Tag: hotmail

  • Share by way of electronic mail (Social Networking)

    Share by way of electronic mail (Social Networking)

    Add a “Share by email” button in sidebar or footer that visitor can share your website by Email easily

    • 100% Independent PlugIn. You will not have to depend on any Third Party website for sharing service
    • Mobile Responsive
    • The PlugIn takes very low space in hosting
    • The PlugIn will automatically match with your Theme’s color, font, style. Visitor will think it as the part of your theme. If you use this PlugIn in different themes, you will feel the change
    • Easy Installation! After activation of the PlugIn, Simply go to Appearance > Widgets, and drag the PlugIn into any widgetized
      area like sidebar or footer
    • No coding knowledge or expertise required! You will not have to use any
      short-code or to edit settings
    • Freedom! If you use any Page Builder, then you can add inside page or post

    See the live preview to test this PlugIn live

  • MadMimi Social WordPress (Newsletters)

    MadMimi Social WordPress (Newsletters)

    How it works?

    This plugin let your public subscribe your newsletter via Facebook, Hotmail, Google and by just typing
    the email. What’s the bonus? Users do not have to confirm the email because the email is already
    “confirmed”. It’s really simple to configure the plugin, I made a awesome tutorial you can found it in
    the tab “Help”!

    Plugin Compatibility

    You can use this plugin with others by just put the special shortcode: [madmimi_social_wp_popovers]
    The others plugins must support WordPress Shortcodes!
    For example, you can use this with Pop Overs, Opt-in plugins etc!

    What do you get when you purchase this item?

    Plugin Settings


    Users feedback!

    Other versions

    MailChimp Social WordPress

    MailChimp Normal version

    Mad Mimi Normal version


    Version 1.0.0, 3 July 14
    [+] Initial release

    Server Requirements

    Please use at least PHP5.2.17!

  • MailChimp Social WordPress (Varieties)

    MailChimp Social WordPress (Varieties)

    What is MailChimp?

    MailChimp is one of the best free email marketing managers in cyberspace, hands down. This is ideal for the creative small business owner or blogger.

    How it works?

    This script gets the client email from Facebook, Google or Microsoft and saves the email into your MailChimp List that you specify.

    Super Easy!

    I made a super quick start guide to help you initiate.

    MailChimp Normal version

    You can view the MailChimp version here: http://codecanyon.net/item/mailchimp-subscribe-form/7123150

    Mad Mimi version

    You can view the Mad Mimi version here: http://codecanyon.net/item/mad-mimi-form-subscribe/7083984

    Server Requirements

    Supports PHP5.3>
    Can be tweaked/modified once purchased if you know the PHP language.