Tag: counter

  • AZEXO HTML Library (Miscellaneous)

    AZEXO HTML Library (Miscellaneous)

    1. This plugin work only with AZEXO HTML Customizer plugin
    2. WP Less plugin to manage accent colors

    How to start:
    1. after plugin activation – page HTML editor will be replaced by AZEXO HTML Customizer.
    2. you can disable AZEXO HTML Customizer by clicking on “Switch to html” button
    3. you should see “AZEXO HTML” metabox in right sidebar when you edit page

    How to build page by sections:
    1. click “Add section” to open library in “AZEXO HTML” metabox in right sidebar
    2. choose section in library and click on preview to add HTML into builder
    3. use builder to customize HTML

    How to build page by elements:
    1. click “Add section” to open library in “AZEXO HTML” metabox in right sidebar
    2. select “Empty rows” in “Filter by category”
    3. click on number of columns you need
    4. click on plus (+) to open elements select dialog
    5. use builder to customize HTML

  • ElementBox Visible Composer Extensions (Add-ons)

    ElementBox Visible Composer Extensions (Add-ons)

    ElementBox is a WordPress plugin for Visual Composer comes with over 20 premium elements, so it extends and adds power to your Visual Composer.

  • Statistic Counters Addons for Visible Composer WP Plugin (Add-ons)

    Statistic Counters Addons for Visible Composer WP Plugin (Add-ons)

    The best Statistic Counters pack for Visual Composer page builder. Choose from various different customisable Statistic Counter layouts we created just for your needs. This pack is truly awesome and unique in its design and usability.

    Statistic Counters Features

    • Fully Visual Composer Compatible
    • +20 Statistic Counters to choose from
    • Fully Responsive
    • Special Colors
    • Editable Fields
    • 1000+ Icons
    • Custom Hover Effects
    • CSS3
    • Multiple Statistic Counters in one page
    • and many others features
  • Website positioning Pleasant & Optimized Share buttons (search engine marketing)

    Seo friendly and optimized Social share buttons

    Add Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Digg share buttons as well as an Email share button and print button. Above and/or below your pages and posts. It’s all fully customizable so you choose what social media buttons and social share buttons you want on your website.

    Seo Friendly and Seo Optimized
    Google is soon releasing the new overlay update, which you can read more about on Google’s blog. Almost every share plugins are coded so they function as an overlay, where they hide parts of the screen for design and other reasons.

    For example: They have a custom design, where the original design is hidden behind it – Or functions as a sidebar or so that follows the screen when you scroll. This is only two out of many examples.

    We are the first plugin to fix this issue, by coding the design in a new way, where we have altered the original code provided by social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and more, and made the design that way.

    Not only does this help avoiding getting punished by the Google update, we have also made the code quicker, meaning we have set a new record in how fast social media share buttons can be loaded, which you can read more about under Lightning Fast Load Time.

    We are also the first social share plugin to follow every single guideline and requirement from Google Insight, making this plugin the ultimative SEO optimized share plugin.

    Lightning Fast Load Time
    Usually it will take between 1,0 – 2,5 seconds to load social media buttons, because there is so much external data that needs to be loaded. We have found a way to overcome this issue.

    We have created a built in social share caching, a custom cache that stores all data from the social networks, for example scripts, amount of likes/tweets and much more on your website instead of Facebook, Twitters and more, cutting the loading process down to milliseconds.

    We have also altered the usual scripts provided by the social networks, we have managed to bring the load time of social share buttons down by up to 0.7 seconds! Bringing the load time down to 30% of the usual load time – And as every SEO expert know, page speed and load time is a huge part of your SEO and rankings, which you can read more about onMOZ.

    Core functionality

    • 6 Unique designs
    • Custom share text
    • Suggest user an email text and subject
    • Social share counter
    • Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Digg share buttons
    • Shortcodes
    • Email share button
    • Print button
    • Choose yourself what buttons to show
    • Easy to use
    • Place buttons above and/or under content
    • Seo Optimized
    • Light weight code
    • No unnecessary code
    • Responsive design
    • Follows Google Insight guidelines
    • Minified and optimized code
    • Seo Friendly
    • Altered scripts provided by Facebook, Twitter and more
    • Build in cache
    • Show buttons on: Posts, pages, front page, Archives, Attachment pages, Categories, search results and much more.
    • Disable all extra CSS and JS so you can make your own design.
    • Tweet with “via @username”
    • Fetch shares from both HTTP and HTTPS
    • Open share box in: New window, same page or popup.
    • Multiple shortcode settings
    • Works in all browsers and on all screen sizes
    • Mobile Optimized and Retina Ready

    Simple Installation:

    Uploading via the WordPress admin panel:

    1. Visit Plugins->Add New in the admin WordPress Panel after logging in.
    2. Click ‘Upload Plugin’ next to the page title at the top of the page.
    3. Select the location of your plugin zip in the file uploader input.
    4. Click Upload, and the plugin will be uploaded and installed for you quickly and easily.
    5. You will now be asked if you want to activate the plugin, choose yes.
    6. For customizing the plugin’s settings, click on “Share Buttons” in the left admin menu.

    Choosing social networks

    • Click the tab Social Networks.
    • Use drag and drop to order the buttons.
    • Check the social media platforms you wish to show on your website.

    Choosing where you want your buttons to appear

    • Click the tab Display Settings.
    • Choose the page types you want your social share buttons to appear, etc pages and posts

    Choosing button placement and design

    • Click the tab Design and Placement
    • Choose where you want your buttons to appear, for example above content
    • Choose a design you like, for example Theme 1

    Optional settings

    • Click the tab Miscellaneous
    • Choose if you want to use your own JS and CSS or not
    • Type in your share text
    • Choose if you want to show how many have shared your website or not
    • If you have moved from HTTP to HTTPS previously then check the setting
    • Choose if you want to open the share box in a new window or same, please read the description for good information
    • Choose to keep or disable caching, we always recommend you to keep it.
    • Choose email settings and what the standard message should be when people share your website through email
  • CountDown With Picture or Video Heritage – Responsive WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    CountDown With Picture or Video Heritage – Responsive WordPress Plugin (Utilities)


    IF YOU NEED ONLY THE JQUERY PLUGIN FOR THIS PRODUCT , YOU CAN DOWNLOAD IT FROM HERE : https://codecanyon.net/item/countdown-with-image-or-video-background/11776508


    You can use it as CountDown for: websites under construction,
    last minute offers, coming events, launching a new product,
    discounts interval… and much more

    video tutorial

    Installation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHV1-QXg4tg
    How To Create a Countdown For Your Website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QImZg5LmS2k
    How To Create a Countdown With Video Background: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmUjOZ-JbUE
    How To Create a Electronic Countdown: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Fj_LlGIjGY



    Extremly customizable

    Over 100 js options from where you can customize the plugin.

    Responsive Design

    The plugin is fully responsive and will adapt the browser/device resolution. Parameter to enable or disable responsive behavior.

    Begin Date & End Date

    Parameters to set the interval: Begin Date & End Date. The launching date contains: Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute and Second

    CallBack Function

    You can define a CallBack function which will be executed when the CountDown will end.

    Multi Purpose Usage

    You can use it as CountDown for: websites under construction,
    last minute offers, coming events, launching a new product,
    discounts interval… and much more

    Two Versions

    ‘Circular’ and ‘Digital’ versions available. All customizable from parameters. The ‘Digital/Electronic’ version can be obtained by modifying the plugin parameters.


    Options to add social icons in order to promote your website on all the available channels.

    Logo Section

    Option to set your logo. Also, logo link available with parameter for _self or _blank

    Mobile Compatible

    It is compatible with IOS and Android operating systems.

    YouTube & Vimeo Support

    You can use YouTube or Vimeo video as video background

    Texture Over Images

    Optional parameter to add a texture over the images. In this manner you’ll not have to modify each image to add the texture.

    Two types of transitions

    You can select ‘Fade’ transition or ‘Slide’ transition to navigate between slides.

    Bottom Navigation Positioning

    You can position the bottom navigation to left, right or center. Option to set preview thumbs

    Touch Screen Navigation

    Parameter to enable touch screen navigation feature.

    Free Updates

    Once you’ve bought the product, you can download for free, from your account, all the updated versions.


    If you need additional information don’t hesitate to contact us at office@lambertgroup.ro. We’ll try to answer you as quickly as possible.



    ***Version 1.0 Release Date: November 19, 2016
  • Superbar wordpress Notification Bar (Merchandising)

    Superbar wordpress Notification Bar (Merchandising)

    A WordPress plugin for adding great looking notification bars to your site.

  • WordPress Views Likes & Scores – VLR (Miscellaneous)

    WordPress Views Likes & Scores – VLR (Miscellaneous)

    VLR Posts plugin allows you to add functionality ratings, views count and Likes for posts and pages.

    Plugin Provides simple, fast and user friendly reports widgets with graphs on dashboard.

    VLR Posts Plugin helps you to get which post and page is more popular in your site.

    Display graph with counter stats so get easy view. User friendly and attractive graphs.


    • Count Views, submit likes and ratings on posts and pages.
    • Details for each post and pages on listing page in back-end.
    • 4 Different and attractive layouts to display on front-end.
    • 2 Different positions to display on front-end.
    • The User friendly graphs with top ten viewed and liked posts and pages on dashboard.
    • Settings page to enable or disable options and switching styles.
    • Counter, liking stats display on dashboard widget.
    • Star rating functionality.
    • Views count functionality.
    • Likes for posts and pages functionality.
    • Install the Plugin:

      Installing VLR Posts plugin is simple. You have two options :
      Via FTP: Unzip the ‘VLR Posts’ folder and upload it into the wp-content/plugins folder.

      Via WordPress: Login to your WordPress site Navigate to Plugins > Add New> Upload and upload the zipped up ‘VLR Posts’ folder.
      Activate VLR Posts plugin

      Now that you’ve installed the plugin, you need to activate it. Go to Plugins > Installed Plugins and click ‘Activate’ under the VLR Posts.

  • Wellcrafted TikTok (Add-ons)

    Wellcrafted TikTok (Add-ons)

    Easy-to-use coming soon plugin for WordPress.

    The plugin allows to hide the whole WordPress site from users or hide individual pages only.

    – Global or individual coming soon pages.
    – Each coming soon page can have its own options and look and feel.
    – Background settings.
    – Video background from Youtube.
    – Fonts settings for all text.
    – Google Fonts integration.
    – Retina ready backgrounds.
    – Users emails collecting.
    – Localizable counter.
    —Counter labels can be set for each number to meet language rules.
    – Allows to collect users emails.
    – Allows to hide pages from users but still be available for admins.

    1. Advanced Custom Fields – by Elliot Condon. Attention: The ACF PRO files are not to be used or distributed outside of the plugin.
    2. jQuery
    3. The Final Countdown for jQuery v2.1.0 – by Edson Hilios
    4. Easy Pie Chart

    Documentation can be found here

  • Mega Countdown – The Absolute best Timer Plugin with Session Monitoring & Highly effective Triggers (Utilities)

    Mega Countdown – The Absolute best Timer Plugin with Session Monitoring & Highly effective Triggers (Utilities)

    One-of-a-kind on the market, honestly a breakthrough plugin for creating superb, conversion-boosting countdowns. Utilize session tracking, count randomizer & flexible triggers to CONVERT & SELL LIKE NEVER BEFORE!

    Main features:

    • Create unlimited amount of timers & countdowns
    • Enable session tracking to make countdowns look realistic
    • Enable randomizer to make countdowns look even more realistic
    • Setup powerful triggers to hide offers after the countdown runs out
    • Or setup the triggers to show offers after the countdown runs out
    • Countdown types: To a Certain Date; For a Certain Time; For a Certain Time, with Session Tracking; Certain Amount; Certain Amount, with Session Tracking

    wordpress countdown timer plugin best of 2015
    ulti forms is a recommended forms plugin to use with the Mega Countdown plugin
    ultimate modal windows - 5 star rated plugin for popups, flyout and slideout panels
    we provide high quality support for our premium wordpress plugins
    top rated countdown timer wordpress plugin on the market. WOW!

    What can you use the Mega Countdown for?

    Tap into the buying drivers

    • Create scarcity effect with limited amount of whatever you are offering
    • Create urgency effect with limited time offers
    • Create social proof by showing how popular your offer is & how many people are rushing in to buy it

    Setup limited-time offers. Setup limited-amount offers.
    Increase conversion by limiting your offers with amount or time-based countdowns
    Have the timers start over on page refresh or enable session tracking and the timer will not refresh
    Set the amount to end at a low number, like 2, to let users act
    Hide the offer or leave it be after the timer runs out

    Time anything
    Show timed ads
    Give users access to your content after they view the ad
    Redirect users after they view the ad

    All features

    To A Certain Date
    Just specify a certain date for your countdown.

    For A Certain Time
    Just specify the amount of days, hours and minutes, insert the shortcode and let it run down!.

    For A Certain Time, With Session Tracking
    The regular time countdown always reloads on refresh. In this mode, the countdown will stop whenever the user leaves the site and will resume when the user comes back. You can also specify after how many days to reset it for the user.

    Certain Amount
    Specify the starting amount. Specify the ending amount.

    Certain Amount, With Session Tracking
    In regular amount-based countdown, the amount reloads every time the user refreshes the page / comes back to the page. So it looks pretty fake. But with the cookie control enabled, the countdown continues & does not reload when the user comes back! You can also specify after how many days to reset it for the user.

    Enable Triggers
    Powerful triggers let you control your offers in accordance with your countdowns! You can enable up to a 5 triggers for a countdown that fire when the countdown finishes. You can:
    • Create with the built-in editor & show any content
    • Redirect to a url
    • Show modal window (with UMW plugin)
    • Show or hide forms (with Ulti Forms plugin)
    • Show or hide anything by pasting element’s id or class

    Enable Randomizer
    Randomizer is the unique feature that lets your countdowns appear extremely realistic.

    Show Or Hide The Titles
    You can choose which titles you want to show & which to hide: days, hours, minutes & seconds. You can enter your own titles, so if you want to make them shorter or translate to another language, go ahead! You can also change title colors and title font size.

    Show Or Hide Certain Parts Of The Timer
    You can which part of the timer you want to show: days, hours, minutes, seconds. Show everything or only a part that makes sense in your case.

    Specify When To Stop
    For the amount-based countdowns, specify the amount at which the timer will stop. In the examples here, we pretend that that the tickets will remain at the amount of 3 and 5.

    Count Downwards Or Upwards
    You can choose the amount countdowns to count downwards or upwards.

    Style Them
    You can hide particular parts: days, hours, minutes or seconds. You can specify the background color (including the transparency setting), change text colors, choose among 5 delimiter types, specify font size, specify padding, specify border width, border radius, border color.

    Unlimited Amount Of Timers & Placement With Shortcodes
    You can create any amount of timers you want with this plugin. You can place them anywhere you want with a shortcode. You can have multiple timers on one page.

    Ongoing Support
    We really care about you and we are supporting our customers promptly & responsibly. When you encounter a problem, we are eager to help.

    Constantly Evolving
    We are listening to your feedback and add features regularly! Let us know what else you would like to have in this plugin


    This plugin requires an easy verification. See how to verify it.