Tag: dynamic content

  • JetEngine — Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor (Add-ons)

    JetEngine — Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor (Add-ons)

    JetEngine Overview

    is a must-=have plugin for Elementor allowing to create custom post types, custom taxonomy, add Elementor-built templates for the custom post type or taxonomy terms. It provides the set of dynamic listing widgets for displaying dynamic content and allows to build grid and listing layouts for the custom posts and terms using the most complex query methods.


    Enjoy creating custom post types and custom meta fields without using CSS and PHP! You’ll be able to introduce new custom posts, taxonomies, and create templates with Elementor using dynamic content widgets without the need to look into the database, or explore coding.

    With JetEngine you’ll be able to accomplish even the most complicated tasks and work on the most difficult projects, keeping everything as simple as it can be!


    Perfect for Adding Custom Post Types

    Create custom post types to add any custom posts you need, form Services and Team Members to Portfolio and Products. You’ll be astonished with how easy you can change the custom post type settings, add meta fields, set hierarchical structure.

    Best Match for Creating Custom Taxonomies

    Add custom taxonomies to any post type or page you need, to allow the more complex query methods. It is a wonder how one can create a custom taxonomy with hierarchy for different post types and use custom fields for adding even more information about the taxonomy terms, including thumbnails, repeaters and timestamps.

    Allows Creating Custom Post Templates

    With JetEngine you can use the set of special widgets for displaying dynamic content with Elementor. You’ll be able to build the fully-fledged Single post page with dynamic fields for displaying post title, content, thumbnail image, and any other type of content added in the meta boxes.

    Makes Working with Terms Templates Easy

    Use the dynamic content widgets to create the single listings for the terms. With the set of widgets for displaying dynamic fields, repeaters and images you’ll be able to make style up your terms according to your needs.

    Dynamic Field

    Dynamic Field widget is made for displaying the content from both meta fields and the post or term data, for posts and taxonomies listing templates. The widget pulls the data and displays it using the set style and content settings.

    Dynamic Image

    Dynamic Image widget provides opportunity to pull the thumbnail image or any other image added as the media in the meta field to showcase it on the pages built with Elementor. This is the dynamic widget that can be easily used for creating templates for custom post types and taxonomies.

    Dynamic Link widget helps in adding the links to the listings, that display the content from the predefined source.

    Dynamic Meta

    Dynamic Meta widget allows displaying the default meta information (usually needed for the posts), such as the publishing date, author and information about comments.

    Dynamic Repeater

    Dynamic Repeater widget is made for displaying repeating blocks set for the custom post types or taxonomies (this can be done in meta boxes or when you create a meta field and select the Repeater content type).

    Dynamic Terms

    Dynamic Terms widget provides opportunity to add the taxonomies to the custom post types. Use this widget to display the terms that are applied to the needed custom post listing.

    Listing and Grid Layouts

    Showcase the custom posts and terms in listing and grid layouts using the complex query methods and different layout structure that is easy to set.

  • Easy United states of america Particular Content material (Add-ons)

    Easy United states of america Particular Content material (Add-ons)

    $8 first 50 sales


    Using this plugin you can display content based on user location.
    The User Location is identified using their IP address and currently uses freegeoip.net API to identify user location.

    Get Support
    Plugin Homepage

    Our Website
    Envato Studio

    Webostock Portfolio
    WordPress profile


    Easy TinyMCE Shortcode Generator
    Dynamic Content Based on Country
    Dynamic Content Based on Country, State
    Dynamic Content Based on Country, State and City
    Set Global Content as well.
    Extend the IP API with hook
    Use inside Widget

    apply_filters('mam_countrywise_ctnt_txt_dmn_api',$json, $atts);

    Example Shortcode

    [countrywise code="US" state_province="New York"]This Offer is for New York People[/countrywise]
  • Easy U . s . a . Particular Content material (Add-ons)

    Easy U . s . a . Particular Content material (Add-ons)

    $8 first 50 sales


    Using this plugin you can display content based on user location.
    The User Location is identified using their IP address and currently uses freegeoip.net API to identify user location.

    Get Support
    Plugin Homepage

    Our Website
    Envato Studio

    Webostock Portfolio
    WordPress profile


    Easy TinyMCE Shortcode Generator
    Dynamic Content Based on Country
    Dynamic Content Based on Country, State
    Dynamic Content Based on Country, State and City
    Set Global Content as well.
    Extend the IP API with hook
    Use inside Widget

    apply_filters('mam_countrywise_ctnt_txt_dmn_api',$json, $atts);

    Example Shortcode

    [countrywise code="US" state_province="New York"]This Offer is for New York People[/countrywise]
  • [ cosmos ] endless content material engine for WordPress (eCommerce)

    [ cosmos ] endless content material engine for WordPress (eCommerce)

    [ cosmos ] infinite content engine for WordPress is a one of a kind plugin that gives you the power to quickly and easily create dynamic landing pages on your WordPress sites, which are integrated with marketing campaigns. Make sure your potential customers are getting an experience that is relevant to what they were searching for when they clicked on one of your ads.

    [ cosmos ] will match incoming URL parameters with content on your website, delivering a personalized experience for potential customers. This helps increase conversion rates, up sells and cross sells.

    Limit results to certain terms or exclude terms you don’t want the plugin to draw from to generate the content.

    [ cosmos ] is also WordPress MultiSite capable, meaning it can draw content from an entire network, further increasing the options for creating dynamic content.

    Even without incoming URL parameters, [ cosmos ] can breathe new life into your website by setting up dynamic regions on existing pages that will display randomized content.

    Build custom queries through specifying multiple URL parameters that can be matched. This allows for complex results such as ‘red shoes not leather’ or ‘white t-shirts with graphics’.

  • PostBits WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    PostBits WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    Increase your visitor engagement

    PostBits can store little, or big, bits and pieces of content in a dedicated custom post type. Embed your PostBits via a shortcode in between your Posts or Pages.

    It’s information at a glance in a bit sized format.

    Watch the Demo Video

    See PostBits in action


    • Embed videos, images, text and more…
    • Custom title
    • Edit excerpt length
    • Order PostBits via date, title or random
    • Rotation time limit
    • Transitions effects
    • Color customization
    • Import/Export
    • ..and more!

    Use Case Scenarios

    Trying to think how you would use this? Here’s some ways you can get PostBits to increase your visitor interaction and site engagement.

    • Share quotes from famous and important people
    • Insert jokes in between your content, get a few smiles going
    • Recipe bloggers can use it to insert related recipes
    • Build a library of links, assign a category to them, and share them
    • Create a whole host of video bits and share them as supported content

    Sample Demo

    You can use our sample JSON demo data to populate your PostBits post type to get started using the plugin.


    Our demo site has all the latest information on the plugins features and how to get yourself set up. It’s really easy and shouldn’t take you more than a few minutes to get started!