Tag: genealogy

  • Family tree Household Tree (Utilities)

    Family tree Household Tree (Utilities)

    Genealogy Family Tree is the first responsive Family Tree generator on the market ! With modern design and multiple options to customize.

    Front-end :
    -Zoom with mouse scroll and Pan with drag & drop
    -Responsive : always dynamicaly calculate free space available around each person’s card and reposition them relative to each others. Allow a lot more readability on big trees.
    -Full screen button
    -Choose between different last names to be root of the tree
    -All loadings via AJAX (without refreshing the page !)
    -100% SVG
    -Big profile card on “touch / mouse hover” with biography, jobs, big picture and more…
    -Multiples partners allowed (remarriage)
    -Change background color, or put an image as background
    -Choose between multiples theme for card design
    -Languages: English, Français…easily translatable via .po/.mo files…

    Back-end :
    -Allow / Disallow any of the precedent options
    -Easily edit or delete any persons in the tree without refreshing the page (thanks to AJAX !)
    -Upload and crop profile pictures on the fly !

    And a lot more !

    Feel free to contact us if you need further explanations, bug report, suggestions…: http://nicewebagence.com/#contacts

  • GedCom Parser (Database Abstractions)

    The GedCom Parser is a JavaScript Library that focuses on translating GEDCOM structure into a GedCom Library.

    Tested with GEDCOM 5.5 exported from Ancestry.com.

    What is GEDCOM?

    GEDCOM (an acronym standing for Genealogical Data Communication) is an open de facto specification for exchanging genealogical data between different genealogy software. GEDCOM was developed by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) as an aid to genealogical research.

    About structure

    A GEDCOM file consists of a header section, records, and a trailer section. Within these sections, records represent people (INDI record), families (FAM records), sources of information (SOUR records), and other miscellaneous records, including notes. Every line of a GEDCOM file begins with a level number where all top-level records (HEAD, TRLR, SUBN, and each INDI, FAM, OBJE, NOTE, REPO, SOUR, and SUBM) begin with a line with level 0, while other level numbers are positive integers.

    About the Version 1.4.31

    • Gedcom.toGedCom() method added
    • Data.toGedCom() method added
    • List.toGedCom() method added
    • List.create() method added
    • Indi.addToFamily() method added
    • Indi.removeFromFamily() method added