Ninja Kick Sidebar is a WordPress plugin that adds hidden sidebar with content push animation effect on every page of your site. Any content you put in the sidebar will wait for its time to reveal! You can utilize this plugin in so many ways: show visitors your social feeds, offer an subscription, hide registration form or basket of items etc etc etc. Plugin uses modern CSS3 transitions with fallback to older JS animations if browser lacks support. Sidebar layout is responsive to screen size changes, looks well on mobile devices and reacts on swipe gestures. You can look at some examples how to use Ninja Kick Sidebar on its demo page. Kick your site!

Before purchase please check compatibility with your WP theme using bookmarklet from demo page to inject form on your site. There are some conflicts possible with non-standard CSS like heavy usage of fixed and absolute positioned elements or some inline scripts. Current solution fades out all fixed elements when form kicks in. If you found any problem please submit it via message or comment so I can inspect and fix if possible.

Grab bookmarlet on demo page in block TRY OUT NINJA FORM.