Tag: google

  • MyMail Social WordPress (Newsletters)

    MyMail Social WordPress (Newsletters)

    How it works?

    This is a WordPress plugin that allows you to let your users subscribe your MyMail lists via social networks and without any worries about filling the form field to subscribe. You can make a lot of things, such as show confirmation window or don’t, you can send confirmation messages to confirm the user email or not and much more! Your public can subscribe your newsletter via Facebook, Hotmail, Google, LinkedIn, VK and by just typing the email. What’s the bonus? Users do not have to confirm the email because the email is already “confirmed”. You can collect their First, Last Name and e-mail! It’s really simple to configure the plugin, I made an awesome tutorial you can found it in the tab “Help”!

    Plugin Compatibility

    You can use this plugin with others by just put the special shortcode: [mymail_social_wp_popovers]
    The others plugins must support WordPress Shortcodes!
    For example, you can use this with Pop Overs, Opt-in plugins etc!

    What do you get when you purchase this item?




    Other versions

    MailChimp Social WordPress

    MadMimi Social WordPress

    MailChimp Normal version

    Mad Mimi Normal version


    Version 1.0, .. September 15
    [+] Initial release

    Server Requirements

    Please use at least PHP5.2.17!

  • Simple Plugin for AdSense Professional (Merchandising)

    Simple Plugin for AdSense Professional (Merchandising)

    Easy Plugin for AdSense provides a very easy way to generate revenue from your blog using Google AdSense. With its full set of features, Easy Plugin for AdSense is perhaps the first plugin to give you a complete solution for everything AdSense-related. The admin interface of this plugin uses a highly functional and modern interface based on the twitter bootstrap framework with generous, context-sensitive help on every single option.

    Live Demo

    Easy AdSense admin interface is feature-rich, user-friendly and functional. Please visit this fully operational live demo site to see what it can do for you.


    1. Easy Plugin for AdSense enforces the Google AdSense policy of not more than three adsense blocks per page.
    2. Easy Adsense provides Sidebar Widgets:
      • For AdSense for content with custom title.
      • For search with customizable text or image title.
      • For Link Units.
    3. Easy Plugin for AdSense has a rich set of Options:
      • Put Link Units or AdSense Blocks in header or footer.
      • Suppress ads on all pages (as opposed to posts), or on the front/home page.
      • Add a customizable mouse-over border decoration on ad blocks.
      • Display adsense blocks based on the post length.
    4. Easy Plugin for AdSense lets you control over the positioning and display of AdSense blocks in each post or page.
    5. Easy Plugin for AdSense sports the simplest possible configuration interface – nothing more than cutting and pasting AdSense code, and with sensible defaults for the few options present, all with clear instructions.
    6. Easy Plugin for AdSense is internationalized with multiple languages supported.
    7. Popover help for every option in the plugin.
    8. An interface tour to familiarize yourself with the plugin features and layout.
    9. Ability to spawn the plugin interface as a separate tab/window independent of the WordPress admin interface.
    10. Safe Content filter: To ensure that your Google AdSense ads show only on those pages that seem to comply with Google AdSense policies, which can be important since some comments may render your pages inconsistent with those policies.
    11. IP filter: Ability to specify a list of computers where your ads will not be shown, in order to prevent accidental clicks on your own ads – one of the main reasons AdSense bans you. These features will minimize your chance of getting banned.
    12. Compatibility mode: To solve the issue of the ad insertion messing up your page appearances when using some themes.
    13. Category/Post Control: Ability to suppress ads on specific categories, posts and pages.
    14. Shortcode Support: Show the ads only on the pages or posts you want, and exactly where you want them.
    15. Mobile Support: Ability to show different sets of ads on mobile devices, or to suppress ads.
    16. Excerpts: Ability to show a configurable number of ads on Excerpts (which make up the home page in some themes).
    17. Option Sets: Multiple option sets can be defined and easily switched between.
    18. Suspend Ads: Ability to temporarily suppress ad serving.
    19. Admin Interface Themes: Multiple color schemes for the admin interface.
  • Booked Calendar Feeds (Add-On) (Add-ons)

    Booked Calendar Feeds (Add-On) (Add-ons)

    Note: This plugin is an add-on that requires the Booked plugin. Click here to learn more about Booked.

    After installing and activating the Calendar Feeds add-on for Booked, you will see a new sub-menu item called “Calendar Feeds” under the “Appointments” menu. Click on that to access the URLs you can use to setup the feeds in your favorite calendar application.

    Supports calendars that allow URL subscriptions, such as:

    1. Apple Calendar
    2. Google Calendar
    3. Outlook
    4. And more…
  • UBER Google Maps for Layers (Widgets)

    UBER Google Maps for Layers (Widgets)

    UBER Google Maps for Layers

    100+ Built-in Styles

    Uber Google Maps comes with more than 100 styles to choose from. Find the colors that match your website perfectly, or create a custom style with a third-party editor.

    Fullscreen Support

    Give your users the option to enter fullscreen mode. They will thank you for it!


    Uber Google Maps supports more than 50 languages. Pretty much every language that is supported by the Google Maps API.


    If your site is responsive, you can’t go wrong with Uber Google Maps. It has an option to be responsive, or “flexible width”.

  • Cellular Pleasant Checking out Instrument (website positioning)

    Cellular Pleasant Checking out Instrument (website positioning)

    Convert your WordPress into Mobile Friendly Testing Tool.

    Also Test your own posts instantly.
    Is Every Post of your website is responsive? With this tool you can check every post of your wordpress individually from your WordPress Dashboard.
    Using Google Mobile Friendly Testing API.

    – Testing Tool for Visitors.
    – Success Result Message
    – Failed Result Message
    – Test Your Posts individually.

    Coming soon


  • Metropolis Climate for WordPress (Widgets)

    Metropolis Climate for WordPress (Widgets)

    This plugin allows you to easily add super clean weather widget to your site.


    • Location: Enter like London,UK or just London. You may need to try different variations to get the right city
    • Units: F (default) or C
    • Size: wide (default) or tall
    • Title: Change the title in the header bar to whatever, sometimes it pulls weather from a close city
    • Forecast Days: How many days to show in the forecast bar
    • Hide stats: Hide the text stats like humidity, wind, high and lows, etc
    • Background Image: URL to an image that will be used as the background of the entire module
    • Custom Background Color: Add a hex color to override the default colors
    • Responsive for Mobile or other Devices.
    • Very Easy Installation and Setup.
  • Job Supervisor Map (Add-ons)

    Job Supervisor Map (Add-ons)

    AD Job Manager Map will map all of your open Job Positions from Job Manager. The admin screens give you complete control over what jobs are shown on the map. Map markers link to the respective job that they represent on your site. The maps can be added to any area of your site with the shortcode [ad_jobman_map]. Almost any form of address can be accepted(zip code, city, state, country, province, etc). Future releases may include custom map colors and options.

    Tags: wordpress, google, google maps, job manager, job manager map, map, map markers