Tag: color picker

  • bbPress Thread Prefixes (Boards)

    bbPress Thread Prefixes (Boards)

    bbPress Thread Prefixes WordPress Plugin

    This plugin will add the feature of easily generating prefixes for topics and assigning groups of prefixes for each forum in the admin section.

    These prefixes can be a requirement for users while creating or editing topics, you can set the prefixes to filter the topic title and appear within titles, or appear separately as clickable icons which will pull up all topics that have this thread prefix assigned.

    You can set default colors and background colors with flexibility with color pickers, add further CSS styles and customize any prefix.

    You can also exclude users from assigning prefixes to topics and leave this tool for site moderators or admins only.

    Moderators or admins can set the prefix groups for forums in the post admin while creating or editing forums, and set prefix for topics when editing topics in the admin section.

    The thread prefixes feature is already available in several forum boards, such as MyBB, Xenforo and other softwares but not in bbPress.

    Prefix Styles

    Within topic title

    This setting will allow you to insert the selected prefix within the topic title which will be always filtered and set to contain the prefix. With this setting, you can still access the prefixes archives and pull topics which have the same prefix assigned.

    A live simple example of this is WordPress.org support forums; when a topic is marked resolved by a user, a prefix [Resloved] is being inserted right before the thread title: [Resloved] Topic title

    Separate prefix as icon

    With this setting on, prefixes will appear as styled icons, clickable or not, pointing to the archives page.

    You can style any prefix by its own while adding or editing the prefix as option in the plugin admin section

    Further extending & customization

    bbPress Thread Prefixes comes with ready action and filter hooks which you can use to easily add custom content and override settings and existing content etc.

    A list of hooks you can use is included in the plugin pack in a text file with examples and further information

    If you have suggestions or need more hooks, let me know.


    0.1 – initial release — January 2016

    Other bbPress Plugins:

    bbPress Ultimate: Social profiles, country flags and much more dynamic info to embed to forums and bbPress/BuddyPress profiles

    Sign up for the newsletter for more

  • Internet Font Social Icons Widget & Shortcode (Widgets)

    Internet Font Social Icons Widget & Shortcode (Widgets)

    Web Font Social Icons WP is a simple widget and shortcode plugin for WordPress. It allows you to easily change colors of all icons to adjust them to your current theme. You can change colors per widget and choose one color set for all icons added by shortcode. Check the video to see how easy it is!

    They are rendered using a vector instead of a bitmap image, icons look sharp on retina devices and can be as small or as large as possible without any loss of fidelity. They can be restyled wherever and however you want without having to re-create new images every time.

    Icons are based on Fontello web font, including:

    • Font Awesome license: SIL
    • Brandico license: SIL
    • Entypo license: CC BY-SA
    • Zocial license: MIT

    Check our themes!

  • Slide Panel WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    Slide Panel WordPress Plugin (Utilities)

    A plugin help you to add slide panel via a link (the link can be in a text, image or any HTML), the panel can be updated via a exist post or page.


    Update log (10 November), prior buyer can re-download it and overwrite to update

    1. Make it responsive.
    2. Stop the video when close the panel.


    • Slide Panel content from exist post or page, keep the content’s flexibility and help you to update the panel easily.
    • Panel background and color can be customized via color picker in the backend.
    • Optional display the panel by defult when page is loaded.
    • Optional panel position and width, live preview in the backend.
    • Toggle button support HTML, for example can be in a text or image.
    • Compatible with latest jQuery and latest WordPress.
    • Multiple Slide Panel instance on same page.
    • Enqueue the js and css only when needed. Keep WordPress page size smaller.
    • You can add/edit the Slide Panel without touching the code. Customize/update the image and text with WordPress backend.
    • FAQ and source code are included in the package. Free update in the future.

    Recommendation for you

    Image Map HotSpot WordPress Plugin:



    jQuery http://jquery.com
    sidr http://www.berriart.com/sidr/