Tag: cluster markers

  • Marker Clusterer Add-on for WP (Add-ons)

    Marker Clusterer Add-on for WP (Add-ons)

    This add-on is an extension for and requires Super Store Finder for WordPress

    Marker Clusterer Add-on for WordPress

    This is an add-on for Super Store Finder for WordPress which is a plugin that allows too many markers to be combined and shown in as clusters.

    Super Store Finder for WordPress is a fully-featured WordPress Plugin integrated with Google Maps API v3 that allows customers to locate your stores easily. Tailor-made with intuitive responsive design for smartphones, tablets and touch screen devices. It has powerful store locator admin that allows you to manage stores, tags/categories and customize styles, colors, labels, notifications, regions and map settings.

    Main Features

    • Allow Google Maps markers to be consolidated into clusters for ease of view
    • Increase performance when displaying too many markers
    • Activate and Deactivate Add-on via user friendly admin interface
    • Extensible and able to be integrated with other add-ons

    Installation Instructions

    • Notice for Marker Clusterer Add-on for WordPress:

    a. You need to purchase Super Store Finder for WordPress at http://codecanyon.net/item/super-store-finder-for-wordpress/11334595 prior to using this Add-on

    1. At WordPress Admin, go to Add-ons Page

    2. Browse and choose the add-on zip file ssf-marker-cluster-wp and click on the Upload button

    3. If the Status of the add-on shows ‘ON’, you’re add-on is enabled

    4. Clear browser cache and you’re done!

    Documentation Guide

  • Marker Clusterer Add-on for WP (Add-ons)

    Marker Clusterer Add-on for WP (Add-ons)

    This add-on is an extension for and requires Super Store Finder for WordPress

    Marker Clusterer Add-on for WordPress

    This is an add-on for Super Store Finder for WordPress which is a plugin that allows too many markers to be combined and shown in as clusters.

    Super Store Finder for WordPress is a fully-featured WordPress Plugin integrated with Google Maps API v3 that allows customers to locate your stores easily. Tailor-made with intuitive responsive design for smartphones, tablets and touch screen devices. It has powerful store locator admin that allows you to manage stores, tags/categories and customize styles, colors, labels, notifications, regions and map settings.

    Main Features

    • Allow Google Maps markers to be consolidated into clusters for ease of view
    • Increase performance when displaying too many markers
    • Activate and Deactivate Add-on via user friendly admin interface
    • Extensible and able to be integrated with other add-ons

    Installation Instructions

    • Notice for Marker Clusterer Add-on for WordPress:

    a. You need to purchase Super Store Finder for WordPress at http://codecanyon.net/item/super-store-finder-for-wordpress/11334595 prior to using this Add-on

    1. At WordPress Admin, go to Add-ons Page

    2. Browse and choose the add-on zip file ssf-marker-cluster-wp and click on the Upload button

    3. If the Status of the add-on shows ‘ON’, you’re add-on is enabled

    4. Clear browser cache and you’re done!

    Documentation Guide