Tag: counter

  • Animated Counter for WordPress (Miscellaneous)

    Animated Counter for WordPress (Miscellaneous)

    Simple, animated counter, which will allow You to present rapidly increased or decreased integer and decimal values, such as number of registered users, total income etc. But that’s not all… It can be also used as a countdown, to show time left for the beginning of a product release campaign or a sale start.


    Counter is customizable via shortcode attributes.

    Shortcode generator available as a button in content Visual Editor

    Animated, smoothed scroll in 3 different style: fixed time, fixed speed and slot machine.

    3 scroll directions, upwards, downwards and mixed

    You can prefix or postfix counter with any currency sign (or any text)

    Decimal values can be shown with decimal separator and thousands separators.

    Integer values can be shown with thousands separators.

  • My Give up Smoking Counter Plugin for wordpress (Miscellaneous)

    My Give up Smoking Counter Plugin for wordpress (Miscellaneous)

    My Quit Smoking Plugin for WordPress is specially designed for smokers who own a WordPress powered blog. The plugin displays shows your quit smoking cessation progress on your blog and your attempt at quitting smoking on a full public display.

    It displays all relevant numbers including:

    Show your quit date
    Show Days you not smoked
    Show money you saved by not smoking a cigarette
    Extra time you will life longer!
    Extended Body Health Statistics like:

    After 8 hrs: Nicotine and Carbon Monoxide level reduce by half, oxygen levels return to normal.
    After 24 hrs: Carbon Monoxide eliminated from the body. Lungs start to clear out mucus and debris.
    After 48hrs: There is no nicotine left in the body. Ability to smell and taste greatly improved.

    Share your statistics with your friend on Facebook, twitter or google+

  • Animated Counter for WordPress (Miscellaneous)

    Animated Counter for WordPress (Miscellaneous)

    Simple, animated counter, which will allow You to present rapidly increased or decreased integer and decimal values, such as number of registered users, total income etc. But that’s not all… It can be also used as a countdown, to show time left for the beginning of a product release campaign or a sale start.


    Counter is customizable via shortcode attributes.

    Shortcode generator available as a button in content Visual Editor

    Animated, smoothed scroll in 3 different style: fixed time, fixed speed and slot machine.

    3 scroll directions, upwards, downwards and mixed

    You can prefix or postfix counter with any currency sign (or any text)

    Decimal values can be shown with decimal separator and thousands separators.

    Integer values can be shown with thousands separators.

  • My Cease Smoking Counter Plugin for wordpress (Miscellaneous)

    My Cease Smoking Counter Plugin for wordpress (Miscellaneous)

    My Quit Smoking Plugin for WordPress is specially designed for smokers who own a WordPress powered blog. The plugin displays shows your quit smoking cessation progress on your blog and your attempt at quitting smoking on a full public display.

    It displays all relevant numbers including:

    Show your quit date
    Show Days you not smoked
    Show money you saved by not smoking a cigarette
    Extra time you will life longer!
    Extended Body Health Statistics like:

    After 8 hrs: Nicotine and Carbon Monoxide level reduce by half, oxygen levels return to normal.
    After 24 hrs: Carbon Monoxide eliminated from the body. Lungs start to clear out mucus and debris.
    After 48hrs: There is no nicotine left in the body. Ability to smell and taste greatly improved.

    Share your statistics with your friend on Facebook, twitter or google+

  • Animated Counter for WordPress (Miscellaneous)

    Animated Counter for WordPress (Miscellaneous)

    Simple, animated counter, which will allow You to present rapidly increased or decreased integer and decimal values, such as number of registered users, total income etc. But that’s not all… It can be also used as a countdown, to show time left for the beginning of a product release campaign or a sale start.


    Counter is customizable via shortcode attributes.

    Shortcode generator available as a button in content Visual Editor

    Animated, smoothed scroll in 3 different style: fixed time, fixed speed and slot machine.

    3 scroll directions, upwards, downwards and mixed

    You can prefix or postfix counter with any currency sign (or any text)

    Decimal values can be shown with decimal separator and thousands separators.

    Integer values can be shown with thousands separators.

  • My End Smoking Counter Plugin for wordpress (Miscellaneous)

    My End Smoking Counter Plugin for wordpress (Miscellaneous)

    My Quit Smoking Plugin for WordPress is specially designed for smokers who own a WordPress powered blog. The plugin displays shows your quit smoking cessation progress on your blog and your attempt at quitting smoking on a full public display.

    It displays all relevant numbers including:

    Show your quit date
    Show Days you not smoked
    Show money you saved by not smoking a cigarette
    Extra time you will life longer!
    Extended Body Health Statistics like:

    After 8 hrs: Nicotine and Carbon Monoxide level reduce by half, oxygen levels return to normal.
    After 24 hrs: Carbon Monoxide eliminated from the body. Lungs start to clear out mucus and debris.
    After 48hrs: There is no nicotine left in the body. Ability to smell and taste greatly improved.

    Share your statistics with your friend on Facebook, twitter or google+

  • Animated Counter for WordPress (Miscellaneous)

    Animated Counter for WordPress (Miscellaneous)

    Simple, animated counter, which will allow You to present rapidly increased or decreased integer and decimal values, such as number of registered users, total income etc. But that’s not all… It can be also used as a countdown, to show time left for the beginning of a product release campaign or a sale start.


    Counter is customizable via shortcode attributes.

    Shortcode generator available as a button in content Visual Editor

    Animated, smoothed scroll in 3 different style: fixed time, fixed speed and slot machine.

    3 scroll directions, upwards, downwards and mixed

    You can prefix or postfix counter with any currency sign (or any text)

    Decimal values can be shown with decimal separator and thousands separators.

    Integer values can be shown with thousands separators.

  • Animated Counter for WordPress (Miscellaneous)

    Animated Counter for WordPress (Miscellaneous)

    Simple, animated counter, which will allow You to present rapidly increased or decreased integer and decimal values, such as number of registered users, total income etc. But that’s not all… It can be also used as a countdown, to show time left for the beginning of a product release campaign or a sale start.


    Counter is customizable via shortcode attributes.

    Shortcode generator available as a button in content Visual Editor

    Animated, smoothed scroll in 3 different style: fixed time, fixed speed and slot machine.

    3 scroll directions, upwards, downwards and mixed

    You can prefix or postfix counter with any currency sign (or any text)

    Decimal values can be shown with decimal separator and thousands separators.

    Integer values can be shown with thousands separators.

  • CountDown Professional WordPress Plugin – WebSites/Merchandise/Deals (Utilities)

    CountDown Professional WordPress Plugin – WebSites/Merchandise/Deals (Utilities)

    You can use it as CountDown for WebSites, Events and Products launch or as expiry date for Offers and Discounts


    IF YOU NEED ONLY THE JQUERY PLUGIN FOR THIS PRODUCT, YOU CAN DOWNLOAD IT FROM HERE: http://codecanyon.net/item/countdown-pro-for-websiteseventsproducts-launch/5495472


    video tutorial

    Installation – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vtd2oQA0sRY
    How To Manage the Social Channels – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BAYq9tO5nU
    How To Create a Countdown for Your Website and Enable Maintenance Mode – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLAKvdpdu5Y
    How To Create a Countdown For Product Launch and Include It In Your Pages – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUUJiSFJbxM
    How To Create an Electronic Countdown – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5CD3YBBUHs


    Extremly customizable

    Over 80 options from where you can customize the plugin.

    Suitable for any website

    You have parameters to change everything: colors, fonts, transparency, borders, dimensions. In this manner you can integrate the plugin in any website

    Responsive Design

    The coundown plugins if fully responsive. Parameter to enable or disable responsive behavior. Please check this responsive example

    Begin Date & End Date

    Parameters to set the interval: Begin Date & End Date. The launching date contains: Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute and Second

    Server Time or Computer Time

    Parameter to use Server Time or Computer time

    CallBack Function

    You can define a CallBack function which will be executed when the CountDown will end.

    Multi Purpose Usage

    You can use it as countdown for WebSites, Events, Products launch or as expiry date for Offers, Discounts

    Two Versions

    ‘Circular’ and ‘Electronic’ versions available. All customizable from parameters.

    Multiple Instances

    You can insert multiple countdowns on your website or on the same page.


    Options to add social icons in order to promote your website on all the available channels.

    Logo Section

    Optional parameter to set your logo. Also, logo link available with parameter for _self or _blank

    Free Updates

    Once you’ve bought the product, you can download for free, from your account, all the updated versions.


    *NOTE: the cirlces are built using HTML5 canvas, so the circles will not appear in IE7 and IE8 since these 2 browsers don’t have HTML5 support.


    If you need additional information don’t hesitate to contact us at office@lambertgroup.ro. We’ll try to answer you as quickly as possible.
