Tag: counter

  • Liquid Fill Gauge (Interface Components)

    Liquid Fill Gauge (Interface Components)

    This is a gauge plugin for WordPress, to create beautifully animated gauges or progress bars with a circular design. A set of 23 shortcode attributes are available to customize the gauge. Every gauge is rendered as a seperate SVG element and you can insert multiple gauges on the same page.

    These are the available shortcode attributes to customize a gauge (default values between brackets):

    • value (50): The current value of the gauge.
    • width (200px): The width of the gauge.
    • height (200px): The height of the gauge.
    • minvalue (0): The gauge minimum value.
    • maxvalue (100): The gauge maximum value.
    • circlethickness (0.05): The outer circle thickness as a percentage of it’s radius.
    • circlefillgap (0.05): The size of the gap between the outer circle and wave circle as a percentage of the outer circles radius.
    • circlecolor (#178BCA): The color of the outer circle.
    • waveheight (0.05): The wave height as a percentage of the radius of the wave circle.
    • wavecount (1): The number of full waves per width of the wave circle.
    • waverisetime (1000): The amount of time in milliseconds for the wave to rise from 0 to it’s final height.
    • waveanimatetime (1000): The amount of time in milliseconds for a full wave to enter the wave circle.
    • waverise (true): Control if the wave should rise from 0 to it’s full height, or start at it’s full height.
    • waveheightscaling (true): Controls wave size scaling at low and high fill percentages. When true, wave height reaches it’s maximum at 50% fill, and minimum at 0% and 100% fill. This helps to prevent the wave from making the wave circle from appear totally full or empty when near it’s minimum or maximum fill.
    • waveanimate (true): Controls if the wave scrolls or is static.
    • wavecolor (#178BCA): The color of the fill wave.
    • waveoffset (0): The amount to initially offset the wave. 0 = no offset. 1 = offset of one full wave.
    • textvertposition (0.5): The height at which to display the percentage text withing the wave circle. 0 = bottom, 1 = top.
    • textsize (1): The relative height of the text to display in the wave circle. 1 = 50%
    • valuecountup (true): If true, the displayed value counts up from 0 to it’s final value upon loading. If false, the final value is displayed.
    • displaypercent (true): If true, a % symbol is displayed after the value.
    • textcolor (#045681): The color of the value text when the wave does not overlap it.
    • wavetextcolor (#A4DBf8): The color of the value text when the wave overlaps it.

    Here is a fully functional shortcode with all available attributes:

    [liquidgauge value=”53” width=”200px” height=”200px” minvalue=”0” maxvalue=”100” circlethickness=”0.05” circlefillgap=”0.05” circlecolor=”#178BCA” waveheight=”0.05” wavecount=”1” waverisetime=”1000” waveanimatetime=”1000” waverise=”true” waveheightscaling=”true” waveanimate=”true” wavecolor=”#178BCA” waveoffset=”0” textvertposition=”0.5” textsize=”1” valuecountup=”true” displaypercent=”true” textcolor=”#045681” wavetextcolor=”#A4DBf8”]

  • Wpraas Counter – Layers Extension (Widgets)

    Wpraas Counter – Layers Extension (Widgets)


    • Unlimited text colors
    • Unlimited background colors
    • 75 individual or same columns Animations
    • Speed of animations can be changed
    • Numbers animation with same or different speed
    • Fontawsome 519 icons support
    • Icon sizes can be changed
    • Simple background
      Parallax background
    • Overlay background
    • Parallax + overlay background support
    • Responsive layersframework 12 grids
    • Fast performance
    • HD Tutorials

    Sources & Credits:

  • Quickly – Animated Responsive Countdowns, WordPress (Utilities)

    Quickly – Animated Responsive Countdowns, WordPress (Utilities)

    Beautifully animated countdowns for everyone. Install the WordPress plugin and start creating your own countdowns using the Visual Builder. Pick one of the embedded Responsive Preset Templates as a starting point and work from there or start from scratch.

    Soon is mobile friendly and responsive. And will scale itself to the available space around it.

    If you run into trouble or have any questions, I’m here to help you on your way.

    Browser Support

    • Chrome
    • Safari
    • Firefox
    • Opera
    • iOS
    • Android
    • IE10
    • IE9 (no animations)
    • IE8 (no animations, automatic fallback to text counter)

    Note that the Visual Builder requires a modern browser to function, Chrome is advised.


    • WordPress plugin zip
    • Quick installation and use instructions

    Version History

    1.6 25–01–2015

    • initial release of WordPress version.
  • WPShards Extensions – Addon for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    WPShards Extensions – Addon for Visible Composer (Add-ons)


    Supercharge your WordPress site with Visual Composer and WPShards Extensions

    This plugin will add a number of useful shortcodes, geared towards creating interactive multimedia content. They integrate seamlessly with Visual Composer, so you can use them to create highly interactive landing pages.

    WPShards Extensions also brings you full portfolio functionality. If your theme does not come with a portfolio, you can use this plugin to create a fully-featured listing of your best works, clients, or porjects. If you don’t need it, it can be safely disabled.

    Furthermore, WPShards Extensions will add a number of useful widgets so you can enhance your sidebars. These widgets will let you add extra content without needing extra plugins, so you can have everything in a single place.

    Full Feature List


    • FULL PORTABILITY. Forget about the lock-in effect created by other themes. Your content will work with any theme, and you can switch anytime.
    • ENTRANCE EFFECTS. Every single shortcode element comes with transition effects that activate on scroll. Create visual experiences with a single click.
    • EXTENSIBILITY. Every element also has the ability to use custom CSS classes and IDs. You can create custom elements without having to code.
    • COMPATIBILITY. Shortcodes can have a custom prefix, to avoid conflicts with other plugins.

    Shortcodes List

    • Multimedia Buttons. Create buttons of any color, size, or shape—and add small descriptions and icons to boost your conversions.
    • Focus Boxes. Highlight a piece of content and any background color or image to make it stand out.
    • Counters. Add a stylish numeric counter for your followers, visits, or statistics. Include an icon, too.
    • Progress Bars. Add a progress bar of any color to highlight the progress of your current project, or indicate your level of skill.
    • Icons. Display virtually any icon from the Font Awesome library, in any size or color. You can also change its background color.
    • Client Grids. Display a grid of your best client logos.
    • Portfolio. Display your portfolio items in a beautiful, responsive grid in virtually any part of your site.
    • Post Lists. Show a collection of posts of any type, in any number of columns. Blogs now have it really easy!
    • Accordions. Create your own accordions and change their appearance, grouping, or initial state.
    • Slideshows. Create beautiful slideshows with images and descriptions.
    • Banners. Add images with rollover effects. No more Photoshop needed to create good-looking banners.
    • Feature Blocks. Create featured icon boxes with tons of configuration options, being able to pick any color, size, shape, and destination URL.
    • Maps. Create customized Google Maps with your favorite color hue, location, and size.
    • Notifications. Add notification messages in the form of success, warning, error, or info blurbs.
    • Definitions. Create a custom glossary of definition terms, scalable to any resolution.
    • Testimonials. Create custom testimonials for your company, highlighting a client with images, name, position, and text.
    • Team Members. Create a team page with all your members, being able to show their full profile and social networks.
    • Leading Paragraphs. Open up your articles with beautiful, large leading paragraphs that will give you an edge in design.
    • Custom Lists. Add custom icons and colors to your HTML lists.
    • Separators. Create fancy separators and text dividers, accompanied by icons, small descriptions, colors, and a link to the top of the page.
    • Pricing Tables. Showcase our product prices by using really flexible pricing tables, being able to configure their color, shape, and contents.
    • Tabbed Content. Add content tabs to your pages, being able to toggle each one freely.
    • Dropcaps. Highlight the first letters of your paragraphs with beautiful dropcaps, adding a unique touch to your content.


    Version 1.0.0
    Plugin released!
  • redCountdown – Round Countdown (Utilities)

    redCountdown – Round Countdown (Utilities)

    Using this plugin, you can easily create clean circular countdowns. It fully customizable and includes 12 presets, which can be modified. It uses HTML5 canvas for rendering circles.

    How to use:

    1. Install the plugin

    2. Click redCountdown button in your WordPress WYSIWYG editor:

    3. redCountdown popup will show up. Fill in the settings or use preset, then click “Add” – generated redCountdown shortcode will be inserted into your code.


    - Initial release
  • Monster Addons for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Monster Addons for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Monster Addons for Visual Composer is a set of modules which works on top of Visual Composer and gives additional advanced functionalities. For Monster Addons to work you need to have Visual Composer installed and active in your site.


    • Preloader
    • Popup
    • Counter
    • Simple Color Background
    • Gradient Color Background
    • Image Background
    • Vertical Parallax Background
    • Horizontal Parallax Background
    • Panorama Background
    • Video Background
    • Fly Box
    • Scroller Buttons
    • Icon Module has 500+ Font Awesome Icons with Animation Effects
    • Advanced Google Map
    • Timeline


    For support, please contact using contact form.


    Version 1.1 on 07 September 2014
    - Timeline Module Added
    - Panorama Background Added
    - Backend Screenshots Added
    Version 1.0 on 06 September 2014
    - Initial Release
  • Coming Quickly CountDown Responsive wordpress Plugin (Utilities)

    Coming Quickly CountDown Responsive wordpress Plugin (Utilities)

    In the Future…

    Coming Soon plugin is already in use on some of our regular clients websites and we know that the next think they want is to have a nice new features.


    If you want to use Coming Soon plugin, all you need to do is install WordPress 3.0+, and install the plugin.

  • Sossy – Social Profile for WP (Social Networking)

    Sossy – Social Profile for WP (Social Networking)

    Create UNLIMITED Social Profiles on your websites easily using Sossy, a wordpress plugin that allows you to create responsive social profile with image, cover, descriptions and even social media fans/followers. This highly customizable plugin provides manageable display options for you to change the display/style to match your current theme and shortcodes to add the profile on your website at ease.


    • UNLIMITED Social Profiles
    • Customizable Display and Color Scheme to match your theme
    • Shortcode driven, with display options
    • Drag and Drop Social Media Ordering
    • Option To set the Cache time to reduce load time and API calls.
    • Store the values as a fallback, if any API fails
    • Displays :
      • Profile Description with avatar and cover
      • Facebook Page Likes
      • Twitter Followers
      • Youtube Channel Subscribers
      • Google+ Followers
      • Instagram Followers
      • Pinterest Followers
      • Linkedin Company Followers
      • Dribbble Followers
      • Vimeo Channel Subscribers
      • GitHub Followers
      • Delicious Followers
      • RSS Count

  • Bubble Types Addon for SocialBox (Social Networking)

    Bubble Types Addon for SocialBox (Social Networking)

    Follow me on Twitter - News, Updates & moreFollow me on the Envato Marketplaces

    With this addon for SocialBox you’ll get 5 additional themes for SocialBox. After activating the plugin, the styles integrate seamlessly into the style picker within the options of a SocialBox widget. No further steps needed!


    • Five additional styles:
      • Simply (Left Bubbles)
      • Simply (Top Bubbles)
      • Inline (Left Bubbles)
      • Inline (Right Bubbles)
      • Totality
      • …& more to come!
    • No additional configuration needed
    • Automatic update notifications
    • Full support for all major browsers
    • Localization ready (.pot file included)
    • Free future updates to include even more styles



    Version 1.0.0

    • Initial Release

  • HGR Extender for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    HGR Extender for Visible Composer (Add-ons)

    Install HGR Extender and add 19 unique elements to your favorite page builder (Visual Composer). Carefully researched and developed for multi disciplinary coverage, all included elements are very customizable and easy to use.
    Requires Visual Composer for WordPress.


    • Accordion
    • Advanced Image
    • Blog Posts
    • Button
    • Content Box
    • Counter
    • Flip Box
    • Google Map (API)
    • Icon Box
    • Icon Text
    • Icon
    • Logo Carousel
    • Pie Chart
    • Pricing Tables
    • Progress Bar
    • Team
    • Twitter Feed
    • Zoom Box
    • MailChimp Collector