Tag: form

  • MailPoet Payment (Forms)

    MailPoet Payment (Forms)

    If you have an exclusive newsletter, you can get payments for a subscription to it.

    The workflow is: a user filling the form fields, press “submit” and goes ahead to a payment system page. Then if he making the payment he returns to the site already subscribed to the newsletter.

    Main features:

    • Get payments for subscriptions to your newsletters
    • Choose purchasable subscription forms and their prices
    • Monitor the list of all transactions, confirmed and pending
    • Possibility of handling of unfinished subscriptions

    The plugin supports and works using third-party gateways API:

    • WebMoney Merchant
    • Robokassa

    Compatible plugins:

    • MailPoet 3;


    = 1.0.0 =
    Initial release
  • Gutenberg Form Builder (Forms)

    Gutenberg Form Builder (Forms)

    Guja Forms use Gutenberg to build the forms, allow you to create beautiful contact forms.



    This plugin 100% mobile responsive contact form solution, so your contact forms will always look great on all devices (mobile, tablet, laptop, and desktop).

    We took the pain out of creating contact forms and made it easy. Here’s why smart business owners, designers, and developers love Guja, and you will too!


    NinjaTeam Support Center

  • WhatsApp Customer Chat (Widgets)

    WhatsApp Customer Chat (Widgets)

    WhatsApp Customer Chat
    By WeCreativez

    50% Off for a limited period

    Communication with your customers can be very easy and fast. WhatsApp Customer Chat allows your customer to start a WhatsApp chat directly from your website. It runs on your own WordPress site, allowing you full control over your support via WhatsApp.

    • Upto Four Support Person
    • Type to Contact
    • 6 Widget Positions
    • Color Customization
    • Pre-populated text
    • Auto Popup
    • Availability by Time and Days
    • Request Call Back
    • GDPR Compliant
    • Premium Support
    • And More…
  • PayPal Pro for NEX-Forms (Forms)

    PayPal Pro for NEX-Forms (Forms)

    PayPal – An add-on for
    NEX-Forms – The Ultimate WordPress Form Builder

    Now you can build forms and easily receive payments via PayPal.


    • Multiple items (unlimited)
    • Field Mapping for item quantity
    • Field Mapping for item amounts
    • Static values for Item Quantities
    • Static values for Item Ammounts
    • Overall PayPal setup
    • Currency selection
    • Payment Transaction Tracking
    • Choose to send emails to all or any of
      • Before Payments
      • Payment Failures
      • Successful Payments
    • Sandbox and Live environment selection


    We offer support which is available from our online ticketing system: Click here and get the help you need


    Follow Basix - and receive news about our item updates and new item releases

    Change log

    Version 1.0

    First release
  • Search Plus – Advanced Search Engine WordPress Plugin (Forms)

    Search Plus – Advanced Search Engine WordPress Plugin (Forms)

    Search Plus is a unique advanced search engine plugin which comes with user friendly rules, templates, support for filtering categories, authors, date, tags and many other features one can may find useful in a WP based search engine.


    Search Plus comes with many unique user friendly features:

    • Did You Mean – Feature You can set a rule to redirect user to another keyword group. Test “taylro” in the demo.
    • Search Redirection Redirect any keyword to another keyword group.
    • Featured PostsYou can set initial featured posts for any keyword group
    • Inform You can also inform your visitors for any given keyword

    More: Access Like a JQuery Plugin

    You can additionally apply shortcode content to any part of your design as a JQuery plugin. Please see editor panel part in the demo for more.

    Widget to Target Search Page

    Search Plus comes with a widget support. You can target any search page and keyword query will start a search in that page.

    Powerful Settings Panel

    Search Plus comes with powerful management panel.

    • You can set styles for parts of the plugin
    • You can translate whole plugin content
    • You can set restricted posts for search query


    Images were taken from following sources for demo purposes. Images are not included to the project.

  • Conditional Content Blocks for NEX-Forms (Forms)

    Conditional Content Blocks for NEX-Forms (Forms)

    Conditional Content Blocks – An add-on for
    NEX-Forms – The Ultimate WordPress Form

    This add-on gives you the ability to change content in its place using conditional logic blocks in emails and PDF’s. You can also use this to change email recipients or any email attribute based on what users select or input into your forms

    How does it work?

    Lets create a scenario where we will have 2 types of content displayed when a user select A or B from our field called “Product”.

    The shortcode is constructed as follows:

    [nfccb field=”field_name” value=”conditional_value”]Content displayed if the field’s value is equal to the value specified[/nfccb]

    So let say we want to diplay some content but only if a user select A from the Product field. We will add this in our email body or PDF content body:

    [nfccb field=”product” value=”A”]You have chosen product A and here are some info relevant to product B etc etc[/nfccb]

    So let say we want to diplay some content but only if a user select B from the Product field. We will add this in our email body or PDF content body:

    [nfccb field=”product” value=”B”]You have chosen product B and here are some info relevant to product B etc etc[/nfccb]

    So in your content you will have both these blocks in the same location in your HTML or plain text body, so basically the the content in this area gets replaced according to the selection.

    [nfccb field=”product” value”A”]You have chosen product A and here are some info relevant to product B etc etc[/nfccb]
    [nfccb field=”product” value”B”]You have chosen product B and here are some info relevant to product B etc etc[/nfccb]

    If A is selected only the content displayed in the shortcode specifying value A will be displayed and not B…and visa versa

    This can also be done for Email Recipients, Email Subjects, From Address, From Name and redirects after submit.

  • Contact Form 7 – jSelect dropdown menu (Forms)

    Contact Form 7 – jSelect dropdown menu (Forms)

    Addon for the plugin Contact Form 7 which allows you to insert in the form of beautiful drop-down lists with support for multi-select and search.


  • CryptApp Landing Page – Cryptocurrency Landing Page Theme (Technology)

    CryptApp Landing Page – Cryptocurrency Landing Page Theme (Technology)

    Cryptocurrency App, Crypto Currency Landing Page WordPress Theme

    CryptApp is the latest cryptocurrency theme from Designthemes in the exciting genre of BitCoin digital currency. Crypt App offers an innovation in the financial segment of the emerging world of digital currency. Using CryptApp, you will be able to simplify the complexities inherent in the world of BitCoin. It is a one-page theme so that you can quickly navigate to any section of the page in a jiffy.

    Check out the current value of your holding of Bitcoin wallet using the Crypto Currency App. In addition, showcase your subscription plans, explain about your services and offerings besides the Team involved in building the App and other financial calculators of your business.

    Extensive Research

    After undertaking extensive research in the exciting world of Bitcoin, we have introduced a CryptApp as a One-page theme which comes with 6 types of Blog Section, 12 types of Shop besides 9 variants of Portfolios! In addition, 150+ shortcodes to configure any kind of elements you may require in your site!
    CryptApp is enabled for unlimited Header and Footer layout possibilities besides a rich Mega Menu feature, so that the visitors are in a for rich variety of display of your site. Moreover, they will be quickly whisked away to the different section of the site as result of the ease of navigation built into CryptApp one page theme!

    Enter CryptApp Theme

    CryptApp WordPress Theme is a perfect choice for the decentralized digital currency space. Using this innovative system, sending or receiving any amount of money with anyone else located anywhere on the planet becomes simple!

    CryptApp WordPress theme is a perfect theme for individuals and businesses. If you are in digital or cryptocurrencies such as BitCoin wallets, CryptApp is a perfect fit to run your business in a simple way. Furthermore, financial consultancies for Initial Coin Offerings (ICO), Blockchain, and other cryptocurrency trading activities, CryptApp will be the perfect choice to create a simple website for running your complex financial business.

    11 Crypto-currency Widgets:

    CryptApp offers 11 Crypto-currency Widgets empowering your site into a powerful Crypto Currency Site.

    BitCoin Charts:

    BitCoin charts come in 2 formats namely a simple chart and an advanced chart that gives the graph of the comparison of the BitCoin in relation to the US Dollar. The advanced chart gives the position of the ratio on a day, week, month, 3 months and 1 year as well as All. The advanced chart gives the line chart, candle and OHLC styles.

    Price List:

    The cryptocurrencies price in terms of Indian rupees, US Dollars, Euro, Japanese Yen and British Pounds as a moving ratio is provided. There is also a Tabbed pricing table with Indian rupees, US Dollars, Australian Dollars and Euro. The historical fluctuations of the price are given on a day to day basis besides the open, high, low and last price.

    Crypto Currency Converter:

    Crypto Currency converter is provided that gives the value of different BTC you would get for purchasing 1 BTC and so on. The complex comparison and exchange rates of BTC to Ethereum( ETH), Monero( XMR), Litecoin (LTC), and DASH are provided so that at any given moment your visitor can check the relative position of the value of the currency.


    Finally, the Ticker feature is provided which scrolls horizontally giving the value of the various cryptocurrencies vis-à-vis, BitCoin also known as BTC. This feature much like the movement of the scrip in a Stock Exchange gives the relative up and down the value of each unit of BTC in terms of ETH, XMR, LTC, and DASH.

    BitCoin Calculator:

    Using this feature, which is very vital, one can easily know the price of 1 BTC in any currency like US dollar or Indian Rupees. The calculator as on date gives a value of Rs 576392.11 for 1 BTC.

    Crypto Compare:

    This unique widget gives the relationship between various cryptocurrencies like Quebecoin, EtherDelta, ZoomCoin, WishFinance, BosonCoin, RipOffCoin, FireCoin, Halloween Coin, Honey and CryptoFocus to name just a few! Not only that, this widget gives the relative position of the trades, analysis, markets, charts, timeline, and forums!

    The CryptApp is a massive storehouse of information on various topics like Coins, Exchange, Wallets, Mining, Spend, and Portfolio. Quickly get a brush up of all the concepts and values here!

    Key Features of CryptApp:

    Responsive & Retina Ready:

    Being a 100 % Responsive and Retina Ready theme, CryptApp will load in any device of any screen resolution in a lightning-quick manner. Armed with a Powerful Admin Dashboard, CryptApp theme gives you the power to manage your business effortlessly!

    Ease of Customization:

    CryptApp theme offers outstanding features pertaining to that niche so that you need not waste any time in configuring the theme to suit your business requirements. Even without having to write a single line of code, you can configure your site effortlessly!


    Kirki is the ultimate toolkit for theme developers using the WordPress Customizer. CryptApp theme lets you take advantage of its advanced features and flexibility. Simply by abstracting the code, it is easy for everyone to design beautiful and meaningful UI.


    Unyson is a free Plugin that is easy to configure. It offers the Drag & Drop framework coming as it does with a bundle of extensions which will work on the backend real fast and easy. Using Unyson, you can create backup and import demo content besides archiving the demo content for migration.

    Unyson One Click Importer:

    If you like the demo content in CryptApp theme, no problems. You can easily import the demo content using the Unyson One Click Importer. Not only that, it saves you time as you need not create content from the scratch for your site.
    Your site would look exactly like the theme demo page. You only need to customize and modify it to suit your requirements such as adding your logo and your content. Simply select the demo of your choice and by a single click, import all the dummy data and customize it suit your requirements. It is as simple as that!

    WP Bakery Pagebuilder:

    Formerly known as Visual Composer, WP Baker Pagebuilder makes designing of a site into a simple Drag and Drop affair that everyone would simply love to get their hands on. Using the WYSIWYG-what you see is what you get-interface, it is a piece of cake to design your website like a professional!

    Visual Composer Ultimate Addon:

    Includes Visual Composer premium addon elements like Icon boxes, model Popups, Info Box, Interactive Banner, Flip Box, Info List & Counter. Best of all, it provides A Font Icon Manager allowing users to upload/delete custom icon fonts. Parallax, Video Backgrounds, Row effects, CSS3 animations, icon fonts and much more!

    Slider Revolution:

    Slider Revolution is an innovative, responsive WordPress Slider Plugin that displays your content the beautiful way. Whether it’s a Slider, Carousel, Hero Scene or even a whole Front Page, the visual, drag & drop editor will let you tell your own stories in no time! Build Modern & Mobile-Friendly Presentations. Creating content using these animated content creation tools, would ensure your site will have an edge over the other sites. It’s easier than you think.

    No coding needed:

    The Drag & Drop pagebuilder makes everyone a designer without the coding know-how! The power of Visual Composer is integrated into CryptApp Theme. Create pages quickly with few clicks in few minutes with the help of Visual Composer and custom CryptApp shortcodes.

    Designthemes Core Features Plugin:

    A simple WordPress Plugin designed to implement core features of DesignThemes. Version 1.0 of this Plugin is integrated into the themes by DesignThemes. This Plugin is a repertoire of all the shortcodes and custom post types by Designthemes. It is compatible with Visual Composer extensions and other third-party APIs. Therefore, designing of the layout and pages become a lot simpler with this Plugin.


    WooCommerce is a free eCommerce plugin that allows you to sell anything, beautifully. Built to integrate seamlessly with WordPress, WooCommerce is the world’s favorite eCommerce solution that gives both store owners and developers complete control. The WooCommerce Plugin would enable you to sell online and receive payments in multiple currencies as soon as your site is configured!

    YITH WooCommerce Quick View:

    When you want to have a relook at the product you have added in your shopping cart, what you do if the image is too small in the shopping cart? You can do a quick view of the product if you have installed YITH WooCommerce Quick View! Your clients will be able to read the short descriptions and scan the important features.

    YITH WooCommerce Wishlist:

    This Wishlist is one of the most useful features of an e-commerce site. On one side, it encourages users to come back, allowing products tracking they consider interesting until the purchase step. On the other, if users share their Wishlist — to friends, or through social networks — this will enhance the sales and will help the promotion of your online business.

    YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier:

    With YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier you can add a zoom effect to all your product images and a thumbnail slider for the product image gallery. Naturally, this improves the user experience which will result in improved sales. The WordPress plugin offers the visitors a chance to inspect in detail the quality of your products besides adding a slider below the featured image with your product gallery images.

    Contact Form 7:

    CryptApp theme offers Contact Form 7 using which you can design as many forms with an unlimited number of input row fields in your form. You can design your own forms and limit spam and increase conversion. When you are running a site, there may be different requirements for forms to be configured from time to time. Contact Form 7 handles all.

    WordPress Importer:

    The WordPress Importer will import the following content from a WordPress export file: Posts, pages and other custom post types. In addition, Comments, Custom fields and post meta, Categories, tags, custom taxonomies as well as Authors and more from a WordPress export file.

    Google Maps:

    Using the responsive style Google maps, you can easily add responsive and styled maps. The plugin allows multiple markers on each map and multiple maps in each page. Google Maps comes with a shortcode builder together with 50 colorful map styles. The shortcode is very easy to generate and the map is very easy to use. In addition, you can easily edit a previously created shortcode!

    WP Clean Up:

    This Plugin helps to clean up the WordPress database. It does the job by removing “revision”, “draft”, “auto draft”, “moderated comments” ,”spam comments”, “trash comments”, “orphan post meta”, “orphan comment meta”, “orphan relationships”, and “dashboard transient feed”. WP Clean Up enables you to optimize your WordPress database without the need for coding by phpMyAdmin.

    Theme Check:

    A simple and easy way to test your theme for all the latest WordPress standards and practices. Theme Check is a great theme development tool, using which testing your theme and making sure it’s up to spec with the latest theme review standards is a breeze!

    Akismet Antispam:

    Akismet anti-spam is used by millions since Akismet offers the best protection from spammers. Protect your blog from spam using Akismet which keeps your site protected even while you sleep! It is simple to get started with Akismet. Just activate the Akismet plugin and set up your API key in Akismet Settings. Simple, right?


    Breeze is a WordPress cache plugin with extensive options to speed up your website. Breeze is a free, powerful, user-friendly WordPress Caching Plugin developed by the Cloudways team. It offers various options to optimize WordPress performance at various levels. Breeze excels in the following areas: Performance: Breeze improves website speed and resource optimization. Other features include file-level cache system, database cleanup, modification. Convenience: Breeze is easy to install and configure directly from WordPress. Simplicity: Breeze is designed to be simple for all users. Just install and activate the plugin and you’ll see the results instantaneously.

    Regenerate Thumbnails:

    Regenerate Thumbnails lets you regenerate the thumbnails for your image attachments. This is particularly useful if you’ve changed any of your thumbnail dimensions. Or had changed to a new theme with different featured post image dimensions. You can either regenerate the thumbnails for all image uploads, individual image uploads, or specific multiple image uploads.

    Remove query strings from static resources:

    If you are looking for WordPress Speed Optimization, Support and speed optimization are available at Speed Up My Website. This Plugin removes query strings from static resources like CSS & JS files to improve your scores in Pingdom, GTmetrix, PageSpeed, and YSlow. Using this Plugin, you can speed up your WordPress site, get better rankings on Google and improve your conversions and bring more visitors to your website.

    Widget Data- Setting Import/Export Plugin:

    This Plugin gives the user the ability to export the current widget settings and states as a JSON file. You will be then able to import those settings on a different server. Or in another installation of WordPress, so that you have the same widgets within the same sidebars after the import. In addition, it will not overwrite any data currently within the sidebars, but instead will increment the widgets and add a new instance of the widget instead. This plugin requires at least PHP 5.2.0 version.

    Shortcodes galore:

    CryptApp theme offers a plethora of shortcodes (150+ to be exact!) to configure your modules like tabs, accordions, buttons, and tooltips. Well, almost every conceivable need has been analyzed and these shortcodes have been included. All the requirements of your site for Blockquotes, Buttons & Lists, Carousel, Columns, Contact Info, Content Shortcodes, Custom Posts, Fancy Boxes, Icon Boxes, Image With Caption, Miscellaneous, Number Counter, Pricing Table, Progress Bar, Tabs & Toggles, Team, Testimonials, Carousel Testimonials, Timeline and Typography.


    With more than 600+ Google webfonts and the FontAwesome icons, you can set any color or size in your site and design your pages at will. You will become a professional designer by adding Google Fonts with typography field. In addition, you could add tooltips to help your users.

    Legendary Support:

    Using the extensive documentation, knowledge base and video tutorials you can get any clarification you may require about CryptApp theme, 24/7.


    Images used in the demo are not included for download, these images are copyrighted, if you are planning to use the photos we can provide the links to buy license.

    CryptApp WordPress Theme Changelog

    2018.04.27 – version 1.1

     * Unyson Demo Content Updated
  • ACF Front Form for Elementor Page Builder (Forms)

    ACF Front Form for Elementor Page Builder (Forms)


    See on Youtube


    Advanced Custom Fields is a powerfull plugin to create fields for posts or custom post types, but to make a form using Advanced Custom Fields you need to hook WordPress and make extra php coding.

    With ACF Front Form for Elementor you can make Front end Forms with Advanced Custom Fields using Elementor Page Builder or shortcode, without extra coding or hooking to use acf_form() function, just add a shortcode with all needed paramerters and your form is ready to use.

    Main Features

    1. Make Front end forms without coding
    2. Adds required Advanced Custom Fields headers and scripts ( acf_form_head() and acf_enqueue_uploader() )
    3. Use [acf_front_form] to call acf_form() function with all settings
    4. Full Integration with Elementor Page builder
    5. Whether or not to create all table, thead, tfoot, tr, td tags with given texts
    6. Translation ready

    Post Attributes
    Fields Attributes


    ACF Front Form uses functions of Advanced Custum Fields version 5.6.7
    You can get the free version on GitHub



    • English
    • French


    Version 1.0

        - Adds required Advanced Custom Fields headers and scripts ( acf_form_head(), acf_enqueue_uploader(), inline JS )
        - Use [acf_front_form] to call acf_form() function with all settings
        - Full Integration with Elementor
        - Whether or not to create all table, thead, tfoot, tr, td tags with given texts
  • Gravity Forms – ProsperWorks CRM – Integration (Forms)

    Gravity Forms – ProsperWorks CRM – Integration (Forms)

    Gravity Forms ProsperWorks CRM Integration is a ProsperWorks CRM integration plugin for WordPress that makes it really simple to send your Gravity Forms forms directly to your ProsperWorks CRM account. After the integration, submited the form are automatically added as lead, opportunity or person & company to the specified account in ProsperWorks CRM, together with additional data.


    • Integrate your `Gravity Forms` forms with ProsperWorks CRM.
    • You can choice that your want to generate – lead, opportunity or person & company.
    • When creating a opportunity, a person and an company are created (or used existing if there is) and connected to it.
    • Supports custom fields.
    • Your can set up each form personally, specify which information your want to get.
    • Integrate unlimited `Gravity Forms` forms.
    • Supports getting `utm` params from the `URL`.
    • Multiple pipeline support.
    • Image previews.
    • Super easy to set-up!

    Important notes:

    • The plugin requires a minimum 5.4 PHP version.
    • The plugin can work with the following editions: `Professional` and `Business`. The plugin will not work with edition `Basic`, since it does not have API.
    == Changelog ==
    = 1.0.0 =
    Initial public release