, live chat button .
    Create New Social Share button , You can create N – number of images , but don’t make it over.
    Edit option have Browse image , title, give link ,target and enable options..
    It takes all type of image format with size as well. .
    User can see the images what ever his screen resolution , its a fixed image..
    the link open in new windows.
    much more …

  • Theia Add Cleaner for WordPress (Utilities)

    Theia Add Cleaner for WordPress (Utilities)

    Over time, WordPress sites can greatly grow in size due to file uploads that are left unused. These can be safely removed with Theia Upload Cleaner, a plugin that deep-scans your entire database to check for any files that are not referenced any more in any page, post, 3rd-party plugin or the media library. Most of these files are images and their associated thumbnails. Before a clean-up, a backup is always made so that you can safely check your website to ensure everything is working properly.

    Theia Upload Cleaner has two key-features:

    • The deep-scanning algorithm that searches your entire database for any reference to your files, regardless of the format its stored in: plain-text, serialized objects, or JSON objects. This ensures that all references are properly found and only unnecessary files are cleaned.
    • The automatic backups that give you complete peace of mind. Files are never actually removed during clean-up, but instead they are moved to a backup location. You can always verify that your site is running properly and no needed files were affected. Afterwards, the backups can be easily removed to gain more space.


    • Safely cleans your Uploads folder.
    • You can run a simulation without any actual clean-up involved.
    • Automatically creates backups.
    • One-click clean and one-click restore
    • Deep-scans your entire database.
    • Compatible with virtually any properly-coded plugin
    • Receive support and upgrades.
    • High-quality code complete with comments.
  • Snap Commercials – Serve & Monitor Your Personal Ads (Merchandising)

    Snap Commercials – Serve & Monitor Your Personal Ads (Merchandising)

    Try out Snap Ads in a live environment first before you buy

    Easily Serve & Track Your Own Image Advertisements.

    A few months ago I needed to add in image advertisements in my client’s website, and we couldn’t find a plugin that allowed me to simply create an advertisement and just let me view its performance. For us, we don’t think that you need to go through a lot of unnecessary options, or a cluttered interface just to run an advertisement. So we created our own solution.

    Snap Ads allows you to create image advertisements in a snap! Creating ads is straightforward, and ad statistics are displayed in beautiful graphs and tables.

    How to Create an Ad

    To create an ad, just hit “New Ad” in your admin then upload your image and URL and you’re done! Then either use our widget or use your ad’s shortcode anywhere. Stats will be tracked right away.

    Advanced Ad Controls

    Adjust your ad to:

    • Begin at a certain date/time,
    • End at a certain date/time,
    • Display & track in desktops, tablets or phones,
    • Stop after a certain number of impressions are achieved,
    • Stop after a certain number of clicks are achieved,
    • Rotate/Randomly display with other ads, and
    • Display multiple ads in 1, 2, 3 or 4 columns.

    Beautiful Graphs and Detailed Statistics

    You can view a brief overview of ALL your ads in a single page, this is great for quickly checking each ad’s performance. View all your ad’s total impressions, clicks, CTR, and a quick summary of their status, whether they’re active or visible in desktops, tablets or phones.

    You can also view graphs and charts specific for each ad. View the performance of the ad for its entire lifetime, the past 7, 15, 30, or more days. You can also see a graph of what pages in your site, and what devices have provided the most traffic for your advertisements.

    More detailed statistics are also available in a table format. View per date the performance of your advertisement.

    Full Feature Set

    1. Beautiful graphs & charts
    2. Detailed ad performance statistics
    3. Scheduled and rotating ads
    4. Target desktops, tablets and/or phones
    5. Works with any caching plugin
    6. 100% free from ad blockers
    7. User friendly & easy to set up
    8. Responsive
    9. Implement using widgets or shortcode
    10. WordPress standards
      1. To ThemeForest WP Theme Developers

        You can just include this item as a plugin which your customer can install and active along with your theme.

        If you want to include this item in your ThemeForest WordPress theme, please purchase an extended license and let us know in our support page.

        Having Trouble with the Plugin?

        Head over to the support tab and check out the FAQs, or submit a support ticket!

        Enjoying the Plugin?

        Be sure to leave a rating and review and show us some love.

        Check out Our Other WordPress Plugins

        Video & Parallax Backgrounds For Visual Composer

        CSS Animator add-on for Visual Composer

        4k Icons add-on for Visual Composer


        Version 1.0

        * Initial release

  • Higher Pictures (Media)

    Higher Pictures (Media)

    You only get one chance to make a first impression, and so does your website! If you are using low-res images that either don’t take up all the space they should, they get scaled up and become blurry or they just have the same size when you click on them to enlarge than when you view them as a thumbnail, you are looking really bad to the eyes of a first time visitor who just got to your site.

    There are many reasons why your site might be using low-res images. Maybe you didn’t have a gallery option to enlarge your images before, but now you do, or maybe you just switched to a new theme that requires larger images. Or maybe you just uploaded those images 5 years ago, when a 400×300 pixels images was considered large. Whatever the reason, you want your images to look clean and sharp and you want them to still look great when a user enlarges it.

    That’s what the Better Images plugin was built for. Taking advantage of the reverse image search technology offered for free by Google, Bing and other companies, the plugin will look for higher resolution versions of the same images you already have and allow you to replace them with just a few clicks. No matter on how many posts and pages you were using that image, once you replace it with a high-resolution one it will change everywhere! It’s that simple!

  • Codex Documentation Device (Miscellaneous)

    Codex Documentation Device (Miscellaneous)

    Codex is a documentation system plugin for WordPress that allows you to easily create beautiful, step-based documentation showing text, images/videos and/or code with a choice of seven different layouts.


    • Choose from seven different step layouts to assign to each Codex document
    • Steps have up to three sections, with each set to display text, code or images/videos
    • Use shortcodes and widgets to display table of contents, and document listings
    • Responsive and mobile friendly
    • Codex documents are standard WordPress custom post type so are easily displayable by any theme.
    • Developers can add their own layouts and use their own CSS styling

    Check the screenshots above.


    Visit the Codex online guide for comprehensive instructions.

    Creating and editing Codex documents

    For information on creating and editing Codex documents, read this document.

    Displaying Codex documents

    Documents in Codex use the WordPress custom post type method. Your theme will already have the means to display Codex documents, as it does any page or post or other custom post type. Therefore, if you were to open a Codex document, your theme will automatically choose one of its templates to display it.

    Read this document for further information on displaying Codex documents.

    Displaying Codex document listings and table of contents

    You can add Codex documents manually to your menus. But to make it easier, Codex has a widget and shortcode for displaying document indexes.

    Thus, you could setup a specific page as your Codex index, insert the widget, then provide a link to that page in your menus.

    There is also a widget and shortcode for display table of contents on Codex document pages.

    Read this document for further information on Codex widgets and shortcodes.

  • WpChats – Immediate Chat & Personal Messaging Plugin (Social Networking)

    WpChats – Immediate Chat & Personal Messaging Plugin (Social Networking)

    WpChats – Instant Chat & Private Messaging WordPress Plugin

    1. About this plugin
    2. Features
    3. Screenshots

    1. About this plugin

    1.1 About:

    WpChats (WP: WordPress) is a WordPress plugin easy to implement, allowing you to turn your blog or website into a social network, where users can send and receive messages in an instant way, choose who to contact by blocking/unblocking users, update information and settings, get notified while offline, .. and most of all, doing everything elegantly thanks to AJAX..

    1.2 Licences:

    2. Features

    2.1 Instant Messaging:

    Instant messaging (IM) is a type of online chat which offers real-time text transmission over the Internet. – Wikipedia

    Basically once the main plugin script is loaded, jQuery & jQuery AJAX will make easy to send and receive messages in the mean time, and load everything without the new to window-refreshing.

    2.2 User profiles / Settings:

    Comes with user profiles, this plugin makes it easy to browse users, read their information (e.g online status) and keep in touch with them.

    Users can update anytime their settings and information: about, social profiles, notifications settings and user preferences..

    2.3 Conversation tools:

    Users can benefit from handy conversation tools, allowing them to easily import media into messages and control those messages. Tools include:

    • First off, AutoSave: while typing a message, the text is automatically saved. If an autosave fails to save text, a dialog box will popup when the user attempts to close window..
    • Message deleting: users can delete messages from their conversations.
    • Message reporting: users can report messages to moderators anytime, and edit or delete those submitted reports if admin allows that.
    • Add and search emoticons, more than 50 cool Facebook emoticons (emoji) which could be implemented in a single click.
    • Adding images: user can add images to messages. As per the current version, images could not be uploaded, instead, an image URL is required for this.
    • Adding videos: user can add videos to messages in a single click. This plugin recognizes and embeds videos from YouTube, Vimeo and Dailymotion. Other videos could be embedded as direct videos.
    • Links: user can insert a link to messages and set up link text.
    2.4 Moderators and Chat Moderation:

    Besides admin, any other users you assign as chat admins can moderate reported messages and ban/unban users if you allow that in the main settings dashboard. You can easily import moderators from your blog moderators (bbPress), or navigate to moderation panel in dashboard, and search users and add them.

    Moderators can delete messages, delete reports, and ban users. You can anytime restore deleted messages through “Deleted messages” section within the dashboard.

    A moderation panel will be accessible within site frontend for users with moderation rules.

    You can also allow moderators to view user conversations (disallowed by default) in case a moderators has needed to investigate a reported message within its conversation.

    2.5 In-message Media:

    As previously mentioned, users can add links, images and videos to messages within the conversation. This plugin makes it easy to embed those media, and provide more information about these media such as download links for videos and images, and codes if the user wants to implement them in a message..

    2.6 Admin dashboard:

    2.6.1 Dashboard:

    Within the dashboard, user with admin roles can view and search users using chat, view information about them, search messages .. :

    • People using chat: view and search users which are using this chat plugin, and see more information about them, their profiles, quick tools and links, and a form if admin wants to keep in touch with them via email..
    • Conversations: displays last 25 conversations, and a form to easily find a message and perform actions on them..
    • Statistics: a simple table showing all counts and stats of conversations, messages, moderators, emails sent, ..

    2.6.2 Moderation panel:

    Allows you as admin to moderate reported messages, and assign new moderators or remove them. From there you can delete messages, delete reports, ban users.. To trash or restore deleted messages, please visit “deleted messages” section.

    You can easily import all your bbPress moderators and assign them as chat moderators. Or simply search users.

    2.6.3 Emoji:

    From this area, you can use WordPress media uploader to upload custom emoticons, and assign a code and information to them.

    You can also delete or update these custom emoticons anytime.

    2.6.4 Settings:

    Main plugin settings can be updated from this area.

    2.6.5 Deleted Messages:

    The messages you or other moderators delete will be kept in this section until you choose to either restore them to their respective conversations, or totally trash them.

    2.6.6 Banned users:

    From this section you can view banned users that you or other moderators have banned, unban them or add more by searching them from your site users..

    2.6.7 Mailing:

    In this section you can update email formats, those formats will be used while notifying users by email. Mailing include:

    • New message user notifications (when user is offline of course) if user preferences allow..
    • Reported messages (instant and daily reports) sent to moderators if their preferences allow..
    • New moderator message (sent to user after they become moderators)

    From this area you can also update some basic mail headers; sender (from) name and email address.

    2.6.8 Shortcodes:

    An informative page showing you some available shortcodes you can use to output WpChats various content and information..

    3. Screenshots

    Available soon..

  • wordpress Actual Media Library – Prepare your uploads (Media)

    wordpress Actual Media Library – Prepare your uploads (Media)


    • Easy to use!
    • Drag and drop your files via mouse
    • Create a gallery from a folder
    • Filter when inserting media
    • Create, rename, delete and reorder your folders


    06 October 15:
    - initial review