Tag: FAQs

  • DV FAQ – Advanced WordPress FAQ Plugin (Utilities)

    DV FAQ – Advanced WordPress FAQ Plugin (Utilities)

    DV FAQ is the ultimate WordPress plugin for managing frequently asked questions. DV FAQ helps your site visitors to find the answers they often have without putting any strain on your support staff.

    Key Features

    • Responsive:The content will scale perfectly to suit mobile devices.
    • Easy to Use Shortcodes:You can add FAQ to any page or post, using easy to use shortcodes. Shortcodes work with any WordPress theme.
    • Custom Taxonomies:Organize your questions&answers easily with FAQ categories and topics (sub-categories).
    • Live Search:Your site visitors will find the answers they are looking for before they finish typing their query.
    • Like & Dislike Rating System:Built-in like & dislike rating system allows your site visitors to rate the Q&A.
    • Social Sharing Integrated:DVFAQ comes with social media sharing buttons of the popular social networks.
    • Lightweight:DVFAQ is a lightweight and non-bloated plugin. This means it will not slow down your website with unnecceary scripts.
    • User Experience:Sticky topics menu with auto scroll, live search, open/close all items buttons, pagination etc. Made with “good user experience” in mind.
    • Translation & RTL Ready:The plugin is Translation (.pot file is included) and RTL ready.
    • Unlimited Colors:You can change all colors easily with color pickers in the plugin settings. There are also ready to use light and dark color schemes.
    • Woocommerce Support:You can create a FAQ Tab for your Woocommerce products. Each product can has its own faq or you can organize them with built-in taxonomies.
    • Extensive Documentation:Extensive documentation allows you to set up the plugin in minutes with ease.
    • and much more…
  • FAQ Revolution – WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    FAQ Revolution – WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    FAQ Revolution tries improving the classical qusetion-to-static-answer scheme by introducing a choice-based system. Features a great search system allowing custom keywords definition and brings also a Knowledge-base section for your site. Everything focusing on SEO!



    Features list

    • FAQ system:
      • FAQ subjects categorization with optional child-subject
      • Optional image for first-level subjects
      • Standard question-to-answer FAQ
      • Choice-based FAQ. Each FAQ note could bring to a custom text, a predefined text or a new question
      • Each FAQ node may have an associated photogallery with lightbox
      • Each FAQ node may have associated Knowledge-base articles or associated external links
      • Each FAQ has got a standalone page, to be better indexed by search engines
      • FAQ search helper, manually defining custom keywords to help users find the right answer
      • Custom FAQ sorting (by default are sorted alphabetically)
      • Theme template choice for FAQ pages

    • FAQs search & display shortcode:
      • (optional) forced subject selection
      • (optional) forced child-subject selection
      • (optional) “search mode”, to show FAQs only after a textual search
      • Complete deeplink system over each action (in targeted pages using a single searchbox)
      • Elementor and Visual Composer native integration

    • Knowledge-base section:
      • Knowledge-base tags, grouping articles and to optionally be shown at the end of the article
      • Article tags archive (using your theme’s template)
      • Theme template choice for KB articles

    • External links database: record links to be attached to FAQ nodes
    • Base-URL control over FAQs, KB and KB tags
    • Complete control over font sizes and colors
    • Customizable fixed texts
    • 100% translatable, WPML or Polylang ready
    • Dev-friendly API to fetch or search FAQs

    Why should it be a revolution?

    A relevant part of the web is about questions & answers.
    Just think about it: how many times you search for answers?

    It’s up to websites answering in the best way possible and give users what they are searching for. Normally FAQ systems are composed by collapsible accordions containing static text, but are they really efficient?

    FAQ revolution inherits LCweb support site’s experience (serving more than 37.000 customers since 2015) and makes a step further, introducing new concepts such as semantic search helper and choice-based FAQs.

    Plus, it adds a real knowledge-base section to your website. You can link articles as well as external links to each FAQ, creating an unbeatable user experience!

    Choice-based FAQs​

    Static answers can’t be efficient with questions involving many variables  or leading to sub-questions. Here’s where choice-based FAQs makes the difference: giving users targeted answers to their questions!

    Through an intuitive buider you can shape-up your cases tree, analyzing user’s situation. Just as you were talking face to face! 

    Each answer may end with a custom or predefined text… or you can also continue querying the user to better understand its situation.

    As you can see in this demo, each answer may also contain a photogallery and links leading to inherent pages. Everything has been thought to give the best answer in the easiest way possible.

    FAQs search helper​

    What really makes the difference is how efficiently you can give users what they are searching for and, in most cases, different users won’t use the same keywords.

    By default FAQ Revolution considers FAQ’s title and description, however this might not be enough. Here’s where search helper comes handy:

    You can specify extra words to be matched by the plugin, helping different people finding the same answer.

    Users education above all.
    Teached users won’t have trivial questions and will enjoy  your services!

    However is also important to have a clean and exhaustive site’s section explaining how things work. FAQ Revolution automatically creates this section!

    You just have to focus on articles creation, maybe tagging them to be quickly grouped!

    Sometimes you may also want to insert external references to existing web pages: the plugin also brings a links database section meant to keep them in the cleanest and quickest way possible!

    WP builders integration

    The whole plugin is designed to give you the maximum SEO score over FAQs and KB articles. Each FAQ has also got its own page you can include into sitemaps to be quickly indexed.

    FAQ Revolution gives you the complete control over FAQ, KB and tags URL: this means you can also set their base-URL along with their slug.

    Finally, deeplink: you may have multiple “FAQ search” pages where each search step is deeplinked, allowing direct links to be made on the fly!

    WP builders integration

    Stop wondering what hides behind complex shortcodes and start using real-time previews! They are the state-of-the-art of modern wordpress page building, speeding up development.

    The plugin natively integrates with Elementor and Visual Composer, to give you the best user experience available today on wordpress.

    Your style, your colors

    As per LCweb’s philosophy, each font and color can be managed, perfectly adapting to every website!

    Obviously the plugin is completely responsive: perfect on any device.

    100% Multilanguage

    FAQ Revolution is also completely translatable on both front and back ends.

    You will be able to localize it creating your .po file, using WPML or Polylang!

    API Functions

    Do you have a support system and want to integrate FAQs search?

    You can count on two dev-oriented PHP functions to query and search them!


    Please note that, at the moment, deeplink can’t be used in more than a language.



    See the changelog here—>

  • FAQ & Knowledgebase WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    FAQ & Knowledgebase WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    FAQ & Knowledgebase WordPress plugin with Voting System is an ultimate tool to easily create and organize your FAQs list or Knowledge Base. Monitor and measure each FAQ item performance based on website visitors feedback and accordingly adjust your knowledge base.

    The list of features:

    1/ Voting and rating monitoring system
    2/ Drag and Drop interface to reorder FAQs, FAQ Categories
    3/ Lightening fast AJAX Search
    4/ FAQs Alphabetical filtering
    5/ Sidebar Widget available
    6/ Break FAQs into vertical / horizontal tabs
    7/ Break FAQs into categories
    8/ Display FAQs in random order.
    9/ Show or hide all meta, category, date, author, voting
    10/ Supports Videos and Images
    11/ FAQs display shortcode
    12/ Fully responsive layout
    13/ Blazing fast
    14/ SEO friendly
    15/ Clean and light code
    16/ Does not affect website performance and speed
    17/ Unlimited FAQs and categories
    18/ Totally customizable style and adjustable elements:
    Choose font, Search icons color, Search placeholder color, Search text color, Search alphabet color, Search alphabet hover background, Search alphabet active background, Search alphabet active color, Main background, Item default state background, Item hover background, Item meta background, Item content background, Item voting background, Item font color, Item icons color, Item arrow color, Item active arrow color, Voting button background (yes), Voting button color (yes), Voting button background (no), Voting button color (no), Category header background, Category header color, Category active tab background, Category tab color.

  • WordPress Responsive FAQ with Class (Utilities)

    WordPress Responsive FAQ with Class (Utilities)

    A quick, easy way to add an responsive FAQs page. You can use this plugin as a jquery ui accordion.

    wordpress faq plugin

    WooCommerce FAQ support:





    WP FAQ Pro plugin allows you add, manage and display FAQ on your WordPress website. This plugin is created with custom post type.


    Here you will find the main features which are included in ‘WP FAQ Pro’ Plugin.

    • 15 Predefined designs for FAQ.
    • Multipurpose use FAQ OR Accordion.
    • Visual Composer page builder support.
    • Compatible with Woo Commerce. Add Woo Commerce Product FAQ easily.
    • Display FAQ category wise.
    • Display specific FAQ.
    • Display specific category FAQ.
    • Display FAQ in your desired order with Drag & Drop features.
    • Order and Order By shortcode Parameters.
    • Two types of FAQ toggle icon Arrow OR Plus.
    • Strong shortcode parameters.
    • Display FAQ category grid.
    • Default open FAQ on page load.
    • Choose FAQ behaviour to remain open.
    • Fully Customizable.
    • Fully Responsive.
    • 100% Multi language.
  • Internet-Seek the advice of-Professional – Consulting, Beef up And FAQ (Utilities)

    Internet-Seek the advice of-Professional – Consulting, Beef up And FAQ (Utilities)

    This plugin helps you respond to user questions and feedbacks. Your site subscribers will be able to take advantage of leaving their questions or feedbacks so you could send your answers to them. Both subscribers and responders will be notified about new question/feedback via e-mail. Once the question or feedback gets response, the subscriber will be notified via e-mail. The plugin allows you create fully functioning support, consulting and FAQ database volume.
    For your convenience the plugin also creates new type of users for “WebConsultPro-Consultant” on your WordPress website. This function provides the ability to get user feedbacks responded by the registered consultants apart from site Administration.
    The plugin is easy to operate. Just upload it to your hosting account and enable it. Once activated, a button appears on top of blog editor, this enables another button visible for user to be inserted into the blog. When clicked by the user a popup feedback form window appears. The plugin also creates two widgets: Expert (Consultant) List and Recent Feedback/Question Responds.
    The plugin features such as Message Templates, Widgets, Activity Status can be fully customized.
    As the result you get user and search engine friendly FAQ volume to satisfy user needs. The main dramatic difference comparing to other similar plugins is that you do not need to make out questions or answers to them but the website itself gets completed with real qestions/feedbacks and matching responses to them powered by real users.

  • DW FAQ – WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    DW FAQ – WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    We have created DW FAQ to help you quickly & easily add the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section to your WordPress site. This is a simple but flexible plugin that helps you insert FAQ section via short-code or PHP function. It comes with these following features:

    Unlimited Styles

    With DW FAQ, we offer you a solution to all Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section on your WordPress site. You can add unlimited numbers of styles of the FAQ section. You just need to change the number of attribute “style” in the shortcode then you will have a new style. Of course, you still need to fix some CSS section, and in this plugin, we have 3 styles available for you to choose. All you need to do is to import the style from 1-3, for example [dw-faq style=”1”], [dw-faq style=”2”], [dw-faq style=”3”] and you will see the difference among of them.


    The entire JavaScript code of DW FAQ is only 17 lines in length, in addition the CSS and PHP code section is well optimized, helping your site has little change in terms of page loading speed.

    Multiple Languages

    The default language of DW FAQ is English. However, you can translate it to any language you want, at anytime by one of the 3 ways:

    • Using Plugin: qTranslate
    • Using Plugin: wpml
    • Using Poedit to translate our .pot file

    Highly Compatible with Plugins and Themes

    This plugin is coded in accordance with the standards of WordPress, so it is fully compatible with other WordPress themes and plugins. You can watch how DW Glossary works with DW Helpdesk Theme here: http://bit.ly/dw-helpdesk-demo. In the DW Helpdesk Theme, we have installed about 10 different plugins featured on WordPress.org as well as those created by DesignWall. Very importantly, in the process of developing this plugin, we have thoroughly tested it with the default WordPress theme. DW Glossary has proven that it works perfectly with all these themes.

    Reliable Support

    In addition to the features we mentioned above, we are always ready to support and listen to your comments. If you have any suggestions or questions about the product, do not hesitate to contact our support team for further customer assistance.

  • Ajaxified FAQ Search – Developed FAQ Addon (Add-ons)

    Ajaxified FAQ Search – Developed FAQ Addon (Add-ons)

    Note: This is an add-on. You must have at least 1.5.7 version of BWL Advanced FAQ Manager to use it.

    Ajaxified FAQ search is a powerful Addon for BWL Advanced FAQ Manager that allows user to find Frequently Ask Questions easily & quickly from you’re website.

    This Addon comes with 25+ animated modal window with sticky button for the best user experience(UX). Addon require almost zero configuration and zero coding knowledge. Just Plug and Play. In back end, Addon gives administrator extensive options to customize Addon setting.

    – Features List:

    1. Zero configuration and Zero Coding Knowledge required.

    2. 25+ Attractive Animation For modal window.

    3. Responsive Layout.

    4. Ajax Powered Quick search feature.

    5. Shortcode Support.

    6. Mobile friendly search box with clear button.

    7. Pagination feature for long search result.

    8. On page FAQ display & No more page reloading.

    9. Color customization with Color Picker.

    10. No of FAQ Per Page Settings.

    11. Built-in custom CSS editor.

    12. Ready for localization.

    13. WPML supported.

    14. RTL Supported.

    15. Tested up to latest WordPress version.

    16. Premium Support Directly From Developer.

    BWL Advanced FAQ Manager

    BWL Knowledge Base Manager

    BWL Pro Voting Manager WordPress Plugin

    2015, July, 7 - v 1.0.0 - Initial release
  • Advanced FAQ – wordpress plugin (Utilities)

    Advanced FAQ – wordpress plugin (Utilities)

    This plugin allows to create FAQs as custom post type and to list them in any page, post or widget area via shortcodes.
    The plugin comes with a helpful shortcode builder that helps you to set the different attributes easily.


    • Add FAQs from all categories or only from specified categories
    • Comes with 3 shortcodes: FAQ Listing, FAQ Search Box, Most popular FAQs
    • Supports permalinks and deeplinking
    • 2 Layouts: Simple and boxed
    • 3 effects: Accordion, Tooltip, None
    • Add 5 different icon styles before a question element
    • Enable the excerpt in the listing instead the full description text
    • Open FAQ in window from search box or move page to it
    • Set the parent page for every faq separately
    • Set the template for the faq pages

  • FAQPlus – WordPress FAQ Plugin (Utilities)

    FAQPlus – WordPress FAQ Plugin (Utilities)

    FAQPlus is a complete Frequently Asked Question plugin for WordPress which has customizable CSS for every FAQ group with 25+ easing animation effect. FAQplus can be displayed anywhere in Post, Page, Widget or Theme by Shortcode. It has unlimited color variation and Font Awesome to display the FAQ more clean and standard. FAQPlus support text,image,videos with Drag & Drop to re-order the FAQ Items.

    Multiple FAQ creation
    Unlimited colors
    jQuery Easing effect
    Font Awesome
    Custom CSS
    Support Images & Videos
    Animation Speed
    Shortcode Powered
    Responsive Layout
    Place Anywhere with Shortcode(Post,Page,Widget,Theme)
    Drag and drop to re-order FAQ Items
    Cross Browser Compatible