Tag: Cookie Law

  • WP GDPR Cookie Allow – WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    WP GDPR Cookie Allow – WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    An easy and flexible cookie law implementation WordPress plugin. It can be used with the cookie law of any country. It creates a box/bar for cookie consent and block all cookies until cookie consent is given.

    Amazing Features

    • Block all cookies until the user accepts cookies.
    • Add a decline cookie button.
    • Replace all content that uses cookies with a placeholder.
    • Allow all cookies for login users.
    • Enable this plugin for only EU countries.
    • Define custom allow cookies. These cookies will never block.
    • Two frontend design (Bar/Box).
    • Lots of styling options.
    • Powerful admin panel (Redux integrated).
    • 100% responsive design.
    • WPML compatible (POT file include).
    • And much more…
  • Cookie Plus – GDPR Cookie Consent Solution for WordPress (Utilities)

    Cookie Plus – GDPR Cookie Consent Solution for WordPress (Utilities)

    Cookie Plus is a Complete GDPR Cookie Consent Solution for WordPress.

    Are you ready for GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)?

    The cookies that identify an individual are classified as personal data under GDPR and the ePrivacy Regulation, and from 25 May, companies will therefore need to have a legal basis for processing this data.
    Cookie Plus is a tool that helps you to fulfill that rule.


    • GDPR Ready
    • Cookie Consent
    • Cookie Categories
    • Terms & Conditions
    • Privacy Policy
    • Geo IP Detection
    • Show popup only to users in the European Union, by Countries
    • Google Analytics, Facebook, Google Tag Manager, Hotjar Integrations
    • WooCommerce, BuddyPress, WordPress Comments Integrations
    • Cookie Popup templates
    • Fully Customizable

    GDPR states that as a website owner, you cannot assume a user has opted into the cookies being used on your website – the user must give a positive opt in or “affirmative action” to signal their consent to the use of cookies and you also cannot force users to opt into the use of cookies.

    Users who do not give consent should have the same experience of your website as those who give consent, which means you have to provide the same level of service and experience to those who do not accept the cookies.

    Consent will need to be specific to the different cookie purposes with the ability to enable and disable cookies at a granular level for each cookie.

    It also means that you should not be tracking users on your website with tools such as Google Analytics until they give you a specific permission to do so.

  • WP Cookie User Info Pro – Cookie Notification Plugin for WordPress (Utilities)

    WP Cookie User Info Pro – Cookie Notification Plugin for WordPress (Utilities)

    WP Cookie User Info Pro

    WP Cookie User Info Pro – is a notification plugin for you to display cookies notification to user faster, simpler and beautifully with minimal setting and configurations as possible. This Plugin allows you to display and inform user about the cookies used on your site in style for the site visitors.

    And with many other multiple customization option to change to fit the layout of the site along with highly mobile friendly responsive and sleek designs.

    A standout among-st the most powerful cookie info display platform with 3 pre-available layout and 30 templates to show cookie info in an most attractive and easy way.

    This plugin is useful since most of the site use cookie for user experience

    WP Cookie User Info Pro is a premium WordPress cookie display plugin packaged with 30 Beautifully pre-designed templates enriched with elegant components and functionalities.

    Full feature lists

    3 Layouts To Choose From

    – 3 different beautiful and sleek template design to choose from.

    • Bar Layout
    • Popup Layout
    • Floating Layout

    30 Tempalte Desgins

    – 30 templates altogether based on layouts

    • 20 bar layout designs
    • 5 popup layout designs
    • 5 floating layout designs

    Custom Designs

    – You can build custom template with custom design options to customize the selected layout and template according to your need and requirement for the site. Then you can just assign them to design whichever cookie notice you require.

    -You can choose among 8 different layout positions.

    • Top Fixed
    • Top Absolute
    • Top Left
    • Top Right
    • Bottom Fixed
    • Bottom Left
    • Bottom Right
    • Center

    Support Notice expiry to manage recurrence

    • Always Show
    • Per Session
    • Only Once
    • After a certain number of days

    Demo Import

    Import the demo examples showcased in our Demo Site

    • Supports Import/ Export of all necessary settings into JSON code and File.
    • Quickly import/export using autogenerated JSON Code or download as JSON File.

    Full Responsive

    – Supports various mobile devices so it will be no issue to view in any desktop and mobile devices.

    Translation Ready

    – Easily translatable plugin with .pot file for multilingual support for plugin backend.


    Please check our detailed documentation here

    WordPress Compatible

    – Tested with multiple themes and WordPress versions

    Lifetime Dedicated Support

    – You can find us anytime when you have some queries, problems or with any valuable suggestions for plugin or us. You can find us through following ways:

    • Forum Support From here.

    Constant Free Upgrades

    – Not fixed on dates, but we assure you to provide you new updates and feature upgrade in the plugin at regular basis.

    Check out our other great plugins

  • EasyCookie WordPress Plugin – Responsive Cookie Regulation Compliance Alert Notification (Utilities)

    EasyCookie WordPress Plugin – Responsive Cookie Regulation Compliance Alert Notification (Utilities)

    EasyCookie is a responsive cookie notification, in a easy and quick way you can setup a beautiful Cookie Notification for your website!

    HTML version of this plugin is HERE

    The EU Cookie Law will affect every website that OPERATES within the EU. If your website is based in the US, but offers services to people in Europe, you also are affected by this Law.


    • 2 themes
    • Can choose the notification bar position: TOP or BOTTOM
    • Can enable auto-accept on page scroll
    • Can choose the number of days of cookies validity
    • Easy to install in your WordPress website
    • Extremely customizable
    • 100% bootstrap compatible
    • Fully responsive, mobile friendly
    • Easy to customize
    • Can insert emoticons
    • Security vulnerabilities checked

    Browser support

    Stay in touch

    You can contact us for more informations or suggestions.
    Please don’t add any support questions in the comment section of this item.
    Don’t forget to follow us on CodeCanyon and subscribe to our newsletter to get notified for all our news.


    We’d be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this plugin. Don’t hesitate to contact us at info@21tools.it we will get back to you as fast as possible.


    Change log

    Version 1.0

    Initial release
  • Fortune Cookie Consent Coverage WordPress Plugin (Miscellaneous)

    Fortune Cookie Consent Coverage WordPress Plugin (Miscellaneous)

    Fortune Cookie Consent Policy WordPress Plugin is a module that provides information about your website’s cookie usage to website visitors. You can use it to link to your Privacy Policy page or simply to give a one-time warning to your users when they visit your webpage.
    Furthermore, Fortune Cookie Consent Policy WordPress Plugin message style, colors, effects, size and position are fully customizable – your possibilities in designing your cookie notice is nearly infinite.
    Fortune Cookie Consent Policy uses cookies to store information on client side by using a small cookie file, life time of which is decided by you.
    Note that in the near future (2017 probably), the ePrivacy Directive which gave us the cookie law will release a new law regarding cookie usage – named the EU GDPR (with will have much stricter conditions regarding cookie notices and also larger fees for uncompliance).
    Do not worry! The plugin is compatible with and will resolve all present and future ‘Cookie law regulation compliance’ related problems, and your website will fully comply to the current and also the future cookie regulations. These features include:

    +Most feature rich ‘Cookie Consent Policy’ Plugin for WordPress on the market!
    +Compatible with every current and announced cookie law (EU GDPR), word wide.
    +Fully customizable popup message, appearance (including font, colors, background, border, buttons, links, transparency, custom images, and many others).
    +You can chose from two animations styles for popup closing: slide up/down or fade out.
    +Full modern browser support – Google Chrome, Firefox, IE, Edge, Opera, Safari
    +Support for adding shortcodes that will block content when user did not accept cookies, or to add a button to add the option to the user to change his mind about his cookie option, or a nice quot from a fortune cookie.
    +Fully customizable display modes: top bar, bottom bar, right/left top popup, right/left bottom popup or popup centered on the screen. You can also customize the position and size of the notification, so the positioning possibilities are endless.
    +Option to fade the notice background, until the notice is shown – to make it more visible
    +Option to block cookies until the user did not accept them (this must be enabled for you to fully comply with current regulations)
    +Option to automatically hide popup after a preset delay
    +Option to show popup only to users from the EU countries – regulations only apply to them (and not bother the rest of the world)
    +Option to disable popup for logged in users
    +Option to define the cookie life-time, after which the user will be prompted again with the popup policy popup
    +Browser ‘Do Not Track’ detection
    +Custom CSS support
    +Responsive design, fully mobile compatible
    +Option to block all cookies from your website, regardless of user consent
    +Translations ready
    +Optimized for speed – no speed impact
    +Lifetime updates and support.

    Need support?

    Just email me at kisded@yahoo.com and I will respond as soon as I can.

  • Fortune Cookie Consent Coverage Javascript Script (Miscellaneous)

    Fortune Cookie Consent Coverage Javascript Script (Miscellaneous)

    Fortune Cookie Consent Policy Script is a powerful tool to make your website 100% compliant with regulations that apply to cookie usage, worldwide. Simply by warning the user that your website uses cookies, will make your website compliant with regulations. Our intuitive, easy-to-use system allows you to create a warning message (in form of a popup or a panel bar – with fully customizable position) which will warn your users that your site uses cookies.

    An easy way to add cookie consent warning to your website!

    Fortune Cookie Consent Policy Script is a tool to notify visitors that your website uses cookies, in a very pleasant and not disturbing way. You can choose to transmit this message to your visitors with care not to annoy, lock out or erroneously notify visitors, or contrary, to disable some features of your website, until they do not accept cookies! All you have to do is to configure the Script as you like, and the warning message is created and ready to be added to your web site. In fact, for most people, the configuration phase takes less than 5 minutes. Our script includes many features to help you effectively add to your website cookie policy compliance.
    These include the following features:

    + Compatible with every current and announced cookie law (EU GDPR), wordwide.
    + Most feature rich ‘Cookie Consent Policy’ javascript script on the market!
    + Option to define the cookie life-time, after which the user will be propted again with the popup policy popup
    + Custom CSS support
    + Responsive design, fully mobile compatible
    + Optimized for speed – no speed impact
    + Lifetime updates and support.
    + Optimized for speed – no speed impact
    + Fully customizable popup message, appearance (includind font, colors, background, border, buttons, links, transparency, custom images, and many others).
    + You can chose from two animations styles for popup closing: slide up/down or fade out.
    + Full modern browser support – Google Chrome, Firefox, IE, Edge, Opera, Safari
    + Useful for a wide range of websites, including: blogs, subscription sites, single sites and others
    + Fully customizable display modes: top bar, bottom bar, right/left top popup, right/left bottom popup or popup centered on the screen. You can also customize the position and size of the notification, so the positioning possibilities are endless.
    + Option to fade the notice background, until the notice is shown – to make it more visible
    + Option to automatically hide popup after a preset delay
    + Lifetime updates and support.

  • WordPress Cookie Notifier – One-cease answer for the Cookie Legislation compliance for WordPress (Utilities)

    WordPress Cookie Notifier – One-cease answer for the Cookie Legislation compliance for WordPress (Utilities)

    WP Cookie Notifier is a one-stop solution for the Cookie Law compliance for WordPress. This plugin informs website visitors that cookies are used on your website.

    This plugin is compatible with all WordPress themes, WooCommerce and WordPress Multisite Installations.


    • 8 built-in themes — light and dark variations
    • Lightweight — just 4kb
    • No jQuery required
    • Fully customizable — change message, button text and set “learn more” link


    v1.0.0 - April 26, 2016
        - Initial release
  • WeePie Cookie Enable Plugin (Utilities)

    WeePie Cookie Enable Plugin (Utilities)

    An advanced cookie law implementation WordPress Plugin. Manage your cookie categorie levels directly from your WordPress Dashboard. Comply with i.a. the EU, UK and Dutch cookie law.

  • CookieCuttr – EU Cookie Regulation Compliance (Utilities)

    CookieCuttr – EU Cookie Regulation Compliance (Utilities)

    CookieCuttr v2 for WordPress is the latest version of the popular CookieCuttr script to allow visitors to your site(s) to manage their cookies and helping you to be fully compliant with the recent EU Cookie Legislation.

    The following features are supported:

    • Put a top bar on every page of your website with a message to your website visitors
    • You can use Google Analytics and disable them until your website visitor has accepted cookies
    • You can enable Google Analytics until your website visitor has declined cookies
    • You can choose between “Legacy” Google Analytics and the new “Universal Analytics”
    • Physically disable elements of your website that use cookies with a friendly message
    • Show a reset button once the website visitor has accepted/declined your cookie
    • Choose to have a larger overlay with a message inside so that the website visitor has to interact before they can browse your website
    • Choose to post the script files to the head or foot of your HTML
    • The plugin comes with two functions you can run on any element of your site (for if cookies are accepted or declined), including third party plugins (you will have to edit your templates or third party plugins for this, if you’re not comfortable doing this please ask a web developer)
    • We cannot guarantee that all javascript script blocks, javascript code and third party plugins will be controllable via the Cookie cutter function or the cookies accepted/decline wrappers as there are so many code blocks out there… its difficult to test them all!
    • Edit all of the messages, button text, link text and links shown in the top bar
    • Add a really discreet link which can be placed in any corner of the page
    • Have a discreet reset link
    • Show a different message for your policy page, simply by adding the shortcode [cookiecuttrprivacy] to your chosen page
    • Hide all messages on all pages (apart from your policy page
    • Delete the standard Google Analytics cookies when a visitor presses the decline button (NEW FEATURE!)
    • All in an easy to update interface that you can even hand over to your client to manage, screenshot below.
    • In order for CookieCuttr to control your Google Analytics, you will need to remove them from your template code and disable any plugins that are currently running the Google Analytics for you.

    Like all PluginHero plugins, CookieCuttr includes .po/.mo files so that it can be fully localised into your own language if necessary.

  • Cookie Regulation  backside restore bar – Ninja Bar Plugin (Utilities)

    Cookie Regulation backside restore bar – Ninja Bar Plugin (Utilities)

    All you need to be compilant with the new Cookie Law.

    The Cookie Law is a piece of privacy legislation that requires websites to obtain consent from visitors to store or retrieve any information on a computer or any other web connected device, like a smartphone or tablet.

    It has been designed to protect online privacy, by making consumers aware of how information about them is collected by websites, and enable them to choose whether or not they want to allow it to take place.

    This is a Ninja Bar plugin. You will need to have installed the Ninja URL Shortener & Bar WordPress Plugin in order to be able to use this plugin.