Tag: graph

  • Publish Response Buttons (WordPress)

    Publish Response Buttons (WordPress)

    Add Reaction Buttons to your WordPress posts


    • Create, edit, and delete reaction buttons
    • View and delete user votes
    • Four ways of adding reaction buttons to your posts (including a widget and shortcode)
    • Verify user votes by User ID or IP Address
    • Lock reaction buttons for specific posts (including automatic locking after a specified amount of time)
    • Link reaction buttons with categories/tags (posts are automatically assigned the category/tag associated with the most popular reaction button)
    • Choose between two reaction button sizes (small and large)
    • Choose between 19 built-in colour schemes, or create your own!
    • Sort reaction buttons by vote count (so they are ordered from highest to lowest)
    • Set the maximum number of votes allowed (per user, per post)
    • Hide votes until the user has already voted for a reaction button
    • Equalise width of reaction buttons (adds padding until all reaction buttons have equal width)
    • Compatible with caching plugins
    • Full support for plugin translation
  • Website Customer Data (search engine optimization)

    Website Customer Data (search engine optimization)


    The product’s functionality is already quite impressive:



    Product Description:

    -mySTAT has unique features for statistics, analytics, SEO optimization and that is why anyone who has their own website should have it. In fact, mySTAT is a comprehensive set of tools necessary for collecting and classifying data from all areas. The previous version of mySTAT has over 500,000 downloads and strictly positive reviews! The product is a multi-platform one, so it can be installed onto both existing popular types of CMS and onto any other third-party developed sites.
    -Based on the data from mySTAT one can precisely and correctly regulate the operation of any resource, run a profitable business, organize a successful project or any other activity on the Internet.
    -mySTAT is a useful tool for SEOs, programmers, bloggers, designers, advertising sales agents, and later updates of this product will further expand the area of its application!
    -mySTAT can considerably simplify the work of a whole team or even save quite a lot by doing all the work independently.
    -mySTAT means full confidentiality of your data. It is your product that works on your site and nobody but you can use its data, unlike the services run by third-parties. mySTAT means the highest level of security. The code is optimized and minimized, it is free from vulnerabilities and it has passed all possible testing. Full integration into the WordPress system, user-friendly and intuitive interface. The information is accessible from any device and is displayed identically on all of them. Unique programming algorithms allow for obtaining the data of highest accuracy and make it possible to identify the number of real users, as well as the number of robots and spiders. This will give you reliable information about the frequency of indexing the web-site, its separate blocks or pages, if it goes specifically about robots, or, alternatively, a clear idea about the interests of the users based on the information about their activity.

    The product’s functionality is already quite impressive:

      • Statistics Summary
        Set of summary information presented as tiles and lists.
      • Site traffic
        Report with maximum details on your site visitors.
      • Page views per visitor
        This section contains views per visitor for each host.
      • Pages received per robot
        Detailed statistics on how many pages are viewed by the robot.
      • Time of downloading the pages
        This section deals with the speed of downloading your page on the client’s side.
      • Popular pages
        Information on your site’s popular page addresses, which are visited by the users most often.
      • Popular titles
        The section for the rating of page titles most visited by users.
      • Domain names
        If several different domains are connected to your site.
      • Popular error 404 pages
        These are pages that do not exist on your site, but for some reason they are visited by search engines, people or robots.
      • Referring addresses
        This is the section for site addresses, from which the users clicked through to your site.
      • Referring domains
        Overall rating of domains from which clickthroughs to your site occur.
      • Search engines
        Visits to your site from search engines.
      • Social networks
        The section displays the visits to your site made directly from search engines.
      • Mail services
        The clickthroughs from on-line search engines. Names of mail services, from which visitors clicked through to your site.
      • Search phrases
        Phrases and word-combinations, using which the visitors found your site via search engines.
      • Links to 404 pages
        This section lists the URLs from which the transitions to non-existent pages of your site were made.
      • IP addresses of visitors
        A detailed list of users network addresses.
      • IP addresses of robots and spiders
        A detailed list of robots and spiders network addresses.
      • Countries of visitors
        List of countries, from which your site was visited.
      • User-Agent of visitors
        This section is related to agents or user-agents and holds complete information on the identifier of the browser used by the user to visit the site.
      • User-Agent of robots and spiders.
        This section is also related to agents or user-agents and holds complete information on the identifier of the browser used to visit the site specifically by a robot.
      • Visitors’ system language
        The section refers to the user’s preferred language set up in the browser.
      • Robots and spiders
        The section provides information on the robots and spiders regarding their version and unique visit of a particular robot to your site.
      • Operating system
        The section deals with the visitor’s installed operating system.
      • Browsers
        Here you can see the browsers, with the help of which users come to your site.
      • Color Depth
        This information will help the designers, as it allows to find out how many colors and shades the client screen can display.
      • Screen resolution
        This section will help designers and programmers, as it deals with the client’s screen resolution.
      • Reporting database size
        This shows the details on database size used by statistics data.

    and that is far from the full list of the product’s features!
    Start your business right, develop and promote your web-site based on reliable information together with mySTAT!
    The functionality of the product is constantly expanded, thus everyone who purchases it now will get all further updates absolutely free of charge, including full technical support!

    Try mySTAT before buying!

  • Visible URL Parser (Utilities)

    Visible URL Parser (Utilities)

    Visual URL Parser is used in order to represent links which is added to the website, as visually in the front end.

    You can get rid of dull links by using Visual URL Parser. If you wish, you can use Visual URL Parser both in user comments and also with WordPress Editor.

    Many options are available for customizing Visual URL Parser up to your personal taste.

  • Professional Social Bar (with Navigation) (Add-ons)

    Professional Social Bar (with Navigation) (Add-ons)

    Pro Social Bar (with Navigation) is a light weight multifunctional plugin which is displayed as bar primarily containing top social networks, navigation buttons and logo. And the good thing is, these features are just the starter. This plugin is made to be highly customizable in design and the functions which comes handy to fulfill your customizing need. Highly flexibility in customization takes this plugin to another level of social sharing and displaying offers/messages to your website visitors. Creativity of user is the limit of utilizing the power of this social bar.

    This plugin comes with “Pro Social Analysis” which is useful to track the social sharing statistics of various posts of your website over the top platforms like Facebook, Google+, Twitter etc. You can choose among the various ways to see the graph like bar graph, point graph, line graph as well as have a overview of those data during specific time.

    One of the powerful feature of this plugin is, you can view social analytical graphical data right form your post or page.
    For more details: One Click Stat View

    You can use the ready made bar theme and customize it according to your need or create a new one by utilizing visual options (no programming skills required). Even if you CSS/HTML knowledge, you can use it with even more power.

    Check out the features below to know more about the power of this plugin :


    • Light weight plugin  
    • Easy to setup  
    • Clean and powerful backend design and function  
    • Responsive to various screen size  
    • 1 click Import/Export settings  
    • Custom themes available for quick go  
    • Highly Customizable  
    • Supported on all 4 side (Top, bottom, left and right)  
    • Top Social platforms available for sharing posts  
    • Custom message field available for multiple purpose  
    • html/CSS properties supported  
    • Drag and drop function for arranging the position of Social icons  
    • RSS feed available  
    • Section for Logo of website  
    • Next, Previous and random post navigation buttons  
    • Custom next, previous & random button supported  
    • Shortcodes Supported  
    • Google Adsense supported  
    • Google fonts supported  
    • & many more.. 

    Styling Options

    • Custom color for texts  
    • Adjustable height and width of bar  
    • Show/hide logo on the bar  
    • Unlimited background color  
    • Background transparency value  
    • Custom background picture 
    • Unlimited border color  
    • Unlimited shadow color  
    • Show/hide social share/like count  
    • Option to show/hide individual social share icons  
    • Options to customize the bar to appear and hide from particular area (homepage, blog, category, tags)  
    • Option to choose effects for bar to appear  
    • Option to set position and appearance timer of bar  
    • Customizable font type, size and color 
    • Customizable Social Icons 
    • and many other..

    Products Details

    Pro Social Bar : http://izyoption.com/product/pro-social-bar-with-navigation
    Pro Social Analysis: http://izyoption.com/product/pro-social-analysis
    Izy Dashboard: http://izyoption.com/product/izy-dashboard

  • Information House – Infographic WordPress Theme  (Ingenious)

    Information House – Infographic WordPress Theme (Ingenious)

    btn-twitter   btn-twitter

    Info Space is a WordPress theme for infographic. It comes with 12 infographic elements. You can manage each element by using drag drop ability from our page builder. If you’re looking WordPress theme for data presentation or infographic, this theme’s highly suitable for you. We also include ‘one click’ to set up page builder as demo site.

    Overall Features

    12 Infographic Elements
    5 Types Of Charts

    Page Builder

    Free $19 Value Master Slider
    Full-screen slider, Full-width slider, Boxed slider
    Social link in header
    GoodLayers Importer – With just few steps, you can turn your site to be like demo site. We have a step by step video to teach you.
    Page Builder Setting Shortcut Button – With only one click, you can have page builder setting like Homepage, About, Service, Contact 1, Contact 2, Pricing page.
    Parallax/Color Section – You can have parallax background in your desired section. You can also set parallax speed or have it fixed as well.
    Youtube video as background section
    Landing Page Template – options to disable header, footer or both of it.
    Unlimited Color – You can turn your site to anything you need with color options. You can change almost every color elements.
    Awesome Shortcodes – We integrated a lot of useful shortcodes which will surely empower your website.
    Customizable skin for each parallax/color section – When using parallax section, you might need to change font color or link color in it. You are allowed to create custom skin via admin panel and assign to parallax section easily.
    Sidebar size customizable – You can set the width of sidebar easily via admin panel. We have 5 options for you. 16%, 25%, 33%, 41%, 50%. And 25%, 33% for both sidebar layout.
    Scalable Container – You can set any width in pixel to your site.
    Floating Navigation
    Boxed/Full Width Layout
    WooCommerce Friendly – We turn many woocommerce’s elements in to minimal, modern design.
    Mega Menu – With our built-in mega menu, you don’t need to buy plugin for it anymore.
    Fully Responsive – This theme looks and works flawlessly across major phones and tablets.
    Post Format
    Google Font
    Unlimited Sidebar
    Font Uploader
    Theme Customizer
    Retina Ready
    Font Awesome
    Optimized Code & SEO
    Shortcode Generator
    4 Portfolio Styles – Classic, Classic without space, Modern, Modern without space
    4 Blog Styles – Column, Medium, Full, Masonry

    Premium Support

    Not only well-document that you get after purchasing our theme but you will also be able to access our support website. Support part is the most important thing for us. We always try our best to serve customers and make sure they are happy with our product. Apart from theme’s quality, this is why so many customers come back for us :-) http://goodlayers.ticksy.com


    Blow is images used in demo site, other than this are purchased from photodune.net

    New York

    Images in preview site are not included in theme package!

    Need support?

    First of all, Thanks so much for purchased our items :) We’re really appreciated it and hope you enjoy it! If you need support, all support will be conducted through this website > http://goodlayers.ticksy.com . We usually get back to you within 14hours. (except holiday seasons which might take longer).

    Changelog & Updated Files

    ==v1.00== 17/11/2014 * initial released
  • Bolder Surveys for WordPress (Kinds)

    Bolder Surveys for WordPress (Kinds)

    Like us on Facebook
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    Visit the Main Website
    Visit the Support Forum

    The Bolder Surveys plugin allows administrators to create a series of questions that visitors can answer in a single page questionnaire form. The results are then combined, calculated, and displayed in the dashboard using pie charts and graphs.

    This plugin is still in its infancy. If you would like to contribute some ideas or things you would like to see in a future release, I am happy to take requests on this thread in the support forum!

    Key Features

    Endless Possibilies

    Questions can have minimum requirements and various types of input fields.

    Complex Grids

    Combine similar questions into matrix form with column and row combination answers.

    Participant Restrictions

    Open your survey to everyone or registered users only.

    Active / Inactive Status

    Setup start and end dates to automatically close out surveys.

    Statistics Page

    Simple bar graphs and pie charts let you easily see what your visitors are responding with.

    Drag and Drop

    Setup, re-order, and delete survey elements through a drag and drop interface for easy use.

    For a complete list of changes, view the full version log.


    Please post all questions or requests for support either here in the comments for this file or visit the support forums to find more answers or seek support. Messages and emails may be missed.

  • Responsive wordpress Fb Albums Grid Plugin (Social Networking)

    Responsive wordpress Fb Albums Grid Plugin (Social Networking)


    The WordPress Facebook Albums Grid Plugin is a wordpress plugin that displays the facebook page albums of the saved user profile. The plugin includes a simple shortcode for displaying the facebook albums on the front end


    • Easily integrates with wordpress.
    • Includes a lightbox to play the videos
    • Displays number of likes
    • Includes a subscribe button.
    • Responsive design

    Support and Documentation

    Please drop us a line on appsupport@built-app.com with any questions you may have, full documentation is included with the program to help you with your projects.

  • Responsive wordpress Fb Album Grid (Social Networking)


    The WordPress Facebook Album plugin is a responsive wordpress plugin that displays the public albums of a facebook page on any wordpress post or page using shortcodes. The script is based on facebook’s graph API. This will not work unless your album is public and the photos are universally available.


    • Responsive Grid Design
    • Easily integrates with wordpress.
    • Includes a lightbox to view the photos
    • The gallery an be included in a post or a page
    • Exhaustive documentation

    Support and Documentation

    Please drop us a line on appsupport@built-app.com with any questions you may have, full documentation is included with the program to help you with your projects.