4 best looking and most attractive grids all in one package!
Advanced Grid includes 4 kinds of grid with bunch of impressive effects and unique styles, featuring Samsung loading, Google preview effects, Magazine-like grid and Elegant animation grids.
Advanced Grid is specially featured in our powerful visual composer bundle Visual Composer Kit. Get Visual Composer Kit for 40+ interactive and trending elements.

Easy to use with just one click to select data showing
Post grid, Page grid, or attachments…? There’re 8 data sources that Advanced Grid can appear.
Also, you can choose to show selective categories, tags or taxonomies only.
Various effects available for you to choose
Each grid comes with many interesting effects, the only hard thing is to choose which one.

Powerful customizability with many options to personalize grid to your themes
Items appeared, items per row, data order, background color, readmore button… The power is in your hands.
*Please note that this is an add-on for Visual Composer, so you must install Visual Composer Page Builder first.
How to Install & Use:
Watch Video Tutorial here
Key features
- Fully Responsive
- 04 grid elements
- Elegant grid: 8 animation effects
- Samsung grid: 3 samsung loading effects
- Magazine grid: 2 gorgeous magazine styles
- Google grid: google preview effect
- 08 data sources: post, page, attachment, custom css…
- Narrow data sources as: Categories, tags, taxonomies
- Limit Total items appeared
- Choose grid items per row
- Set Gap between items
- Customize Button’s text, color
- Set data order by: Date, Author, Title, Last modified, ID, Number of comments, Meta value, Random…
- Sort data: Ascending, Descending
- Exclude special data (post, page…)
Credit: We use the opensource of Codrops: https://tympanus.net/codrops/
Photo: http://unsplash.com
The images you see in the screenshots are used for demo purposes only, they are not included in the download package
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Check out our most popular item Marvelous Hover Effects!

Or hover effects for ICONS or CONTENT BOXES?
Check out our latest item Elegant Icon Box!