Tag: customisable

  • Stellar Video Participant – WP plugin (Media)

    Stellar Video Participant – WP plugin (Media)

    #1 Video player on Envato Market

    Stellar Video Player is a premium multi-purpose video player. Stellar player supports YouTube playlists/channels/single videos, Vimeo videos, self-hosted HTML5 videos (only mp4 required), Google drive videos, Dropbox videos, local videos, Amazon s3, LiveStreaming HLS m3u8 videos, basically everything that you’ll need from HTML5 player. No coding or technical skills required.

    Lifetime support and frequent updates will ensure to make the most out of your purchase.

    Have your Stellar Player up and running in minutes

    Installation is super easy. Once you have downloaded the Stellar Player simply edit it’s intuitive options.

    YouTube support – playlist/channel/single youtube

    Stellar video player can play any youtube video, import youtube playlist or even youtube user channel. You can use default YouTube player or YouTube player with custom controls.

    Self-hosted videos

    You can host your own videos with only mp4 format required.

    Vimeo support

    Also, Stellar video player can play any video from vimeo too. Vimeo videos can be played with default Vimeo player or custom Stellar player.

    HTTP Live Streaming (HLS .m3u8) support

    Stellar video player now supports HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) .m3u8 files.

    Google drive videos

    You can store and play videos from any Google drive.

    Local videos

    You can also play any video from your local drive, no need for web hosting. Videos from dropbox are also supported.

    Openload videos

    Stellar video player can play any video from Openload.

    Mixed videos

    Create your playlist with any video type you want – mix YouTube/Vimeo/Self-hosted/GoogleDrive videos all in one playlist.


    Stellar video player supports pre-roll (before), mid-roll (during), post-roll (after), video ads and pop-up ads. For each video in playlist you can set own pre-roll/mid-roll/post-roll/pop-up ad. Also, advertising is improved with custom skip ad option, which means that you can set different skip time for each video. Each ad can be added for all video types that Stellar player supports: youtube single videos/youtube playlists/user channels, vimeo videos, and self-hosted mp4 videos.

    Deeplinking videos – specify certain video (or random) on webpage load

    Stellar player supports deeplinking, meaning you can determine which video from playlist will be loaded when webpage loads. This feature gives you plenty possibilities. Also, you can set random video from playlist when webpage loads, which can also be integrated with random Video Ads.

    Video quality HD/SD/auto

    With integrated quality selector Stellar player provides user the best video experiance.

    jpg, png, gif support

    With Stellar video player you can display your images or gifs, instead the video. This feature gives you option to use Stellar player like banner or image slider. You can even mix images with videos in the same playlist.

    Lightbox mode, responsive mode, fullscreen mode

    Stellar video player can be showed in lightbox mode. You can set any image to open player in lightbox. Multiple lightbox images are supported (multiple lightbox players in same page). Lightbox options are: lightbox image, lightbox image width and height, lightbox close on click outside (optional), lightbox autoplay (optional). This way you can have multiple video players on the same page.

    Responsive mode creates Stellar video player that fits exactly into page or post content.

    With Fullscreen mode Stellar video player will cover the entire page.

    Unlimited color option

    Stellar player look can be customised by changing the color accent to any color you like to make your player blend in to your website perfectly.

    It works everywhere

    Stellar video player is a HTML5 ready player that enables it to work on all platforms – desktop & mobile.
    Stellar player is optimized for laptops with touchscreen as well.

    Lifetime support!

    With this purchase you get a lifetime 5 star support. You also get a frequent updates, bug fixes and adding new features (on customers requests) for free!


    • the most creative video player
    • packed with options
    • pre-roll, mid-roll, post-roll, pop-up advertising that works with youtube videos/playlists/user channels
    • pre-roll, mid-roll, post-roll, pop-up advertising that works with vimeo videos
    • pre-roll, mid-roll, post-roll, pop-up advertising that works with self-hosted videos
    • Lightbox mode
    • mixed videos – YouTube/Vimeo/Self hosted/GoogleDrive
    • Google Drive videos support
    • Amazon S3 support
    • deeplinking
    • start with specific video
    • html5 self hosted quality selector HD/SD
    • mobile optimized
    • optimized for touchscreen laptops
    • responsive design
    • easy to use
    • choose between custom YouTube controls or default YouTube controls
    • multiple (unlimited) instances of Stellar video player in same page
    • resizeable width and height
    • font awesome icons – perfect for Retina displays (font Awesome icons are vectors, which mean they’re gorgeous on high-resolution displays)
    • fully customisable – use any color scheme you like or set one of the 20 pre-built colors (lime, green, emerald, teal, cyan, cobalt, indigo, violet, pink, magenta, crimson, red, orange, yellow, amber, brown, olive, steel, mauve, taupe)
    • choose between 3 types of player – with playlist (on right side or bottom) or without playlist (single video)
    • real fullscreen support
    • tooltip indicator for better user experiance
    • optional right-click menu
    • option to hide self hosted video sources (to prevent users from download/steal your videos)
    • autoplay (optional)
    • logo image (optional)
    • poster image (optional)
    • autohide controls (optional)
    • shuffle (optional)
    • load random video on webpage load (optional)
    • info window (optional)
    • social networks share (optional)
    • embed player (optional)
    • 6 video player pre-built shadow effects
    • use only buttons and functions that you need
    • 12 pre-built scrollbar types (light,minimal,light-2,light-3,light-thick,light-thin,inset,inset-2,inset-3,rounded,rounded-dots,3d)
    • well documented
    • free support
    • free updates


  • Mega Video Avid gamers Bndle (Media)

    Mega Video Avid gamers Bndle (Media)

    What is Mega Video Players BUNDLE

    Mega Video Players BUNDLE is a powerful collection of 3 responsive video players together with their 3 WordPress plugins pairs with a mega 80% discount, making a total of 6 separate products. Each player that can play local videos, streaming videos from a server or Youtube videos. It only requires the mp4 format (the best and most used format on the web) and it will work on mobile devices and desktop machines no matter which browser is used including older browsers like IE8, this is made possible by incorporating four video engines into the players, basically they have built-in a HTML5 Youtube video engine, normal video engine, flash Youtube video engine and flash normal video engine. The players support unlimited playlists and each playlist can have unlimited videos. The playlists can be loaded from a simple HTML markup, XML file, video folder or Youtube playlist.

    Packed with a huge amount of features like responsive layout, multiple playlists, external API, optional deeplinking, flexible skin, embed & share, Facebook share etc, it makes it one of the best and most impressive video players bundle available on sale.

    Detailed documentation and sample files included.

    Special notes:

    The skin is constructed from png files.

    When viewing the player on a mobile device the autoplay is set to false, the volume bar is disabled, when Youtube videos are used the poster is disabled / hidden and the large custom play button is only available after the video starts playing.

    When viewing the player on a mobile device or browser and the player is embedded using the embed code the fullscreen button doesn’t work if the browser doesn’t have fullscreen support, browsers like IE8/IE9/IE10 or some mobile browsers.

    For support or customizations please contact us here.







    What our clients are saying:

    BUY ALL OUR PRODUCTS IN A MEGA BUNDLE WITH A 90% DISCOUNT!!! THIS IS A LIMITED OFFER SO HURRY UP AND GRAB IT!!! : https://codecanyon.net/item/fwd-mega-bundle/19117054

  • Straightforward Content material & Social Panels for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Straightforward Content material & Social Panels for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Easily add customisable, responsive, variable width panels to display a mix of your Posts, Images, Text, Twitter, Facebook feeds and video on your website. Multiple options, fully customisable, powerful social and content plugin.

  • WordPress Put up Sequence Final (Utilities)

    WordPress Put up Sequence Final (Utilities)

    You can create post series with this plugin. It’s great way to share your knowledge with your readers in organized way. It’s easier to manage your posts under same subject.

    Typography Chooser

    Color Chooser

  • Elite Video Participant – WordPress plugin (Media)

    Elite Video Participant – WordPress plugin (Media)

    Elite Video Player is stunning, modern, responsive, fully customisable high-end video player for WordPress that support advertising and the most popular video platforms like YouTube, Vimeo or self-hosting videos (mp4).

    Watch video tutorial

    YouTube support

    Elite video player can play any youtube video, import youtube playlists or even user channels.

    Self-hosted videos

    You can host your own videos with only mp4 format required.

    Vimeo support

    Also, elite video player can play any video from vimeo too.

    Pre-roll Advertising

    Elite video player supports pre-roll ads. For each video in playlist you can set own pre-roll video ad. Also, advertising is improved with custom skip ad option, which means that you can set different skip time for each video. Pre-roll ads can be added for all video types that elite player supports: youtube single videos/youtube playlists/user channels, vimeo videos, and self-hosted mp4 videos.

    Unlimited color option

    Elite player look can be customised by changing the color accent to any color you like to make your player blend in to your website perfectly.

    Cross platform & cross browser support

    Elite video player is a HTML5 ready player that enables it to work on all platforms – desktop & mobile.


    • the most advanced video player
    • packed with options
    • pre-roll advertising for youtube videos/playlists/user channels
    • pre-roll advertising for vimeo videos
    • pre-roll advertising for self-hosted videos
    • mobile optimized
    • responsive design
    • easy to use
    • resizeable width and height
    • font awesome icons – perfect for Retina displays (font Awesome icons are vectors, which mean they’re gorgeous on high-resolution displays)
    • fully customisable – use any color scheme you like or set one of the 20 pre-built colors (lime, green, emerald, teal, cyan, cobalt, indigo, violet, pink, magenta, crimson, red, orange, yellow, amber, brown, olive, steel, mauve, taupe)
    • choose between 2 types of player – with playlist or without playlist
    • real fullscreen support
    • tooltip indicator for better user experiance
    • optional right-click menu
    • autoplay (optional)
    • logo image (optional)
    • poster image (optional)
    • autohide controls (optional)
    • shuffle (optional)
    • load random video on webpage load (optional)
    • info window (optional)
    • social networks share (optional)
    • embed player (optional)
    • 6 video player pre-built shadow effects
    • use only icons that you need
    • 12 pre-built scrollbar types (light,minimal,light-2,light-3,light-thick,light-thin,inset,inset-2,inset-3,rounded,rounded-dots,3d)
    • well documented
    • free support
    • free updates


  • HTML5 Video Participant & Promoting for WordPress (Media)

    HTML5 Video Participant & Promoting for WordPress (Media)

    This is HTML5 Video Player with/without advertisement system. You can use player to play advertisement video before your main video, and also you can have popup advertisement at any time wou want during playback. Advertisement can be removed. Player look is customisable via CSS, so you can easily customize colors and adjust it to your needs. Player si resizeable so it fits perfectly in every website design.


    • easy setup
    • responsive
    • optional advertising (video & popup)
    • 5 skins
    • mobile friendly (iPhone, iPad, android)
    • video support: .mp4 and .webm formats
    • all browsers compatible
    • 100% vector icons, retina-ready
    • multiple instances: you can insert more players in same page
    • optional logo: you can insert your logo as image (.jpg, .png). Logo position can be in bottom-left corner / bottom-right corner / top-right corner
    • optional preview image: if you want your player to be paused when page loads, you can set preview image
    • autohide controls: you can choose after how much seconds player controls will disappear
    • autoplay: true/false
    • auto-replay: true/false
    • complete volume control
    • optional share menu: facebook, twitter, myspace, wordpress, linkedin, flickr, blogger, delicious, mail
    • optional embed code: for visitors to embed your player in their sites
    • info window with HTML formatted text (it means you can insert links, change fonts, sizes with standard HTML tags)
    • rewind
    • tooltip for time
    • tooltip for volume percentage
    • fullscreen support (when not supported real fullscreen it switches to full browser support)
    • double click to enter/exit fullscreen
    • SPACE key play/pause (optional)
    • ESCAPE key to exit fullscreen
    • installation instructions included