Tag: extra content

  • Floatton Motion Button with Pop-up Contents for Kinds or any Customized Contents (Interface Components)

    Floatton Motion Button with Pop-up Contents for Kinds or any Customized Contents (Interface Components)

    Floatton is a premium WordPress plugin that helps you create sticky Floating Action Button with tooltip-styled popup contents to give your user easily accessible contents throughout your website. You can utilize this super handy plugin in so many ways with tons of features provided. For instance add Help or Contact Forms, Newsletter Form, Comment Forms, Cookie Consent, Offer Subscription, Shopping Cart, WooCommerce Rating Form, Registration & Login Form, Feedback Form and more! And the best part is that it’s just a fingertip away for your visitors which gives you hotspot to interact with them on any devices.

    Are you giving your users enough attention while browsing your WordPress site? With Floatton you can provide them instant access to your important contents, offers and forms.

    Sticky Floating Action Buttons for WordPress

    Using Floatton you can create multiple floating action button easily and set which WordPress pages you want them to be visible. You can select which post types, pages, taxonomy archives and devices you want them to be displayed. It’s also just a checkbox click away to restrict the button and contents on guests or logged-in users.

    WordPress Sticky Pop-up Contents

    Make ‘em more noticeable on your users than it already has. Use triggers to automatically open the contents and serves them right away to your visitors. You can automatically open the pop-up on page load, once on user visit, on user scroll to any website position, after the user scrolls to end of posts content or when your visitors scrolls to the bottom of the page.

    Plugin Features

    • Multiple Sticky Floating Action Button per pages
    • Responsive for any devices
    • Automatically open using trigger options
    • Display rules for each buttons
    • Rich-text Editor for each popup contents
    • Shortcode content ready
    • Color pickers for different floating button styles
    • Dashicons for button icon
    • Easy and intuitive settings

    Use Cases for WordPress Floating Action Button

    WordPress Shortcodes Plugin ready, you can insert Contact Forms e.g gravity forms, contact form 7, WPforms; Newsletters and other shortcode for pop-up contents. Then use the custom color styling option for each elements to match them to your current theme.


  • Nest – Fly-Out Sliding Panels for WordPress (Interface Parts)

    Nest – Fly-Out Sliding Panels for WordPress (Interface Parts)


    • Create fly-out sliding panels to display any content
    • Side-wide, per-post and/or per-page fly-out slides
    • The fly-out panels are massively and easily customizable
    • Each fly-out panel can be customized independently for vastly different results
    • Smooth and stutter-free animations even on older devices
    • Use included buttons or any other element on your site to activate a fly-out panel (via simple css class)
    • Customize site-wide fly-out using the WordPress Live Customizer(per-post/page slides are customized on the post/page’s edit page)
    • Clean and well-marked code
    • Stellar support and free feature updates
    • Jargon-free documentation

    Customization options

    • Chose panel’s fly-out direction (top, bottom, left, right)
    • Set custom animation speed for fly-out panel
    • Set custom panel width/height
    • Set maximum width for content inside panel
    • Customize fly-out panel background color and opacity
    • Add background image or pattern to panel and customize its opacity
    • 4 activation button designs (+ set custom colors)
    • Position activation button top-left, top-right, bottom-left or bottom-right of screen
    • Set custom text for activation button
    • In cases where you want to use the custom activator class, activation button can be hidden
    • 3 close button designs (+ set custom colors)
    • Position close button top-left, center or top-right of panel
  • Flyouts – Off Canvas Customized Content material for WordPress (Interface Components)

    Flyouts – Off Canvas Customized Content material for WordPress (Interface Components)

    BNE Flyouts is a WordPress plugin that adds off-canvas hidden sidebars with any custom content that will push in on every page of your site from a trigger or action. Any content you put in the Flyout will not display until the user triggers a floating button, floating image or linked from any element from your page content. You can utilize this plugin in so many ways: show visitors contact forms, social links, testimonials, images, your social feeds, offer an subscription, display banners and so much more!


    • Unlimited Number of Flyouts!
    • Each Flyout background and font color can be styled individually.
    • Add any type of content, HTML, text, images, and most shortcodes.
    • Hide Flyout trigger buttons/images based on screen size.
    • Trigger a Flyout from any page link, image, button, or menu item.
    • Default Triggers are either Buttons or Images and float on the left / right edge of the browser window.
    • Automatic Updates from the WordPress Dashboard.

    Plugin Settings

    • Flyout settings are styled and configured individually. Each Flyout’s width, location, background, and font colors are controlled when creating each Flyout.

    Plugin Requirements

    • WordPress Version: 3.8+
    • Browser Support: IE 9+, Safari, Google Chrome, Firefox.
      (Will work in IE8; however, button labels will not rotate against the edge of the browser window as it uses CSS3 Transforms.
  • Ninja Kick Sidebar (Interface Components)

    Ninja Kick Sidebar (Interface Components)

    Ninja Kick Sidebar is a WordPress plugin that adds hidden sidebar with content push animation effect on every page of your site. Any content you put in the sidebar will wait for its time to reveal! You can utilize this plugin in so many ways: show visitors your social feeds, offer an subscription, hide registration form or basket of items etc etc etc. Plugin uses modern CSS3 transitions with fallback to older JS animations if browser lacks support. Sidebar layout is responsive to screen size changes, looks well on mobile devices and reacts on swipe gestures. You can look at some examples how to use Ninja Kick Sidebar on its demo page. Kick your site!

    Try out Ninja Form now!

    Before purchase please check compatibility with your WP theme using bookmarklet from demo page to inject form on your site. There are some conflicts possible with non-standard CSS like heavy usage of fixed and absolute positioned elements or some inline scripts. Current solution fades out all fixed elements when form kicks in. If you found any problem please submit it via message or comment so I can inspect and fix if possible.

    Grab bookmarlet on demo page in block TRY OUT NINJA FORM.

    Check Ninja kKck ready solution for contact form!