Do you want to show the elements for specific users? Do you want to show the custom message for who logged in only? Do you want to combine the multiple conditions?
Tag: conditional logic
Uiform – wordpress Value Estimation & Fee Varieties (Varieties)
Uiform – WordPress Cost Estimation & Payment Forms is a real-time drag and drop form builder which makes you to build your estimation forms on few easy steps. it can estimate any service for your clients and you can proceed checkout using payment gateway. Also it provides an advanced grid system and skin customizer that makes you to build professional forms. Also it provides an administration section where site admins manage tons of form options. It’s really easy to customize and you don’t need programming skills.
Try the online demo:Live examples:
password:demouserExamples included in live demo
- Website design request
- Wedding planner
- Conditional Logic
- Wizard form
- Online event registration
- Reservation request form
- Purchase order – point of sale
- Order form
- All fields
Main Features
- real-time drag and drop form editor to build form estimators
- Paypal payment integration
- Invoicing feature
- Advanced summary estimate box
- advanced grid system for building forms
- advanced conditional logic feature
- skin customizer with live preview
- wizard forms supported. real-time wizard form editor with live preview
- 42 form elements type included: Grid 1 Col, Grid 2 Cols, Grid 3 Cols, Grid 4 Cols, Grid 6 Cols, Textbox, Textarea, Radio Button, Checkbox, Select, Multiple Select, File Upload, Image Upload, Custom HTML, Password, Slider, Range, Spinner, Captcha, Submit button, Hidden field, Star rating, Color Picker, Date Picker, Time Picker, Date and Time, ReCaptcha, Prepended text, Appended text, Append and prepend, Divider, Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3, Heading 4, Heading 5, Heading 6, wizard buttons, switch, Dynamic Radio button , Dynamic Checkbox
- dinamic validation for your form (email, letter, numbers and so on)
- over 650 custom fonts with live preview
- over 769 icons to use on your form elements
- multiple forms in one wordpress page
- graphic chart entry report by form
- advanced search for entries
- Import and export your custom forms
- option to duplicate forms
- detailed entries report by form
- export form entries to pdf and csv
- form detailed entries report
- retina activated
- switch ajax submit to post submit
- upload images and files via ajax
- toured guide option
- detailed HTML documentation
- Multi Language support (Spanish, Italian, French, Russian, German, Portuguese, Chinese)
- Fully responsive design
- Cross Browser : ie8, ie9, ie10, chrome, firefox, safari, opera
- Powerful plugin
- Extended HTML documentation.
- Free support and upgrades.
- Email Notifications
- Easily add/delete/edit/manage forms, fields, entries and tons of features
- Language Switcher
- WordPress v3.6 or higher versions
- php 5.3 or higher versions
- MySQL 5.x
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if you like the script and I’ll keep rolling new updates and cool features.
Rocket Kind – WordPress Type Builder (Kinds)
Rocket form – WordPress form builder is a real-time drag and drop form builder editor with live preview which makes you to build your forms on few easy steps. Also it provides an advanced grid system and skin customizer that makes you to build professional forms. Also it provides an administration section where site admins manage tons of form options. It’s really easy to customize and you don’t need programming skills.
Try the online demo:Demo:
password:demouserExamples included in live demo
- Contact us
- Newsletter
- Survey questionnaire
- Online event registration
- Reservation Request
- Purchase Order
- Website Design Request
- Job Application
- CV Submission
- Order form
- Wizard form
- All fields
- Conditional Logic
- Custom skin
Main Features
- real-time drag and drop form builder editor
- advanced grid system for building forms
- advanced conditional logic feature
- skin customizer with live preview
- wizard forms supported. real-time wizard form editor with live preview
- 37 form elements type included: Grid 1 Col, Grid 2 Cols, Grid 3 Cols, Grid 4 Cols, Grid 6 Cols, Textbox, Textarea, Radio Button, Checkbox, Select, Multiple Select, File Upload, Image Upload, Custom HTML, Password, Slider, Range, Spinner, Captcha, Submit button, Hidden field, Star rating, Color Picker, Date Picker, Time Picker, Date and Time, ReCaptcha, Prepended text, Appended text, Append and prepend, Divider, Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3, Heading 4, Heading 5, Heading 6
- dinamic validation for your form (email, letter, numbers and so on)
- over 650 custom fonts with live preview
- over 769 icons to use on your form elements
- multiple forms in one wordpress page
- graphic chart entry report by form
- advanced search for entries
- Import and export your custom forms
- option to duplicate forms
- detailed entries report by form
- export form entries to pdf and csv
- form detailed entries report
- retina activated
- switch ajax submit to post submit
- upload images and files via ajax
- toured guide option
- detailed HTML documentation
- Multi Language support (Spanish, Italian, French, Russian, German, Portuguese, Chinese)
- Fully responsive design
- Cross Browser : ie8, ie9, ie10, chrome, firefox, safari, opera
- Powerful plugin
- Extended HTML documentation.
- Free support and upgrades.
- Email Notifications
- Easily add/delete/edit/manage forms, fields, entries and tons of features
- Language Switcher
Please rate
if you like the script and I’ll keep rolling new updates and cool features.
Gravity Varieties Geo Conditional Fields (Types)
At times, you need to display certain fields for certain users based on their geographical location, be it their country or continent. Perhaps a user is from Australia and you need to collect a different set of information to those users who are in the rest of the world. Perhaps in certain countries you may need to collect extra information for verification purposes or feed your users different terms and conditions based on their geographical location. What about even using conditional logic to send specific notifications to an admin or user based on which part of the world the form is being submitted from.
If you can identify with any of these scenarios, then you have come to the right place. The Gravity Forms Geo Conditional Fields plugins creates an additional 2 hidden field types that you can use to determine what country and what continent the user filling out your form is from. Whether it’s purely for viewing this information when a submission is made, geographically customising who receives notifications using conditional logic or customising the fields the user will complete based on their geographical location, this field is for you.
It’s simple. Just install and activate the plugin and you’re good to go. All you need to do is add a Geo Conditional (country or continent) field into your form and then save it. The plugin will immediately start collecting data the next time your form is submitted.
The plugin will determine the users geographical location based on their IP address which is a unique identifier of the user completing your form. It will perform a lookup using the MaxMind GeoLite2 database to find a match. The plugin will also ensure this database is automatically downloaded on a monthly basis to ensure it stays up to date and current.
The plugin has been set up for translation and includes the English translation.
You must have Gravity Forms 1.7.x or higher installed and activated on your WordPress site. If you want to use conditional logic for notifications, you must have Gravity Forms 1.8.x or higher installed.
This product includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from The accuracy of this plugin is subject to the accuracy of the GeoLite2 database provided by MaxMind.You must have the WP Cron system enabled so regular updates can be downloaded from MaxMind. Updates will be downloaded from MaxMind so long as the database remains open and free to download.
You are welcome to email if you require support or have any questions/comments.
Gravity Types Consumer Conditional Fields (Types)
This plugin will add 3 additional hidden user fields to a new field section called Conditional Fields to Gravity Forms. The purpose of these new hidden fields is to provide access to the user’s name, role and logged in status and to use these in your conditional logic as actual drop down values to determine which fields should be displayed and which fields shouldn’t be displayed. For example, you may want to display certain fields for users with the role ‘Contributor’ or ‘Subscriber’, or even with a custom role of ‘Manager’, or you may even want to display certain fields if users are logged in or not logged in.
User Role: Get access to the current user’s role if they are logged in.
User Logged In: Get access to whether the user is logged in or not.
User: Get access to the user name of the logged in user.
This plugin makes it convenient to setup user based conditional logic on fields when editing your form structure. Simply go to the Advanced tab on any field and tick the box ‘Enable Conditional Logic’ and select the conditional fields you have added to your form and a drop down will render allowing you to select a value based on the conditional field you have selected.
You must have Gravity Forms 1.7.x or higher installed and activated on your WordPress site.
You are welcome to post comments or email if you require support or have any questions/comments.