Tag: collaborative

  • wordpress Snipr – Collaborative Code Editor (Utilities)

    wordpress Snipr – Collaborative Code Editor (Utilities)

    Add live code snippet previews to your website. WP Snipr makes it easy to show code previews anywhere on your website, posts, pages, custom post types, …

    Snipr lets you line up your goals and share them with everyone.
    Others can help, adjust and improve your code to lift it up to the next level!

    Start working as a team!

  • wordpress Snipr – Collaborative Code Editor (Utilities)

    wordpress Snipr – Collaborative Code Editor (Utilities)

    Add live code snippet previews to your website. WP Snipr makes it easy to show code previews anywhere on your website, posts, pages, custom post types, …

    Snipr lets you line up your goals and share them with everyone.
    Others can help, adjust and improve your code to lift it up to the next level!

    Start working as a team!

  • UserPress – Wiki Plugin For WordPress (Types)

    UserPress – Wiki Plugin For WordPress (Types)

    Turn your WordPress site into a powerful wiki platform (like MediaWiki/Wikipedia). Allow users to edit pages from a front-end interface that integrates into your existing theme. Track pages for changes. Sort pages based on recent modifications. Define page edit permission based on user groups. Organize pages using a click-and-drag page tree. And much more!

  • WordPress Assembly Digital Room (Utilities)

    WordPress Assembly Digital Room (Utilities)

    Screenshot WP Meeting Room

    Screenshot WP Meeting Room

    Screenshot WP Meeting Room


    This unique WordPress plugin adds a virtual room on your website, where you can work with other users in real
    You can chat , share pictures, customize your avatar and show any element of the site in real
    There is also a real calendar to organize your meetings, email notifications, allowed users management and
    history of the room.

    Click here to see a video preview


    • A unique virtual room
    • Unique design and hilarious graphics
    • Real-time chat and actions
    • Up to 9 concurrent users
    • Useful collaborative tools
    • Share pictures using the TV
    • Show any element of the website, on any page
    • Moderators can kick users and close the door
    • Moderators can call any allowed user using the phone. Online users receive a visual notification. Offline users receive immediately an email .
    • A calendar to manage your meetings
    • Administrators can freely edit the texts of the room, directly from the backend
    • History of the past actions
    • Easily customize graphics
    • Reactive support !

    * If you like this plugin, please leave a note ! *


    If you need help, contact me from my envato profile

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    PHP Plugins

    PHP Flat Visual Chat
