Formi – The Most Premium & Powerful WordPress Form Builder Plugin
Tag: form generator
wordpress PDO Crud – Crud & Kind Builder Plugin for WP (Types)
Convert your wordpress website in powerful CRM, web application easily
Wordpress PDO Crud is powerful wordpress plugin to build forms and perform CRUD operation on frontend and backend both. It is built using PDOCrud php script which is an advance PHP based CRUD application. PDOCrud application helps to perform complete crud operations by just writing 2-3 lines of code only. You can build forms directly from database tables in few seconds just by writing 2-3 lines of code. All insert/update/delete/view code is managed by the script.
Shortcode Demo
Details about PDOcrud
Demo for PDOCrud features (All these features are also available in this plugin)Wordpress PDO Crud provides various shortcodes that can be used to perform the PDOCrud operations directly from backend so that a non technical person can also use the application.
You can use both shortcodes and core php code to perform CRUD operations. You can perform crud operation in frontend as well as backend.
You can perform crud operation on WordPress any table or if you want to use the some other database, you just need to change the config database settings only.
PDOCrud Script Details
Almost in each web application, we need to write many-many lines of codes to perform insert, update, delete and read database
tables operations. PDOCrud script does this work by just writing 2 lines of code. This will do add, edit, update and delete basic operation along with several other operation, like pagination, records per page, search etc. Apart from these, you can customize the table and form data in
many ways as per requirement by writing simple line of codes. Many javascript plugins are also added that help to perform many other tasks also. Script has many features to ease the development process. You can build simple web application and backend cms using the script easily.Features
- Very easy syntax and just 2 lines of code for default crud operations
- Generate forms directly from database
- Multiple Skin support
- Supports left join operation
- Auto generation of insert/update forms directly from database tables
- Change label name, hide label
- Remove fields, Show particular fields, Change field type, change display order of fields easily
- Many commonly used plugins integrated
- Popup form
- Multistep form
- Export form data in pdf, xml, csv and excel
- Callback functions for PHP and Javascript
- Ajax based submission
- Addition of static fields like terms & condition, confirm password
- PHP and JS Validations
- Various settings and customization
- Field encryption for frontend
- Field addon, field description and tooltips
- Different type of template support, by default works with bootstrap
- Enqueue js and css
- Add new plugins easily
- Many different types of fields available
- Multilanguage support
- Data binding of field from another table/ array
- Load dependent data on change of some field like on change of country, load states
- Normal, horizontal and inline form type available
- Add css class and various data attributes
- Support for rtl by adding external css
- Recaptcha and PHP based Captcha support
- Google map support
- Column switch option
- Add new action buttons
- Perform raw database related operations
- Add filter(where) condition easily
- Print and export in csv, excel, pdf
- Search for all fields and particular field
- Multiple delete option
- Fast loading using ajax
- Best practices and easy to customized
- Login (Select) form validations
Min requirement for the script
PHP Version 5.3 and above
Must have write access for download folderCredits:
PHPMailerCustomized Types Builder for Visible Composer (Add-ons)
Custom Forms Builder allows you create, manage and edit your forms very easily. Now you can create new forms with drag and drop form element without touching a single line of code. And yes, you can easily edit them whenever you wish! Maximum customization of code for showing – no programming knowledge required. You can create any forms in a few steps: Booking forms, Contact form or login form, it’s very easy!
Plugin is friendly for developers. It has many custom hooks (actions and filters) for programmatically customisations forms and fields.
Features List
- Easy Setup
- Drag and drop form elements
- Unlimited forms per page
- Support AJAX form
- Custom validation
- Send submitted form data via email
- Multilanguage
- Custom form action
- Without custom POST TYPE
- Easy to use user interface
- Twitter bootstrap integrated
- Support reCaptcha 2
- Support Place Picker Field
- 15 + WP Hooks
- 5 Icon’s Sets for fields
- 4 Label’s position
- Support Masked Input
- 24 Default masks for validation
- Mobile ready
- Support customize the email body for notifications
- Installation Notification messages in VC without .po,.mo files
List elements
- Upload file
- Hidden field
- Place Picker Field
- reCaptcha2
- Textarea
- Clock Field
- Button
- Reset
- Submit
- General
- Select
- Multiselect
- Checkbox
- Radio
- General field
- text
- password
- number
- date
- color
- range
- time
If you want to include this item in your ThemeForest WordPress theme, please purchase an extended license.
v1.0.0 Initial Release
Uiform – wordpress Value Estimation & Fee Varieties (Varieties)
Uiform – WordPress Cost Estimation & Payment Forms is a real-time drag and drop form builder which makes you to build your estimation forms on few easy steps. it can estimate any service for your clients and you can proceed checkout using payment gateway. Also it provides an advanced grid system and skin customizer that makes you to build professional forms. Also it provides an administration section where site admins manage tons of form options. It’s really easy to customize and you don’t need programming skills.
Try the online demo:Live examples:
password:demouserExamples included in live demo
- Website design request
- Wedding planner
- Conditional Logic
- Wizard form
- Online event registration
- Reservation request form
- Purchase order – point of sale
- Order form
- All fields
Main Features
- real-time drag and drop form editor to build form estimators
- Paypal payment integration
- Invoicing feature
- Advanced summary estimate box
- advanced grid system for building forms
- advanced conditional logic feature
- skin customizer with live preview
- wizard forms supported. real-time wizard form editor with live preview
- 42 form elements type included: Grid 1 Col, Grid 2 Cols, Grid 3 Cols, Grid 4 Cols, Grid 6 Cols, Textbox, Textarea, Radio Button, Checkbox, Select, Multiple Select, File Upload, Image Upload, Custom HTML, Password, Slider, Range, Spinner, Captcha, Submit button, Hidden field, Star rating, Color Picker, Date Picker, Time Picker, Date and Time, ReCaptcha, Prepended text, Appended text, Append and prepend, Divider, Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3, Heading 4, Heading 5, Heading 6, wizard buttons, switch, Dynamic Radio button , Dynamic Checkbox
- dinamic validation for your form (email, letter, numbers and so on)
- over 650 custom fonts with live preview
- over 769 icons to use on your form elements
- multiple forms in one wordpress page
- graphic chart entry report by form
- advanced search for entries
- Import and export your custom forms
- option to duplicate forms
- detailed entries report by form
- export form entries to pdf and csv
- form detailed entries report
- retina activated
- switch ajax submit to post submit
- upload images and files via ajax
- toured guide option
- detailed HTML documentation
- Multi Language support (Spanish, Italian, French, Russian, German, Portuguese, Chinese)
- Fully responsive design
- Cross Browser : ie8, ie9, ie10, chrome, firefox, safari, opera
- Powerful plugin
- Extended HTML documentation.
- Free support and upgrades.
- Email Notifications
- Easily add/delete/edit/manage forms, fields, entries and tons of features
- Language Switcher
- WordPress v3.6 or higher versions
- php 5.3 or higher versions
- MySQL 5.x
Please rate
if you like the script and I’ll keep rolling new updates and cool features.
Rocket Kind – WordPress Type Builder (Kinds)
Rocket form – WordPress form builder is a real-time drag and drop form builder editor with live preview which makes you to build your forms on few easy steps. Also it provides an advanced grid system and skin customizer that makes you to build professional forms. Also it provides an administration section where site admins manage tons of form options. It’s really easy to customize and you don’t need programming skills.
Try the online demo:Demo:
password:demouserExamples included in live demo
- Contact us
- Newsletter
- Survey questionnaire
- Online event registration
- Reservation Request
- Purchase Order
- Website Design Request
- Job Application
- CV Submission
- Order form
- Wizard form
- All fields
- Conditional Logic
- Custom skin
Main Features
- real-time drag and drop form builder editor
- advanced grid system for building forms
- advanced conditional logic feature
- skin customizer with live preview
- wizard forms supported. real-time wizard form editor with live preview
- 37 form elements type included: Grid 1 Col, Grid 2 Cols, Grid 3 Cols, Grid 4 Cols, Grid 6 Cols, Textbox, Textarea, Radio Button, Checkbox, Select, Multiple Select, File Upload, Image Upload, Custom HTML, Password, Slider, Range, Spinner, Captcha, Submit button, Hidden field, Star rating, Color Picker, Date Picker, Time Picker, Date and Time, ReCaptcha, Prepended text, Appended text, Append and prepend, Divider, Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3, Heading 4, Heading 5, Heading 6
- dinamic validation for your form (email, letter, numbers and so on)
- over 650 custom fonts with live preview
- over 769 icons to use on your form elements
- multiple forms in one wordpress page
- graphic chart entry report by form
- advanced search for entries
- Import and export your custom forms
- option to duplicate forms
- detailed entries report by form
- export form entries to pdf and csv
- form detailed entries report
- retina activated
- switch ajax submit to post submit
- upload images and files via ajax
- toured guide option
- detailed HTML documentation
- Multi Language support (Spanish, Italian, French, Russian, German, Portuguese, Chinese)
- Fully responsive design
- Cross Browser : ie8, ie9, ie10, chrome, firefox, safari, opera
- Powerful plugin
- Extended HTML documentation.
- Free support and upgrades.
- Email Notifications
- Easily add/delete/edit/manage forms, fields, entries and tons of features
- Language Switcher
Please rate
if you like the script and I’ll keep rolling new updates and cool features.
Quform Types – Type Dressmaker (Add-ons)
If you use Quform, require custom forms and don’t like wasting time or simply don’t want to touch any code then this is the must have tool for you.
Quform Styles is an advanced WordPress plugin that allows you to quickly and easily add design styles to your Quform-powered form. If it’s a complex quoting or booking website or just a simple contact form, Quform Styles will ensure that your form fits in with the rest of your design. In a few clicks you will have a form that looks like it fits in with the rest of your website. It’s that simple.
Feature Overview
With Quform Styles you’re able to design each of the following form fields that comes packaged with Quform:
- Text Fields
- Paragraph Fields
- Dropdown Fields
- Checkboxes
- Multiple Choice
- Captcha
- Groups
- File Uploads
- Date
- Time
- Password
In addition, there’s also an import / export section where you can easily transfer one design to another website (or import one of our packaged designs).
30 January 2015 – Version 1.0
-- Initial Release.