Tag: cornerstone

  • Final Addons for Cornerstone (X and Professional Theme) (Add-ons)

    Final Addons for Cornerstone (X and Professional Theme) (Add-ons)

    Meet the best package for Cornerstone (X and Pro Theme) & the last extension you will ever need.

    Supercharge your X and Pro theme with power pack of Cornerstone addons. It comes up with 25+ addons and unlimited possibilities. It’s lightweight and super fast.

  • Cornerstone Addon – Development Bars Final DZS (Add-ons)

    Cornerstone Addon – Development Bars Final DZS (Add-ons)

    Zoom Progress Bars Intro – top

    Zoom Progress Bars is the perfect tool to create custom progress bars to your wishing .

    Zoom Progress Bars Features

    • HTML5 technology – Zoom Progress Bars uses the latest html5 and css3 features
    • fully responsive – looks great from mobile to HD
    • skin builder – build your own skin in minutes, create multiple skins and all will be remembered
    • SCSS Powered – easy for developers to modify
    • Retina-ready – graphics generally use svg, vectors and font icons so it displays crisp on retina devices
    • easy install – purchase, download the zip, read the docs
    • iPhone / iPad optimized – this gallery has been optimized for Apple touch devices
    • Android optimized – this component has been tested on Android 4.0 and works awesome
    • developer / SASS powered – this component’s CSS has been built on top of SASS which means SASS users will have an easy time modifying the skins. For non-SASS users it’s no problem either because CSS files ( generated by SASS ) are provided
    • compatible with all major browsers, including IE – compatible from IE11 to Edge, Chrome, Safari and Firefox

    Other Great Plugins


  • Final Picture Hover Impact For Cornerstone (Add-ons)

    Final Picture Hover Impact For Cornerstone (Add-ons)

    200+ Awesome Image Hover Effects for Cornerstone. This is suitable for any kind of websites & institution.

    Don’t forget to rate us 5 stars and let us know your feedback for better update

    Key Features

    • Responsive Design
    • Easy-to-use
    • More than +200 hover effect
    • Grid and carousel layouts
    • Set overlay background color for image hover effect
    • Set awesome animations for images appearance
    • Set title and description font
    • Add links for image
    • Set gutter size for items
    • Supports all browsers (including IE9+ ,Chrome, Safari or Firefox)
  • Cubify function leisure WordPress theme (Leisure)

    Cubify function leisure WordPress theme (Leisure)

    CubifyTheme is a multipurpose theme specially designed for entertainment industry. It is one of its kind theme on web. Modern, stunning, eye-catching design attracts attention immediately.

    CubifyTheme comes with multiple menu options and powerful pagebuilder Cornerstone by ThemeCo which would help you to create your own amazing and unique site.
    Cubify is a grid-based (Twitter Bootstrap Grid System) Responsive HTML5 theme for night club. Features of Cubify include valid HTML5&CSS3 code, Custom Animations.

    Key Blocks


    Our powerful Events system gives you three CornerStone elements: TopEvents. EventsList and PastEvents to provide your customers with the most actual information about your events. You can choose between square and wide-rectangle types of your event’s cover. You can also create a photo album and attach it to the event.


    5 different menus are waiting for you in CubifyTheme. Decide if you need a contact strip or a search icon in your menu or maybe you prefer two-parts menu divided by your logo. You can turn on a mega-menu on four of them. Mega-menu is divided into 4 columns. There are shown 3 most recent events in the first column, the most popular event in the second column, an advice in the third one, and in the last there is a mailing form.


    It’s well-known that WordPress is a perfect cms for blogs. That’s why we did a great job to present You the most amazing blog You have ever ever seen! You can bring all your blog posts into one CornerStone element “Blog list”. This will give you an opportunity to choose one of 5 types for your blog post cover. You can put an image there or fill it with one cover or you can leave it blank if you want. You can choose to make it small or big. You can play with this options to create the most unique and stunning blog list around the web!


    We care about your site standing out from its competitors. You have a choice between 5 stunning color schemes. Choose one and see how attractive and eye-catching your site had become!

    CubifyTheme provides a cool-looking gallery, where you can add an album with photos and attach it to the event! You can also create a slider with albums and put it wherever you want.


    In case you have many news that you want to deliver to our audience, we created a subscription form. It is fully customized in an attractive design like the rest of the theme.


    We did our best to make sure that whole your content is fully indexible and to help you get higher rankings at search systems. That’s why we created CubifyTheme following the main SEO practices.


    CubifyTheme allows You to create gorgeous websites for purposes like music, events, galleries and more. You have an ability to customize layout, color scheme and styles of your blocks.



    Powerful pagebuilder by ThemeCo that allows you to create a page in minutes. Upgraded with our custom elements.


    CubifyTheme includes license for the awesome LayerSlider plugin created by Kreatura! It is a multioptional slider that you can add to any place of your site: the home page, in the sidebar… In addition to setting of slides themselves LayerSlider has a few options of styles, the ability to adjust the size, easy shortcode to insert a slider anywhere in your site.

    Custom plugin for beautifully designed gallery. It has intuitive interface of admin panel where you can create photo albums and attach it to the event.

    VideoSlider is our custom plugin with simple admin panel and unique design. Paste url of the video you want to post, fill in the description and name field and that’s all!

    Event manager

    Build your event-system with our own exclusive plugin Event-manager. Divide your events in top, past or usual. Add to your event photo-cover, description, time,price and contact information.


    100% responsive

    CubifyTheme is 100% responsive. Each element at the theme looks perfect at any screen.

    fully seo optimized

    CubifyTheme was created following the main SEO practices. We did our best to make sure that whole your content is fully indexible and to help you get higher rankings at search systems.

    Wide & Boxed layout

    You can choose which layout you wanna use: boxed or wide at admin panel. In boxed variant you can also choose one of four standard patterns.

    5 color schemes

    Pick one of 5 beautiful color schemes and be sure that each and every element of your site doesn’t drop out of the site’s concept.

    email subscription

    Share your important information using our beautifully customized subscription form.

    5 menu types

    Customize your site by choosing one of 5 menu types. Decide if you need a contact strip or a search icon in your menu or maybe you prefer two-parts menu divided by your logo.


    Mega-menu available for 4 out of 5 menu types. In mega-menu you can put links to inner pages, show 3 most recent events, the most popular event, give an advice in and add a mailing form.

    2 languages documentation

    CubifyTheme comes with documentation in 2 languages: russian and english.


    Cubify provides an option to add socialshare buttons that perfectly fits into the sites design. Share with friends at pinterest, google+ or facebook

    optimized for speed

    CubifyTheme is optimized for speed. Your customers will get information in seconds.

    Сornerstone included

    Create your site in minutes using powerful pagebuilder Cornerstone by ThemeCo upgraded by our custom elements.

    Custom cornerstone elements

    We created our own unique elements for this amazing pagebuilder. Check out our bloglist, slider, that attaches to your events, header with multiple options and many more!

    CubifyTheme provides custom plugin for an amazing-looking gallery. It has an intuitive interface of admin panel where you can add an album with photos and attach it to the event.

    LayerSlider included

    CubifyTheme includes license for the awesome LayerSlider plugin creatured by Kreatura! It is an amazing tool to create a perfect slider of your dreams.

    5 blog-preview types

    It’s well-known that WordPress is a perfect cms for blogs. That’s why we did a great job to present You the most amazing blog You have ever ever seen! You can bring all your blog posts into one CornerStone element “Blog list”. This will give you an opportunity to choose one of 5 types for your blog post cover. You can put an image there or fill it with one cover or you can leave it blank if you want. You can choose to make it small or big. You can play with this options to create the most unique and stunning blog-list around the web!

    Events manager

    Build your event-system with our own exclusive plugin Event-manager. Divide your events in top, past or usual. Add to your event photo-cover, description, time,price and contact information.


    VideoSlider is our custom plugin with simple admin panel and unique design. Paste url of the video you want to post, fill in the description and name field and that’s all!


    CubifyTheme cares about You and Your site, that’s why we backup our theme with great support. Whenever you have an issue with our theme or WordPress in general, we are here to assist you. You just need to open a ticket here . Our highly professional and expertly trained support consultants will respond you no later than in 24 hours.


    CubifyTheme was created by MakeBeCool web-studio. Our team made a huge job to present you this cool theme. We hope you are going to enjoy and love it as much as we do!
    visit us at makebecool.com


    1.2.2 (26.01.2017)
    fixed: layout for home page
    upgraded: comments for pages

    1.2.1 (23.01.2017)
    fixed: plugins installing
    fixed: using of wordpress filesystem functions

    1.2.0 (20.01.2017)
    added: sidebar for widgets
    added: layout for standart widgets
    upgraded: search
    fixed: menu

    1.1.0 (16.01.2017)
    fixed: Search menu appearance
    fixed: cs-element Slider bug
    fixed: mega-menu bag
    fixed: MBC Gallery plugin bug
    fixed: MBC EM plugin bug
    upgraded: cs-element SocialShare
    added: MBC Minify plugin
    added: cs-element Button

    1.0.0 (30.11.2016)

  • Video Participant with Playlist – Cornerstone wordpress AddOn /w WooCommerce (Add-ons)

    Video Participant with Playlist – Cornerstone wordpress AddOn /w WooCommerce (Add-ons)

    DZS Video Gallery is the best selling video gallery

    WordPress 4.6 100% Compatible

    stream content from youtube, vimeo

    create your own video gallery in minutes

    cool analytics right in the dashboard

    • five skins + skin generator – we provided more then five skins to match any branding on your site, and more – you can generate your own skins with your own colors in the Design Center
    • iPhone/iPad compatible – this plugin generates html5 videos if the visitor is on an iToy
    • full of choices – set up single videos, gallery of hand picked videos, gallery of mixed video types – youtube / dailymotion / selfhosted / audio files / images / vimeo / etc. , gallery of a youtube user channel, gallery of a vimeo user channel, gallery of a vimeo album, gallery of a youtube playlist etc.
    • hybrid – it can be a video player / example in the preview
    • stream sources – stream from self hosted videos, self hosted audios, self hosted images, youtube playlists, youtube keywords, youtube user channel, vimeo user channel, vimeo channel, vimeo album
    • multiple galleries in one – add a gallery that streams from multiple galleries, this is how you can set up a combined gallery with a vimeo channel + youtube playlist + some of your own custom videos for example
    • extensive admin panel – admin panel with lots of options to make the gallery as customizable as possible, yet easy to use. Comes with a drag & drop html5 uploader too! And awesome functionality like drag & drop for items, duplicate galleries etc. to make your life easier while editing the gallery. You can setup unlimited number of galleries in the admin as well as put them in the content.
    • subtitle support– you can have captioning – the gallery reads .srt type subtitles and adds captioning to your videos – wow.
    • play from– you can set a initial time when the video should start. also, the position can be set to “last” which means the video will play where it was last left ( by window close or anything like that ) – via the latest html5 Local Storage API
    • backup database / import, export feature – keep your database safe and do regular backups via the Export Database feature included with this plugin.
    • easy to install – install and get this plugin ready in less then three minutes. Add it to your content via a simple shortcode – [videogallery id=”theidyousetintheadmin”] .
    • auxiliary shortcodes – want to get a single video in your post without having to go through the admin ? The , [youtube] and [vimeo] shortcodes are built just for that. You just have to set the id for the youtube or vimeo shortcode, or the location for the video shortcode.
    • shortcode generator – this gallery is based on shortcodes but you do not need to remember none because there is a Shortcode Generator above every editor in the post / page.
    • connected with Vimeo API – stronly binded with the Vimeo API, retrieve Vimeo Albums or User channels, additionally, you can connect with the Vimeo API via your account or to retrieve more videos then the normal API limit. Stream private videos with Vimeo PRO account – http://vimeo.com/help/faq/sharing-videos/review-pages
    • connected with YouTube API – stronly binded with the YouTube API, retrieve Playlists or User channels, additionally, you can connect with the YouTube API via your account or to retrieve more videos then the normal API limit
    • deeplinking – current browser url can change to reflect the current video in the gallery, and you can link directly to that video
    • social media share thumbnail on deeplinking – sharing the link to the desired video shows the video’s thumbnail on facebook via open graph tags
    • rtl admin support – the admin has been adapted to work with arabic / hebrew languages too
    • linking support – link to any video in the gallery ( for example you can share the link to go to the third video in playlist directly
    • meta support – attributes like og:image, og:title are automatically added to the videos so the thumbnail and title appear correctly on facebook / etc when sharing a video
    • DASH MPEG support – live stream with no problem and on all major browsers and devices
    • Linking for Gallery Videos – share link to a specific video
    • ultra responsive – option to proportionally resize all videos in the gallery

    backup for mobile devices

    Video likes, user playlists, user likes list, rates, buddypress integrated, video as custom post types, share options on each video and many more in a single addon.

    Screencasts For editing the skin


    awesome video used in preview – http://videohive.net/user/CarlB/portfolio?sort_by=sales_count&type=files&page=1

    Great AJ soundtrack provided by – http://audiojungle.net/user/soundroll/portfolio?sort_by=sales_count&type=files&page=1

  • Final Addons For Cornerstone (Add-ons)

    Final Addons For Cornerstone (Add-ons)

    Extend Cornerstone and add more power to it!

    Ultimate Addons For Cornerstone is the most complete extensions package. Over 300 presets, more then 13 Elements & additions, easy to use. This plugin adds several premium elements
    in your Cornerstone. Every single element in the package is crafted with utmost attention to details and a simple objective to provide you an ultimate experience. We’ve put a lot of time and care to ensure that all the elements are flexible so that they will open limitless possibilities for you, while maintaining simplicity at the core.


    Easy Installation and Detailed Documentation.

    One click preset available.

    More than 300 preset

    More than 12 element

    More than 40 animation effect

    Support enter and loop animation

    Easy to use and configuration

    Fully customizable and responsive

    Major browser supported

    Automatic updates

    Dedicated support

    100% money back guarantee





    Change Log

    Version 1.0 ( 11 Aug 2016 )

    • Initial Release
  • Stylish Tabs for Cornerstone (Add-ons)

    Stylish Tabs for Cornerstone (Add-ons)

    This plugin is an addon for Visual Composer WordPress plugin. It works great with the WordPress 4.0 and Cornerstone 1.2 and above. To get Cornerstone plugin, click here.

    It lets you add any shortcode in multiple tabs so that users get to choose the data they want to see. We have also added numerous possibilities of customization where you can select different colors, icons, backgrounds for different sections/tabs. The content area can be filled up with TinyMCE editor; which means you can implement WYSIWYG.


    Tab Icon:

    You can choose the icon for each tab from the available fonts library in cornerstone.

    Tabs Alignment:

    Most of our users have asked for this feature. We have added an option for alignment. You can now align your tabs left, right or center.

    Currently, Elegant Tabs for Cornerstone offers around 10 different styles of tabs and unlimited variations to make sure no two websites have similar looking tabs. This also lets you choose from a wide variety of options. Following are the style we provide –

    – Bar Style

    – Icon Box Style

    – Underline Style

    – Top line Style

    – Fallig Icon Style

    – Line Style

    – Line Box Style

    – Flip Style

    – Trapezoid Style

    – Fillup Style

    For Theme Authors –

    We offer theme authors an easy way to include this plugin in their themes on Themeforest. If you wish to include this plugin in your theme to be sold exclusively on Themeforest, just purchase an Extended License for each of your themes and send the purchase code and Theme name via contact form on our profile page. We will provide you with the stock license for that particular purchase code.

  • Wedding ceremony Suite Cornerstone Add-on (Add-ons)

    Wedding ceremony Suite Cornerstone Add-on (Add-ons)


    Wedding Suite Cornerstone Add-on – Overview

    Wedding Suite Cornerstone Add-on is an add-on for cornerstone page builder which allows you to build a professional and beautiful wedding website.

    This add-on has been created and based on popular theme of Wedding Suite and you will find this theme via following address:

    Wedding Suite WordPress Theme

    Main Features

    • Bride in 3 Unique Styles
    • Groom in 3 Unique Styles
    • Bridesmaids in 4 Unique Styles
    • Groomsmen in 4 Unique Styles
    • Wedding boxes in 3 Unique Styles
    • Wedding Countdown in 3 Unique Styles
    • Vintage Titles in 3 Unique Styles
    • Testimonial Slider
    • Wedding Quote



    Any media – Photo, video used in preview are not included in this item and you need to contact authors to get permission in case you want to use them in your commercial or non-commercial projects.



    We give full support for purchased templates.
    Please create a support ticket at webnus.ticksy.com

  • ADS PRO – Advert Templates, Cornerstone Extension (Add-ons)

    ADS PRO – Advert Templates, Cornerstone Extension (Add-ons)

    20+ Ad Templates – Cornerstone Extension

    This Extension for Cornerstone Page Builder allows you to use 20+ different Ad Templates on your WordPress site. It’s really easy way to display pretty and matched advertising on your site.

    Are you use Ads Pro manager? You will be able to use Ad Spaces in the fastest way, directly from the Elements List.

    Ads Pro - Ad Manager