Tag: flip

  • Hover Results Builder – WordPress Plugin (Add-ons)

    Hover Results Builder – WordPress Plugin (Add-ons)

    With Hover Effects Builder you are able to:

    • Apply CSS3 hover effects to the images on your website without any CSS coding knowledge.
    • Assign any of predefined effects to featured images for standard and custom post formats.
    • Create your own hover effects with unlimited variations of styles and colors in our Editor.
    • Combine different effects to create unique animation hover effects.
    • Apply fully customizable shortcode to any image in WordPress Post/Page Editor.

    Features List

    • 60 default hover effect templates (fully editable);
    • Fully customizable Shortcode;
    • Simple API integration into your WordPress theme;
    • Build-in Editor;
    • Social Share Buttons;
    • Overlay, Hover Buttons styling;
    • Overlay Content styling and typography (title, excerpt, categories);
    • Customizable background and foreground colors;
    • Overlay opacity;
    • Image Animation Effects:
    • 2D/3D Rotation Effect, Flip;
    • Scaling, Zoom in/out;
    • Overlay/Hover Buttons/Overlay Content Animation Effects:
    • 2D/3D Rotation effect, Flip;
    • Scaling, Zoom in/out;
    • Fading/Sliding;
    • Help documentation;
    • Free support.


  • Visible Composer Add-on – Picture Overlay & Flip Field (Add-ons)

    Visible Composer Add-on – Picture Overlay & Flip Field (Add-ons)

    Add Image Overlay and Flip Box in the Visual Composer. Give user the flexibility to display card related content, card content support text, image and icon.

    Note: you can get this extension from Visual Composer Extensions All In One. You do not have to purchase again if you purchased the All In One package before. And it’s recommended to purchase the All In One package which will contain other extension in the future update:



    • Optional title and content.
    • Optional display text with icon or image.
    • Built-in icon picker after Visual Composer 4.4.
    • Built-in color style option with custom color support
    • Flip Box is responsive and retina ready.
    • Flip transition support 2 directions.
    • Flip Box avatar can be fixed on the top or on both sides.
    • Flip Box: optional link for the whole element, optional back button, optioal card shape (rounded or square), optional border and style for the card, and much more.
    • 11 built-in shape options in the Image Overlay element.
    • Extend the Visual Composer, work fine with the VC in a theme or VC installed as a plugin.
    • Compatible with latest jQuery and latest WordPress.
    • Enqueue the js and css only when needed. Keep WordPress page size smaller.
    • FAQ and source code are included in the package. Free update in the future.

    Recommendation for you

    Image Map HotSpot WordPress Plugin:


  • Quickly – Animated Responsive Countdowns, WordPress (Utilities)

    Quickly – Animated Responsive Countdowns, WordPress (Utilities)

    Beautifully animated countdowns for everyone. Install the WordPress plugin and start creating your own countdowns using the Visual Builder. Pick one of the embedded Responsive Preset Templates as a starting point and work from there or start from scratch.

    Soon is mobile friendly and responsive. And will scale itself to the available space around it.

    If you run into trouble or have any questions, I’m here to help you on your way.

    Browser Support

    • Chrome
    • Safari
    • Firefox
    • Opera
    • iOS
    • Android
    • IE10
    • IE9 (no animations)
    • IE8 (no animations, automatic fallback to text counter)

    Note that the Visual Builder requires a modern browser to function, Chrome is advised.


    • WordPress plugin zip
    • Quick installation and use instructions

    Version History

    1.6 25–01–2015

    • initial release of WordPress version.
  • Pdf Flipbook – WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    Pdf Flipbook – WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    Using this library you can create High quality pdf flipbook directly without converting your pdf to images. Simply upload your pdf and you are ready to publish your publications whether it be books, magazines or documents e.t.c . Included with this plugin is a Javascript library that renders your pdf publications using Html5 technology.

    Unlike other PDFs readers, our flip book is focused on readability and usability . Furthermore, we work hard to ensure that readers of your publications get the best possible experience.

    After installing this plugin, your WordPress blog will have the capability to publish pdf as the ones shown below.

    If you want advanced features such as zoom you can purchase a Javascript library from here Here for only 49$ usd. All you will need to do is replace current Javascript library included in this plugin.


    • Renders high quality graphics
    • Works with large PDFs
    • Flipbook Animation
    • Easy to use and customize
    • 100% HTML5 technolgy , no need of flash player
    • Supports tetina display
    • Works on most browsers


  • CSS Animator for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    CSS Animator for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Add Awesome CSS Animations to ANY Theme

    CSS Animator is a Visual Composer add-on that allows you add over 40 animations to Visual Composer elements in your WordPress site.

    You can have your elements unfold, spin, twirl, flip, slide elastically and plenty more. You can also change the duration and starting time of each animation so that you can chain them together to achieve awesome effects.

    CSS Animator was built specifically for easy usage in Visual Composer, and fits excellently in VC’s drag and drop interface. Adding CSS animations is just as easy as dragging your elements inside a CSS Animator element.

    Works great with any theme

    View the demo site and open your mind to the possibilities. The demo site showcases all available animations and features.

    After You Install CSS Animator, a New Element Will Be Available in VC

    Select & Modify Animations in the Intuitive VC Interface

    Then Drag Your Elements into the CSS Animator Element

    And you’re done!

    Full Feature Set

    • WordPress plugin
    • Visual Composer Addon
    • 40 CSS Entrance Animations, for your every need
    • 7 CSS Loop Animations, to grab attention
    • Animate single or multiple elements
    • Adjustable animation duration & delays
    • Chain animations together, using delays for maximum effect
    • Doesn’t bloat your site, only the css of the used animation group are enqueued
    • Uses CSS keyframes for animations, be on the cutting edge
    • Integrates well with Visual Composer
    • Simple interface
    • Very easy to use
    • Includes full detailed fields

    To ThemeForest WP Theme Developers

    If you want to include this as a feature in your themes, CSS Animator cannot be embedded. You can however include the plugin zip file in your release as long as you purchase an extended license. Be sure to let me know of your theme so we can feature it here!

    Check out Our Other Visual Composer Addons

  • Easy Textual content Rotator WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    Easy Textual content Rotator WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    Simple Text Rotator is a beautiful and elegant text rotation solution via WordPress shortcodes. Attract your visitors attention by animating the key words of your business in a few seconds and without any programming skills. Your visitor’s attention will be exactly where you want it to be in seconds.

    – Easy to use
    – Unlimited Color Options
    – 7 Text Effects
    – Works anywhere

    Shortcode Usage:

    – Animation: Choose one of the seven animations available: dissolve, fade, flip, flipUp, flipCube, flipCubeUp, spin
    – Separator: Choose any character as separator.
    – Speed: Choose the animation speed in milliseconds. Default is: 2000

    Upload the plugin then activate it.

  • Think about WP Animator (Media)

    Think about WP Animator (Media)

    Create Animating Scenes Using Pur CSS classes. Up to ten different sequences with delays and animation durations.

    Say good by to video. Create dynamic HTML scenes using Imagine CSS action classes.

    Complete with backend scense creation tool to make scene creation easier.

    Plugin Features

    • Up to 10 Animation Sequences Per Element.
    • Over 1500 Preset Animation Action Classes To Choose From.
    • Create Your Own Custom Classes.
    • Spin/Flip/Rotate/Scale/Size/Colors/Margins/Padding…
    • Create Unlimited Scenes.
    • Backend Scene Creation Tool.
    • Inview or Mouseover triggers
    • Play Once or Unlimited Times.
    • Pure CSS animations
    • WordPress 3.7+ Ready
    • No Shortcodes – Just plain old HTML

    Notable Limitations

    Transform Limitations:

    You cannot use multiple classes that trigger css tranforms(rotate, scale, etc).

    Inview Limitations:

    To use the Inview trigger in a loop meaning the animation triggers each time the scene is in view the page must be large enough to scroll the scene out of view and then back into view.

    Spin Action Classes do not work with Safari.

    No support for IE8.

  • Think about WP Animator (Media)

    Think about WP Animator (Media)

    Create Animating Scenes Using Pur CSS classes. Up to ten different sequences with delays and animation durations.

    Say good by to video. Create dynamic HTML scenes using Imagine CSS action classes.

    Complete with backend scense creation tool to make scene creation easier.

    Plugin Features

    • Up to 10 Animation Sequences Per Element.
    • Over 1500 Preset Animation Action Classes To Choose From.
    • Create Your Own Custom Classes.
    • Spin/Flip/Rotate/Scale/Size/Colors/Margins/Padding…
    • Create Unlimited Scenes.
    • Backend Scene Creation Tool.
    • Inview or Mouseover triggers
    • Play Once or Unlimited Times.
    • Pure CSS animations
    • WordPress 3.7+ Ready
    • No Shortcodes – Just plain old HTML

    Notable Limitations

    Transform Limitations:

    You cannot use multiple classes that trigger css tranforms(rotate, scale, etc).

    Inview Limitations:

    To use the Inview trigger in a loop meaning the animation triggers each time the scene is in view the page must be large enough to scroll the scene out of view and then back into view.

    Spin Action Classes do not work with Safari.

    No support for IE8.

  • flipinja – A WP Plugin To Flip Posts (Miscellaneous)

    flipinja – A WP Plugin To Flip Posts (Miscellaneous)

    flipinja is a WordPress plugin that turns your post to a set of flip-able pages just like Flipboard. It simply adds a button on top of your posts for your readers to click and switches to reading mode, where they can easily flip the content with their fingers in mobiles or by scrolling in computers. It hides all the sidebars and other stuff in the page and moves the focus back to your content. This is why it’s called reading mode.

    Please ! I f you have any requests or questions don’t hesitate to ask. Thank you

  • flipinja – A wordpress Plugin To Flip Posts (Miscellaneous)

    flipinja – A wordpress Plugin To Flip Posts (Miscellaneous)

    flipinja is a WordPress plugin that turns your post to a set of flip-able pages just like Flipboard. It simply adds a button on top of your posts for your readers to click and switches to reading mode, where they can easily flip the content with their fingers in mobiles or by scrolling in computers. It hides all the sidebars and other stuff in the page and moves the focus back to your content. This is why it’s called reading mode.

    Please ! I f you have any requests or questions don’t hesitate to ask. Thank you