Tag: html5

  • Spiration – Multipurpose WordPress Journal Theme (Wpblog / Journal)

    Spiration – Multipurpose WordPress Journal Theme (Wpblog / Journal)

    Spiration is a fully responsive and clean Spiration – Multipurpose Magazine Style WordPress Theme built on HTML5, CSS3, JS / jQuery, Bootstrap and WordPress 4.7.x.

    It is a modern crafted premium and highly customizable WordPress Theme which can be used for every type of niche and looks awesome on mobile and tablet devices.

    We have included a documentation folder to describe the file structure and customization. If there is something that you would like to know then we are happy to help you out.

    Spiration Multipurpose Magazine WordPress Theme

    Theme Features

    • Bundled drag-n-drop Visual Composer
    • Comes with Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer addon
    • Clean, Modern Design can be used for any type of website
    • Focus on typography, usability & user-experience
    • Fully Responsive
    • 1-Click Demo Import
    • Simple and Handy Admin Panel (based on unique framework)
    • Ready for One Page sites
    • Highly Customizable
    • Extensive Styling Options & unlimited colors
    • 2 Header, Logo, Menu, Portfolio, Typography and Blog options
    • Portfolio Grid
    • Blog layouts
    • Customizable Google Maps
    • Parallax Effect backgrounds
    • Awesome CSS3 Animations
    • Custom HTML & CSS editors
    • WooCommerce compatible with full design integration
    • Full compatibility with Contact Form 7
    • Translation Ready

    CSS and Javascript Libraries


    No Images that are used for demo purpose are not available in this item.

  • SHOUT – HTML5 Radio Participant With Commercials – ShoutCast and IceCast Enhance – WordPress Plugin (Media)

    SHOUT – HTML5 Radio Participant With Commercials – ShoutCast and IceCast Enhance – WordPress Plugin (Media)

    This radio player has the option to show the current playing song & artist or it can show ads.It will play ShoutCast and IceCast streams.


    IF YOU NEED ONLY THE JQUERY PLUGIN FOR THIS PRODUCT , YOU CAN DOWNLOAD IT FROM HERE : https://codecanyon.net/item/shout-html5-radio-player-with-ads-shoutcast-and-icecast-support/20522568


    video tutorial


    Installation – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=km5cVH-iH_8
    How To Use The Player – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVLHNopEpXw
    Manage The Banners – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4CWseyJmLc




    Only Radio Stream Needed

    Just add the radio stream and the player will get radio name, radio categories, current playing song and artist photo.

    Shoutcast & Icecast Support

    It supports ShoutCast and IceCast radio streaming. The radio stream should be MP3 type. It will also play AAC streams but only on browsers which support AAC.

    Responsive Design

    The radio player can be used in websites which are responsive.

    Mobile Compatible

    It is compatible with IOS and Android operating systems.

    Sticky & Standard Versions

    You can set the player to be sticky for a page or for the entire website. You can also disable sticky feature and just insert it in the content of a page or post.

    Ads Support

    For each radio station you can define one or many commercial banners to be displayed while your users listen the radio station. You can disable ads support and the current playing singer image will be displayed.

    Continuous Playback

    When you’ll change the page, the player will continue from where it was in the previous page preserving the selected radio station, volume etc. This will ensure a smooth playback across your entire website.

    Player In Popup Window

    You have a button which will open the player in a popup window. With this feature you can listen the radio station, without interruptions, while navigating the website menu.

    Last.FM API

    The player uses Last.FM API to display the photo of the current playing singer.

    Highly Customizable

    You can choose from the 2 available skins: back & white. Also, from parameters you can create any color scheme, having the possibility to integrate it in any design.


    The playlist items are structured in categories. A radio file can belong to multiple categories. The categories are automatically generated from the radio stream data.

    Playlist Search

    You have the option to search the playlist. The results will be displayed as you type the search term.

    Show/Hide Playlist

    Button to show or hide the playlist. Also option to start the player with the playlist hidden.


    You can share the radio player on Facebook and Twitter. Parameters to customize the share title and description.

    Option To Manually Set Radio Name And Categories Name

    If needed, you have the option to manually set the radio name and categories name

    Show/Hide Buttons

    You can set as visible or set as hidden: playlist, volume, share buttons

    Multiple Parameters

    Over 70 parameters from where you can customize your player, including: width, autoplay, initial volume, playlist, categories & color parameters.

    Free Updates

    Once you’ve bought the product, you can download for free, from your account, all the updated versions.


    Notes for IOS (restrictions imposed by Apple):
    1. The autoplay will not work because IOS disables autoplay feature and it can’t be controlled from JS
    2. Volume controllers will not work on IOS. You’ll have to adjust the volume with physical buttons of the mobile device.



    Apollo - Sticky Full Width HTML5 Audio Player - WordPress Plugin - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

    Keywords: radio, audio, html5, mp3, music, ads, banner, player, playlist, ios, sticky, mobile, streaming, responsive, search, shoutcast, icecast

    If you need additional information don’t hesitate to contact us at office@lambertgroup.ro. We’ll try to answer you as quickly as possible.



    ***Version 1.0 Release Date: September 26, 2017
  • Cornerstone Addon – Development Bars Final DZS (Add-ons)

    Cornerstone Addon – Development Bars Final DZS (Add-ons)

    Zoom Progress Bars Intro – top

    Zoom Progress Bars is the perfect tool to create custom progress bars to your wishing .

    Zoom Progress Bars Features

    • HTML5 technology – Zoom Progress Bars uses the latest html5 and css3 features
    • fully responsive – looks great from mobile to HD
    • skin builder – build your own skin in minutes, create multiple skins and all will be remembered
    • SCSS Powered – easy for developers to modify
    • Retina-ready – graphics generally use svg, vectors and font icons so it displays crisp on retina devices
    • easy install – purchase, download the zip, read the docs
    • iPhone / iPad optimized – this gallery has been optimized for Apple touch devices
    • Android optimized – this component has been tested on Android 4.0 and works awesome
    • developer / SASS powered – this component’s CSS has been built on top of SASS which means SASS users will have an easy time modifying the skins. For non-SASS users it’s no problem either because CSS files ( generated by SASS ) are provided
    • compatible with all major browsers, including IE – compatible from IE11 to Edge, Chrome, Safari and Firefox

    Other Great Plugins


  • Fight Adblocker – Anti Adblock Plugin (Miscellaneous)

    Fight Adblocker – Anti Adblock Plugin (Miscellaneous)


    Combat Adblock relies on a modern, javascript based adblocker detection method. Any webmaster which relies on inline adverts for revenue realises how much of a threat they are. Use Combat Adblocker to claim back your advertising revenue.

    Three flexible, powerful user alert methods. Alerts can be tailored uniquley to your website style using HTML and css styles.

    • Javascript Pop Up Alert
    • Jquery Modal Alert
    • HTML/CSS Powered Banner

    Perfect For

    • Personal Blogs
    • Local News Sites
    • Informational Sites
    • Affiliate Sites
    • Any Site relying on adverts as a revenue source


    • Modern, JS enabled detection method
    • Three powerful alert methods
    • Hide all content or just partial with powerful shortcodes
    • Redirect after alert option
    • Pop Up and Inline banners are html/css editable
    • Graphed Statistics About how many adblockers have been detected
    • Global lock function to lock all posts and pages from adblockers
    • Extremely Easy Setup
    • Support for all modern browsers
    • 3rd and 1st Party ad support


    Server side cache settings need tweaks to enable this plugin to function properly,
    please see readme.txt


    V 1.1

    Expected Within 1 month of V1.0, featured added security and
    any launch bugs cleared up.

    V 1.0

    Release Candidate

  • UserPro Livechat (Add-ons)

    Note: This is an addon. You must have UserPro to use it.

    Now express yourself better with UserPro live chat. It has a unique easy-to-use interface which makes it a must have for the UserPro plugin.

  • UserPro Livechat (Add-ons)

    UserPro Livechat (Add-ons)

    Note: This is an addon. You must have UserPro to use it.

    Now express yourself better with UserPro live chat. It has a unique easy-to-use interface which makes it a must have for the UserPro plugin.

  • Isabella – Digital Company One Web page WordPress Theme (Know-how)

    Isabella – Digital Company One Web page WordPress Theme (Know-how)

    Isabella is Responsive Digital Agency One Page WordPress Theme fresh and clean Design. It makes for corporate/business websites, creative agencies and other businesses. It looks perfect on all major browsers, tablets and phones. Just take the best WordPress Theme of your choice, change the text, add your images and done!

    Isabella Features

    • Clean and Professional Design
    • Cross Browser Compatible
    • Fully Responsive
    • SEO Friendly
    • Drag and Drop Page Builder
    • Free Support & Updates
    • Contact Form 7
    • Well Documented
    • Modern Design
    • And Much more ….

    Note: Images are only for demo purpose and not included with the download bundle.

    Our Latest WordPress Themes

  • Apollo – Sticky Full Width HTML5 Audio Participant – WordPress Plugin (Media)

    Apollo – Sticky Full Width HTML5 Audio Participant – WordPress Plugin (Media)

    It supports .mp3 and .ogg audio files


    IF YOU NEED ONLY THE JQUERY PLUGIN FOR THIS PRODUCT , YOU CAN DOWNLOAD IT FROM HERE : https://codecanyon.net/item/apollo-sticky-full-width-html5-audio-player/20127983


    video tutorial

    Installation – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmlD9qwd0B0
    How to use the plugin – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qA3LlLxnPA



    Responsive Design

    The audio player can be used in websites which are responsive. It is a full width player and it will cover the parent div width.

    Sticky & Standard Versions

    You can set the player to be sticky for a page or for the entire website. You can also disable sticky feature and just insert it in the content of a page or post.

    Highly Customizable

    You can choose from the 2 skins available: back & white. Also, from parameters you can create any color scheme, having the possibility to integrate it in any design.

    Continuous Playback

    When you’ll change the page, the player will continue from it was in the previous page. This will ensure a smooth playback across your entire website.

    Player In Popup Window

    You have a button which will open the player in a popup window. With this feature you can listen the music, without interruptions, while navigating the website menu.

    Vinyl Record Animation Or Artist Image

    You can either show the vinyl record animation or the artist image.

    Mobile Compatible

    It is compatible with IOS and Android operating systems.


    The playlist items can be structured in categories. An audio file can belong to multiple categories.

    Playlist Search

    You have the option to search the playlist. It will search the title and author and the results will be displayed as you type the search term.

    Show/Hide Playlist

    Button to show or hide the playlist. Parameters to show the playlist from the beginning.


    You can share your audio player on Facebook and Twitter.

    Download Option

    Available button to download (on desktop) the current playing file. You have the option to hide the download button.

    Buy Button

    You can define a link to the buy song page. Parameters to open the link in the same window or a new window and parameter to change the button title.

    Read Folder

    Option to automatically generate the player playlist code from a folder which contains the MP3 files.

    Lyrics Button

    You can define a link to the lyrics song page. Parameters to open the link in the same window or a new window and parameter to change the button title.

    Multiple parameters

    Autoplay, loop, shuffle, rewind, volume control, minimize etc.

    Google Analytics

    Option to activate Google Analytics tracking. You’ll be able to see how many times each audio file was played.

    Multiple Instances

    You can insert multiple audio players on your website or on the same page


    The JS file has around 50KB

    Free Updates

    Once you’ve bought the product, you can download for free, from your account, all the updated versions.


    Notes for IOS (restrictions imposed by Apple):
    1. The autoplay will not work because IOS disables autoplay feature and it can’t be controlled from JS
    2. Volume controllers will not work on IOS. You’ll have to adjust the volume with physical buttons of the mobile device.


    Keywords: audio, plugin, html5, mp3, music, player, playlist, sticky, ios, song, mobile, playlist, wordpress, full width, fulwidth

    If you need additional information don’t hesitate to contact us at office@lambertgroup.ro. We’ll try to answer you as quickly as possible.
