Tag: frontend

  • Switcher – Frontend theme customizer for WordPress (Miscellaneous)

    Switcher – Frontend theme customizer for WordPress (Miscellaneous)

    Switcher is set out to solve one problem; persistent theme changes that lasts until the user closes the browser while having as few HTTP transfers as possible. Why is it needed? Only a few days ago from writing this, I wanted to see how a theme would look with certain settings, the problem was that every time I changed page to see how a new one would look with certain settings, all the settings were removed and I had to do it all over again. It was frustrating so I set out to create a very advanced theme customizer.

    Persistent Stylechanges
    Your potential buyer doesn’t need to redo the stylechanges on page change to see how your page would look like using the settings that he/she wants

    Multiple stylesheetchanges independently
    Show the user how your site would look like with a different skin or with different fonts.

    Minimize HTTP footprint
    Sessionstorage is used locally if the user has a modern browser to avoid sending cookies with every HTTP request. If the user is running an old browser cookies will be used.

    Set view permission [new]
    If you only want to show the switcher for your client you can now do so. See the new settings page under “Settings” in the WordPress admin.


    • Enable, disable, load and unload stylesheets on demand, without ever removing the stylesheets themselves (to minimize the requests). You can have multiple groups of stylesheets that are changed independently, one set for colored skins, one set for fonts etc.
    • Change backgrounds and remove backgrounds easily, supports different styles of backgrounds, repeated backgrounds, like patterns (in different ways) or pagewide cover background.
    • Change classes based on elements and ids so the user can see how your site would look with a different header, on a phone, without breadcrumbs, footer etc.
    • Switcher uses sessionstorage (if there is support for it), which improves performance because cookies doesn’t need to be sent to the server every time. If the user doesn’t support sessionstorage (introduced 2009), then switcher falls back and uses cookies to save settings. Sessionstorage doesn’t ask for permission unlike localstorage so there are no disturbing interruptions in the UI.
    • Switcher supports by default three positions, left, right, and on top. If you want to place it in any other way it just requires some css editing (which should be easy to edit, since I’ve commented the CSS file).
    • Styles can be reset (IE7 resets everything but the background), but if you know your default background you can use that to make it work in IE7 as well.
    • The script is loaded in wp_footer() template tag so it doesn’t impact the loading of the site.
    • Switcher can be open or closed on pageload.
    • Beautiful flat UI which goes well with todays trends.
    • Supports retina screens (all icons are available @2x).
    • Switcher runs as a plugin so it doesn’t impact your workflow and/or new editions of your theme.
    • Extensive documentation included.


    Version 1.03

    * New feature, roles, you can now choose to only display styleswitcher
    to a user with a particular role (Everyone, Subscriber, Contributor,
    Author, Editor, and Administrator).
    * You can change who you want to display switcher for by going to
    Settings > Switcher, in the wordpress admin
    * Three new skins; blue, coral, and white
    * Homogenized dropdowns and improved aesthetics across all browsers
    * Corrected margin for title on smaller devices (969px-768px)

    Version 1.02
    Changed the way how coloured boxes, backgrounds, and patters are showed.
    They now have a visual default style that has a 100% opacity. So you can
    see which one is selected. This requires a change in how they are called
    by adding the attribute:

    “selector” : selector

    in the constructor of the jQuery object for the corresponding types. For
    older jQuery versions < 1.9 so could I’ve used .selector but its now removed,
    deprecated since 1.7, and I want this plugin to be future safe for
    many years ahead.

    Version 1.01

    New feature Callbacks
    * See documentation

    Version 1.0

    Initial (private) release

  • Switcher – Frontend theme customizer for WordPress (Miscellaneous)

    Switcher – Frontend theme customizer for WordPress (Miscellaneous)

    Switcher is set out to solve one problem; persistent theme changes that lasts until the user closes the browser while having as few HTTP transfers as possible. Why is it needed? Only a few days ago from writing this, I wanted to see how a theme would look with certain settings, the problem was that every time I changed page to see how a new one would look with certain settings, all the settings were removed and I had to do it all over again. It was frustrating so I set out to create a very advanced theme customizer.

    Persistent Stylechanges
    Your potential buyer doesn’t need to redo the stylechanges on page change to see how your page would look like using the settings that he/she wants

    Multiple stylesheetchanges independently
    Show the user how your site would look like with a different skin or with different fonts.

    Minimize HTTP footprint
    Sessionstorage is used locally if the user has a modern browser to avoid sending cookies with every HTTP request. If the user is running an old browser cookies will be used.

    Set view permission [new]
    If you only want to show the switcher for your client you can now do so. See the new settings page under “Settings” in the WordPress admin.


    • Enable, disable, load and unload stylesheets on demand, without ever removing the stylesheets themselves (to minimize the requests). You can have multiple groups of stylesheets that are changed independently, one set for colored skins, one set for fonts etc.
    • Change backgrounds and remove backgrounds easily, supports different styles of backgrounds, repeated backgrounds, like patterns (in different ways) or pagewide cover background.
    • Change classes based on elements and ids so the user can see how your site would look with a different header, on a phone, without breadcrumbs, footer etc.
    • Switcher uses sessionstorage (if there is support for it), which improves performance because cookies doesn’t need to be sent to the server every time. If the user doesn’t support sessionstorage (introduced 2009), then switcher falls back and uses cookies to save settings. Sessionstorage doesn’t ask for permission unlike localstorage so there are no disturbing interruptions in the UI.
    • Switcher supports by default three positions, left, right, and on top. If you want to place it in any other way it just requires some css editing (which should be easy to edit, since I’ve commented the CSS file).
    • Styles can be reset (IE7 resets everything but the background), but if you know your default background you can use that to make it work in IE7 as well.
    • The script is loaded in wp_footer() template tag so it doesn’t impact the loading of the site.
    • Switcher can be open or closed on pageload.
    • Beautiful flat UI which goes well with todays trends.
    • Supports retina screens (all icons are available @2x).
    • Switcher runs as a plugin so it doesn’t impact your workflow and/or new editions of your theme.
    • Extensive documentation included.


    Version 1.03

    * New feature, roles, you can now choose to only display styleswitcher
    to a user with a particular role (Everyone, Subscriber, Contributor,
    Author, Editor, and Administrator).
    * You can change who you want to display switcher for by going to
    Settings > Switcher, in the wordpress admin
    * Three new skins; blue, coral, and white
    * Homogenized dropdowns and improved aesthetics across all browsers
    * Corrected margin for title on smaller devices (969px-768px)

    Version 1.02
    Changed the way how coloured boxes, backgrounds, and patters are showed.
    They now have a visual default style that has a 100% opacity. So you can
    see which one is selected. This requires a change in how they are called
    by adding the attribute:

    “selector” : selector

    in the constructor of the jQuery object for the corresponding types. For
    older jQuery versions < 1.9 so could I’ve used .selector but its now removed,
    deprecated since 1.7, and I want this plugin to be future safe for
    many years ahead.

    Version 1.01

    New feature Callbacks
    * See documentation

    Version 1.0

    Initial (private) release

  • Dropbox Frontend Slider (Widgets)

    Dropbox Frontend Slider (Widgets)

    This product is an extended version of my Dropbox Downloader widget (http://codecanyon.net/item/dropbox-downloader/4357044)


    – Display images in the frontend of the website

    – Choose between frontend display modes (flexslider, no effect) or create your own effect (by adding a new folder to the effects folder). Fully customize the output by adding new sliders with custom html, javascript and css!

    – Choose between various frontend image sizes

    – Choose the direct URL from Dropbox where the images are located

    – Add several instances of the plugin to the site

    – Add as a widget to any available location

    – Add as a shortcode on a blog post

    – Add or edit your dropbox images and immediately see the changes coming up on the frontend

    – Feature to Download dropbox files to the wordpress media library in the backend

    Version History

    – connect and download dropbox resources
    – dropbox authentication for frontend display
    – support for flexslider

  • Dropbox Frontend Slider (Widgets)

    Dropbox Frontend Slider (Widgets)

    This product is an extended version of my Dropbox Downloader widget (http://codecanyon.net/item/dropbox-downloader/4357044)


    – Display images in the frontend of the website

    – Choose between frontend display modes (flexslider, no effect) or create your own effect (by adding a new folder to the effects folder). Fully customize the output by adding new sliders with custom html, javascript and css!

    – Choose between various frontend image sizes

    – Choose the direct URL from Dropbox where the images are located

    – Add several instances of the plugin to the site

    – Add as a widget to any available location

    – Add as a shortcode on a blog post

    – Add or edit your dropbox images and immediately see the changes coming up on the frontend

    – Feature to Download dropbox files to the wordpress media library in the backend

    Version History

    – connect and download dropbox resources
    – dropbox authentication for frontend display
    – support for flexslider

  • Dice: Entrance-finish Multimedia Publishing WordPress Theme (Weblog / Journal)

    Dice: Entrance-finish Multimedia Publishing WordPress Theme (Weblog / Journal)

    Cube is a powerful WordPress theme which gives you the ability to publish content
    including all kind of multimedia post types without needing to go to WordPress Admin

    Full Features List

    • 5 Page Templates
    • Multi-media support : Audio,Video,Magazine
    • Retina Ready
    • Responsive
    • Written with WP-Debug ON
    • Threaded Comments Support
    • Drop-down menu support (nested menus)
    • HTML W3C Valid
    • Revolution Slider Included
    • Masonry Home Page
    • Author Profile Page(front-end)
    • Author Edit Profile Page(front-end)
    • Build Home Page Categories and Custom HTML Dynamically(page-builder)
    • Native Audio Support
    • Native Video Support
    • Vimeo & Youtube Support
    • Choose between Facebook, Disquss or Native Comments
    • Front-end submission form
    • Front-end user registration + facebook login
    • Dummy Content Included
    • Clean Design
    • All Google Fonts Included
    • All famous social networks included
    • Unlimited sidebars
    • 20 PSD’s included
    • 10 Shortcodes included
    • Translation Read (.mo and .po files included)
    • Child Theme Ready
    • Short-code Generator (Build Shortcodes easy using our UI)
    • Unlimited theme updates + lifetime support
    • Google Maps
    • Ajax Contact Form
    • Rich Option Panel
    • Unbranded Options Panel
    • Twitter Footer with newest Twitter API (number of request increased)
    • Built In Gallery
    • Built in Personal Reviews
    • Internal Like System
    • Search Autocomplete, Youtube Style
    • Built with Bootstrap
    • Minimal White Skin+
    • Video AutoPlay Optional


    Fixed Author Edit/Delete Buttons
    Minor Bug Fix
    Video AutoPlay Feature
    Brand new page with slider
    Fixed Options Page Permissions
    User can choose number of posts per category on home page
    Brand New White Skin - Complete change of the feel of theme
    Integrated Sharethis into post
    Boxed and Wide Layout
    Background Pattern and Background Image option
    Reviews can contain decimal numbers
    Fixed Search Bar.
    Add option : Disable Post Views.
    Add option : Disable Post Likes.