Tag: description

  • Wikipedia Tooltip (Abstract, Picture) for Key phrases in WP (Pages, Posts) (Miscellaneous)

    Wikipedia Tooltip (Abstract, Picture) for Key phrases in WP (Pages, Posts) (Miscellaneous)

    Simple Integration of Wikipedia Tooltips (with Summary and Image) for specific Keywords in your WordPress-Content.
    Many Settings and Variations.


    • Support of over 300 Languages
    • Multiple Themes
    • Multiple Animations
    • Wikipedia API
    • Responsive
    • Mobile Ready
    • Callback Functions
    • Caching for API-Requests
    • Editor-Buttons to integrate Tooltips
  • Wikipedia Tooltip (Abstract, Picture) for Key phrases in WP (Pages, Posts) (Miscellaneous)

    Wikipedia Tooltip (Abstract, Picture) for Key phrases in WP (Pages, Posts) (Miscellaneous)

    Simple Integration of Wikipedia Tooltips (with Summary and Image) for specific Keywords in your WordPress-Content.
    Many Settings and Variations.


    • Support of over 300 Languages
    • Multiple Themes
    • Multiple Animations
    • Wikipedia API
    • Responsive
    • Mobile Ready
    • Callback Functions
    • Caching for API-Requests
    • Editor-Buttons to integrate Tooltips
  • REMARK jQuery Plugin + Redactor Plugin (Pictures and Media)

    REMARK jQuery Plugin + Redactor Plugin (Pictures and Media)


    The Remark Plugin сreates Caption and Description for images, block tags. And it can draw well designed Overlay Headline. The Remark Plugin highly customizable and it has Headline and Credit mode

    Also Redactor Plugin will add Remark to Images, which are inserted on Redactor editor.

    Less coding, More creative


    • Headline mode is Caption and Description placed front of the image.
    • Credit mode is Caption and Description placed above or below of the image.
    • You can set Caption and Description placement.
    • You can chnage Shade colors and Alpha, Also you can use your own CSS class
    • Captions and Descriptions font-size, line-height, color, text-transform settings are able to set in direct configration. Or you can set your own custom CSS Class
    • Captions and Descriptions are HTML supported. But you can set supported tags.
    • Mobile friendly / Responsive
    • You can use Remark plugin any other Block Tags
    • and much more… Check them from our Documentation/Demo

    Files included

    Remark plugin files

    • js/remark.js
    • css/remark.css
    • remark-redactor-plugin/remark.js
    • remark-redactor-plugin/remark.css
    • Documentation

    and Demo / Usage / Redactor-Plugin page files included



    Remark Plugin


    Remark Plugin


    Remark Plugin

  • Bibliography and Quotation Generator (Miscellaneous)

    Bibliography and Quotation Generator (Miscellaneous)


    Easily generate bibliography on your webpages using this jQuery plugin. This is simple, intuitive and customizable. Wrap the word you wants to be cited inside a span and add required citation information in attributes. Invoke the plugin to automatically generate the references. Check the demo and documentation for more details.


    • Instant tooltip: Show full reference in a tooltip on hover on the reference number
    • Navigation: Click on the reference number to navigate to the reference list and vice versa
    • Themes: 4 different themes have been provided to change the appearance of the reference list
    • Customization: You can customize everything like templates and appearance. The default citation style is APA style. However you can create your own style using curly bracket expressions (follow documentation)

    View demo on mobile

    Browser support

    Stay in touch

    Following are some options you can contact us for queries or suggesstions. Please mention the detail description of the issue and also provide your envato username. Do not add any support related questions in the comment section of the item. Follow us on CodeCanyon and subscribe to our RSS feed to get notified for all new items we publish.



    Want a new feature to be added ? Drop a mail at support@tabgraf.com. We will go through each requests carefully and will surely add it if feasible.

    Change log

    Version 1.0

    Initial release
  • International Gallery – Overlay Supervisor add-on  (Add-ons)

    International Gallery – Overlay Supervisor add-on (Add-ons)

    Note: this is an add-on. You must have at least Global Gallery v4.0 to use it.

    Overlay Manager does just what its name suggests: lets you create and manage unlimited overlays!
    Many elements to mix, unlimited colors, hundreds of different possible combinations.

    Full size layers, split ones, icons, shapes, corner layers, crossing layers, angular slices, buttons, textual blocks, image effects.
    Everything has been created to set your creativity free to create what you like most: from hover behaviors, to CSS3 animations and easings!

    Textual blocks bring also the ability to use image descriptions directly in galleries! without worrying about length.
    Overlay Manager auto-shortener script always manages to adjust everything according with image sizes, fitting everything in the best way possible.

    But how is complex and tricky to setup all these things?
    Not at all, every productive step has been studied to be done with the maximum ease.

    Once you install the add-on, twelve preset overlays will be ready to be used or customized.
    Check your changes or what you are building without losing time with a live preview.

    Finally choose which overlay to use directly in Global Gallery shortcode wizard: you can use a different overlay for each gallery, collection and carousel!

    How are you creative?

    Think about mixing elements, adding colors, hover effects and maybe a bit of custom css. The Overlay Manager framework is ready to satisfy your needs!
    And you, what amazing overlay will you create for your website?

    Check the examples!

    Walkthrough videos

    To make this add-on easy for everyone there are videos explaining each step necessary to use it:

  • SemanticWP search engine optimisation (search engine marketing)

    SemanticWP search engine optimisation (search engine marketing)

    WordPress plugin for Search Engine Optimization. It sets the h1, extra text blocks, titles, keywords and page descriptions (with using templates)
    It adds item to the main WP control panel menu, forms of editting and adding new posts, editting taxonomy extra columns
    for setting SEO-parameters to the certain pages.

  • Media Grid – Overlay Supervisor add-on (Add-ons)

    Media Grid – Overlay Supervisor add-on (Add-ons)

    Note: this is an add-on. You must have at least PrivateContent v2.4 to use it.

    Boost Media Grid with your own overlays!

    Overlay Manager does just what its name suggests: lets you create and manage unlimited overlays!
    Many elements to mix, unlimited colors, hundreds of different possible combinations.

    Full size layers, splitted ones, icons, shapes, corner layers, textual blocks, image effects.
    Everything has been created to set your creativity free to create what you like most: from hover behaviors, to CSS3 animations and easings!

    Yes, with textual blocks I mean also that is possible to use items descriptions directly in grids items! Without worrying about lenght, html or shortcodes: the Overlay Manager auto-shortener script always cares to adjust everything according with the item sizes. The most asked feature is finally here!

    But how is complex and tricky to setup all these things?
    Not at all, every productive step has been studied to be done with the maximum ease.

    Once you install the add-on, eight preset overlays will be ready to be used or customized.
    Check your changes or what you are building without losing time with a live preview.
    Finally choose which overlay to use directly in the Media grid shortcode wizard: you can use a different overlay for each grid!

    How are you creative?

    Think about mixing elements, adding colors, hover effects and maybe a bit of custom css. The Overlay Manager framework is ready to satisfy your needs!

    Here’s a creative example that would be used for the LCweb website.

    And you, what amazing overlay will you create for your website?

    Check the examples!

  • Scroller Gallery 2 – Up to date Posts Teaser WordPress (Galleries)

    Scroller Gallery 2 – Up to date Posts Teaser WordPress (Galleries)

    Intro – top

    DZS Scroller Gallery is the ultimate media gallery that you can use for showcasing your portfolio, photographs or even video shots. The gallery consists of thumbs layed out in a grid format that can have a description and link set on them. The link can also be a lightbox link so it can pop up a lightbox like ZoomBox 2 to launch images or videos.


    • supports any image size, layout will be made automatically via Masonry
    • insanely easy to use just add the items in the admin panel, then include it into your page via a simple
      shortcode [scrollergallery id=”theid”]
    • fully responsive it goes from mobile to HD. You can place it in any element and it will
      adapt to it’s width
    • fully skinable via CSS
    • custom lightbox one of a kind, custom-built lightbox included
    • lightbox galleries separate items in the same gallery by lightbox galleries
    • unlimited galleries have unlimited galleries in the DZS Admin Panel V2. You can have unlimited
      galleries on any page too.
    • inline content support – you can have videos or any other html content on the thumb or the description
    • compatible with iPhone / iPad
    • extensive admin panel – admin panel with lots of options to make the gallery as customizable as possible, yet easy to use. Comes with a drag & drop html5 uploader too! And awesome functionality like drag & drop for items, duplicate galleries etc. to make your life easier while editing the gallery. You can setup unlimited number of galleries in the admin as well as put them in the content.
    • backup database / import, export feature – keep your database safe and do regular backups via the Export Database feature included with this plugin.
    • easy to install – install and get this plugin ready in less then three minutes. Add it to your content via a simple shortcode – [scrollergallery id=”theidyousetintheadmin”] .


    For updating, disable and delete the previous version, and install the new downloaded one. Or just unpack the zip you get from the download and overwrite the previous folder from wp-content/plugins/

    UPDATE 1.01 [ 07/03/2013 ]

    • [FIX] a undefined index bug

    What do you get?

    • Scroller Gallery 2 WordPress plugin – get creative!
    • sample data – the preview admin configuration which you can import in your own
    • documentation – extensive documentation on how to install & configure the plugin ( check the readme folder after you unpacked the package )
    • free updates – even if the value of this gallery increases with upcoming updates, you will get them for free
    • free support – for installation via our forum -> http://digitalzoomstudio.net/support/ this is the fastest form of support

    Admin Preview




  • Scroller Gallery 2 – Up to date Posts Teaser WordPress (Galleries)

    Scroller Gallery 2 – Up to date Posts Teaser WordPress (Galleries)

    Intro – top

    DZS Scroller Gallery is the ultimate media gallery that you can use for showcasing your portfolio, photographs or even video shots. The gallery consists of thumbs layed out in a grid format that can have a description and link set on them. The link can also be a lightbox link so it can pop up a lightbox like ZoomBox 2 to launch images or videos.


    • supports any image size, layout will be made automatically via Masonry
    • insanely easy to use just add the items in the admin panel, then include it into your page via a simple
      shortcode [scrollergallery id=”theid”]
    • fully responsive it goes from mobile to HD. You can place it in any element and it will
      adapt to it’s width
    • fully skinable via CSS
    • custom lightbox one of a kind, custom-built lightbox included
    • lightbox galleries separate items in the same gallery by lightbox galleries
    • unlimited galleries have unlimited galleries in the DZS Admin Panel V2. You can have unlimited
      galleries on any page too.
    • inline content support – you can have videos or any other html content on the thumb or the description
    • compatible with iPhone / iPad
    • extensive admin panel – admin panel with lots of options to make the gallery as customizable as possible, yet easy to use. Comes with a drag & drop html5 uploader too! And awesome functionality like drag & drop for items, duplicate galleries etc. to make your life easier while editing the gallery. You can setup unlimited number of galleries in the admin as well as put them in the content.
    • backup database / import, export feature – keep your database safe and do regular backups via the Export Database feature included with this plugin.
    • easy to install – install and get this plugin ready in less then three minutes. Add it to your content via a simple shortcode – [scrollergallery id=”theidyousetintheadmin”] .


    For updating, disable and delete the previous version, and install the new downloaded one. Or just unpack the zip you get from the download and overwrite the previous folder from wp-content/plugins/

    UPDATE 1.01 [ 07/03/2013 ]

    • [FIX] a undefined index bug

    What do you get?

    • Scroller Gallery 2 WordPress plugin – get creative!
    • sample data – the preview admin configuration which you can import in your own
    • documentation – extensive documentation on how to install & configure the plugin ( check the readme folder after you unpacked the package )
    • free updates – even if the value of this gallery increases with upcoming updates, you will get them for free
    • free support – for installation via our forum -> http://digitalzoomstudio.net/support/ this is the fastest form of support

    Admin Preview




  • DESCRIBO Evolved Textual content/Html Widget (Widgets)

    DESCRIBO Evolved Textual content/Html Widget (Widgets)

    DESCRIBO is a WordPress plugin that gives you a new experience with your classical Text/Html widget ,a widget to display Text/HTML based on current category with new functionalities and improvement and total control of how and when your descriptions appear.

    DESCRIBO create separate database tables to store your categories descriptions to prevent any problems with future upgrade and this make it faster , safer and easy to use.

    Key Features & Options:

    • Display description based on current post category.
    • The possibility to override your post primary category and chose your own using your post edit page.
    • Manage your entries (adding, editing, deleting and testing).
    • Separate database tables that prevent any future issues when upgrading your WordPress core.
    • Faster response with no effect on your site displaying time.
    • Info about your database status and some other useful info.
    • Cleaning your entry table in an instant.


    + Installation
    + Manage your entries using DESCRIBO option page under your settings tab
    + Place your widget using the widgets page
    + Set your post’s primary category category right on your own post edit page